#developer stuff 🍓🦑
symptomsofdeceit · 5 months
This week got super busy and I fell behind on loading the queue 😅
My Fox daki from Gatobob arrived so I’ll cuddle it while answering things tonight. I’m excited! I have the NSFW alphabet for Thaumo ready to post & Nalis’s is close to being finished too :)
I think I will make a discord for my game. I’ll look into it a little more & work on that this weekend as well as the next game update!
Thank you everyone for your patience with me 💕
I also started a Ren sketch!
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symptomsofdeceit · 4 months
I’m going to close my ask box for a bit! It’s looking like this week will be pretty busy for me, and I still have a lot of asks to answer.
I’ll still try to make some ask progress this week when I can, and next week I should have more free time again! I always appreciate everyone being patient with me 💕
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symptomsofdeceit · 6 months
I apologize for being inactive the past few days! Work was busy, then it was my birthday over the weekend & I’ve been spending a lot of time with 3 friends. We’ve all been playing btd(1+2) & tpof together and that’s been a lot of fun 💕
I’m very behind on my asks rn 😅 but I’ll get through a bunch tonight and put them in a queue so I don’t overwhelm everyone by posting 50 things at once. I’m excited to get back to being more active again!
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symptomsofdeceit · 7 months
Thank you so much to everyone who’s downloaded my game, sent in an ask, or left a review/comment!! My game currently has over 1,000 downloads, which is much more than I ever expected. It makes me so happy that people are enjoying my story & characters 💕💕
I’m pretty behind on my asks right now 😅 I’ve read through most of the asks I have though, and some are so cute, or so fun, and a lot made me smile and laugh!! I’m excited to start getting to them as soon as I can.
I’m visiting my little brother this weekend but I’ll make some time for answering asks, working on my plans to improve some things in the demo, and adding content for the arcade + exploring Thaumo’s room or the lab!
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symptomsofdeceit · 5 months
This isn’t exactly a question about your game, so hopefully it’s okay to ask you here - feel free to delete this if you’d like! I saw in your bio that you work in vascular surgery at only 23 - first of all, that’s incredible! I didn’t even realize it was possible to enter the medical/surgical field in any way that young. My question kind of relates to this: as someone who wants to get into medicine and healthcare, I’m wondering how you’ve started so young and/or if you have any advice on how to succeed in school/get a job in the industry early on? Thank you so much for your time and have a lovely day :)
You’re good, it’s totally okay! I enjoy my work and talking about it. I’ll put my answer under a cut so people who are just here for game stuff can easily skip it
There are a lot of options in the medical field!! Advice really depends on what you want to do. I’ve only experienced one side of it, so I’m not sure if anything I say would be relevant to what you’re wanting to do. I hope this is at least a little helpful though, and I’m wishing you the best of luck with it!! 🍀🍀✨✨
I’m a vascular interventional radiologic technologist. Every hospital is different, and people with that job title often work in a cardiac cath lab or interventional radiology. I’ve talked about the types of operations I help perform here!
Here it requires 4 years of university with a lot of clinical hours and 2 registry exams at the end to get certified / have proper credentials.
As a student I spent a lot of my clinical hours in the vascular surgery department. I was always told to treat your clinical shifts like an interview! I knew I wanted to work here, so I talked to the manager over the department and actually got hired a few months before I graduated (with the condition of me successfully graduating + passing my exams to get credentials). Most medical programs should have some type of clinical hour requirements, so my biggest advice is to try to spend that time in the department you’re passionate about + try to show that you’re someone worth hiring while you’re a student! A couple of my classmates got hired for cath lab & IR before graduating too.
There are also so many different types of jobs in the medical field!! A lot of people outside of the field have never heard of my position, or they’re only aware of it in interventional radiology. My other suggestion is to make sure you know what you want to do & look at all options! There are many cool positions that would allow you to start working earlier in life :)
I hope this was helpful in some way, and again I’m wishing you the best!!
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symptomsofdeceit · 6 months
What's yer job like?
I work in a hybrid operating room at a level 1 trauma center, so I get to do a lot of cool things!
I scrub in with a surgeon to help perform operations like aortic aneurysm repair (before or after rupture, and with or without a fenestrated graft), aortic transection or dissection repair, thrombectomy, embolization, atherectomy, transcarotid artery revascularization, and more.
At my hospital my position always seems to be short staffed 😅 so I end up taking a lot of call outside of my work hours. I love my job, though! I just wish there were more hours in each day for other things
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symptomsofdeceit · 7 months
I think I’m going to publish my demo to the yandere game jam this weekend!
It’s basically done now, I’m just at that point where I keep finding little things I’m not satisfied with & want to edit. I don’t think I’ll ever be 100% happy with it, but I’m trying to tell myself that’s okay because this is my first project & I can always improve and update more later.
I added an extra scene at the end of some endings too! It’s a flashback from Thaumo’s perspective :)
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symptomsofdeceit · 5 months
man u have a cool shirt on a pic where ur punching the pillow!!!
Thank you!! The lighting in that pic is a bit off, it’s more pink irl. It’s part of a super cute pajama set I got!
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symptomsofdeceit · 5 months
I answered about 10 asks during my lunch break at work & they were all long answers I was happy with… but somehow none of them made it to the queue successfully 😭😭
I just got home from my shift, but I’m on call & got a heads up that they’ll need me to come back in soon for a dvt. Hopefully I can re-answer those tonight though! There are so many fun things in my inbox rn + I’m still excited to finish up and share the discord, this week has just been so so busy 😅
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symptomsofdeceit · 6 months
Hi I think you are absolutely fabulous phenomenal amazing all those words and so is your vn!!! It has the delicious combination of excellent art a compelling story interesting characters (that I got attached to so quick lmao) and a creator who is putting so much love into it!!! Keep it up you’re doing an amazing job!!! I also love hearing about your irl job cuz I’m a med student about to start rotations and you casually talking about AAA repair astounds me cuz I would simply start crying (this is why I’m going into pathology lmao)
Thank you so so much!!!! This is so sweet and really means a lot to me (。ŏ﹏ŏ)💕💕💕💕 Hearing that you’ve gotten attached to my characters makes me so happy
Starting rotations soon is exciting!! They were my favorite part of my med program, getting that hands on experience is super cool. I do pretty well under stress but after I finished my first AAA rupture repair I was shaking lol. It’s a scary call to wake up to, with the mortality rate being so high. Repairing non-ruptured AAAs is one of my favorite things to do though, especially when we use a FEVAR (fenestrated endovascular aortic repair) approach. Pathology is really interesting, so I wish you the best of luck with your studies + rotations!!
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symptomsofdeceit · 8 months
Hi everyone, I hope you’re doing well!!
I’m going to temporarily close my ask box on Jan 31st. Work has been super busy lately, and I want to focus on finishing a polished version of my demo for the yandere game jam. I’ll open my asks back up once I’ve submitted my game in late February or early March! Thank you to everyone who’s asked stuff and/or taken an interest in my game, I appreciate it 💕💕
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symptomsofdeceit · 9 months
Do you plan on making more games after Symptoms of Deceit?
I absolutely do!! This has become a very fun hobby for me that I really want to improve at. For future games I’d like to try using RPGMaker MV or GoDot, too!
Every game I create will always have some similarities:
• Every character will always be associated with a different sea animal
• There will always be both horror & romance elements, with all love interests being yanderes
Those are just things I really enjoy, and I can’t imagine making a game without them.
I have 3 games planned right now. I’m prioritizing Symptoms of Deceit, but I’m very excited to work on the others, too!
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symptomsofdeceit · 1 year
I’ve been a bit absent lately 😅 work has been SUPER busy! I also found out I’m expected to go to any formal dinners with our surgeons & representatives from different companies that make the specific devices we use. I’m always excited when we get to learn about & use new devices but formal dinners aren’t really my thing 😅 😅
I played through TPOF this week and I absolutely adore Fox/Ren 😭💕💕💕💕 I bought Gatobob’s DLC shirt for him too! Finding a new terrible character to love always makes me feel so motivated ( ◡̀_◡́)ᕤ
I’m on call this weekend but the next two weekends I’m not, and they’re both 3 day weekends for me, so I’m going to work super hard on my VN!! I’m excited for it 🥰
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