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            ❝ Oh. I’m not supposed to take hand outs.  ❞
💎 dedicated to all the wonderful pacificas who have A. stuck with me even through the ridiculous hiatuses && B. that are just the bomb 💎 @priincess-pacifica && @llamanorthwest && @pirelien && @dexendens
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mystcriiious-blog · 8 years
            In spite of all the the total craziness that had ensued, it was hard to regret anything about the evening-- especially when he toted what was unquestionably the most incredibly badass souvenir from one of his summer adventures he’d ever nabbed. He shifted the lumberghost’s axe, heavy on his shoulder as he took a deep, well-earned breath of fresh air on the tranquil quiet of the balcony; a moment’s reprieve from the bustle of the party down below as he tossed what could almost pass for a roguish grin over his shoulder to the blonde heiress who’d probably proved to be the most shocking revelation of the night-- even more than the Austrian prince and his sister’s...somewhat aggressive friend.
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            ❝--I’m keeping this.❞   
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awkwardpines-a · 8 years
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Hey all.
It’s that time of year again, where everyone scrambles to squeeze every last bit of sentimentality out of an otherwise cosmically insignificant completion of the terrestrial rotation cycle. Still, in my thirst for attention and loneliness, I figured I’d be remiss were I not to join in on the festivities myself, especially considering my recent participation in the very same thing on another account. So, in the spirit of celebrating the constant rotation of our planet around the sun, here’s a list of people whose presence I tolerate more than others’ on this website, organized alphabetically for your convenience!
@captivatinginnocence​ - It seems fitting that you’re the first on the list, since you were the first person I talked to about RPing, the person who inspired me to make this blog, and the one who continues to motivate me to this day with her dedication and fascinatingly accurate portrayal of Mabel, as well as consistently entertaining and intriguing conversations OOC. I owe so, so much to you, Diana, and can confidently say I wouldn’t be here without you or your blog. Thank you.
@dexendens​ - There seems to be a trend developing in this list. You, too, were among the very first RPers that I talked to, and you helped me set up my blog, as well as teaching me the basics of Tumblr etiquette and courtesy. Clearly, those paid off, and here we are, both equally questionably active! In the process, though, I made an awesome and interesting friend, and met a writer who I’d gladly recommend to anyone looking for a Pacifica. Thank you, too.
@flannelandchill​ - Ah yes, finally, a (relatively) fresh face! With the sad lack of people RPing everyone’s favorite ginger lumberjack, it was such a surprise - and delight - to see you pop up some seven months ago! Ever since then, I’ve admired your take on Wendy,your dedication to her character and family (Manly Dan’s my favorite), as well as enjoyed the conversations we have, rare as they may be. Clearly, you’re a wonderful writer and friend, and I hope we get to talk more soon.
@goldendorito - It’s weird to think that I’ve known you for years, when in reality, it’s been less than one, but that’s just how it is with you, I guess. We talk nearly every day, and discuss everything from gender politics to the quality of Steven Universe memes, and your constant presence has made a tremendous difference in my life - and I can only hope I’ve done the same for you. Of course, none of this would’ve happened had I not adored your writing too. Honestly, you’re such a role model for me.
@grunkle-stud​ - There has never been someone to so accurately capture the essence of Stanley Pines as Bonesy - both IC and OOC. On multiple occasions, I’ve legitimately seen a post on their blog, and thought to myself, “this is a canon quote, right?” only to find that it was not. From the angsty AF AUs to just general Stan assholery hiding a heart of gold, I can’t express how on-point your Stan is. You’ve taught me so much, and I’m proud to be a part of the Peach Wrangler’s big happy family.
@llamanorthwest - Tots, you’re one of the few blogs on this list that’s younger than I am, and I have to say that it’s been a pleasure to watch you grow, learn, and improve as a writer, and, more recently, as a person. From the group chat to the dash, it’s been a constant pleasure to see you around, whether you’re being sweet as sugar or salty as the ocean. It’s a real shame that we haven’t been able to interact as much as I’d like yet (it’s my fault), and I hope to remedy that in the near future.
@pine-dexter​ - Ah yes, Jenn: another very close friend, who has represented so many things at different points in my RP career. From an idol, to a mentor, to a shoulder to cry on, to equals and sharers in everything from memes to salt. I’d compare our relationship to Dipper and Ford’s from our personal headcanons, especially considering how our conversations tend to seamlessly shift from IC to OOC on the regular,  but that feels a bit on the nose. Regardless, you’re the best.
@pirelien - When first making my blog, my original goal was not to become shipping trash. Sure, I would be open to ideas and exploring relationships if they came up naturally, but it wasn’t my prime directive. Then I met this Pacifica blog and that all changed. For some reason, our muses really clicked for me, and I was filled with the urge to make our muses kiss, to which you happily obliged. In doing so, though, I met a delightful, friendly person, and I’ll never regret sending that first meme. 
@rethink-everything - And here we have the other person who successfully dragged right down into the depths of ship hell. I didn’t even mean to do so, at first. I just wanted to interact with a cool as hell Wendy. But then, things just... developed, and I found my muse’s feelings for Wendy bubbling up again, and I knew it had to be done. Months later, and here we still are, obsessing over our two eggs ‘til the very end. It was a pleasure to meet you, and I look forward to making an omelet soon ;)
@starrypsychic - Andy, or Lando, you’re quite honestly one of the sweetest people I’ve ever met, and I think you have a real talent for building characters. What I mean by that is that you somehow managed to take a widely popular character among the fandom, whose portrayal I tend not to find too interesting in the first place, and make him your own. You made him funny and depressing and realistic and relatable*, and in the process made me fall in love with him (and you).
@sparklesandstarsandstuff​ - My twin! We might as well be family, we’ve been close friends for so long, and I’ve loved every second of it. From unconditional love and support, to fun times memeing and watching shows together, you’re honestly everything I’d hope for in a sibling. I know we sometimes fall out of contact for a while, and that’s entirely my fault, but you’re always right there when I come back, ready to love me with open arms. Can’t express how thankful I am for you, twin.
@wetheremnants​ - I know you from your original Bill blog, and then followed you to your Bucky, and then was elated when I saw that you were remaking Bill not too long ago. I did notice, though, that a couple of things have remained consistent across all three blogs - your excellent writing, and of course, the generous, amazing mun. You’re someone I look up to and admire, and it always disheartens me to see you down on yourself, since your writing possesses quality I can attest to.
@widdleolgideongleeful​ - To round off the list for the year, we’ve got yet another familiar face, someone I looked up to before my RP days, and someone who’s taught me a lot about how to create and write interesting, good characters.This person’s dedication to their character was an inspiration, and contributed a lot to how I write my own Dipper. A hilarious, intelligent, and supportive friend, Booboo is someone I owe a lot of who I am today, at least in the context of Tumblr, to.
And with that, we should be just about wrapping things up! Thanks for sticking with me through my inactivity, y’all! As a resolution, I’ve decided to really motivate myself to come on here more and give people the attention they deserve. I hope you all have a prosperous year moving on, and considering how absolutely 2016 was overall for most of us, it shouldn’t be too hard a record to beat.
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childcorpses-blog · 8 years
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OOC. I am so sorry for the disappearance, you guys. Things have gone a little hectic & college just started & Dipper doesn’t want to cooperate but I refuse to let this muse die. So while I get my life together, these are the people I owe replies to:
@iamdiffercnt​ (x2)
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