#despite yhe fact that there is no possible way for this to work other than them being the future i simply do not believe that they're in
marenwithanm · 4 months
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Luke why are you so good at lying??? He didn't even change sprites lol
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HyunJi: Visit
Soo Hyun hums as he punches in the security code of the door, pushing it open after the brief beep. The familiar scent of honey and vanilla fills his nose, making him erupt into a small smile.
The house was quiet as he entered, the cove lighting dim and warm-toned. The floor to ceiling glass windows reflected the lights from the city below. The silence doesn't bother him, he was used to it. It was always quiet in his girlfriend's abode, she enjoyed the tranquil serenity that comes with it.
The paper bag in his hand made soft noises that sounded louder in the vast space of her living room. Filming had been going on for quite a while, and it had been getting harder and harder to reach her every day. She had scenes back to back and a few ads to shoot in her spare time. That was the price of her growing popularity, the recognition he was terribly happy that she was getting.
She was a marvelous actress, excellent. Despite her prowess, she was fairly underrated and he hated it. He wanted people to see her beyond her elegant beauty, he wanted her to be seen by her undeniable talent. And now she was getting it, and it made him so proud of her. But along with that came fewer hours with her, fewer days to spend together.
Compared to the frequent visits and the well-planned secret dates here and there, this time he could even barely see her despite being in the same place every day. The only time he could see her was when they had scenes together. The fact that he had to corner her away on set to steal a few glances, a few touches, a few smiles made him fairly frustrated.
He used to have his girlfriend all to himself, and now he's sharing her with the entire world. He's not a selfish person, but when it comes to her, sometimes he wished he was.
This was one of the very few nights that they were both free. He doesn't waste the opportunity to buy her favorite meals to go, bringing it to her home to share with her.
"Hi, Manny!" He coos, squatting down to pat the dog's head, it's fur warm and soft to touch. It wags its tail, putting out its tongue as it welcomes the all too familiar visitor. Gone were the days when it used to bark at him endlessly, threatened of his presence, or probably even jealous that he'd take all of the attention. But now, they were best friends.
He chuckles as he stands up, making his way further into the living room, past the kitchen. He smiles widely at the sight of his woman sitting prettily on the couch, dressed in a light pink nightgown, her hair cascading elegantly over her shoulders.
"Yea Ji-ah!" He calls out to her in a joyful operatic voice, routinely skipping towards her with her a huge smile.
"Ya." Her low voice stops him in his tracks. It was chilling, cold. It almost sent shivers down his spine. When she looks at him, he shuddered, freezing him in his spot. Her eyes were sharp, lacking emotion altogether. Terrifying almost.
"You noisy little prick." His breath falters, shock starting to bloom all over him. He blinks once, twice, thrice. Trying to figure out what vile sin he had done to his girlfriend for him to get stabbed by the invisible daggers darted from her eyes.
It takes him a few seconds before he sights the script on her lap. Realization dawns over him, making himself let out a breath. Aaaah.
She had been rehearsing, which means his Yea Ji wasn't here tonight. Moon Young had paid a visit. That was the effect of her method acting. She had to be the character altogether, and sometimes it takes a while longer to let go of it. He understood that was what worked for her, and he could say she was doing a good job manifesting it.
He had been used to it as well. There were days when he visited only to find a timid Sang Mi sprawled on the living room floor. The other time it was the outspoken Hae Ji reading a book by yhe window. Tonight it was a very annoyed Ko Moon Young.
"Ko Moon Young, I didn't expect you would visit." He chuckled, the amusement in his voice ringing as she turned on his heel towards the kitchen counter. He knew she's still trying to snap out of it, so he prepared all the food quietly, bringing it over on the coffee table between them in the living room.
She quietly slides down from the couch into the warm carpet. She picks up her chopsticks and eats silently, chewing, and swallowing. He smiled watching her eat.
He had longed to hear her talk over dinner tonight, but by the looks of it, it wasn't going to be happening. He loved listening to her ramble about the most mundane things, her low pitched voice becoming music to his ears. The sultry, raspy tone of it making his heart come to a calm, bringing him serenity.
She was quiet, but he still enjoyed it. He was happy just by watching her eat, devouring everything in front of her. If there was one thing she and Moon Young had in common, it was the appetite. He had worried about her thin physique early in the relationship, but seeing the amount she manages to gobble down, he realized her eating dynamics had nothing to do with her figure. She was just natural beauty. Lucky him.
He made the kind effort if washing a few dishes, humming softly as the water gushes through the faucet. When he feels tiny arms wrap around his waist from the back, he smiles. He loved it when she did that.
"Is this Moon Young, or is my Yea Ji back?"
"I kicked Moon Young out. She tried to steal my boyfriend." He chuckles, turning the faucet off before he wipes his hands dry.
He wiggles in her hold, turning around so he was facing her. He lets out a smile, wrapping his arms around her small frame. She looks up at him with a smile, eyes curved into thin lines, and in an instant, he loses the capability to breathe. She continues to take his breath away, every single time.
He squeezes her tighter, pulling her impossibly closer.
"Did you enjoy the meal, hmm?" He tucks a few strands of hair behind her ear, marveling down at her. When she nods he smiles, cupping her small face in his large hand. When he leans in for a warm kiss she automatically closes her eyes, both of them smiling in between.
Her hands instinctively travel over his firm arms, around his nape, her fingers through his hair. He holds her tighter as if it was possible to have her any more closer. Their bodies were already pressed tightly against each other.
When he pulls back, he grins. He took pride in the idea that he was able to kiss her like this, hold her close. Touch her. Do things only others can imagine. He took pride in the fact that now she had freely allowed him to make her feel things, do things, to take the lead.
He couldn't forget that there was a time when even the slightest touch bothered her. Sent her blushing excessively, cowering under his stares and gentle brushes. He thought he was probably so despicable, she couldn't bear even the slightest intimacy.
But it wasn't him. It was her innocent values, blooming from her genuine wholesome perspectives of the world. He learned to ask for permission whenever he wanted to kiss her, to gradually inch his hand to hers so she doesn't get startled. It took her quite some time to get used to it until all the permissions became automatic. Instinctive.
He didn't need to work it out anymore. She could read it in the way he looked at her. And she learned to be confident around him as well. Initiating gentle touches, hugs, short kisses. They've come a long way, but she still had that innocence in her, the innocence he loved so much. He loved anything about her anyway.
"You stink." She mutters in a chuckle as she buries her head against his chest, inhaling his manly scent. He only laughs, swaying her side to side. She was the most honest person in the world, she was incapable of lying. So he really does stink.
"Hmm, really? I just came from the gym." She laughs.
"You should have showered." His laughter thunders, throwing his head back.
"I know. I was thinking I'd shower here instead. . . . . with you." She automatically unlinks her arms around him, playfully pushing his chest.
"Ande." She takes a step back, turning around with a laugh. It wasn't like she hated intimacy, she just can't help but feel uncontrollably shy. Even after all the nights they've spent together, she still couldn't help the warm blush that would creep up her cheeks.
He chuckles, holding on to her wrist to pull her back gently. He wraps her arms around her again, searching for her face. She couldn't look at him.
"Weh? It's not like I haven't seen y---" He gets cut off when she presses a hand against his mouth, sending both of them in light laughter.
"Stop it." She whines, furrowing her brows, pouting her lips.
"Stop what?" She lets out a gasp when he slightly lifts her up, setting her feet on top of his. He grins at her before he pulls her closer, pressing another kiss on her lips. He slowly walks them across the room, her feet on top of his, taking every step he was taking.
She held his arms tight, maintaining her balance as he leads her. She giggles in between the kiss.
"I know what you're trying to do."
He chuckles while he kisses her.
"Really? I'm just making my way to the shower." She shakes her head, smiling as she closed her eyes. Gone were the inhibitions when he starts to trail kisses on her jaw. She clears her throat at the growing heat that was starting to spread like wildfire all over her body. Her reaction to him was automatic.
A low moan erupts from the back of her throat when he trails hot, wet kisses down her long neck. She finally gives in to him as he makes his way inside the bedroom, straight to the bathroom. He was a little persistent than usual. He must've really missed her. But she couldn't deny it, he missed her too.
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onlyjihoons · 7 years
a/n; very much inspired by jihoon's demonic lenses he wore here?? and this prompt!i would also like to thank @hwinkinghwi for the demonic(?) moodboard hehe,,,happy early halloween!
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jihoon is one of the most cunning demons
he would actually use his ungodly looks to his advantage to get his way
almost everything his goddamn face will make people give in/compromise
sometimes he uses his evil to help kids out
like, he sees a kid being bullied at a playground or something, he would give retribution by shoving sand down the bully's shirt??
(i have no idea how demons work so please spare me)
but other than that jihoon is pretty cynical
when he disguises himself as a mortal, he looks normal, until you look at his eyes,,,
theyre a light blue
they arent even contacts, like theyre just his eye colour
people just believe his lie that those are prescription contacts LOL
jihoon is being notorious for the senior who uses his looks to get through anything and everything
but not his grades lmao
so he's two years older than the kids taking their college entrance exam
basically he just wasted 2 years of his life in school
but he just wants to live off fellow demon!seongwoo,, so he just, doesnt study and goes to school
but seongwoo found out about it,, and made sure jihoon spends his legit last year in high school or jihoon would be ugly in his next life LOL
you're a senior in high school, trying to make the best out of your dying grades
you do know jihoon, but avoid communication as you're an angel
like legit,, angel
you were an angel thanks to your mother, who was involved in the heaven
and she wanted you to live a sin-free life as much as possible
ok now back to avoiding jihoon
why avoid communication?
for a simple reason;
you had a crush on him
and the rule of thumb your mother bestowed upon you was
"you can date anyone but demons"
and you were well aware jihoon was a demon, as your halo(which was invisible to the eyes of mortals) were blinking whenever jihoon would be near you
and you just didnt like the idea of dating a handsome asshole
fun fact: jihoon used to be an angel until he was involved in the 101, which made him evil
you knew jihoon relatively well due to the fact he used to be an angel
he was your childhood friend
always protecting you and looking out for you
your crush on him developed even before he became a demon, and didnt falter even when he wasnt a angel
but the both of you grew distant as your mother would warn you not to play with fire
you were taking a media studies elective as a subject and there was a coursework you had to do
which involved acting w a partner of the opposite gender
and to your luck, jihoon was the only student in the class who took media studies
not knowing anything between the both of you, your teacher assigned the both of you as partners LOL
to make things worse, the story was
romeo and juliet
how ironic lmaoooo
meaning, you had to kiss jihoon
or rather, jihoon had to kiss you
because your teacher chose the last scene, which had the least lines, for the both of you to "ensure your distinctions"
and the both of you just had to bite the bullet and take it because you'd want to graduate from school quickly and attempt to wash the sins of kissing jihoon away by doing more good things in college
while jihoon just wanted to get this thing done and over with
you told your mom about it, she was okay with it, but she still warned you not to fall for jihoon
though, your dad is a demonxangel
its a given that you and jihoon had to stay after school to run through the script
and every time you and jihoon renact the last scene, your breath hitches in your throat and you hiccup
or on days where you just burst out laughing and accidentally spit on jihoon
he actually wasnt that mad about it because 1. he knew how hard it was to keep one's composure in a kiss scene WITH THEIR CRUSH
2. he just thought you were cute
despite jihoon not kissing you for practices
which you were thankful for or else you cant sleep at night
until,,, the day of the assesment
everything went fairly smoothly, and the dreaded kiss of life was very soon approaching you
you thought jihoon wouldnt kiss you like he did in practices
bitch you thought
he kissed you on the lips and you were trying your best not to shoot your eyes open in shock
and of course,, the kiss of life received a standing ovation from the teachers who were really impressed
because most students dont actually kiss lmao
so you had to drag jihoon aside after yhe assesment and he had that stupid smile on his face
"cant you see i like you???"
you were stunned and also happy
but you had to keep your promis to your mom
"im sorry jihoon, i cant be your girlfriend"
boy he was shocked because he was never rejected
"because," you bit your lip, contemplating wheter to tell jihoon
"angels and demons cant be together," was all you said before leaving jihoon hanging
you and jihoon never talked until,,, halloween
which, you decided to go as yourself to your friend's halloween party at universal studios
you wore a plain white dress,, and wore a halo headband
pretty basic and simple but you really didnt care and just tried to dress nicely
apparently her parents rented the whole theme park for a private party lol
your friend was asking why you didnt bring jihoon along as your "plus one"
and you just shrugged,
"shit happened and we arent really talking anymore"
she got the hint immediately and stopped mentioning jihoon
meanwhile, jihoon was also dressed as himself
his hair was dyed a lighter blonde and wore a v neck black button up w ripped jeans,,,,,, and wore a choker on his neck too
basically all-black and looking good as heck
when he arrived every girl turned their heads and were shookt
like he barely needed to do anything to look THAT good
"a demon" was what he replied,, but he was laughing inside as people dont know his real identity
he was just enjoying the atmosphere of halloween where people dressed up and didnt care if their make up was shit,, its halloween anyway
he was just chilling and walking around w fellow demon!baejin when he saw someone carrying a girl in a white dress,,,
and that girl in a white dress seemed too familiar...
that when it clicked and he had to abandon baejin to save you
when he stopped the figure holding you, he ripped off its mask and revealed someone he wouldnt expect
lai guanlin
"guanlin, what are you doing?"
"i..i can explain--"
"explain what? drugging y/n and bringing her somewhere to hurt her?!" 
at this point jihoon was really really angry, his irises turned red
"who made you do this?”
“i can’t tell you--”
“im severing all ties with you if you dont tell me.”
“okay okay! seongwoo-hyung made me do it,, he just wanted to mess with you. nothing poisonous was fed to y/n! i swear!”
jihoon could only sigh and roll his eyes, as he motioned guanlin to come closer to him
and when he did, he twisted guanlin’s ear, making the younger groan in pain,,, while still holding onto you LOL
“help seongwoo-hyung again and not only your ears would be red,” jihoon snapped, as guanlin helped to load you on jihoon’s back
jihoon was contemplating where to bring you to,,, in this state where you were fast asleep
he decided to bring you back to your home
of course, with you on his back was pretty crazy
people were staring at him, thinking that he got a girl drunk lmao
but some people were noticing how cute he was and he’d just blush and try to hide his face??
meanwhile you were still sleeping, and jihoon made your head lean on his shoulder
and it was quite a scene bc a literal angel leaning on a literal demon’s shoulders??? p sadistic but cute at the same time
he knew the exact route to your house because it was almost like muscle memory,, he always came over to your house during the weekends when the both of you were childhood friends
when jihoon knocked on the door he was pretty nervous to how your mom would react
“y/n youre--jihoon?”
“sorry you have to see this, but y/n got drugged by someone... i saw her and i had to save her”
“ah, i see...” your mom was weirdly happy that no one but jihoon saved you??
“her room is the last bedroom to the right...” your mom pointed, “i think you should stay over, it’s quite late.”
“but i don’t have any clothes...” jihoon smiled nervously 
tbh how is he not tired after holding you for so long;)
“its fine! daniel has some clothes he cant wear anymore, you can use those.”
casually slips in olderbrother!daniel
jihoon was reminded of the times where your mom would take care of him p well, he was so touched that her heart didnt change over the years despite being a demon himself
“thank you mrs y/l/n, please rest early too!”
thats when your mom muttered something about him calling her mom
“excuse me?”
“yeah i will sleep soon, when daniel comes home.”
as jihoon entered your room, it was clean, and like a typical teenage girl’s room, with fairy lights and wall decorated with polariod pictures
after he settled you on your bed, he looked around your room and spotted a picture of the both of you amidst all the polariods
it was the both of you during your freshman year,, he took you to smoothie king because you were having a bad day
he smiled, but then sighed at the thought that your mother didnt allow you to date demons
but she was liking him so much she wanted yall to get married right there
all he could do was kiss your forehead and ruffle your hair
when he was about to leave he felt something tugging on his arm
“don’t go...” 
you were sleeptalking lmao
jihoon hence slept at the side on your bed, while holding your hand
the next morning, you woke up to a weight on your hand, and you saw a blonde head 
you were surprised so you screamed
and you woke jihoon in the process
“what are you doing here?”
“well...” jihoon scratched his head sheepishly 
“what-- y/n! i know im a demon but no, i would never do that”
“then?! what are you doing here, in my room, in your...outfit”
“because you told me to stay??” jihoon raised his eyebrows
shit he heard that, you cursed internally
“but thank you for saving me.” you blushed
“that’s it?” jihoon smirked, “no thank you kiss?”
“because you are mine.”
shit i cringed so hard but smth jihoon would say tbh
“but my mom--”
he then interrupted your words with a kiss, which worked
“i can bet you my life saving that she is peeping at us right now,” jihoon whispered
and yes she was, peeking at the both of you and you could see her punching the air in victory
dating demon!jihoon is just like dating a huge fluffball
and takes revenges on your behalf if anyone dares to hurt/offend you
but sometimes hes hella r u d e 
like randomly flipping his hair and winking
and whenever he trips,,
“i think i fell for you”
like p l e a s e  s t o p
still has the innocence in him despite being a demon
like lighting up in front of candy
and buying you stuff in a non-evil way
your mother openly supports your relationship with jihoon
“yes yall my son in law is jihoon,, isnt he handsome??”
and you had to shut her up everytime she starts talking about jihoon
sometimes you wonder if she forgot that youre her child and not jihoon
overall, a relationship most wouldn’t expect but still ship together
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