Diabolik Lovers DARK FATE ー Subaru Heaven [02]
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ー The scene starts in the forest
Yui: ( Gosh...Where did Subaru-kun go? )
( Reiji-san is calling him... )
( He figured that if he isn’t inside the house, he’s probably in the forest, but... )
( I’m starting to doubt if he actually is? )
???: ...Oi, lay it off.
Yui: ( Hm...? I could have sworn I heard someone in the distance just now... )
( It might be Subaru-kun, so I’ll go take a look...! )
Subaru: Che...Oi, stop snuggin’ ‘gainst me.
Yui: ( Is that Subaru-kun over there with...a bunch of animals!? )
( There’s dogs, rabbits...and foxes as well!? They’re all flocking around him... )
Subaru: ...! You...Why are you here...!?
Yui: Because Reiji-san told me to come look for you...
Subaru: Che...Reiji, huh...?
Yui: Um...So, what are you doing over here...?
( He appears to be playing with the animals... )
Subaru: No specific reason...I was just takin’ a nap and when I woke up, these guys had me surrounded.
They come right back every time I chase them away.
I was havin’ a hard time.
Yui: I think that shows they’re fond of you?
Subaru: Hmph. Bein’ liked by animals is just a pain in the ass though.
Yui: You think so...? I feel like it’s something not everyone can say.
Subaru: ...How ‘bout you?
Yui: Eh? Me?
( Is he asking whether I’m good with animals? )
Hmー I’m not sure. I do like animals myself, but I don’t know if that feeling is mutual...
Subaru: Hmph, I see.
...Aah, speakin’ of which, Reiji’s lookin’ for me, right?
I’d rather not bother but guess I’ll go...I hate it when he gets on my case afterwards too.
Subaru: Ah...Oi! Don’t pull my clothes!
Yui: ( Woah...The dog latched onto his clothes... )
He probably doesn’t want you to go?
Subaru: Haah!? You’re kiddin’, right!?
Oi...Cut it out, I said!
Yui: ( I don’t know why but, today he seems kind of... )
Subaru: You! Whatcha laughin’ for!? Don’t just stand there watchin’ and help me out already!
Yui: ( That’s easier said than done... )
( He has the dog still latched onto his clothes and rabbits rubbing up against his feet... )
( I can’t just move those out of the way... )
Seems like none of these guys want you to go so...Why not stay here a little longer?
Subaru: Aah!? You’re tellin’ me to stay like this!?
Yui: Y-Yeah...Ah! I’ll go tell Reiji-san.
That you’re going to be occupied for a little longer.
ー Yui starts to walk away
Subaru: Oi, wait!
Yui: Eh?
Subaru: ...Don’t go. You stay here too.
Yui: Um...Can I join you as well?
( I hope the animals won’t protest... )
Subaru: I don’t know how they feel but if I tell you to come, you get your ass over here.
Yui: Then...I’ll take this spot next to you, okay?
*Rustle rustle*
Yui: Wah! They came to me as well!
How cute...!
( They’re super soft! )
Subaru: ...Che.
Yui: ( I never thought I’d get to interact with animals like this one day. )
Hey, Subaru-kun! Animals just really have something soothing about them, don’t you think?
Subaru: ...Che, fuck...!
Yui: Eh? ...Subaru-kun...?
Subaru: I thought you came here lookin’ for me?
Yui: Eh? ...I did, yeah...
Subaru: Then how long are you gonna be playin’ with those darn fluff balls!?
Yui: Fluff balls...?
Subaru: I don’t care if it’s an animal or whatever, I should be the only one you’re interested in...Right?
Yui: Eh?
Subaru: You know! I’m tryin’ to tell you to stop givin’ attention to other things...!
Yui: Eh...!? Y-You’re being quite reasonable now...
Subaru: In that case...I’ll make it so you can’t think if anythin’ or anyone but me...!
ー He pins her down
Yui: ...!?
Subaru: ...Nn...Nnh...
Yui: ...Nn...!?
( He’s kissing me...!? )
Subaru: ...Haah...Hmph, now you’re focused on me, no?
If that didn’t do the trick, I don’t mind continuing? Hehe...
Yui: ...Geez...Subaru-kun...
( No need to worry, I’ve always only had eyes for you... )
<- [ Heaven 01 ] [ Heaven 03 ] ->
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