#dfjhdjh just bc I'm too lazy and jittery to sit down and write it all out somewhere else
indigodawns · 5 years
Eline omg can you tell us how it was / what happened in details? Do you have pics? So happy for you and a bit jealous tbh mfnfmf
hi!!! sorry for taking a while to get back to you but YES I CAN!! thank you, love, and djhfjhgjhfj valid
lemme put this under a read more to spare everyone else fmgnmgn
ok SO flore @flowerforaheart had won tickets for the listening party and asked me to come along. I’ve lived in Cardiff for the past few months so London is only 4ish hours away so obvs I said yes. also, neither of us really believed/thought louis would be there or that it wasn’t all a huge prank fgjhgjfhg. anyways, it was all quite Official and there were guards (and a lot of fans without tickets??? some of them had even flown in from different countries for this, w i l d) and our names were on a list and everything. 
it was at Wembley Stadium, so we were led up some stairs there to what I think was a VIP box or smth??? we had to hand over our phones and then there was food and drinks and cupcakes with the x-eyed smiley on it. there were seats in a row facing a small stage, so we took place there (and to our right we could see the arena, all of that was honestly almost cool enough already dfjhdf). a scottish guy hosted it and louis came in for a small q&a (we could send in questions, I don’t remember a lot of it, but I think it’s all stuff he’s said before! he did emphasise that he put Always You on the album bc he knew how much we’d hyped it up bc of that teaser back then. he was like “do I think it’s great? no. do I think it’s good? sure! but it’s definitely not one of the best, but I wanted to put it on there for you guys” dfjhdjfhjhf bless. he said he’d done the same with one of the songs that got a big reaction when he played it in madrid, he wasn’t originally gonna put it on the album (flore said it was defenceless?). he also repeated how it really is the fans who keep him going and how he knows it took a while to find his sound, but that he feels good about it now) 
and then he left when we were about to listen to the album (unlike SOME people who prefer looking people dead in the eye when they’re listening to his album huh mdfmdnfmfn). I really really enjoyed the album. lots of people were singing along bc of madrid and the singles and it was a bit odd at times (the atmosphere/situation I mean) but also v v good
then louis came back in and we applauded and cheered etc and we got to watch the video for walls (it was cute to see louis watch it too, people cheered and whistled esp at the scenes where he’s in a suit and he laughed dmfndmfn I’m glad he got that appreciation as well)
so then we were like oki! great!!! and THEN the guy was like “ok time for photos! pls queue!!” l i k e. I wasn’t prepared dfjhdjfh that’s how I’m justifying the everything about me in the pics (that haven’t been sent to us yet I think??). oh! and at the end of that all the host-guy (he’s known louis for 10ish years he said) was like “keep backing your boy, he’s a good/special one” or something like that, it was super touching honestly. he was clearly fond of him.
anyways, I was Terrified djfhjdfh and the queue moved FAST and he was in front of a screen-thingy, so when it was your turn you had to put your stuff to the side. so when flore and I were up (if you were in a pair you had to go together) (also I’m so glad we did djfhdjfh) I was like “HI!” and mumbled smth about dropping my stuff (which I did) (ik I’m SUCH a storyteller huh dfjdhfjhdfjhd I’m so sorry) and when I turned around he already had his arms open like :((( it was such a good, solid hug. he was wearing a knitted (?) black jumper and he was generally very soft. I forgot to breathe I think, but flore said he smells like smoke, if you are interested mnfmgn. I told him thank you for doing this, and that we don’t take it for granted and he was like “oh thank you for coming!!!” like SIR. OBVIOUSLY? and we got ready to take the pic and I just blurted out “also the album is fucking brilliant” (istg my english went to SHIT I used completely random vowels for all the words djfhjdfh Mortifying) and he laughed and said thank you. and that was it!!
after that we got to pick up our phones again and we all stood to the side to watch everyone else take pics and god, he was so fucking sweet and calm with everyone, he really took time to listen and joke around with everyone. some people were crying and he hugged them extra (we saw that happen before our turn) and he wrote stuff down for people or signed things. which. I WISH I’d thought of that/realised that was okay/had taken my time but hey. some people also made some conversation with him and he really listened, making eye contact and everything. oh, I think there was also a girl who was like hmmm I don’t think I’ll do a pic it’s okay!!! and he was like “are you sure??? come on, love” and so she did, it was super pure. 
and theeeen they did group pics, so we all got split up into slightly smaller groups and he’d sit in front (as you might’ve seen? v cute) (there is a pic with me in it and it’s super weird djfhdjfhdjh). he also thanked us all again, and we thanked him djhdfjdh and then that was it!!!
honestly, I’m so thankful and happy about all of it, it was an amazing experience and I still can’t quite believe it!! I also just had a really good time??? so yes, that was the full story, I think!! thank you again, and I really hope you get to meet him as well!
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