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nomanwalksalone · 3 years
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by Réginald-Jérôme de Mans
A few years before my excellent state graduate school destroyed the promise of accessible public education and raised tuition to the same levels as the privates, my housemate, complaining that he wanted an experience that I had already had, transferred to Yale. Said experience, one I had never put a name to, was “the Ivy League experience.” I never thought that my undergraduate years at Dirnelli U (known to non-iGents as Brown) amounted to any sort of emblematic experience of the eight universities that compose the Ivies, nor that the sort of experience that expression connotes exists today outside of the imaginations of a few who have closed their eyes to the sartorial realities of college, whether on the campus of an Ivy League or elsewhere.
Certainly by the time I wandered my college town’s streets the idea of an Ivy look that was not the national college outfit of jeans, sweats or even pajamas was ludicrous, even if those wanderings frequently took me past Brown’s last two, soon-to-be-extinct, soon-to-be-unmourned, Ivy outfitters. Despite one of them adding a large wood carving of the Polo logo to its sign, they remained unrelatable enclaves surrounded by the diners with insane hours (midnight to four AM) and smoke shops with Sobranie Black Russians which I remember more sentimentally.
They weren’t welcoming, either, if I ever braved to venture past the window displays with Royall Lyme and defiantly middle-aged Barry Bricken and Tricots Saint-Raphael mufti. Undergraduates were not buying, and that shop, Hillhouse Ltd, closed my senior year. Times had changed to the point that I remember the opening of a Gap on Thayer Street drawing some criticism in the press for that shop’s expected priciness.
Richard Press evokes Hillhouse Ltd.’s predecessor, Langrock, and the other classic outfitters of the Ivy League in his sparkling memoir Threading the Needle, a collection of reminiscences from his posts on the website of J. Press, the ur-classic clothier founded by his grandfather. Even if J. Press is now owned by its Far Eastern licensee Onward Kashiyama, Richard Press remains the face of the firm, and, for all intents and purposes, its breezy, never windy, voice.
Press is ebullient to the point of becoming almost ethereal, a far cry from my memories of the weary heaviness of my local Ivy shops’ atmospheres, their prosaic furnishings and quite mundane merchandise… But then again, my first recollection of Ivy style, recognized in retrospect like a recovered memory, was of my high school English teacher’s tweed jacket, which he opened to lend me a pen that smelt as memorably bad as almost anything I’ve smelt since then, including tanneries and certain institutional wards, suffused as it was not with the Hebridean peat fires that Richard Press insists you could smell in the old Harris Tweeds his father sold, but with decades of spilt coffee and sweat-drenched wool that must have never seen a dry clean, so that his shapeless, indiscriminately patterned tweed jacket bore the pedigree of its soiling. My first experience, then, was of miasma, not Press’s ether.
No wonder Richard Press makes a virtue out of the emptiness of the actual Ivy stores, filling them with ethos and intangible evocations: a sense not just of community but of belonging. Belonging to the New Haven restaurants that only sat university students and staff, not townsfolk; belonging to the boisterous undergraduates who knew that Press’s frequently invoked “Boola boola” is a Yale fight song; belonging to a time when immigrant tailor Jacobi Press and his staff travelled the trails of the carriage trade and visited boarding schools to sell rich adolescents custom suits, the better to lock them in for college and life. Belonging to dangerous road trips between Dartmouth and its sister college in the days before co-education (or good highways) to flirt, or at least hope to loan out a J. Press Shetland wool sweater; belonging to Frank Sinatra’s party one whirlwind evening when the Chairman of the Board sat most of the J. Press New York staff at his table in all the chic watering holes; belonging to the small group of people who have seen Dean Acheson in his underwear… Always, however, the thrill of this inclusion is in its exclusion of others: through codes of language, through the financial means required to pay for custom tailoring (for children who would grow out of it!); through social class. It is a privilege to read Richard Press’ writing, but it would be unwise to forget the privilege his rosy reminiscences required.
Comfort and ease in tailored clothing, then as now, only came at great expense. It does not surprise me that those physical Ivy shops of Providence, untouched by J. Press’s halo, withered and died. Threading the Needle includes Richard Press’s jabs at casualization. He bemoans it as a great swindle on us, depriving us of knowing what to wear, and requiring us to buy cheaper, junkier clothes at much higher margins than what honest traditional merchants like J. Press were and are selling us. But the reason Ivy is dead is because the class that wore this syncretistic American clothing, a dowdy bastardization of Britishness with Puritan formlessness thrown in, reflexively because it was what was done, and what was sold where one shopped, was quite happy to wear lighter, easier, less confining clothing as soon as they could shed the weight of Ivy, the dress code expectations that changed so radically from the 1960s onward, and quite happy to spend less on cheaper casual clothing than on expensive tailored jackets and ties whose silk had to be madder-dyed in England. You may see a few young people wearing a Harris Tweed jacket or seersucker sportcoat on a northeastern college campus, but they are all doing so with intentionality, the intention to recreate something that no longer naturally exists, populating an invented ecosystem with overthought clothing to which they associate a politics that was not at all certain to be associated with it in the days when so-called Ivy clothing was the norm on Ivy campuses.
Press’s essays even give us, in pieces, the narrative of what actually happened to Ivy Style. Once upon a time it was the norm on rarefied campuses of young gentlemen who might continue using the same tailor who had bench-made their clothes in high school and college once they graduated to Wall Street, like a Fitzgerald protagonist. The aftermath of World War II democratized (to a point) college enrollment through the GI Bill, leading many, many more people, of theretofore-unrepresented social classes, to attend college and adopt a similar wardrobe. (Another prep school teacher once informed us that Columbia University had simply called up his father after the war and asked him to attend, allowing him to climb the social ladder.) Innovations in production allowed factory manufacture of Ivy-style ready-to-wear garments as well, so that the increased number of people who wanted to wear Ivy could also afford to wear the Ivy look without having to pay the prices of artisanal one-off work. Ivy became widespread: Press uses the word “heyday” in the titles of several of his essays from this golden age when Ivy was the look. And every fashionable look has its end. Not only did fashions change, but social changes in the 1960s meant that homogenous dressing on campuses was at an end, particularly dressing like one supposed a white-collar grownup would in coat and tie. The 1970s’ upheaval in prep school dress codes broke the back of coat and tie for kids, dealing another blow to Ivy. The Ivy partisans Press evokes who wore it during those decades, doughty men, men of intelligence like Dick Cavett, of integrity like John Chancellor, were middle-aged men who had started wearing the same style of clothes decades earlier as students. (Even Frank Sinatra, who scooped Richard up to his bosom, only lasted nine months as a customer in the late 1960s before sending an emissary to tell Richard Frank no longer wanted to experiment with the Ivy look.) Ivy as a style worn by current Ivy Leaguers, or by American college students pretty much anywhere, no longer existed.
Decades later I, too, wear tweed jackets, but keep them clean (unlike the original Ivy population), and am not a parafascist reactionary (unlike some of the most visible latter-day Ivy practitioners). Savile Row tailors had to sacralize the concept of tweed for me, washing away all its associations of brown, smelly, shapeless and hegemonic, so that my garments in it, strange alpaca Shetland weaves or unthinkable lavenders, are as far from Ivy as possible.  Despite the awful Brown Daily Herald (for which I coined the motto “all the print that fits is news”) carrying a weekly News of the Ivies section, none of us felt any ineffable Ivy-ness. The closest I came to such a feeling may have been reading a cheesy story by Providence’s own H.P. Lovecraft, whose action suddenly shifted to the very room I was sitting in… or perhaps hearing a townie couple at a Spring Weekend concert by the very non-Ivy Violent Femmes mutter about how all the kids in the audience had good teeth.
I do not mourn Ivy, as I do not mourn the shops that died trying to sell it to the college populations that have moved on. I hope my housemate found what he was looking for in New Haven (I did successfully, and evilly, bullshit him into buying two Brigg umbrellas for his move there). Had I been him, no doubt I would have succumbed to some aspect of Richard Press’s winning fantasies, replaying the opening paragraphs of Franny and Zooey in my mind, wool-lined Burberry and all, in search of a possessions-linked romance that reality has no place for in this day and age, if it ever had.
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CatCF Milk Chocolate: Part 1, the kids
About this version: Milk Chocolate was inspired originally by a mix of the book, the vibes of the 1971 movie and the Tim Burton movie aesthetic. A bit more goofier and whimsical than the other versions. In term of era, I thought of it as a mix of 1960s, 1970s and 1980s.
In this version seven Golden Tickets are spread throughout the world, and each time one is found the same female reporter (her character is a reference to the musical) goes to interview the children. Another recurring joke is that while the hunt is going on for the Tickets, there are all sorts of ridiculous debates on television such as: do the Golden Tickets really exist, or is this just a hoax ? Do the Golden Tickets give cancer? Can animals go on a tour like humans? What happens if a Golden Ticket winner dies before the tour? Are the Golden Tickets linked to the rise of youht delinquence? Are the Golden Tickets a proof of Wonka's alleagiance to the obscure sect of the Golden Bird?
  First Winner: Augustus Gloop
(Based on Augustus Gloop)
This Augustus was actually based on an idea Stained-by-the-sea allowed me to "borrow" a bit. Stained noted that Augustus always made him thought of this section from the movie "North", about Buck and the Texan parents. If you don't know what I am talking about, I'll leave links down there. And this is such a perfect matc I had to dig a bit down there.
This Augustus is basically a mix of all the archetypes associated with Texas and Nevada. But more precisely, he is basically "Buck" from North - a boy whose family (and his own mindset) embody the motto "bigger is better".
The Gloop family always thought that they should be "the biggest and the bests" and that "bigger is better". Ironically, the Gloop parents themselves are regular-sized people, but they clearly enforced this mentality on their son. Augustus is a big boy. Literally. He is tall, he is thick, he is fat, he is very, very big. He is probably one of the tallest, and definitively the largest boy on the tour (in fact, he once or twice gets stuck in the doors of Wonka factory). He eats ten meals per day, and we are not talking of regular sized meals. We are talking piles of ribs, kilos of potatoes, entire chickens... His parents also prepared for him a "big" and "best" future - paying the local sportive teams to claim he is a sports champion despite Augustus never setting a foot on a sports field, arranging his marriage with the local beauty queen of the state he lives in, already preparing the three different houses he will live with his fifteen kids... As a result, Augustus isn't just big and fat physically, he also has a massive and bloated ego. He thinks that he is the best at everything, and that he should have absolutely everything he wants.
The Gloops themselves are actually the masters of the state they live in, so to speak. They are the wealthiest and most influential industrials of the area: they built highways, casinos, hotels, private villas, they are cow-farmers, owing a lot of slaughterhouses, and also dig for oil and gold. They want their business to be the "biggest there ever was" and all they do is exaggerately big: their villas are enormous, their hotels are everywhere, their farms hosts several thousands cows, their mines are among the deepest in the world...
Trouble is that, due to their expansion and consumption of everything, they are a threat to the landscape and the environment - destroying forests to build their roads and buildings, drying out the lands to feed their farms... in fact, part of the reason why their state looks like the most desertic parts of Texas and Nevada is due to their actions.
Think... Buck from North. Think Art Land from Mar Attack. Think an evil (and obese) version of Clay Bailey from "Xiaolin Showdown". In fact, if I remember well in one episode Clay turns into a sumo for one of the Showdowns... this would probably be Augustus' appearance in this version: sumo Clay Bailey. (Edit: Yes, I checked out, it is episode 23 of the series).
 Second Winner: Clarence Crump
(Based on: Clarence Crump)
Clarence didn't had any kind of personnality in the original drafts outside of a desire to prove he was right. As a result, I decided to have a lot of fun and create my own character.
The idea of vanity has already been touched several times with the other brats, but I wanted to give it its own character and kid. I also wanted to create a polar opposite of Augustus, denouncing the fact that being skinny can be just as bad as being fat when in excess. As a result, Clarence Crump is here a boy obsessed about being thin, and proud of being too skinny for his own good.
Mr. Crump is a pseudo-health guru that keeps writing phony and very dangerous diet books, the kind that will advice you to stop eating altogether to lose weight. As for Mrs. Crump, she is a beauty pageant champion (local and regional, and while she acts as if she was some national beauty champion, she always failed at nationals). From their union was born a child who inherited their vanity, pride and obsession with "health"
Black haired, very pale, very thin, very slender, to the point his bones show, Clarence delights in being skinny, and works as a teenager model promoting the "thin-fashion". He is also the embodiment of fat-shaming, never missing an occasion to insult fat people (in fact he often calls Augustus a big fat cow). He uses however the excuse of health for that (a trick his parents taught him) - promoting extreme thinness by talking about health and fat-shaming people in the name of health allows one to be much more horrible than normally accepted.
A good proof of how Clarence actually is just very vain and obsessed with being thin, and not at all defending health - Clarence condemns sports for being unhealthy, because according to him "muscles are unhealthy because they don't make you look beautiful, they make you look ugly".
He always wears short and black sleeveless tank-tops, the point being that he needs to show as much as his body to the world as possible, to be a "living example". He even wears his black short and tank-top during the tour (despite it being winte - the only thing he wears on top of his clothes to not get cold is a skunk fur coat).
  Third  Winner: Miranda Grope
(Based on: Miranda Grope)
This character was based on Dahl's own character of "Miranda Grope" from early drafts of the story, the horrible and atrocious girl allowed to do "whatever she wants".
In my version, the Grope parents are hippie-like people, the father having a very long beard and being covered in fleas, while the mother is covered in flowers and oss (plants that grew over her), and both always wearing rose-tinted glasses. They are the kind of parents that refuse authority and orders, seeing these (and social norms as a whole) as a "dictatorship". They prefer to trust their daughter to find her own way in the world, believing that experience is the best teacher in life. The result? They lazily raised her by telling her they would never forbid her anything and that she could do anything she wanted.
Miranda is a devilish little girl who does only what she wants, and becomes extremely violent when prevented from doing something. Or when people say something she doesn't want to hear. Or just when people she dislikes are near her. She shouts, the screams, she insult, she kicks, she hit, she throw enormous and terrifying tantrums. She has a very wide range of insults, and a truly evil mind : most of the things she wants to do are borderline crimes. It seems for her only chaos and destruction is "fun", a true little punk.
Miranda has a disastrous haircut because she cuts her hair herself, and she is always wearing the same clothes that she rarely washes): a white shirt, a blue sweater with long sleeves, and a plaid tiles skirt. An outfit that looks strikingly like a school uniform - but it is pure irony, because Miranda hates more than anything in the world school. She doesn't go to school, and the only time she went near one was to try to burn it down. (Her appearance is in fact based on Lauren Child's illustrations for Miranda, if you are wondering).
  Fourth Winner: Veruca Salt
(Based on: Veruca Salt)
For this Veruca, I wanted to do something slightly different... here, Veruca doesn't want everything just because she is a spoiled rich brat. She is still one, but she is also the product of post-WW2 consumerism.
This Veruca was born surrounded by advertisements, logos, slogans and product placements. On television, in the streets, in shops, in journals, at the radio... She grew up with them and was influenced, brainwashed by them. As a result, she is obsessed with obtaining everything that was advertised, and she herelf looks like a walking billboard since she is covered in big, flashy logo and keeps reciting different brands' slogans and mottos. As soon as she sees something she saw publicity of before, she needs to obtain it at once. She is a true zombie, only hearing the call of the shopping mall and of the television advertisements.
One idea I had was that the Salt parents actually worked for (or where at the head of) a wealthy advertisement company, known to produce, design and create all kinds of famous publicities and slogans - and that they used their daughter as a guinea pig for their tests, and delighted in Veruca being so addicted to consumerism. In fact, they may have named her Veruca because at the moment of her birth they were working on advertisements for an anti-wart product, so that's all they had in mind.
  Fifth winner:  Herpes Trout
(Based on: Mike Teavee)
I went with this version of Mikee Teavee with the focus on "violence" already present in the original work, but also heavily used in the opera (and touched a bit in the 2005 movie).
This Herpes Trout is the embodiment of the fear of kids becoming violent upon watching television and playing video games (his only two passions in life). He has a true fascination with guns and firearms - US soldiers shooting aliens, gangs shooting each other, cowboys shooting at bandits, it's all he ever plays and watches. Herpes worships violence, and is absolutely obsessed with war (here I am thinking of all the wars present from the 60s to the 80s, the Korean War, the Vietnam War, the Glasgow Ice Cream Wars...). War propaganda and the fight being glorifyed heavily influenced him - as a result his biggest dream is to go at war in some foreign country to kill everyone there and come home a hero.
Herpes comes from a family of rednecks and hillbillies from the deep country. They are not poor however, they are wealthy enough to have television and several video games, but they are uneducated people full of stereotypes, discrimination and hate. They named their son Herpes because they ignored what it meant but just thought of it as an "intelligent" name. Herpes has everal brothers and sisters, and all have a disease name.
Herpes himself is a big and strong kid, who followed body-buildings process a la Charles Atlas and military training, becoming impressively muscular. However, he retained a soft, childish and chubby "baby face", which kind of ruins the effect of this massive, muscular, almost adult body. Always dressed in a military outfit, he carries everywhere with him guns and firearms, the question being: are they real? Or are they not?
  Sixth Winner: Violet Glockenberry
(Based on Violet Beauregarde)
I wanted with this version to take back the idea of a competitive and "sportive" girl obsessed with contesting and winning - introduced in the Tim Burton movie.
This Violet is a tall, muscular and strong girl. She won numerous sportive competitions, but this doesn't make her just arrogant and prideful like in the Tim Burton version. In my version she is also very aggressive and violent (a bit like in the original novel). She is a nasty and rude bully easily prone to anger (in fact, if she keeps chewing gum it is mostly to calm her down sot hat she doesn't punch everyone around). Her parents originally pushed her towards competitions to manage her anger issues, but sports only gave her more strength and destructive power. In fact, they became terrified of her, while she considers them losers here to serve her - she basically thinks of herself as self-made, literaly.
  Seventh Winner: Charlie Bucket
(Based on: Charlie Bucket)
For this Charlie, I wanted to go with a Charlie similar to the original illustrations of the character: blond hair, blue eyes, a white boy...
Basically, he is the original Charlie. Very sweet, very innocent, a gentle kid, the best of the group.
However I changed slightly his background. Charlie in this version is not the grandson of four grandparents, but rather the big brother of four younger siblings - and his family here struggles with trying to feed five children (and a total of seven mouths) despite having very humble and low-paid jobs. I think Charlie has taken the role of a parentive figure for the siblings, but at the same time him spending so much time with young children helped him keep in touch with his "childish" side.
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littletags · 3 years
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For 90 years parmadale was the center of the world for goodness but now a barbaric atrocity being planned by derek shaefer and west creek conservancy threatens to tear down an entire mini village where right now 1 500 people cats and dogs could be being kept from dying all so people can have more picnic areas deer killers can have more of a firing range and criminals can bury dead bodies perfectly functional buildings that have been very well maintained are set to be destroyed along with a future of greatness of what I constantly refer to on my facebook page as social cause tv which could very well keep hundreds of millions of humans cat and dog lives from dying the cottages school church and gymnasium have been idle for 8 years some for 28 years in that time these buildings could very well have kept well over 100 000 people and cats from dying now west creek conservancy is spending 3 1 million mostly from government tax payer supported grants to tear it down in my opinion what I call the crucifixion of parmadale s resurrection would be right up there with concentration camps 911 and sharia law in terms of reckless disregard for human lives west creek conservancy is showing no regard for basic human life they are such wacko environmentalists that they would rather people die in order to observe nature along of course with filling landfills with 80 acres of building rubble they are even planning on demolishing the newest structure that cost 10 million and just opened up in 2009 for nearly two decades catholic charities has let an entire mini village sit idle that could have by now saved a hundred thousand or more lives yet has maintained them relatively fine now west creek conservancy wants to end any possibility of doing anything ever again they would rather have hundreds of millions of dogs cats and people die as long as people can watch birds fly on top of dead deer and criminals buried bodies those who are active on local facebook pages know how I propose that hundreds of millions of dog cat and people s lives are saved for those who don t here is what should be done parmadale should be the site of a series of tv shows called parmadale s resurrection aids cottage parmadale s resurrection homelessness cottage parmadale s resurrection alzheimers cottage and 20 others where each of the cottages and the new buildings are used to provide temporary housing and social services assisted by an army of cats and dogs providing pet therapy the dogs and cats would be sheltered in the school and church thus amongst other things become the largest dog and cat shelters in the world similar to what I call on faceboook social cause tv 100 of advertising profits revenue minus whatever the network would want goes towards the cause of the shows in this case 50 would go to catholic charities for providing the services 30 would go towards animal welfare organizations and 20 would go towards an organization associated with each of the shows causes the advertising profits from just one commercial break in even one show would provide funding for the entire renovation of parmadale and transformation of the school church and gymnasium into animal shelters the second commercial break would provide operational costs for all of parmadale for an entire year thus the entire series of parmadales resurrection series would every week raise 144 million for catholic charities 60 million for animal welfare organizations and 14 million for each shows causes along with providing public awareness towards those causes that would help other organizations and provide direct life saving public services to about 1 300 people and pets on an ongoing basis the copy cat nature of tv would also result in the decades to come hundreds of similar style shows weekly raising billions of dollars for virtually every social cause that exists until there are no more problems in the world to have social cause tv shows about or west creek can tear down the buildings so people have 80 more acres to kill deer criminals to hide dead bodies and wacko environmentalists to watch birds fly around and spending an astronomical 3 1 million to do so the cats and dogs would be busy throughout the day not just helping those living in the cottages and new buildings survive and not die but they would spend time after public adoption hours of 6 to 10 a m over at mount alvernia holy family home and other nursing homes that residents who can travel would take them returning home after a long day of pet therapy to either the cottages with their favorite humans at the shelters or just staying the night with their sick people dogs who would have otherwise die will frolic in the yard in front of the margaret e wilson entry pleading for all to go the buildings where orphans used to get schooling and church going to adopt some cats besides the life saving aspects of parmadale s resurrection and social cause tv would come a great deal of economic benefits to the city of parma bringing forth publicity for such things as being able to sell your home in a much more liked city than others many of the empty store fronts would be filled along the empty houses in all parmadale s resurrection would solve numerous if not all city of parma financial problems especially with the schools who are just as desperate for more property tax payers as cats and dogs are desperate for forever homes residents who stay in the cottages and new buildings would take care of the cats as part of their requirement to live there one of the big dramatic points of the shows would be when cats are adopted and the residents who developed a favorite cat have to say good bye or when vise versa a resident overcomes their problems which got them in parmadale and have to leave and have the dramatic cliff hanger of whether or not they take their favorite cat with them or not the original parmadale had nuns who stayed with the orphans the new parmadale would have social service specialists who deal with each of the cottages residents and be rehabbed for that purpose such as grab bars and wide halls for the elderly alarms at the doors and night lights for those with alzheimer s no males allowed entry for the sharia law cottage minimum weekly job interviews for the homeless of course the best thing that the cottages would have are cats and dogs with deer walking around outside providing a surreal amount of pet therapy for those inside the cottages I have made repetitive attempts to get west creek conservancy to not engage in what I call the crucifixion of parmadale s resurrection I have even offered 2 000 for anyone to make a video on youtube that depicts shafer and the west creek conservancy in such a horrible fashion that they turn over the lease to me to avoid further scorn I have even spent hundreds of hours online trying to get nicole curtis involved in helping to use her influence in getting parmadales resurrection I urge everyone to contact very vocally derek shaefer at dschafer westcreek org or even better protest at their offices off of west ridgewood or 14440 rockside road if they don t transfer ownership of parmadale over to me for a reasonable initial part of advertising profits then I will post contact information for all of their major donators throughout social media and the internet in general for as long as time exists painting them as nothing more than financial supporters of murder and the financial backers of the death of hundreds of millions of dogs cats and people we ll find tomorrow See Other related products: Bear I Hate Everyone You Are Not Special Vintage Retro T Shirt
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allezyshirt · 3 years
Sewing Machine Vintage T-Shirt
The honest company backpacks fall apart at the zippers and they will not warranty them for you or help in any way this is an Sewing Machine Vintage T-Shirt obvious factory defect I would expect an expensive item to last longer stay away from them. Cosplay sunday welcomes sakurahana cosplays from london a few years back I cosplayed as amalthea in a dress I hand sewed I didn’t have a sewing machine where I was staying this was at kitacon in 2014 at the hilton hotel near birmingham excel centre in the uk I had wanted to do amalthea for ages as I watched the film on loop as a child and my father bought me the book when I was a teen unfortunately this was destroyed beyond reading due to a fire but I kept what was left as a keepsake I didn’t think many people would recognise her but the amount of love the costume got was amazing and shows how many last unicorn fans there are I hope to use her again next year once the wig has been fixed. What s the name of the color listed in this photo it would be nice to be able to purchase a smaller version of this to see if the actual core would look the same on me as I have been on the hunt for 4 years since what I once wore is no longer made
Source: Sewing Machine Vintage T-Shirt
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Had a Sewing Machine Vintage T-Shirt sad experience with the packaging of my nars sheer glow I tightened the lid because the product has been leaking out and the pressure cracked the glass and the bottle neck cracked off I had to throw out the bottle because there may have been glass in the foundation and I was traveling and couldn’t transfer it to another pot I am so upset because I had 70 of product left but lost it due to this packaging malfunction. Are you loving the choreography in the what about us video as much as we are if you re feeling inspired show us your best dance moves for a chance to win a trip to nyc to see p nk perform head to for more info. Clare staples of skydog sanctuary said in a wild horse herd there is a lead mare who gets her horses to safety while the band stallion stays at the back of the pack to protect from all the horses from danger somehow that’s exactly how her situation has played out staples saved the horses while her husband is still in malibu protecting the ranch See Other related products: If I Was Realy A Bitch I'd Make Your Life A Living Hell T Shirt
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aqua-4-swimwear · 4 years
Biden Harris 2020 Peace Love Equality Hope Diversity Sunflowers T-Shirt
In the Constantly Moving While Making Millions Witnessing Killand Sleep in Their Bodiesand Abandoned Buildings Can Reach the Children Because They Are Addicted to Kill in Any Appeal of the Palette without Billable Willie Lassa Be Blasted Had a Biden Harris 2020 Peace Love Equality Hope Diversity Sunflowers T-Shirt Basket May Be Listed in His Casket Glorify God Live for Gangsterism Will See How to Be You Say No It Cause on This Model Is That You That You Were Born Born in Prison My Mother Was Pregnant with Me Why Susan Prisonand a Month That She Got Prison on a Map so I Was Cultivated in Prison My Embryo Was Prison Is Obvious in the Music That You Have a Strong Leverage for Tell Us about the Is in on Islam Moms As Mom We Would like Stages in Where First Was Mother’s Sign Was in Was Boils Motherand Son That He Was like Drill Sergeantand Cadet Now Than It Was a Dictator Lou Countries Have Moved out All Came Back Licensed Product Response I Think We Now You Know She Was Back As a Man I Respected Him As a Mother Followed Things on Sacrifices You May Is Usually My Friend You Know a Site Is Not His Mapping All Young Black Males in All Hispanic Male Male But Especially Phonetic Ghetto Again Allies That We Have a Deep Love Our Mothers Because They Usually Raise His Biceps so You Always Feel Close to the Back Candidateand I Always Mama’s Been Going on for Years the Feel for Those Mothers Lost Their Childrenand Babies to Senseless Gainand Not You Have a Message of Consolation for Thoseand I Do like with You the past on Not on Artist Family I Know Hurt the Family of the Female He Supposedly Affects No Shot This Recently This Lady Roman Name Clovis Benjamin San Franciscoand She’s a Male Woman Society Telling about Her Son Had Just Been Killedand the Day before He Went to Go to the Day before He Died Wanted to Possibly Take so She Will Tell Me Not to Play Dear Mom at the Federaland Attach Me Knowand I’d like What Can I Do Is Anything I Can Do Is to Some Kosovar Systems Organize Our Legacy Startups Keep Going to Make a Differenceand I Can Be Startups Make a Difference in a Kind of Focus Is Me Back All Wesley Be Doing to Not Let Me Veer off Back to the Lifestyle Slipcovers Were Easy to Do That but Am I Deathly Feel for Mothers Update That We Need to Do As a Community Is Start Taking Control Back of Our Communities You Knowand Understand As I Was on the Druggedand Understands I Was Filed As Well Disney Deregulated Salute to Lease Have like a Peaceful Zone We Can All Be Cool You Are Also All Die with All Be Destroyed Because so the Government Is to Make the Young Black Male Young Hispanic Man out the Prime Target of Their out All Their Resourcesand All the Jail Sentences in All Their Powerful Weapons Technology Will Beand so Leslie Started Now Regulated the End up Crashing against the Wall As Your Record Company Interscope Been Supportive of You since You No Doubt That Is What They Let Me on My Songs Pick the Singles outand I Completed before Went to Jail Thinking That I Keep It No Makesand Getting Ready for Release Out Of Lisa Probably December of This Year David Will Support I Eitherand Has Some of One of Them You Know What I like the Top People in Direct Me but Seem to Send a Law This for Whenever I Need Money We Have Today Stay down As Well As Their but You Have Done so Well Even Though the. New headlight this is a LED day maker headlamp on their history bodies come here Brad Ron Bober will minimalist in the once modeless nosedive familyand is now that the softail family at such a minimalist lowest priced softail this here event a sing of this break in the front for piston caliper this thing bites really good night a lot better than a single disc brakes that were on the previous generation dinersand I Street Bob’s easier front there the oil cooler so this bike utilizes Huntington’s Milwaukee eight engine that was introduced last year on just exclusively in the touring bikes so this is a variation of that same Milwaukee a design for valves per cylinder answer gets its name Milwaukee gave her total 8000 you a single cam in this bike as opposed to the twin cam engine of old this is the iron read againand paint job this is a he says emblem on the side of the tank here think a metal looking emblem sharp this is a 3 1 2 gallon tank so there are three bikesand is also found to have a smaller 3 2 gallon tank this is one of themand this is a real clean tank he said to Their seats is the solo attackand roll seats goes really well with the whole Bober theme of this bike scummy year rat Rod minimalist all black less chrome to the motorcycle spoke wheels on this chart fenders sidemounted license plate not there at the two bullet turn signals there will still tear out the letter reflect on the back of the fender that thing for legality purposes that have a back there so you blacked out don’t garden pulley back there was visited this year with the softail friends is a vivid use the weight of the bike in one of many ways it had to do that one of the men methods they used to do Alice a used aluminumand a lot of the parts were where is East steel leisure for spark plug their United’s side two plugs per cylinder now is blocking a design this particular bike here has ABS on it using it the street Bob with or without ABS you pay 795 charge to ABS from the factory you want ABS you have to get Mike with ABSand the factory cannot be added after the fact 91 octane in the things in California which is considered premium fuel to the higher altitude you might use a lower octane so here’s a new LCD screen on these on the spice guys this is a handlebar mounted LCD screen it’s all digital cell you speedometers is digital thereand you can cycle your functions here on that though trip switch that you show GH a day trip beand then get to feeling. ELECTION HAPPENED THAT THAT SWORE TO ME TRUMP WAS GOING TO BUILD A COAST TO COAST WRITTEN WORD STEEL WALL THAT WAS IMPENETRABLE AND HE WOULD DO IT IN HIS FIRST TERM YEAH SAME PEOPLE GOES THROUGH 1000 MILES OF PRIVATE PROPERTY SOME OF THE MOST RUGGED TERRITORY YOU DON’T EVEN NEED TO BUILD A WALL LIKE THE TERRITORY THE TERRAIN ITSELF IS THE WALL ITS DESERT ITS MOUNTAINS IT’S MILES AND MILES AND MILES BETWEEN THE NEAREST CITY OR EVEN TOWN LIKE YOUR UK IT’S THE WALL YOU NEED TO BUILD A WALL THERE ANYWAY SORRY FOR THE SAME PEOPLE SAID THAT JUMP WAS GONNA MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN AND NOW AT THE END OF HIS FIRST RUN WERE ALL STUCK INSIDE WITH A FEAR OF A COUGH AND THEY’VE GIVEN US 1200 FOR SIX MONTHS OF HIDING OUT AND THERE’S NO PLAUSIBLE UNREST GOING ON THAT’S PRETTY GREAT RIGHTIES FANNING THE FLAMES OF THE CAN YOU IMAGINE IF TRUCK FROM THE VERY BEGINNING AND SAID NO ONE TO MOSES THIS IS SO USES THIS OR YOU’LL FIGURE OUT AND JUST PURCHASE WERE MASCULINE JUST JUST FOR NOW JUST CASE YOU KNOW YEAH BOB CAN YOU IMAGINE
Source: Biden Harris 2020 Peace Love Equality Hope Diversity Sunflowers T-Shirt
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Biden Harris 2020 Peace Love Equality Hope Diversity Sunflowers T-Shirt
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A good day having to do with the Biden Harris 2020 Peace Love Equality Hope Diversity Sunflowers T-Shirt fact that that I happen to think well rounded concerned with doing very well crosses borders will open pretty soon despite high rising case reasonable countries with 45 000 emerging the US today along more here so maybe wearing masks so maybe avoiding gatherings but whatever were doing collectively to control the rate of covert 19 transmission it is not enough the average rate of daily new cases across the country is more than double in just one month but the number of covert 19 patients in hospital remains low and stable at least so far the likely reason for weeks of the trend is that about two thirds of the newly emerging cases are in people under the age of 40 younger people are usually the most vulnerable as carriers and spreaders we do endanger those who are Katie Nicholson shows us how the risk is outpacing the response to Cody make strength for others by the end of her shift use one to worry and really never now I don’t know and interacting contact led so you really think. Because the woman of color is the best person for the job but we just got exploits women and to try to get by name on a woke support constituency and these two will be if they get elected an absolute disaster for America for freedom and for the economic livelihoods of the population disaster and down and that’s spoken by someone who absolutely does not support trump because that school politics these days choice but actually no choice on so people again and again all around the world are choosing who to vote for by the least worst option instead of the best option was then not being offered saying a child gets back in and then has no other election to win therefore a path of his reputation he has nothing to lose as he cannot have wanted to then we’ll see what trump is really about that’s what we do know if anyone is followed this is a Biden Harris ticket would be catastrophic if they got to power in America because it would not be in power that which owns them both would be in power Is now live these in the White House. To for your settings don’t hire only the best people on ending medications cannot more time in the moment regarding the specific will break down the charges against Pre transformer chief strategist the stream party and is your own know what we are in this theory the idea being made to look through a telescope and will this take the lives of tens of thousands of Americans rural areas like this your Navajo nation are specially at our 15 to 30 of all citizens have water Americans are most vulnerable and hardest by agreements to bring awareness to the attention of the United State The focus on the first citizens years hundred thousand workers to probably off in the distance you can see some factors are still humming most of them are just kind of banded like continues to be lower plans I really young kids are feeling what’s going on right now should parents be talking to them about this whole question of racial justice embrace is no real really focus protesters calls in Los Angeles for free download See Other related products: Flamingo Behind Every Crazy Wife Is A Husband Who Made Her That Way Camping Design T Shirt
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