themidnightsiren · 6 years
He who comes back for a monster | @destructiveurgxs
      Emptiness is embodied in her.
      And she should have known. Oh she had known it well, back when everything in her life fell down in a one simple bite, two scars and two lives. The fact that her existence is a bane is enough for her to accept the hollow being that was her.
      Lorraine is a void. She knows it. She knows it all too well.
      What made her forget about it?
     What made her realize again how empty she is?
     A home void of one’s presence. And a fear of losing that one.
     The vast space of her house is full of luxurious furniture and all that is needed in an abode, and yet no matter how occupied it is, it had always felt empty because there was no one but her in there. And she did not mind. She did not mind at all. The dark silence is what she had sought for and the solitude is a choice. And yet how come today, a Sunday, if it even matter, it vexes her even if it shouldn’t.
     There is a pit in her stomach the moment she steps inside her own house; the night possessing the entirety of it as darkness befalls and spreads in every corner. And the darkness doesn’t seem to fade as a switch is turned on, allowing the lampshade near the couch to blink a few before the amber light spreads dimly.
     If anything, it is even unnerving.
    What is?
     There goes again the inner voice that questions her. It has been there for a good while now, and perhaps, it is the same voice that causes this strange dread inside of her.
     He’s not here.
     It wasn’t an answer to the voice but a fact that she ingrains in herself. An attempt to keep her calm, maybe. A scotch from the liquor bar is snatched, her glass is already waiting in the marble table and it only takes a few seconds for the liquor to stay on the glass before it reaches her mouth. An attempt to keep her calm, hopefully.
     And so? Why does it matter that he’s not here? It’s like he’s been here for so long.
     But he’s been here long enough to….
     How do you call it?
     To long for?
     What does she long for? Those moments when she’d arrive home to the sound of a hum and the smell of grilled meat and sautéed vegetables from the kitchen, partnered with that smell of vintage wine waiting for them at the dining table? Or those moments when she’d arrive home to hear the ticks of the keys as he sat on the couch with his computer on his lap? Or those moments when she’d arrive home to a silent house only to find him soundly sleeping in her bed?
     To be missed?
     Or to make her feel not empty after such a long time?
     Because she had been so used to days like this before - alone with only whisky, or scotch, or any other wines or blood to fill her up on nights. She need not the noise, she hates it. Human food isn’t even a necessity. She’s possessive in her own things that she despised having another person sits on her couch, more so laying on her bed. She enjoyed the company of darkness and nothingness.
     So why is she being like this?
     Because it’s Noh Minwoo.
     And so?
     Because he’s not here. Noh Minwoo is not here.
           What if he’s not here? Will her world collapse? Will she even be bothered by the emptiness that she had long felt before? Will she feel hollow once more when she’s always been in the first place? Will she be in pain? Will it devastate her?
     Isn’t it what is happening right now, Lorraine?      
      “Fuck it.”
     Longing turns into anger – turns into self-loathing. Just how her slim fingers which once holding the glass gently in her hands comes into crushing it, letting the shards scrape her own skin. The blood oozes quickly, but her skin seals itself back.
     The pain is there, she can feel it. And how she longs for the pain to disappear just as her wound had.
     He’ll never come back.
     She takes another glass, letting it sit onto her palm before crushing it again. She wants to bleed. But her body betrays her.
     Because Lorraine thought she was immune to the pain. And yet it just simply won’t go away.
     See what he has done to you.
           What has he done? It’s not as if she hasn’t lived her life without him. This will pass. This is nothing.
     Another glass shatters.
    See how you destroy yourself, Lorraine.
     I am long devastated.
     And another.
     Don’t say I did not warn you.
     The continuous smashing of the glass causes shards to remain on her skin, preventing it to heal itself quickly and thus, allowing blood to trickle down her hand. It is such a sight, her own blood, her own pain visible – a concrete reminder that she isn’t inevitable to pain after all. And she still bleeds, she still hurts, and she still have some humanity left in her.
     “I turned it off.”
     The verbal declaration does nothing but temporarily disturb the silence that has slowly become irritating. It is still there, the inner voice echoing screaming at her.
You are a monster.
No one loves a monster.
He will leave you.
Now is the time he will.
Your home is gone, Lorraine.
     It crashes. The bottle of whisky and her composure. And possibly her tears.
     It is too loud that she fails to hear the entrance of another person inside her house, the person who is the root of all these.
     He’s here.
     He’s finally here.
     He came back.
     But the pain and the anger don’t stop.
     “Why only now?”
     It isn’t a plain question but frustration set with each word and the sternness of her voice.  He is probably taken aback by the aggression and fury that could be seen in her eyes. Or by the shards of glass scattered around her. Or by the fact that she is yet again vulnerable in front of his eyes.
     “Answer me!”
     Did you come back only to leave? Do you fill in the void in me only to empty me out again? Did you come to really devastate me?
     The shards on her hand cuts deeper with a clenched fist. It is an attempt to dull the pain that would come at his answers.
No one destroys you like this, Lorraine.
     Yeah right. No one but herself.
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loropechika · 7 years
It’s the best song. Like I know it started as a joke, but I enjoy listening to it.
me too ! i love it! 
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kiceun · 7 years
send a url    /    accepting    /    @destructiveurgxs
   destructiveurgxs…. did you mean sass master? this pal over here has got some serious intentions on exposing my darker side (i’ll never let that happen) — we don’t really talk, that should be changed, but i love their writing; it’s so refreshing and flowing pretty well… it seems as if it’s effortless for them to muster up a quality response i lowkey admire. and their characters enigmatic in a sense regardless of in depth writing and that just makes you want to learn more, read more – which i think is a major factor. plus, half of their muses are considered ‘old’ which i love, i need more older characters in this community with years of experience and anguish ‘cause let’s be real they don’t make them happy, it’s a principle (says the person with an angsty baby) but i seriously love older muses, give them all to me. witty, funny, friendly. i recommend if you want some good writing quality!
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pleicdes · 7 years
continued || @destructiveurgxs
The words rolled off Mingyu’s lips just as easily as the puff of air that followed when he exhaled. His eyed had not left the book he was reading nor did he stop what he was doing for a split of a second to utter words that would usually be said with a certain emotion attached to them. His were…. cold. They were a fact. He was reciting a fact just like the numerous he was reading off the academic text book on his lap. It wasn’t the first time for Ming to hear those words, but this time, the words were ominous.
You don’t have to go. You’re staying with me.  They can manage without you. Go do those things for me.  I forgot to bring this and that, get them for me.
There were many more times that Mingyu have stated his ownership over his friend or subject like he thought of him. Ming knew he was only a toy to the other, a way for him to keep himself entertained when bored. A distraction when he can’t make his way through the mess in his head. Ming knew all that, and he was content with playing that role. If it helped Gyu feel better then he was willing to do it for him. Gyu has always managed to rank at the top of his priorities. He allowed him to do as he pleased, to say what he pleased even if the cost was something Mingyu would have to bear alone.
“No. I don’t.” He finally responded. Years of silence were supposed to continue. That was how he always imagined it, but something inside him didn’t settle for that. “Maybe I did.. at some point.” But now, it’s different. Maybe I did when the fire danced brightly behind us and casted shadows around us. Maybe I did when your eyes spoke truth, and nothing but sincerity in the middle of the night. Maybe I did when … it doesn’t matter anymore.
[ ☯ ] There were no reservations as to how the words dripped from this lips like a venom, more vile than the smoke, more addicting than the nicotine spreading his entire system with his second stick. His low voice and indifference spoke in a matter-of-fact tone. Mingyu had claimed him, more than the other would’ve realized, more than he himself could’ve realized at this point. And it is because of this fact that it irks him to an extent whenever he would see Ming in another company than him, or a company that he felt threatening.
Threatening in what sense? That that company would be better enough for Ming to leave him finally?
Any person in Ming’s life would’ve been better, in all honesty, and it is something Mingyu himself has known.
But doesn’t care about it. At all.
Ming should always be his. He will. He must.
And that is why Mingyu has been taken aback by what the other responded, yet hidden in his stoic expression with eyes that linger blankly on the page of the book that he was reading (or pretending to read). He tried to maintain the indifference, but his brows had already bumped together in a scowl, irritation beginning to stir inside of him.
“Oh really?” He says after a few seconds of silence and of gritting his teeth in anger. How dare he? How dare he defy him and tell otherwise? How dare he speak words that cuts deep in him, more than he could ever acknowledge? How dare he break away from his hold?
( How dare you, Mingyu, take him by your hand only to wrap it around his neck and choke him? Only to wrap it around his heart and devour it? )
A little less than one second is all it takes for the book to fly and fall to the floor, abandoned, and a hand to grip along Ming’s lower jaw. A little less than an inch is the space between anger and despair, in between two set of eyes that had nothing but pure pain yet neither can both read well. There’s only the anger glazed that they can see. And Ming’s anger is now fuming.
“You are mine. You were, you are, and you will be.”
A matter-of-fact tone ingrained with a piercing glare and fingers sinking deep in his skin.
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daviscre-archived · 7 years
               destructiveurgxs called for a starter !
☆ ┇ This didn’t happen very often in the family for them to have family dinners with the rest of their relatives. Today his mother had invited David and his cousin Ming’s family over for dinner. It had been a while since all of them had been hanging out. David hadn’t seen the part of that family for a while. Mostly since he now lived on his own. On his way towards his moms apartment, he had bought a bouquet of flowers to bring as a gift including her favourite bottle of wine. He liked to spoil his family. He didn’t care what the prize was. Finally he arrived after 35 minutes. Standing behind the front door he rang onto the doorbell.
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holypatronus · 7 years
starter for @destructiveurgxs​ // haal and sid.
Lately, he’s been jumping from house to house, well, it was a typical thing for Haal to do, but it seemed that his assistance was required more this week. He was exhausted, yes, but he was always willing to help out. At least he was earning some cash from all this. The brown haired male had just finished helping out with a class and as he went out, he stuffed his books into his backpack. A soft sigh left his lips as he dragged himself to the nearest table so that he could have his lunch - the cafeteria was always full, anyway. He pulled out his lunch bag and a notebook, a sandwich in one hand and a pen in another. As he ate, he began writing down his total earnings for the week just so he could keep track of his finances.
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hbicold · 7 years
starter that only we know @destructiveurgxs | Jaewon x Jungwon
Jaewon lays on one of the seat inside the bar feeling his body worn out from yesterday night; it was thanks to that he managed to bought himself this fashionable designer brand leather jacket that just came out a week ago, which doubled his monthly salary. The jacket currently hanging at the bar counter whilst him far from it. It wasn't fun anymore now that he actually get what he wants, he never failed at doing so. One of the reason why the boss favored him among others. Jaewon blink his eyes tiredly before looking at the tall figure, well build body that have inked covered his hand and neck standing at the entrance of the still unopen nightclub. "Oh, you already came?" he asked pushing his body up to seat and lays his head at the small round table. "Aren't you --- a little too early for the goods?” a smirked raise at corner of his lips noticing who the familiar face was. “...or are you missing me?” added Jaewon towards the constant uptight face of the other, hoping he could show some emotion from time to time.
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ergxdrconxs · 7 years
Maybe? (Bo)
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“I’ll bite you if you even attempt to do that.” He bared his teeth in warning, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up. If he were in his wolf form, his fur would be ruffled.
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themidnightsiren · 7 years
@destructiveurgxs from here!
        Right and wrong, evil and good are not as distinguishable as black and white. What to one is evil, is good to another. If it wasn’t, no wars would’ve started and no conflict would arise. Humans don’t run their lives with the notion that what they are doing is wrong. They either convince themselves they are right or they are convinced by others. Naiive was the man of four decades when he thought he and the vampire were polar opposites. To think she came to his life to reassure him he wasn’t the villain, because he wasn’t like her. He wasn’t at her level. He wasn’t as tainted as she was. A recording of all his thoughts was blasting at the loudest volume inside his head the second the bullet was released from behind the metal that held it.         The man’s body seemed to take ages to fall to the ground, everything was so slow. She was there. He could read her lips mouthing words about not needing his help, that she could’ve taken matters into her own hands. He knew she could. He never doubted it. He also knew a fight between her and an agent—how funny! Assassins employed by the government get a different label. Minwoo’s legs were heavy as they carried him to the body covered in blood.
       With the dagger in his pocket, he tore more of the fabric hiding the wound caused by the bullet. He kept digging in the flesh until he managed to remove the bullet so no traces can lead to him. If he was prepared, he would’ve had a weapon other than the one given by the government. “Move.” He pushed her to leave the scene with him. Those two forces shouldn’t meet. At least not now. He knew better that those prideful brainwashed soldiers would stand no chance in front the army behind Lorraine.
      She was already there, close. Achingly close. Sharp, ruby painted nails digging onto her own palms in restrain as his fingers laced on her neck, and it’s a nasty sensation to be under those dirty hands. The irritation, she could still tolerate because the smile she wore despite her flushed face is enough provocation to the other - a mockery of how the human could never hurt her, nor kill her, in that own set of filthy hands. His bloodshot eyes and popping veins all over his face is a sign of impending defeat, wrath consuming him and she was so sure any moment he’d spill the words she needed.
      Yet a gun blast silenced her hopes in an instant.
      A guttural scream of frustration follows, fiery eyes darting at the man holding the gun, fresh scent of powder and smoke on its tip.
      The man has his own creative ways of meddling into her life.
      “What the hell are you doing, Noh Minwoo?!” Hands on her waist, the man’s silence exasperates her. Fairly, his appearance at the masquerade should be enough warning to her – his mask a constant reminder of the façade he’s been hiding underneath the face he shows. It should be enough for her to fend off the man out of her circle, out of her life. But he keeps showing up.
       Lorraine knew he was trouble on that very first instance.
       The body was left lifeless on the warehouse, its eyes open and mouth agape with blood dripping from his lips. Blood instead of information. An information she direly needed. “What the heck is that for? Care to explain?” A quick tug of his arm is needed for him to halt his fast pace of walking, her eyes demanding his attention and explanation. If it will suffice to douse the infuriation brought about by his careless action.
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pleicdes · 7 years
Abalone, agate, moss agate, amazonite, angel aura quartz, aquamarine, calcite, chalcopyrite, emerald
                                              SEND ME A CRYSTAL                                              and I’ll tell….                                               @destructiveurgxs​ | always accepting!
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Chae Mingyu | Gyu
abalone: what kind of situations compromise my museemotionally
Hissolitude is his equilibrium. Any disturbance in it will throw him into a chaos – into a confusion. A surge of volatile emotions that he cannot put into place. Thereis a reason why Mingyu opts to be alone. Aprotection of its own. Because he knows, right from the tender age of 6, thathe himself is a destruction. One should not pass through the circle he hasdrawn around himself because he will explode – and the shrapnel can burn. No, it can ignite another fire. And soif you come and force yourself in, he will not know. He will not know if he willbe guilty of another casualty because of him (his sister is enough), or he’ll want you to detonate with him.
Mingyu has warning signs all over himthat screams DANGER. Do not cross the line.
Do not make him falter.
agate: howmy muse calms down
Pets,albeit being living things the same as humans, are unable to speak, unable tojudge, unable to make an opinion or anything against him. He is beyond them inmany ways aside from size. Mingyu fancies them. Much like the way people feelwith their own cuddly puppies or furry cats – there’s sense of gratificationupon seeing them. But he satisfieshimself further. All the pent up anger and impulses needed to be vented outin order to calm himself down. That istheir purpose to him. The feeling of a life in between his palm – to feelthat he is able to control.(To feel like agod that can take away life anytime he can.)
Take control of anything but himself.
Because he cannot.
 moss agate: if my muse has a high or low opinion of themselves
Mingyulikes to think he does revere himself well – the aloofness he had did not becomea hindrance to be known and adored by the others, and perhaps it is the charmof the unknown that bewitches them, or the fact that he had maintained a calm andpolite demeanor to people. He has set himself an image – one that bears thename Chae Mingyu. Gyu would like to think that he is truly what the peoplethink he is.
Buthe knew he isn’t. Everything is a part of the thick mask he parades in order tohide himself – to hide Gyu. Because Gyu is everything people did not know. Coward. Weak. Afraid. Vulnerable. Heknows he is, and it is why he separates himself. It is why he wears a mask infront of anyone, everyone.He wear masks because he’s afraid of people seeing who he really is. Because he knew himself, so much so. And he know heis the worst person one may ever encounter.  
Trust him on that. He could not eventame himself.
 amazonite: what kind of situations call for my muse tobe dishonest
Mingyuis so stoic that sometimes people doubt if he can feel or is void of anyemotions. It isn’t easy to distinguish sincerity in his words and actions,mainly because no one really knows the truthin him. But the thing is, he doesn’t wantto feel. Anything related with emotions and affection (especially of his), he will twist and turn into ways in which youwould not be able to decipher him. He will laugh at it, he will smile, he mayfrown, he may feign anger, he will wear all masks he equipped himself with sothat you will not see the truth.
But in case you don’t know, everything that you see in him is a lie.
 angel aura quartz: my muse’s opinion of LGBT+ issues
It’sa matter of contentment. Preferences can be wildly different. He isn’t blindand stupid enough to know that. And fairly speaking, he doesn’t care. Herefuses to care.
(It’s a matter of who is able to satisfyyou. Regardless of gender.)
Hekissed girls. He kissed a guy.
Ifthat makes one happy satisfied, then so be it.
 aquamarine: where my muse feels most calm/relaxed
Onceupon a time, it was his home. He found it in between two adult bodies – his fatherand mother cuddling while he scoots between them during a thunderstorm. When he’safraid, he’d seek for the comfort of his parents. But it was gone when he wassix. It also used to be underneath a protective sister’s arm, thin, skinny armsover his body. But it was gone and the last memory of it agitates him more thanits reminiscence. It’s supposed to be their home, but the images of mother’sblood and father’s angry face ignites the anguish deep within him. It’ssupposed to be with people but they, like his father, are terrifying in moreways than one. Smiles aren’t assurance of a good intention, a hand stretchedfor help isn’t either. People can be veryterrifying. They are. And he’d like to be anywhere without them.
He thinks he feels safe by himself –with no existing person nearby. He can feel the air in his skin, he can let thesun burn his eyes, he can hear the soft whispers of the leaves with the windand it pacifies him.
Isolation is his new home.
 calcite: my muse’s social tendencies (introverted vsextroverted, parties vs one-on-one conversations, etc.)
Mingyulives in his own world, and many knows that. An introvert, and a very peculiarperson to most – but it is how he is. People recognize it, and he tries to makeencounters as brief and as concise as possible. Social gatherings, the casualones, aren’t too appealing. Waste of time, he must say, unless it is direly needed.But mostly it’s forced. One-on-one conversations may be more preferred but itis as baffling as gatherings. He rarely engages in it – and if he does – it’sonly with certain people.
 chalcopyrite: how my muse deals with ending relationships
“Alright.”is what he says. In all sense of the word. Because it is just fine to him.Relationships are mere excuse especially of the young to distract themselves ofwhat they should focus more – studies, self, career. It gives them that fleetingmoments of being appreciated and feeling lovedeven though they barely know what it truly means. Not that he knows, (he doesn’t know. Mingyu may know what loveis, but he doesn’t know what it means. and how it is ), but he’s not stupidenough to fall into that delusion. Yet he’s stupid enough to fall into mere attractionthat he knew would disappear sooner or later. And shallow waters are easy to stepon and cross over. It will frustrate him initially, but at the end of the day,he knew he always have himself. He onlyneeds himself.
He never felt less lonely anyway.
 emerald: how my muse tells someone they love themwithout words
Mingyuwill control you – he will take over your life and he will make sure that youare under his hold. He will not be kind – kind is too far fetched in what theycall love because to love is to hurt. To love is to endure the pain. To love isto know that it is worth the pain. So he will give you that. He will hurt you.As much as he hurts himself.
    ‘Why mom? Why do you let father hit you?’
    ‘He’s just angry, but he loves me. He’s doing it because he loves us.’
Mingyu’sdoing it because… he wants to. He wants to sear himself into your mind, intoyour being – he’ll scorch you until you realize how painful it is to love.And how painful it is to be loved by him. And how you should have read thecaution lines he placed around him before you decided to come in.
Howdo someone show another one that they love them when they don’t know what itmeans to love?
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tianfcn · 7 years
Interview with a Mun: 6, 7, 8, & 9
interview me !! | accepting | @destructiveurgxs
➏ What’s the one thing you especially love about roleplaying your muse?
--- writing their dialogue, tbh. that’s the one thing i love writing about my muses and also writing how they act in a particular situation. i like descriptive writing ( not purple prose asjkbsf ) but like, in a way that allows people to see what is going on ?? i like that about writing my muses, even if they’re the MOST emotionless person, their body language says a lot and i love writing that.
➐ Are there any people you’ve been to afraid of approaching?
--- sure, there are a ton !! it’s why i only seem to write with a select few lmao but i’m just really struggling on reaching out because i think people are tired of my complaining ass so i just stare and pray that they’ll post a starter call one day or smth
➑ Give us a rough estimate: How much time have you spent on your graphics? (icons, theme, banners, promos, etc)
--- uh....give or take a hour or so ?? because i suck at them, i never spend too much time on them ( this goes for those aesthetic boards / insta pages and my promo banners ). icons are a different story, they usually take me several hours or a few days if i decide to make my own because i have to gather my own resources.
➒ Got any memorable threads on here? Care to mention a few?
--- every single one ?? especially the ones that make me realize certain things about my muses ( like how they’re lil’shits ). all threads with @plvnetarium are memorable...uhm...i mean, there are a few but i can’t really recall from the top of my head.
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haebxtna · 7 years
My url =)
Sendme a url and I’ll write some positivity for it. || accepting! | @destructiveurgxs
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OMG. Mommy!! Daddy!! They’re here!!They’ve come to kidnap me!! Help!!!!!!!Okay, kidding aside. What can I say about this tumblr user destructiveurgxs? Akind soul, really. Someone who wouldn’t be afraid of approaching people. As faras I saw, they’re really friendly, and accommodate as much people as they can.They have this tough front but they’re soft on the inside, and oh, they wouldn’treally admit it.
RP wise, I haven’t RPed with them here but one thing’sfor sure – if you want drama and angst, they’re the right person to go to. Theywill not just spoil you with a plot that is crazy enough to keep yourangst-hungry writer on high, they will also spoil you with scenarios that willmake you explode with lots of feels!! And that’s just it. That’s how they slowly but surely kill you. 
Oh, and to be honest, they are one, if not the nicestperson here on krp writing community!
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hbicold · 7 years
Send an emoji for your feelings towards OUR muses || Shipping Editionstatus : accepting 
💝 - Headcanon 5 things about our ship, please? C:
1. One of them turn up to be the reason why one’s life fucked up.2. After loathing each other and trying to kill each, Jungwon was actually the best friend he’s been searching for.3. Jungwon turn out to be the leader’s son. ;D4. Ever since before Jaewon have an obsession over Jungwon and have been stealing stuff from Jungwon’s grasp just so the boy was left with nothing but Jaewon to believe.5. His bestfriend turns out to be the one betraying behind his back and the one who makes Jaewon a hated character.
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ergxdrconxs · 7 years
19) things you said when we were the happiest we ever were (Yaling & Rina)
19) things you said when we were the happiest we ever were
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Yaling was in love. Three years into being with Rina could do that to her. Even while running the library, she couldn’t help the smile that tugged at her lips whenever the female came up in her thoughts. She wondered if she looked like a fool to her customers, but she didn’t care.
Love made any and everyone a fool at some point. In good ways and bad.
Their first night in their apartment together, Yaling remembered that stupid confession she had told Rina. “I think I’ve been in love with you since the moment we met.”
It was a murmur, one she thought the other wouldn’t hear. But a bright laugh and a pair of arms around her waist told her otherwise.
The ballerina couldn’t help herself after that. Sometimes, she would find herself staring at Rina and saying things out loud before she could stop herself. Maybe she grew used to it. Maybe being in love had helped her move on from the fear of being found.
“I want to marry you one day. Maybe after we’ve worked our way around our own schedules.”
“You’d look beautiful in anything you wear.”
“Living with you is the best decision I’ve ever made.”
Foolishly, Yaling continued her thoughtlessly spoken words. To her, Rina was everything. The rainbow after the storm. The sun to her moon. Her everything even when she had nothing. The ex-ballerina was happy to even be in her presence. If anyone had asked, she would gladly admit her affections for the older female.
The future be damned.
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loropechika · 7 years
Dear Aya, we joke all the time, and I know it will be very tempting to do the same as you read this, but for once, I wanted to be truthful with you. We've known each other for a long time now. I have grey hair already (they're hidden), and during that time, I've seen you happy, sad, angry, and everything in between. I know you don't feel like talking at times, and I know the distance doesn't allow us to be there for each other as much as we want, but never doubt that I am always by your side.
dear minwoo
you’re right it’s tempting to say something about your grey hair but i will be sensitive to your age and i will not say anything else. it’s a strange situation i know, i wish i could teleport to you so we could joke around and i could tell you more but i feel it’s best if i go through this on my own. my sadness will go away soon i promise and we willbe able to shake maracas again while singing to hot tamale.
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themidnightsiren · 7 years
You're most welcome~
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