kidopeach · 10 years
Mistaken Identity
五 Life in this bustling city was proving to be more than Momo could have ever imagined. The lifestyle was odd; she had never seen most of the products and items being sold on the streets and everything in the city seemed to be more complex than what she was used to. Life in the Seireitei, even in the province of Junrinan in the West Rukongai where she lived with Shiro, had been simple.  The most fascinating change between the two worlds was the fashion. Here in the world of the living, the options for clothing were much more vast than she could have ever imagined. She could mix and match all types of outfits and the colors were more vibrant than the normal black that all shinigami had to wear as uniforms. Rangiku had boasted to her before about all the fashionable items, but now Momo was seeing it for herself and she was greatly surprised with how much she actually enjoyed it.  Using the currency provided to her by the lieutenant of squad ten back from when she had visited, Momo managed to update her wardrobe considerably. She started with a sleeveless button up shirt that was a soft green color and a matching pencil skirt that landed just around the knees. She was classy and innocent in her style and it was as she was modeling before a mirror in a small shop that she caught sight of red hair in the reflection of the mirror.  "Renji?" The lieutenant of squad five looked back around and wondered if that was really him. He was the only one she knew to have red hair and it was wild and untamed from the brief moment she saw through the mirror, just like Renji. Placing the money on the counter and grabbing her belongings, Momo ran out of the shop and down the street to catch up with who she thought was her long time friend.  "Renji! Is it you?" She weaved through the people to get to the one red head in the crowd until her hand reached out and grabbed the shoulder of the one she was pursuing. That very hand only ended up being pulled away and brought back to herself as she stared at the person face to face. They were not Renji. "Oh I'm so sorry. I thought you might have been a friend of mine." 
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animeunleashedrp · 10 years
"Wh-wh-what!?" Loki stammered when waking up in a strange unbeknownst room. The normally care-free Norse God was, all of a sudden, extremely confused and irritated. One second, he was in Asgard, the next, he was in a strange room, in a strange city. Running to window, Loki stared at the sky and began to shout, "Curse you Zeus!!!" Fists shaking in the air with his frustration. Letting out a sigh, Loki opened the window and peered outside to better view this strange city.
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Welcome Loki, you have chosen the best and richest school around. Not only will you be dazzled with our sophistication and beautiful gardens, but here at Ouran, you will create a future that none other can match. Generations of families have attended and worked at our prestigious school and never once were they let down. You, young sir, have chosen the best choice and with our education and resources in the fine arts, you will not be let down.
Everybody, please come welcome and greet our newest member! Another turtleduck has entered the pond, so please play nice and show him the best this group has to offer.
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