#despite that cow’s body part it’s actually delicious. my ma and I love it
zenmom · 6 months
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Christmas Dinner! Yum! I know that nobody likes broccoli but I don’t mind eating it. It’s even tastier with cheese (you’ll be surprised if you brought a bowl that size and when you look in that bowl, you’ll find that I’ve finished that.) and the cat’s tongue is very delicious (jk that’s cow’s tongue why would I eat cats? I’d never forgive myself for eating them)
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D’licious chocolates Seashells! Both Thinner and I love them, with a difference of how we declare our love for them. I would share this with the backup detectives and @sunny1927 and @angelleplaytoonbeary.
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And I got a cat box/case/bag! Now I can take Sammy anywhere I want. (I’ve no idea how she’ll react to this until I try) I’ll call it a cat bag or box.
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Dahiwadi – A way of life Its 5 am (early morning for most of us) and the alarm bell rings ….. Dare I press the snooze button and am sure to miss on what fun lies ahead of us Hastily we all get up  and after packing our backsacks and our meager daily essentials , we head off to exciting extended weekend After managing to hop on our old time friends to tag along  , we, a group of ten ( 6 adults , “Abhijeet , Pratima , Trupti , Vikrant, Hubby and Self “  and 4 notorious pranksters “ Om, Shaurya , Vrushank and my little Munchkin , Vivs”  squeezed into the car to start the 300km drive from  Mumbai to Dahiwadi via Satara  On the way , , we started munching right on the word Go  Healthy breakfast of Home made  finger licking Idlis , Yummy Aloo Sandwiches and methi Theplas .. Not to mention the sinful Chips and farsan .  Took a halt at the famous Food Court to do our morning ablutions . It was drizzling and the weather was pleasing enough  to keep our mood upbeat . As we reached Satara during our lunch time , we had a sumptuous meal of Jwari Bhakri , Gavran Chicken , Mutton ( A total feast for Non Veggies ) and Akkhi Masoor Dal and the staple Bharlela Vanga ( Treat for  Veggies as well )  Then before moving ahead to Sajjangad , we ladies headed to a small clothing outlet which was bang opposite our Manas Restaurant . The window shopping looked good and we actually managed to get some nice day to day outfits. Looking at our happy faces , our respective spouses wondered whther it was d meal or the shopping that’s adding the glow … Well we ladies know it better …. Right !!! Within half an hour we reached Sajjangad ,, Literally means the Fort of Good people … we were kind of misfits … on this soil … Lol .. This is a popular scenic spot located about 20 kilometers from Satara city. You will find here a series of waterfalls, one of which is 500 meters in height. Most tourists come here during the rainy season when the waterfalls become thunderous.. Sajjangad in the district of Satara not only occupies a place of historical importance but tops the list when it comes to the devotees of Samarth Ramdas Swami, one of the most prominent spiritual mentors in this part of India. It was here that he stayed for a long time as also breathed his last. We walked up the 100 steps with heavy breaths … ( Cons of the mundane urban life ) but enjoyed the climb since it was coupled with Poses and selfies . On our downhill march , we also noticed the beautiful rain bow since it was drizzling in the sunshine . We all were happy as kids to spot this magical moment since its difficult to spot such sights sitting in the closed city office walls  Further, we decided to  move to Chowpatty … Well halt … The name is not a misnomer .. Its just  like our very own Chowpatty with food stalls minus the beach ( J ). We  with mutual consensus decided to give a miss to the Kaas Plateau is about 22 kilometers from Satara city. A UNESCO World Heritage Site, it comes alive with a wide variety of flowers - more than 850 different species - during the months of August and September. Since we were in June and visiting a plateau without flowers would not have been a great sight . ( We shall visit again only for Kaas Pathar in Sept …. Keeping Our fingers crossed )After gorging on the junk food like Pav bhaji ,  Bhel Puri ,Ice cream and giving out burps of happiness, we laid our hands on the famous Mango barfi,  Kandhi Pedhe , Jambul and Ground nuts . Tired as we jumped into the car to head to Dahi -wadi , to our friend’s maternal abode . Pratima’s Parents and her younger sister , Chakuli and friend Sneha were eagerly awaiting  to greet us all with open arms After a quick dinner ( since our tummies were already full ..) we snuggled in the bedsheets to peaceful sleep . Next day after a good night sleep , we all headed to Shikhar Shingnapur . The Shambhu mahadev mandir in shingnapurits an old temple devoted to lord shiva. when I heard about shikhar shingnapur for first time then i thought its related with another famous temple of maharashtra that is shani shingnapur, which is devoted to lord Shani  dev since this temple is located at top (shikhar) of shingnapur hills, thats why it must be called shikhar shingnapur. two more shiva temples which should be visited by lord shiva devotees and are very near to this temple are amruteshwar temple and guptlinga temple (about 3 km away). the temple is connected with great king shiva ji maharaj family. shiva ji maharaj used to visit this temple often. There are many shivlingas (around 8) in the temple. thats why this temple is also known as dakshin kailash. Also in the inner sanctum, we saw two shivling. in this temple and 5 nandi . During mahashivratri festival many devotees visit this temple. And  as per legend, lord shiva and parvati ma got married here. After a delicious homemade meal served at Khanaval ( interesting news being this place holds the wedding ground of our very Own Abhi and Pratima )   we ventured to Guptlinga mahadev temple – this secluded shiva temple is situated about 3 km from shikhar shingnapur shiva temple.  both these temples are connected with chhatrapati shivaji maharaj family. another important shiva temple situated nearby is amruteshwar temple. maha dwar of shree shetra guptlinga mahadev mandir. like shikhar shignapur, this temple is also connected with great king Shivani maharaja family. Udayanraje Bhosale is the 13th descendant of the Maratha king chhatrapati Shivani maharaja. view from the main gate of the temple premises. at the entrance few ladies were selling pooja material. we were greeted by few monkeys at this point you have to climb down around 100-200 steps to reach the mahadev temple. there are few shiva and parvati ma statues placed on the way.. guptlinga mahadev temple. it’s a small temple known for its gupt shivling.. Inside the sanctum can see one marble tile is removed in this above photo. the tile is removed to feel the gupt shivling which is placed right below this shivling. that’s why it is called as guptlinga mahadev temple. There is water below this shivling. you have to put your stretched arm totally inside this cavity made by displacing the tile. at a distance of 2 to 2.5 feet, the shivling is felt in inverted shape. it is said that only fortunate people can touch it. i saw few people were scared to put their hands inside the cavity. so take the mahadev name and try your luck. After  this was the highlight of the trip , wherein we all moved to fields … Shetat…. Alongwith Bhau ( Pratima’s father ).. Well in the locals , Our parents are not termed as Baba, Daddy , Pappa , But by the name which the entire houselhold calls them as .. hence our favourite Bhau  took us to the trip down the memory lane … We all had the famous bullock cart ride . A bullock cart or ox cart is a two-wheeled or four-wheeled vehicle pulled by oxen (draught cattle). It is a means of transportation used since ancient times in many parts of the world. They are still used today where modern vehicles are too expensive or the infrastructure does not favor them. Used especially for carrying goods, the bullock cart is pulled by one or several oxen (bullocks). The cart (also known as a jinker) is attached to a bullock team by a special chain attached to yokes, but a rope may also be used for one or two animals. The driver and any other passengers sit on the front of the cart, while load is placed in the back. Traditionally the cargo was usually agrarian goods and lumber.The kids had a blast on this humpty dumpty ride while the adults were somehow holding their spines upright . . Then we plucked brinjals , Ground nuts , Drumsticks , Methi, , Bottle Gourd ,and managed to get enough for a three days The wind was blasting and the atmosphere was pleasant but a bit dry .The sugarcane fields were sashaying as per the wind directions  and the atmosphere was magical . With a heavy heart we bid adieu to the fields , On the way sighted the national bird taking his ritual walk . Walking August , this pristine beauty  with all the colours embedded into one, was like a lottery . We cherished every moment of this serene walk .After this we visited the famous Gondavale which is a samadhi place of Shri Brahma Chaitanya Gondavalekar Maharaj. Gondavale is a very famous pilgrimage place. It gets crowd on every pournima and at the time of Shri Raamnavmi, Gurupournima, Gokulashtami, Daasnavmi.. Gondavalekar Maharaj was devotee of the god Rama. He spent a lifetime teaching the importance of peace. He showed path of devotion of god Rama to thousands of devotees. He taught a Mantara to people “Shri Ram Jay Ram Jay Jay Ram Samadhi Mandir : is the place where Shree Maharaj rests after he discarded the human body. The day begins early at the mandir at 3 am. It is best to attend the Kakad aarti which starts at 4.45 am which is followed by phugadi, bhajan etc. The Samadhi is a simple stone structure atop which are the paduka. On the level above that is the Gopal Krishna idol. It represents that this location was a cowshed. Shree Maharaj loved cows and he had wished that he be put to rest among the cow After an eventful day we headed back to “ Pratima “The bungalow Name of Pratima’s Maternal abode completely satiated . We had great dinner served by Pratima’s Aai . Then despite a tiring  entire day schedule we ladies had the energy to spare to our small talks on Life and life beyond work . The topic was so interesting that we actually took it till 3.30 early morning .. Managed to wake up by 9 am so as to  march back to Mumbai . We left from Dahi wadi at 11am  bidding farewell to a great hospitality . Thanks a lot Pratima for giving us an opportunity to meet your real self . This trip re-inforced  the very  basis of our existence . It’s the local which is still genuine . Dahiwadi Rocks !!!!
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