#devillious chronicles
masaworkdesignfan · 1 month
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Jessica getting her own novel y'all ain't ready for her lol
she's also a horse that reincarnated into a human lol
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[pride arc] no warnings attended but something may trigger you
When dinda was little. He wished to be better for his dad. He has an servant name bambi chan, taking care of him..he told bambi chan "bambi chan! I wished to be better for daddy!" Bambi chan agrees. He follow everything for him.. because he's a servant...dinda was prideful over everything...sudden of all he became more pridefully..but bambi chan doesn't care. He follows everything that dinda told him...
[MARCH 12 1248]
dinda magi Dali. Which upons in the seat where the queen is..he is the queen..of all the kingdom he wishes. Dinda would take everything and maybe told everyone that things will be for him, all the riches he will claim, so many furnitures, and loyalty for him, not to mention that he's so lazy but he's not lazy but fascinated by people bowing down to him as the queen itself sitting grinning at the poor villages.. a women in a red robe told dinda to stop being prideful and became nice towards the village, at this. Dinda's pride vow is cracked.. to fix this vow, dinda refused to and told the mighty guards to get her out of his own lair of might and rich. As his own vow fixed because of the pride he went. He terribly tell the kids to stop playing soccer because it would hit the interiors and the outside furnitures in his own castle by that..the kids disobeying him which that..bambi chan is told to behead 3 of those kids by forcing their own parents seeing what it's called like punishment.. dinda grinned and laughs so maniacally for seeing he has peace for once and for all... He feels so delighted for he wanted to hope everything will go as he really wanted.. for the poor villages, dinda terribly tell the villagers not enough free time to work and work. And tell the kids to stay inside the house to enjoy laziness..this was suppose to isolate kids..but kids was happy that they could be lazy..but as time went on they actually realize that dinda was supposed to isolate kids to be lazy and terrible..dinda who rules the kingdom yelled at the villagers own work saying one of them is not blunt, not sweet, not delicious. The kingdom seems to have wanted to break the pride vow but it's really impossible, dinda has bambi chan and the other loyal mighty guards.
[MARCH 23 1248]
for all of the things he done..as he sitted in his own fancy throne. He was so delighted to be praised by the poor villagers. Not caring about their own mental health. Bambi chan was praises by the others but dinda seems annoyed that the servants must be praised not him..dinda then make a rule for no praising the guards and servants..the attention all goes to the dinda. Dinda's own pride vow was a bit of a crack..seeing his own villages became lazy in a secret.. so then he decided to burn one house inside of it is a baby.. a newborn baby..she made a rule whenever a parent became lazy at work..dinda and his servants forcefully lock their kids tricking them having a suprise. Burning them inside. And including ones that are newborns a child and teenager.. shushing from behind. Dinda was known as the sin of pride because of his own way to achieve his own dream to be proud for his own father.. at sudden sense of sitting in the throne. Dinda was invited by merolics gueven hudenstart, mero was invited to be chosen his own wife. Dinda was appraised. Remembered how his own dad got his mother. So he decided a yes to the invitation..kingdoms queen and king came to the mero kingdom and hall to be chosen...one person was only to be chosen...which is bian Ike Tamarin. With that dinda really wanted to be mero's wife.. back at the kingdom..the might loyalty guards and servants was told to burn and attack bian's kingdom. His ulteriority of pride was joyfully involved. Within the evil of his own way.. bambi chan was told to behead bian Infront of his loved one canok Vienne ggeren.. dinda thought canok and bian was siblings so...yeah...dinda grinning and picking up bian's head. And getting piggyback by bambi chan telling them "now bow down to me!" Bowing down to dinda..dinda was so joyous and happy to be praised Infront of the whole slaves...as time went on..yes..dinda being terrible..dinda yelling at a pregnant women who was waterbreaking telling her to abort the baby or give birth Infront of the males worker. The women was forced to give birth Infront of the male workers, one of the male workers was devastated, horny, weird out and wanted to make the women pregnant again....as dinda sees this. Dinda basically grinning and smiling, his pride vow was so cracking so much. He didn't realize anything about his vows..but only to enjoy people's pain...and still have the mind of achievement. As time went on..he goes to call his dad about the things he done for the kingdom..his dad was proud of him..and dinda was escatic. And then say goodbye to continue the kingdom..dinda decided to force feeding kids mashed potato, one of the kids in the kingdom allergic to mashed potatoes. Containing that they were eating and swallowing it..as for that the kids sometimes has sickening,chorlea, and ebola infections and other diseases that happens to them, this made dinda's "fun" activity was not enjoyable.
[NOVEMEBER 18 1248]
dinda basically grinning at the kingdoms suffering knowing that his dad will be proud. When he came back home and the new rules he made..dinda told bambi chan to be ready because his dad is going to be here..dinda sits still and smiling in the throne to wait his dad..but in the other hand the villagers in the kingdom can't hold the pain they have been for...bandu the dictator of the world. Told his army to hold hostage dinda...dinda was in jail for 2 months before his execution... people were yelling when his execution was prepared..as the blade falls..his head chopped off.. in the other hand bambi chan was happy that he can be free and come back home.not in the kingdom rules anymore. But burning the kingdom and setting the world wide free. Letting dinda's dad in the kingdom burned alived.
Dinda is still alive
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gaterbelt1 · 2 months
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Lich post omg
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deatherella · 2 months
Deco Sims - Three 4to2 Sets
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Natalia Auditore's Medieval Tavern Deco Sims converted from Sims 4. There's ten deco sims with three recolors each. Use "move_objects on" to place them on chairs. I had to boolprop them forward after the chairs shifted forward when I tested them. I made a separate soup bowl for deco, too. They're compressed and you can either find them collection only or in the catalog under decorative/misc.
Download Tavern Sims - in catalog
Download Tavern Sims - collection only
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4t2 conversion of The Royal Thornolia Chronicle's Victorian Poverty Deco Sims from last year's @simblreenofficial, The set has a man, a woman, a boy, a girl, and two groups of dad/daughter and mom/son. The files are compressed and there were no recolors.
Download Victorian Poverty - in catalog
Download Victorian Poverty - collection only
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Lastly, The Devillier's 1920's Deco Sims. Use "move_objects on" to place the dancing couple, mom holding child, sitting man, and mom holding daughter's hand in place. They snap right into the correct position. They all have a couple recolors and the files are compressed.
Download 1920's Sims - in catalog
Download 1920's Sims - collection only
I have a few more sets in my game, too. A carriage needed its slots adjusted and I need to take previews of most of it. Please, don't request more deco sims from me for a few months. I think I've had my fill of them for a while.
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nia1sworld · 16 days
Can you draw yei aborham
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She's my oc an novel oc I made named devillious chronicles inspired of evillious chronicles
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breedtheseed · 6 months
Congratulations! You're Sona has been added to the devillious chronicles series! Now he/she/they/them (idk their gender) will be the emotional support for bandu!
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lol love that awww 🥰 the art is amazing 🤩 sorry for answering so late
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Sorry for late ass reply but HOLY SHIT!!
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jillibean06 · 7 months
Give me one Dave and bambi character so they will be the person who stabs expunged (devillious chronicles au expunged)
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ultra-maha-us · 4 years
Hot Sauce History - A Lip-smacking, Mouth-watering Story
The warm sauce record is the real history of enterprising men shot by the fiery cool into developing the warm sauce that's a trend on the list of premium lovers. The warm sauce record also chronicles their ventures to generate clever warm sauce modifications that grace nearly every cuisine in the world.
Sauce historians have gathered information primarily from the labels on the warm sauce bottles stored in personal collections. Hot sauce advertisements purchased from city directories and papers are different resources. Data generally is rare, but whatsoever are available, details to a rich and various warm sauce history.
The flaming warm sauce had a simple beginning in the shape of cayenne sauces in Massachusetts way back in1807.
1849 is a landmark year in the real history of warm sauce. The very first sauce import took invest 1849 when England's Lea & Perrin's Worcestershire sauce produced its way in to the USA and Colonel Bright raised the first chronicled Tabasco cool crop.
Colonel Bright organized the world's first Tabasco sauce and advertised it. Hot sauce was now effectively and really aimed at commercialization.
A variation of the warm sauce chili sauce arrived on the scene in 1860 when J. McCollick & Co. of New York City made a Chicken Pepper Sauce.
However the warm sauce really caught the creativity of the public with Edward McIlhenny's ripened Tabasco warm sauce in 1868.
1870 and 1906 are large watermarks in warm sauce record whence McIlhenny guaranteed a patent on the Tabasco selection of warm sauce and the McIlhenny clan trademarked the Tabasco brand, respectively.
Hot sauce advertising shattered new reasons with Chicago-based Bill Railton's 1877 advertisement copy for his Frosty Sauce, which positioned it being an incredible variety with healing benefits.
The legendary Poppie's Warmer'deborah Nightmare Pepper Sauce had its moorings in south Louisiana below Poppie Devillier in 1893.
The achievement of the Tabasco warm sauce opened the floodgates to analysis with various flavors. Therefore in 1916, Charles Erath of New Orleans made the Red Hot Creole Pepper Sauce; in 1923 Gem Hot Sauce produced its introduction courtesy Baumer Meals, Louisiana; in 1941 the Manhunter Victoria Income Company produced a wake with red taco sauce, natural taco sauce and enchilada sauce.
These tests were not limited to just the entrepreneurs. Homemakers too were dabbling their arms at warm sauces, as visible from recipes for barbecue and curry sauces found in "Mrs. Hill's New Cook book ".Hot sauce had distribute like crazy fire.
The warm sauce juggernaut rolled up with Mark Pace's picante sauce, manufactured in 1947 and Joe Way's Dat'l Do It Sauce and Hellish Enjoy, at first of the 1980s.
Hot sauce record claims that Los Angeles brings the way when it comes to warm sauce use, with 3.3 million gallons taken in 1990.
Contemporary warm sauce record is replete with producers like Sauces & Salsas Ltd, Le Saucier, the first specific sauce and warm sauce retail outlet and Chi-Chi's vying to grab a reveal of the consumers'appetite. Hot sauce absolutely carries like warm cakes.
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masaworkdesignfan · 2 months
So I decided to continue the series because I missed it so much. This time its not an au anymore is just an oc series
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2 non-binary characters and 1 women character
Image 1: it appears where kol lost somewhere in a forest
Image 2: laben and Jessica running away from hall of nine and stuck in a forest with kol
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[give love, vague and mad.]
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Tristanilia celesenderelia orc.. I don't think he wished to be a doll anymore...
[warning : drowning, and death mentions]
Tristanilia celesenderelia orc was in his middle school seeing happy kids. As he grew up. He knew that he's going to be his own father. Daronilia asalina celesenderelia darelyn oraacan. His father was a successful court master. And his nickname pere noel. Tristan takes advantage of seeing another kid that is older than him. She was joyous and happy. Tristan was so unfazed by the fact that she is her older step sister. Bandu sometimes became dizzy and dazed and tapped out whenever she go outside. But bandu wasn't actually happy. She was wondering who was her mother is.. she kept talking to no one. And has the imagination.
[chapter 1: love]
As Tristan in the age of 12, he saw an man he never knew. He would love. Ferriot parrot. Ferriot was the same class as Tristan. They became boyfriend's, as tristan invited him to his house. Ferriot was seen fantastically amazed by how rich Tristan's house is. Ferriot really wished they could meet everyday since school only take advantages in 1 month per 12 days. They're been hanging out a while till ferriot died. Ferriot died by a kennelist tiger an tiger made by heagave. Kennelist tiger is an tiger which roams people and eats people for no mercy. And taming them is impossible... Tristan seeing ferriot death, ferriot was pricked by a twig. His lungs was destroyed. His penis is eaten, his small intestines exploded, His eyes gouged out, his limbs dissapeared, and...his brains smashed...at his funeral. Tristanilia wouldn't ever be seen in the funeral since he wasn't enough to hold an tears.
[chapter 2 : vague]
Sometimes Tristan doesn't understand why his parents keep fighting he wished it stopped the noise coming from downstairs, Bruno knew that could lead to the children to depression, heartbreak, and more. So he calmed down Tristan by playing with "dolls." Sometimes his friends ask "why are you're house so loud at night?" He didn't know but answered "uhhh mom and dad..fighting.because...." he didn't even get to finish and his friends some times left him. His ambiguity inside made it more spectacularitys wishing all the worries and fighting and yelling all over again stopped..
[chapter 3 : mad]
His father invited the family to the Cleveland browns ship to have an adventure to argathaman..what Tristan didn't know that his father ordered someone to drown the ship. His father irresponsibility was very visible. Tristan decided go to the kitchen. And saw the chef..is dating his mother he didn't know what's going on so he left without a sound. He was in pure confusion until he went outside. He talk to his father.
"dad. Why are you so irresponsible?" Tristan said. Daronilia replied "I've hope I'm not! Because I am not such a baaad father!" He said and cackled. Tristan frowned in curiosity until the ship felt an earthquake. Suddenly a vermillion colored tentacles destroying the ship. Daron tried to protect Tristan but Tristan slipped and drowned his breath loss. And drowned...
[chapter 4 : a new one]
Tristan as he died. 12 years later his body wasn't decomposed. Realizing the hotness and the salt water is the reason why his body didn't decompose. And suddenly Tristan body got into the land. He still dead remember that shit okay?. Suddenly maikal barisol celestial with his brother daikal barisol celestial saw the body and dragged the body to their house. Their mother. We're confuse. Tristan stomach was opened. And maikal forcefully pull the heart out. Along with the lungs. Putting it inside an bambomerina fendomana x'usoc Ak'gan'harta'm. Reconstruction doll. And put it inside as his Tristan's new body.
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gaterbelt1 · 2 months
Wassup it's @masaworkdesignfan yea I made an account again. Well what account? The account is for oc's only!
This is gonna be called gatorator because I need to title them
And some oc's of mine is from seperated universe!
Here's the list of my oc!
Dhia(main oc)
Megumi Theodore Roosevelt/ megumi Theodore marman
Katlin burger hamber
Hori gardens
Mell Viviana bushwhack
Mori morninggirl
Baq clesnat chustcast
(other oc's are in a series called devillious chronicles)
Monogoi harune
Nana harune
Eden garden
Hagane gerbo
Cremated woodlice kreutzer
Wesley algebra class(dnb oc)
Verty amnor
Anthony hammathon
Miss margarita(fpe)
Miss genkai(fpe)
There will be comics and stuff!
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Judgement of corruption
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Daronilia asalina celesenderelia was a judge who tortured his own son and nobody knows that he was the one who killed him
Warning:Nfsw,impr3gnate,giving birth
Daronilia being the worst judge as possible gaining it's money by himself, intrigued by money, addiction devoured his own body. Daron was offered a money to sent guilty the person who killed 4 people and the witness are an child name trestle, daron who was fallen in guilt for killing his own son tammerinilia, daron would easily say yes for that piece of huge amount of money, as soon the police asking other people in the kanojo town near the Biden sayne lake. People has been suspicious through the women name mukolilia kakasen jutsuno, the famous tailor shop on the city, people know she has been envious throughout the livings. So then they discovered the remains of dead bodies that skin has been teared off. Realizing the tan kimono was a human skin. For that mukolilia Gets arrested for 4th degree murder and also forcement of cannibalism by feeding the residents a real human meat without knowing that they were been eating a food of their own kind. In the court room mukolilia was gonna be sentence to public beheaded but finding out she was pregnant. Well daron declined the execution. then daron decided to marry her since he killed his own husband because of divorce.after marriage mukolilia giving birth (it was like a 3 hours birth) to a child name daikal asalina jutsuno. While for that. Daron was so emotionally crying for seeing the child that has born. (Psst. Mukolilia give birth in her house) mukolilia in the bed hugging the child softly crying too..as times went by daron was viciously in the court again. Sentencing bambi chan innocent but knowing that he killed Kuna in the war of lands. Regardlessly Bruno brusette need to leave the project : ir and ot team to join daron's. As times went by. Another court scene. Where bandu was sentence guiltu knowing that she got away for killing daron's son tammerinilia. But bruno saying innocent shocked everybody and lead her to a random backyard of Bruno's house...which contaminated where she's going to be chosen to replace Kuna..Viciously daikal and mukolilia was in their house while daron got home drunk. Mukolilia bring her to her room. She knew what's gonna happen. Mukolilia start to pull off her kimono in a seductive way. Pulling her pant's and bra's.. and slippers..ready to have it..daron unzip his pants ready to have it...holding her back and forth mukolilia whimpering while she holds her stomach, sucking it up, licking, and biting. As for that 6 hour of.....yeah. as in for that. Daikal who was curious and can't sleep decided go to his parents room and saw it. Glad he didn't make a noise while they are fucking. Daikal slowly backing up with no noise whatsoever..goes back in his room decided to sleep. Fortunately. As daron goes to his mansion. He saw the doll.. as heagav promised.. the doll who represents his son. Not knowing that was a doll from someone's husband. Promised as usually.. he hugged the doll.. until a smell of burning. Oh fuck. His own mansion is burned. Just him and his son. He's holding the doll so hard wishing for good luck till bandu came in saying "hello and goodbye my father.. it's time to repent" daron was so much giggling and laughing at bandu "you think? I'm you're father?" Daron said viciously evil. Bandu who was not impressed by how he thought his own father would care but he actually act like he doesn't know. Daron gets asked by bandu "relinquish you're sins. You have filled all you're pockets.. take back what's they'res and I will save you" bandu said calmly. Daron laughs and said "I will never hand over my fortune for you." Bandu before he shoots daron she said "hello and goodbye my father. Thank you for meeting me..see you again."... Daron gets shooted and boom he went to hell
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Can you show mukolilia's design? People are down bad for her
Wait what. okay here is her design
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masaworkdesignfan · 7 months
Dares for the devillious chronicles au!
(I know you from yt)
1 : maikal roast bandarina to ashes.
2 : mukolilia kill's darron
3 : archonite gets bullied by everyone! (Spoilers : we all know we hate her because of she just only wanted her daughter came here to kill her)
As the creator of the au I will do.
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Litteraly the red cat
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