#devrin taylyn
rhysing-oc · 1 year
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jumps back into fantrolls with this. sprites to follow!
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ori-trolls · 8 months
An Unusual Customer - A "Thinking of you" drabble (Herous <> Devrin)
It was another boring day at the bookstore.
The dingy little shop didn’t usually see high amounts of traffic outside the holiday seasons when people would trickle in looking for gifts, so Herous was posted behind the register, reading a book on legends and fables. They weren’t his favorite way of recording history, as the fantastical tales were often clouded with lies and deception, but they were a very good way to learn what past civilizations believed in and how they saw the world. Herous wanted to understand them.
The small bell on top of the door rang as someone opened the door. Herous looked up briefly to see if it was his coworker trying to sneak out again, but found an unknown face instead. The troll’s hair covered their left eye and there was a tuft of beard on their chin. Herous also noticed the scars littering their face and ears, but paid them no mind. What caught his attention was the bag slung across their body, which could be used to steal the books. He wasn’t gonna risk his life about it unfortunately though, so nothing he could do about it.
Given that most trolls preferred not to be bothered and most only browsed without buying anything, Herous went back to his reading. To his surprise, this one client wasn’t like most trolls. They stopped in front of the counter and cleared their throat slightly, almost like they didn’t want to do it.
Herous looked up at them and put on his best smile, which wasn’t much. He wasn’t someone who smiled often.
“Fantasy books are on that wall and romance books are right on the next shelf. Self-help and business books are at the back. Were you looking for anything in particular?” He recited the well-practiced spiel that never failed, after all those were their best sold genres.
“Oh…” The stranger huffed out a laugh and smiled. “I’m… not looking for any of that.”
Herous couldn’t help the rise of his eyebrow, certainly intrigued with this troll who refused to behave like a normal customer. To be honest, he should be wanting more enrichment in his life, but he didn’t like change very much, thank you.
“In that case, how may I help you?” He rephrased the question.
“Do you… happen to have any books… on local history and geography?” They spoke like they were weighing the value of each word, and avoided looking Herous in the eye, but that didn’t matter. Herous immediately lit up like a light-bulb.
He coughed into his fist and forced himself into a professional stance, however.
“Yes, of course, over here.” He left the counter, which didn’t happen often, if ever, and guided the customer towards a smaller section of the bookstore. “We don’t sell them much, so our collection is small, but we do have a warehouse to store unsold books and can request to have them brought here if you’re looking for something specific.
“These books here are on history, these ones are on geography. The history books are ordered according to topic rather than area, like the geography ones. I personally recommend these volumes,” he said as he pointed to some of the books, “they’re very good reads if I do say so myself.”
He looked at the troll, almost like expecting some sort of approval. They huffed out a laugh and Herous suddenly worried that he was being too enthusiastic or overstepping a boundary. He blushed profusely and took a step back.
“Right, in any case, let me know if you need help.” 
Without even waiting for a reply, he turned around and left back to the register, where he buried his face behind a book.
You’re so embarrassing, he thought, suppressing a groan so as to not further embarrass himself.
Eventually, he was able to go back to his book, until the customer returned with a couple of books in his hands. Herous started the checkout process, making an effort not to look them in the face.
“Would that be all?” He asked, as was customary.
“Actually…” The troll spoke, and this time Herous had to look. “I was wondering… if you had anything… on local flora and fauna.”
And just, who was this person who seemed so interested in things that actually mattered? Herous couldn’t help but feel curious.
“Uhm, not currently in store, but I know we have some on our catalog, if you-” he scrambled for their client registry and a pen. “If you want, you can leave us your contact information and I can inform you when it’s arrived, Mr…?” He added, hoping to finally put a name to such an interesting person.
“Devrin…” They smiled. “Just Devrin is fine… And yes, I’d like that, Mr…?” They grabbed the pen and wrote their contact information while waiting for an answer.
“Herous, just Herous… is fine.” He nodded, finishing the checkout and handing Devrin their bag with books. “Thank you for your purchase.”
“Thank you.” Devrin grabbed the bag and nodded. “I’ll be waiting… for your message.”
They left, and Herous was left feeling a little too conscious of himself.
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cloudbattrolls · 4 years
Maidel’s Relationships
For Maidel’s old sheet, click here.
Dosime Solanu (#The Adventure Zone) [Moirail]
At first she irritated you with her complete misunderstanding of your old circus life, and stranger still, she didn’t seem to mind that you were upset; she didn’t lash out at you for it. She scares you with her strange enthusiasm for the bizarre, occasionally pisses you off with how oblivious she is to some things, and worries you to no end with her blatant disregard for her own personal safety. Yet you find yourself caring about her very much, wanting to keep her safe, and you admire her boldness, as it spurs you to want to not live so deeply in fear.
Pietri Marion (#Born Fools) [Flushcrush]
Why did you have to fall for someone so completely unsuitable? The two of you can’t and more importantly shouldn’t be together; how can you ever trust a clown? Yet it’s so hard to stay away from her - her smiles, her hobbies, her kindness and beauty - and the feeling that maybe, just maybe you understand her a little, that two of you have something in common.
Or maybe you’re just delusional and bound to get your bloodpusher broken. You can only hope you fall out of pity with her before you get hurt.
Other Relations:
Devrin Taylyn - Your other best friend, aside from Dosime. You really, really like him, and even better, he seems to feel the same way about you! You can just relax around him, and it feels wonderful. He’s super cool too! He’s so good with gems and he knows about animals and - okay, you could go on forever, but suffice to say Devrin is great.
Margol Quined - Ughhhh. You can’t say you like Margol - in fact, you didn’t even speak to her for a while after she was so awful to you - but it’s always been hard for you to hold grudges. She’s not very nice, but she’s really smart, and Devrin seems to like her, so...you guess you should give her a chance? 
Ullane Wistim - A doctor you met once who convinced you to smuggle circus drugs to her. She kind of makes you feel like an idiot, but you admire how smart she is and you wish you had her confidence. 
Callan Ranpoe - 
Uunive Semreh -
Faerin Aquila - 
Aditha Heimaa - You never thought you’d meet a fuchsia you weren’t totally terrified of (aside from Chimer), but Aditha is just so nice! She’s literal-minded, and people think she’s dumb, but you can tell how smart she really is! She has her own ship and she’s so cool! She’s your other best friend besides Devrin!
Chimer Latrai - The odd fuchsia who was by your side during the whole rift conflict. You can’t say you like her, for she’s too wound up in stressful, painful memories, but you admit it wasn’t her fault that things happened the way they did.
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rhysing-oc · 1 year
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rhysing-oc · 2 years
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it has uh. been a while. have a very wip devrin
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rhysing-oc · 6 years
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rhysing-oc · 6 years
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I’m tired n dont wanna work on this anymore so have a bugman
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rhysing-oc · 6 years
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Figured it was about time I started getting proper refs up
First is Devrin!
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rhysing-oc · 6 years
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Got a new art program, had to doodle some grocery pals
Suddenly everything is so much easier
Pietri belongs to my pal @terribletrollstbh!!
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rhysing-oc · 7 years
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New sprites! To celebrate, let’s do a judgement! 
Reblog with 1-2 trolls/kids/ocs and the turtle boy here will give them a score, 1-10
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rhysing-oc · 7 years
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rhysing-oc · 7 years
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new profile drawing for devrin
last redesign i promise
the hiveless 1/3
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rhysing-oc · 7 years
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cloudbattrolls · 5 years
Tuuya’s Relationships
Channi Karuma (#Fishbait) - Your matesprit, insane as that is to say. Who could have thought a handsome movie star would love a disgusting monster? You laughed at the idea. You flirted with him to make him laugh and/or repulse him, you didn’t think he’d be interested.
You didn’t think you’d be interested. But no, you quite fell head over heels, embarrassing as it is. Of course it’d be better if he had a flush who didn’t think he looked delicious, and you’ll understand if he ever chooses safety and his career over you. But until then you’ll savor every moment you have with this dear, ridiculous, wonderful man.
Jaskir Yarrow -
Uunive Semreh - FORMER: Your biggest mistake, but the one you love most dearly. The lime girl - now a woman - that you raised yourself, a better jade than many jades are. 
She is marvelous and smart and virtuous and you have hurt her with your lies and your manipulations of her whole life. You can’t fathom why she’s still determined to make you see some “good” in you that doesn’t exist. All you want is for her to not hurt by being close to you, and to gain some new relationships she can trust and rely on, but it seems everything you do makes her angry.
Well, she has a right. And maybe it’s better for her in the long run.
Tekras Iszovh -
Claire Fantai - FORMER: Your second biggest mistake. A kind and compassionate troll, and what do you do? Accidentally trick her into thinking you’re a friend, that you can be relied on. 
Even knowing the truth doesn’t seem to faze her, but she’ll realize she doesn’t want you around eventually. It’s better for her that way! Realizing she should reserve her good nature for people who deserve it.
Until then, the very least you can do is assist her, and never speak of your absurd feelings. They have to fade eventually.
Jeluno Ikolus - Pest - FORMER: Several bad ideas rolled into one, but you can certainly never hurt her, and she’s entertaining in her way.
It’s nice to have someone you don’t have to try to be decent for, though at the same time you hardly approve of most things she does. Still, you’re no hypocrite, and the chats you two have are fun, dangerous and challenging. 
Other Relationships: 
Devrin Taylyn -
Wueyah & Irisma Fantai -
Moelle & Emulie -
Elziah & Aduya - 
Rivali Tescin -
Talula Enkeli - 
Gliese Benral -
Sifrek Espota - 
Epsilo Volant -
Chimer Latrai -
Margol Quined -
Gwyn - 
Lulith Enkeli -
Sonati Yxlisi - 
Ailene - 
Tantor Eligas - 
Mirhan (not that Tuuya knows his name) - 
Shiver Silver -
Sevenn Tarann - 
Pebble -
Ullane Wistim - 
The Wretched Coven (Neffie, Joey, Hirudo, and Klirro) -
Rhyssa -
Tiijah Necros - Not so much a mistake, given Tiijah outmatches you and thus is safe.
Her attitudes about drinkers are alarming, as is her trust of you, but you know you have to give her slack given the culture difference. She’s a much different kind from you, at least, and she seems to be responsible about it.
Now if only you could get her to drop the whole “self kindness” thing. It’s like no one gets what monster means anymore. Do you have to pull out a dictionary?
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rhysing-oc · 6 years
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sssslaps boyo got a new ref n sprites!
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