icharchivist · 8 months
oh shit wait, dgm250 reactions up
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-this is such a cool design from the mind of the problem twins i love it
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-I've been saying for YEARS that i didn't believe Allen to be the heart, even when Apo started to obsess with him and everyone started saying he had to be the heart to justify why Apo was after him so bad. Tyki you and i share the same mind. thank you so much for putting it into words i'm going to start yelling. wanna hear my heart theory ag--
Though for equivalency sake i do have to mention that if Allen was the heart, i think Apocryphos would see Tyki say Allen couldn't be the heart and actually roll with it to protect the heart. so i don't think the fact Apo "confirms" Allen isn't the heart actually confirms anything, since on the contrary it's giving him an opportunity to protect the heart by agreeing.
I still think Allen isn't the heart, but Apocryphos's confirmation isn't actually one until we know for sure.
-"You're also obsessed with My Allen" "he's not Your Allen" TELL HIM TYKI, BUT ALSO WTF APO GET THE FUCK AWAY. CREEP.
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-So it's attachement that provoked it? bc ngl i kept expecting Joyd took this face out of spite. but does it mean Joyd and Nea used to be close??? Oh the mystery thickens.
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-this reaction is so fun lmao
-you're trying to hide something Wisely. I feel that.
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-So Allen not the heart, Tyki wonders why he's so obsessed with him....
but if Joyd and Nea used to be close, wouldn't it make sense of Joyd used to know Past!Allen? So Tyki could have become obsessed with Allen due to vague memories of the past?
and besides of Past!Allen was actually the ex Bookman Apprentice it would also explain why Tyki has been challenging Lavi in particular during fights. NO i'm not letting my ten years old theory dies i have a point i swear (have no point)
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-So Wisely is to blame for it??? Makes sense then that the innocence was the thing that more or less broke the lock on Tyki when Allen poisoned him. BUT THEY'RE REMOVING THE LOCK? HELLO???
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-oh my god Kanda ALREADY reached Mana's grave?!
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tho seeing baby Allen near Mana's corpse like this is destroying me.
Also add "their loved ones who became akuma are associated to flowers who found their ways down in the mud" to the similitude between Kanda and Allen.
Also never has grave robbing looked this pretty.
God this is gorgeous and stunning.
Final thoughts:
the chapter was so good wtf.
Beautiful art as always, some interesting things regarding the lore. Heart Theory is back on track, we have progress with the Noa memory and how Joyd apparently was affectionate to Nea?? god does Joyd know past!Allen is now the question....
But yeah more questions than not and more recentering some old theories back in topic.
i'm looking forward to see where it's going. dgm amazing as always, incredible chapter.
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