Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Shuu Ecstasy [Prologue]
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ー The scene starts in the guest room
Yui: How was it, Shuu-san?
Shuu: No luck. They’ve got Familiars keeping an eye on us everywhere.
On top of that, there’s Wolves wandering around outside. If we recklessly try and make a run for it, we’ll end up as their prey in no time.
Yui: ...I see.
( ーー Some time has passed since we were brought here to Banmaden. )
( Although we haven’t been restrained and were granted permission to walk around within the manor as we wish...As long as we’re put under strict supervision, this feels no different from house arrest. )
( On top of that... )
Shuu: I’d rather not spend too long at this place though...
Yui: ...
( I’m worried about Shuu-san’s behavior. He seems restless...That’s what it looks like to me. )
Shuu: ...
Yui: ( He’s often lost in thought like that as well... )
Shuu: ...Either way, we have to seize the opportunity. We’re getting out of here as soon as there’s an opening, so you should be prepared at all times as well.
Yui: Yes...
ー The scene shifts to the balcony
Shuu: ...
ー Yui walks up to him
Yui: Uhm...Shuu-san?
Shuu: ...You were awake? I thought you had long gone to bed.
Yui: Can I join you?
Shuu: Be my guest.
What? Can you not sleep without me?
Yui: ...Don’t try and change the subject.
Something happened between you and Carla-san on the day we arrived here, am I right?
Shuu: ...And what would this something be?
Yui: I don’t know that much but...Something which is weighing on your mind.
Up till now, I haven’t imposed myself on you because I figured it would be a bother. However, from here on out, I will ask.
I want us...to move past the stage of being just a play-pretend family.
Therefore, I will trouble you, and be as persistent as I want.
Even if you call me a bother...I want to be close to you. I want to be involved.
Shuu: Hah...You really have no trouble speaking such strong words like it’s nothing, huh?
...He told me he wants to bring ruin to the race of Vampires.
Yui: Eh...?
Shuu: That’s what those Founders said. That’s why they want to kill the Old Man, apparently. They also asked me to join forces with them.
Yui: Kill Karlheinz-san...!? Why would they...?
Shuu: Well...It’s a good opportunity. Might not be bad for you to know about this.
As the King, Karlheinz stands at the very top of our clan, with everyone else being on equal footing.
Of course, there’s minor differences. However, this does not change the fact that the King is the absolute ruler.
His figure is indispensable at all times. The Old Man has always been there to solve conflict and preserve the prosperity and peace within the clan.
Do you understand what that means? If the one in charge of keeping everyone together were to one day suddenly vanishーー 
Yui: ...The clan would fall apart?
Shuu: Exactly.
Yui: So that’s what Carla-san hopes to achieve by killing Karlheinz-san...
Shuu: Yeah. In other words, those brothers want to get rid of all Vampires at once, forever. 
Yui: A-Are things okay?
Shuu: They’re far from okay, but I doubt that will happen overnight.
If we consider they were willing to make that sorta deal with me, we can probably assume they haven’t found a definite way to kill the Old Man.
I doubt he’ll perish that easily either.
Yui: What did you tell them...When they asked you to work together with them?
You couldn’t have possibly agreed to...killing your own Father, right?
( They might not be on the best of terms, but they’re still family... )
( Besides, despite what he might say at times, I feel as if Shuu-san respects his Father in one way or another. )
( Therefore, he shouldn’t be able to kill him. )
Shuu: ...
Yui: Don’t tell me...You gave them an okay?
Shuu: No, I didn’t agree.
However, I’m not quite sure myself.
The Old Man doesn’t look at the world in small terms such as ‘family’ or ‘clan’.
The wellbeing of one’s clan, the happiness of one’s family...He has long distanced himself from such thoughts.
I’m pretty sure that the human concept of ‘happiness’ which you guys wish for so strongly, is something he deems unnecessary.
That’s exactly why he is the Vampire King...and being called a God.
I’m sure you can understand too? A God doesn’t bother with the masses.
I can only assume that the Old Man has his eyes set on something which lies way ahead.
Yui: Which lies way ahead...?
Shuu: I’m pretty sure he has a larger objective which we just can’t see.
To achieve his goal, he thinks of all living beings as pawns, using them to play his little games. As if he’s simply trying to kill some time.
Yui: ( Pawns... )
Shuu: I’m sure you’re one of his pawns too. Not even his own family is safe.
Yui: This larger objective...What is it?
Shuu: Who knows.
The things that go on inside the Old Man’s head far exceed our imagination. We can’t comprehend, even if we tried to.
In all my years of living, there hasn’t been a single instance where I felt like I could understand what he was thinking.
Yui: Do you...resent your Father? Is that why you’re hesitating...?
Shuu: No. I don’t particularly have those kinds of sentiments. Not right now, at the very least. However...
If you look at it from a limited perspective as a family or a clan, I do believe that his methods are wrong.
I came to understand this very well through our make-believe family.
I used to not care about that at all but...Right now, I do have an opinion on it.
The Old Man was a failure as a father, and unqualified as the King of our clan.
Yui: ...
Shuu: ...Just kidding. I doubt he would want to hear that from me.
Yui: Shuu-san.
Shuu: Don’t look so anxious.
I’m going for a stroll. I’ll be right back, so you stay here, okay?
ー Shuu leaves
Yui: ( ...Shuu-san... )
ー The scene shifts to the reception hall
Shin: ーー Hm. So he refused?
Even though we all know he loathes his Father deep down. I guess Vampires really are wimps after all.
Mertz: What will you do now, Carla-sama? I thought Sakamaki Shuu’s cooperation was absolutely vital to our plan?
Carla: Exactly. We must get him to act, to ensure we can drive Karlheinz to the wall.
Shin: That’s such a pain, so why don’t we just use that woman as our hostage?
Don’t you think he’ll obey if we threaten to kill her otherwise?
Carla: Naturally. However, that man is intelligent.
I am sure he understands that we can not hastily kill that woman.
Furthermore, if he is a true Vampire at heart, I cannot see him act over just a mere woman.
Mertz: ...Then, how about we take a bigger hostage?
Shin: What do you mean?
Mertz: A single woman is not enough. Therefore, we will keep the entire clan of Vampires hostage.
If his whole race is at stake...That man is sure to take action, no?
Shin: I see. However, Nii-san. To be honest, don’t you think it’d be a little difficult for our troops to target their base?
Carla: Then we can leave it to someone else. There is no need for us to do this ourselves.
Shin: Someone else?
Carla: Mertz. You know what to do, no?
Mertz: Yes, please leave it to me. I shall go attack Vibora’s territory.
A Vampire such as myself ーー Leading a large army of fellow Purebloods.
Carla: I am glad to hear you understand.
Shin: I see. So we’ll be using the Vibora as our pawns.
Are you sure though? They might not retaliate out of fear of Karlheinz?
Carla: That is where we shall use that man.
He is the son of the King after all. We should use him to our full advantage before we get rid of him.
ー The scene shifts to the guest room
Yui: Ah...
Yui: ( The chain of my Rosary snapped... )
( I snuck it with me, but I can’t hang it around my neck like this. )
( ...I don’t like how it broke at this exact time. )
( I hope nothing bad happens... )
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