extreme-fun-blog1 · 6 years
True story
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javisuzumiya02 · 7 years
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Classic/Pure Lynn
We already have Classic Luna and Classic Sam among us, how about a Classic Lynn?
How would Lynn be if she had never been interested in sports?
She’s very fraternal and motherly towards her younger sisters and with Lincoln, she also likes to take care of small children (she has a small babysitting business when she has free time), she has a very special touch with them, she is very overprotective, responsible and friendly with the little ones.
Lily considers her as a second mother. She does it since Lynn had to take care of her when she had an illness that almost cost her life. Lynn loves her a lot and she would give her own life for Lily and any of her sisters or Lincoln.
About her behavior, she is a little bit shy but when a situation gets hard, she takes it very seriousy. She is a very friendly girl and she has a very sensitive heart, she does not like that her sisters fight every time, so she always tries a solution to the problem.
She gets along very well with the rest of her sisters and Lincoln. Especially with Lincoln. They have a special connection when they have to take care of the little ones. This is why secretly, Lincoln has devepoped a little crush on her even when he knows that this is wrong.
However, Lynn is unable to see through Lincoln's felings because for her, he's only his little brother. Could this change in a future?
She likes all kind of flowers a lot, so she has a small garden in the backyard. Additionaly she loves to read. Every week she gets a new book from the library. The books she likes to read the most talk about the behavior of young children, since she wants to be a kindergarten teacher when she grows up.
The drawing was made by me, but taking the original design of "Ferozyraptor" for his comic: The Cave of Chaos, as a base. The headcanon was built by my dear friend thegloriousloud2. 
There’s no plans for any other “Classic version” of the rest of the characters by the way.
Ya tenemos a Classic Luna y a Classic Sam entre nosotros, ¿Que tal una Classic Lynn?
¿Como sería Lynn si ella nunca hubiera estado interesada en los deportes?
Ella sería muy fraternal y maternal con sus hermanas menores y con Lincoln, también le gusta cuidar a los niños pequeños (tiene un pequeño negocio de cuidado de niños cuando tiene tiempo libre), tiene un toque muy especial con ellos, es muy sobreprotectora, responsable y amigable con los pequeños.
Lily la considera como una segunda madre. Lo hace desde que Lynn tuvo que cuidarla cuando tenía una enfermedad que casi le costó la vida. Lynn la ama mucho y ella daría su propia vida por Lily y cualquiera de sus hermanas o Lincoln.
Acerca de su comportamiento, ella es un poco tímida, pero cuando una situación se pone difícil, se lo toma muy en serio. Ella es una chica muy amigable y tiene un corazón muy sensible, no le gusta que sus hermanas luchen siempre, por lo que siempre intenta una solución al problema.
Se lleva muy bien con el resto de sus hermanas y Lincoln. Especialmente con Lincoln. Ellos tienen una conexión especial cuando tienen que cuidar a las más pequeñas. Esta es la razón por la cual, secretamente, Lincoln se ha enamorado un poco de ella incluso cuando sabe que esto está mal.
Sin embargo, Lynn no puede ver a través de los sentimientos de Lincoln porque para ella, él es solo su hermano pequeño. ¿Podría esto cambiar en un futuro?
Le gustan mucho todo tipo de flores, por lo que tiene un pequeño jardín en el patio trasero. Adicionalmente, le encanta leer. Cada semana recibe un nuevo libro de la biblioteca. Los libros que más le gusta leer son sobre el comportamiento de los niños pequeños, ya que ella quiere ser maestra de jardín de infancia cuando crezca.
El dibujo fue hecho por mí, pero tomando el diseño original de "Ferozyraptor" para su comic: La Cueva del Caos, como base. El headcanon fue construido por mi querido amigo thegloriousloud2.
Por cierto, no hay planes para mas “Versiones Clásicas” del resto de los personajes.
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andydsiii · 4 years
behind the scenes of storyboard images
all my story board images was made with various layers as I experiemented with the ways that showed the most darkness in the space whilst still showing some details.  Each image was comprised of 3 renders that would be combined to create a harsh and red light that simulated the feeling of being consumed and inside of something that is represented by the thick red lights surrounded by the darkness. another thing I had picked up whilst looking at my 6 story board images was the fact that it was very similar to the darkroom devepoping process for films or darkroom photography which i thought was pretty cool as it had linked back to the topic of cinematography as it relates to the process of a film or cinema device.
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