#im playing unwound future right now
marenwithanm · 29 days
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Luke why are you so good at lying??? He didn't even change sprites lol
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hey-its-danny · 3 months
I love pl and aa so much… i’ve been replaying tgaac and i just finished curious village and diabolical box (im playing unwound future right now and am soooo unhinged about hershel and claire but for the sake of preserving my mysterious and edgy persona i shant post my doodles of them)
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roisian · 1 year
PL Azran Legacy spoilers!!!
I'm still new to Tumblr so I'm not sure what the etiquette for spoilers is on this site but I'll just say it at the start of the post, spoiler warning mostly for Azran Legacy but also Unwound Future and Miracle Mask :')
(i'm just now catching up on the layton series so if I get something wrong that's why!!! sorry))
when I first played azran legacy and saw the final scene with aurora, i got hit in the stomach by a punch of feels and tears and pain. luke grabbing aurora by the hands while begging her not to go is absolutely gut wrenching and im sure im not the only one who's felt that way.
however, the fact that luke was the only one to have such an emotional reaction to her death weirded me out a bit. the boy is very emotional and empathetic and that is made very clear throughout the whole series, but the fact that he had a whole cinematic while he's crying and remembering their times together did feel off because i didnt catch that they were that close to each other during the games
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but then it hit me why luke had such a big response: this was his very first approach with death and losing someone dear.
layton has lost his parents, his best friend and the love of his life. descole's lost his parents, his wife and a daughter. bronev's lost his children and his wife, and we dont know much about emmy (at least i dont but i might have missed something) but its clear that she's experienced loss as well with her "uncle leon's all i have in this world" line.
but luke's never lost anyone, he's never experienced loss and even less, death. aurora's disappearance is the first time that he loses someone, and it happens right before his eyes, as he desperately tries to hold her hand and feel her close as it happens. its the first time he says goodbye, and thats why the (amazingly delivered by the english voice actor) line "goodbye, aurora" hits so hard.
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Im gonna be completely honest with you guys right now...
Im a fake fan.
I don't actually know how to characterize Clive because I haven't played Unwound/Lost Future yet,,
In my binge playing of the professor layton games i skipped over it because i wanna finish every game available to me before i play i because its my favorite storyline wise GWNVDBS
Ive literally only characterized him so far based off of vibes i got by reading the wiki and projecting
.....and fanfiction.
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chaoddity · 1 year
I am going to copy most of what I wrote in my twitter pinned tweet to save time. This is long. But it detailed what was going to happen and will continue to happen. It is all very predictable. I wrote this on November 20th.
"First off, let me get something clear... it is somewhat unlikely twitter will ACTUALLY go away for good or even begin to shut down. It IS likely that the site will become buggy and annoying to use in the coming weeks and months as ... problems pile up. Trump's account being unbanned doesnt mean much in the short run because he will likely continue to use truth social... but my guess is that... come election time, when he gets desperate, he will begin using it more and more to expand his reach. Not a concern for a while.
But Elon's priorities say a LOT about the direction he wants twitter to go. Firing the people who banned Trump Unbanning babylon bee and jordan peterson (both spread transphobic bs and got banned for it). Unbanning Trump. He is currying favor with the US fascist movement.
To make matters worse, his plan to give blue checks out for cash amplifies the effects
1- right leaning voices will happily shell out the money because musk is giving what they want
2- left-leaning voices, angry with musk, will refuse We will come back to this.
Q accounts, Right wing propagandists will be parading around looking legit to people who don't know what is going on. But that's not the worst part. Going back a tweet- how i said the right would happily pay while the left would refuse?
Well, Elon plans to boost accounts that pay the 8 dollars and hide/obscure voices that do not. So those accounts that -really- want to spread hate and violence? They're gonna pay the 8 dollars. They're gonna do it. You're going to hear anti-lgbt/minority hate on full volume
Now at this point its kinda hard to predict what will happen. If liberals decide to be idiots they'll try to pay for access to argue with them. If this happens, Musk wins because they'll all be paying to fight. At which point this platform will be at it's most unbearable.
The smartest thing we can all do is let the ship sink. Elon wants to profit off chaos and madness? Give him chaos and madness, but nothing he can profit off. Do your business on other sites and troll this one.
Im not deleting this account. I am leaving it up so i can recieve DMs. Once I back up this account, Its just going to suck up resources and give them nothing. No interactions, no revenue. A complete waste."
Now, an update, on December 18th. Elon's approach has been even more heavy-handed and foolish than I expected. His recklessness is causing him to destroy his assets, the destruction of his assets is clearly making him continually more unwound, and that is causing him to be reckless. Its a cycle. He will probably get worse. A few important highlights
-Musk started banning journalists and competitors -no more links to other sites? -other members of the board of Tesla and investors want Elon ousted -his plan to ban links is against EU antitrust laws -he is so transparently pro-fascist that... pretty much everyone knows what he is doing. Which is helpful because it invites retaliation/reaction. Now a few things can go wrong at this point and most of them have to do with the media. If the media foolishly/shortsightedly decides to let MUSK dictate terms... they will be under his thumb for the foreseeable future. Media companies actually have all the real power though- social media is completely useless without content. Social media platforms exist... as the name suggests... as a platform for other people's media, to be shared socially. If media companies STAY they will be playing under his rules and allowing him to dictate the terms of their discourse - as will be his right (he owns the platform). This will create a situation where Musk becomes a power-dealer who dictates political discourse.
So it is VERY important people LEAVE twitter and let his investment collapse. Advertisers have already done the heavy lifting by pulling out!
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wooahaes · 2 years
saw the tags of ur most recent post and,,,what’s ur favorite layton game? i’ve only played one on the ds and it was sooo hard as a kid, but i wanna play more of them !
+ a similar ask from a lovely anon!
Oh my gosh, Professor Layton! I absolutely adore that series. Which one is your favourite? Mine was always Miracle Mask because I found the characters and the story interesting, but Curious Village will always be special to me because it was my first. The Phoenix Wright crossover was cool, too. Damn, now I have to go back and replay them all again. The nostalgia is so real, but it was always nice to start getting more puzzles right first try as I aged. Take care! ❤️
(since you both asked the same question, i figured i'd combine asks and answer them at the same time!!)
it's been a while since i've played the layton series tbh! i really should replay it sometime. i think i really enjoyed both diabolical box + unwound future (american titles bc im an american) since i played the first trilogy in reverse order i'm pretty sure, so i have a soft spot for both of them. i admittedly used to write self insert fanfic for the series when i was younger lol but i was having a good time <3
literally went from 11 year old having fun to 15-16 year old cringing hard and saying self inserts are bad to 22 year old me today being like "actually self inserts are fun, idk what she was on"
i never actually played the phoenix right crossover or the one w katrielle tbh! its been sooo long since i've played the entire series... one day i'll replay all of it from start to finish.
also big mood to anon!! playing them as a kid was relying on a lot of walkthroughs for certain puzzles and eventually i kinda grew out of it. except for the fucking chocolate puzzle (number 67) in curious village...... fuck her. its only in the US version too!!!! like !!!! evil. fuck that puzzle. >:/
i still recommend the games for anyone who likes puzzles tho sdfkhsdf just know that the US version of that puzzle...... its so evil.
both of you take care tho! <3
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