#diabetic nephropathy treatment in California
kidneyspecialists · 2 years
Finding a Nephrology Specialist
We specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases.
Our Services:
✅Chronic Kidney Disease
✅Renal Transplant
✅Hypertension Management
✅Other Conditions We Treat
Contact us:
SAN DIMAS OFFICE: (909) 542-2777
PASADENA OFFICE: (626)-357-9805
COVINA OFFICE: (626) 332-2777
UPLAND OFFICE: (909) 542-2779
Visit us: https://californiakidneyspecialists.com/
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ournursemikestuff · 5 years
Metabolic Activation Therapy
I have worked with diabetics as a nurse for over thirty years.
First in Family Practice, then the endocrine clinic at the University of California at Davis, and ending up at the Aoki Diabetes Research Institute.
 I've seen first hand the devastation Diabetes can cause in a person's life.
It's very disheartening when you know patients who have done everything asked of them, have A1C's in the acceptable range, and they still develop the complications of diabetes.
 In 1989 I started working with Dr Aoki at the Aoki diabetes Research institute.
He had developed a new treatment for Diabetics, (Hepatic Activation). Now Known as (Metabolic Activation Therapy®)
I have to admit, I was A bit skeptical at first. This concept of giving Diabetic
Patients I.V. insulin in a pulsatile fashion and then giving them large quantities of oral Glucose was so foreign to everything I was taught.
 After administering the treatment for about six months I became very aware we were doing something special,
It starts out with patients just having a feeling of well being then they notice more energy. Patients in early stages of Nephropathy, spilling large amounts of protein in their urine. Started to show real improvement in their Kidney function, to the point 24hr urine's coming back in the normal range for protein
We also discovered that we were able to reduce Hypertension meds in patients who were hypertensive as well as increase insulin sensitivity.
 Patients with back-round Diabetic retinopathy and proliferative retinopathy,
Were reporting back to us that their Ophthalmologist gave them good news.
Asking them what they were doing differently because in  most cases of back-round
Retinopathy either ceased to exist or had improved significantly.
The Patients with proliferative retinopathy that had already been receiving laser treatments on a regular basis and losing vision, were happy to report that they weren’t requiring laser treatments, anymore. Visits to their Ophthalmologist were reduced from every 3 month to every 6 months. You can only imagine there elation.
 All the patients we were treating had some form of neuropathy.
This complication in its many forms can be quite Debilitating.
Patients with peripheral neuropathy regained feeling in their lower extremities.
Those with painful peripheral neuropathy some in such agony that they were almost housebound, reported a decrease in pain to manageable levels
Patients with Autonomic Neuropathy, whether in the form of Hypoglycemia unawareness,
whether in the form, unable to drive for fear of suddenly passing out from Hypoglycemia. Gastroparesis causing real problems with slow digestion and stomach up-set to the point of vomiting after meals. Ingested food
just setting in the gut and causing hypoglycemia.
Orthostatic hypotension causing patients to pass out every time they stand
Again leaving them housebound...
When patients have these issues going on they basically have no quality of life.
The point I want to make here is that after receiving Metabolic Activation all of these neuropathy complications are improved to a manageable level. All of these patients who were on disability are now back to driving, working and leading a more productive life.
 One patient with diabetic cardiomyopathy, Improved to the point of being taken off the heart transplant list and being able to walk five miles a day.
 Every Diabetic Complication is improved with MAT. There are no exceptions.
This could forever change the ugly face of Diabetes with improved quality of life
for diabetics and lower health care cost, that put such a strain on our health care system.
 Michael Bradley
Nurse clinic Manager
Aoki Diabetes Research Institute
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vigorvitality · 7 years
Type II Diabetes Breakthrough
New Amazing Diabetes Breakthrough to Help Cure Type II Diabetes Diabetes is a serious medical condition that affects millions of Americans. Over 29 million Americans suffer from diabetes, that is one of every 11 people. One in four people who have diabetes don’t even know it, and a whopping 86 million people are prediabetic. It is a silent killer and if left untreated can cause serious health complications which include heart disease, stroke, blindness, kidney failure, and even death. As you can see diabetes is no joke. The good news is Type II diabetes can be controlled. I have found a new program which helps diabetics achieve their blood sugar goals without drugs. I had to write about it so that you and your loved ones can discover this revolutionary program for yourselves. Before we talk about the program, let’s go over the basics so you understand what diabetes is and what it does to your body. What is Type II Diabetes? Your body needs the hormone insulin to turn the sugar you eat into energy your body can use. Your pancreas produces insulin in your body to turn the sugar you eat into energy for your cells to use. People with Type I diabetes do not produce insulin, or don’t produce enough insulin to metabolize sugar. People with Type II diabetes produce insulin, but their bodies can’t use it. This is called insulin resistance. Your pancreas tries to compensate by producing extra insulin, but over time it can’t keep up with the demands and produce enough to keep your blood sugar levels normal. As your blood sugar rises (hypoglycemia) you may experience these symptoms: Frequent urination Increased thirst Increased hunger even after you eat Unexplained weight loss Fatigue Headaches Blurred vision Slow healing cuts or sores Frequent yeast infections Sweet smelling breath Loss of consciousness These are just a few of the symptoms of Type II diabetes. Diabetes manifests over time and you may experience symptoms and not even realize why which is one reason it is such a serious medical condition. How Type II Diabetes Puts Your Body at Risk Type II diabetes puts you at risk for several health complications. Kidney Damage Your kidneys are very susceptible to damage from diabetes. Your kidneys filter your blood and remove waste and impurities. If you have elevated protein levels in your urine, this could be a sign your kidneys are not working properly. This is known as diabetic nephropathy. Approximately 180,000 people with Type II diabetes suffer from some stage of kidney damage. Diabetes damages the small structures which filter waste called nephrons. Our kidneys have millions of nephrons. Diabetes can damage and scar these nephrons causing a protein called albumin to enter your urine. Your doctor measures the level of albumin in your urine to gauge how well your kidneys are working. Kidney damage comes on slowly and usually does not present symptoms until it has progressed to Stage 3 or Stage 4. If detected and treated early, the disease can be stopped or even reversed. Circulatory System Damage Diabetes puts you at greater risk for high blood pressure. This puts a strain on your heart. High blood sugar levels may lead to the formation of fatty deposits in your blood vessel walls. Over time this can restrict blood flow and lead to a hardening of the blood vessels, atherosclerosis. According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, diabetes also doubles your risk for a heart attack and stroke. System Wide Damage An increased risk for kidney and circulatory damage are only two complications which can arise from diabetes. Some of the other risks include erectile dysfunction, skin conditions, nerve damage, and peripheral neuropathy. Peripheral neuropathy can affect your hands and your feet. It is a painful tingling sensation caused by nerve damage. Here’s the Good News Okay, enough doom and gloom. I am here to tell you about a revolutionary program that will reverse and control the effects of diabetes all without medications or insulin injections. A program which is all natural and has been proven to give many people relief from the complications and restrictions of Type II diabetes. Now, be clear this is for Type II diabetes, not Type I. Type I diabetics are insulin dependent and should NOT stop taking their insulin. That being said, if you have Type II diabetes or know of someone who does, I’m here to review and share information about a proven method of controlling blood sugar levels and keeping them at a healthy level. Several of my friends have used this program to control their blood sugar levels and live healthy vibrant lives. The Root Cause of Diabetes Type II Recently the researchers at the University of California San Diego made a shocking discovery. They discovered that an inflammation molecule known as LTB4 was responsible for insulin resistance, the hallmark of Type II diabetes. Inflammation is the root cause of Type II diabetes. This is why insulin and oral medications can’t cure or reverse the effects of diabetes. They don’t treat the root cause. Drugs and medications only treat the symptoms, not the cause. Only by treating inflammation can you counteract the effects of Type II diabetes and gain control over your blood sugar levels. The Answer I was shocked at how simple the answer truly is. In the book, The 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie, Max Sidorov and a group of medical doctors lead you through the steps you need to reduce inflammation in your body and be on the road to relief. No drugs, no weird foods, no stressful exercise regiments, just cold hard facts you can use. This book is easy to read and understand and it presents information anyone can use to improve their health and get off the pharmaceutical merry go round. I don’t want to sound like a commercial, that is not my intention. It’s just I’m so excited by this program I get a bit carried away. The difference I’ve seen in people’s lives is just amazing and I want you to experience this change, too.  Find Foods in the Grocery Store to Reduce Inflammation By eating regular foods found in any corner grocer, you can reduce inflammation and be on your way to controlling Type II diabetes. The 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie shows you which foods and the correct portions are effective in combating diabetes. You will lower your cholesterol, blood sugar, blood pressure, and reduce inflammation in your body. You will learn nutrition tricks used by a Norwegian doctor to help his patients come completely off insulin and oral medications. The diet outlined in this book has been proven to be twice as effective as the diet recommended for diabetics by the American Diabetes Association. Real Results Using the step by step solution shared in this book 96 percent of patients ended their need for insulin medication in a study by University of Kentucky and the Veterans Affairs Medical Center. Safely lower your cholesterol by 25 to 39 percent without the use of prescription drugs. See why you are always hungry and the simple step to do away with your food cravings. Learn how high fructose corn syrup is ruining your health and why you need to cut it out of your diet for good. Learn how pharmaceutical companies skew research results in order to sell more prescriptions. For example, using young people and then selling to older patients. Did you know margarine really isn’t a healthy alternative to butter? Margarine is full of carcinogenic synthetic ingredients. A popular sweetener commonly used in processed foods promotes inflammation in your body and contributes to non-alcoholic fatty liver disease. Also learn how diet sodas and other diet products cause weight gain and blood sugar spikes, and how meal replacement and protein bars are not a healthy choice. Find out what spice you probably already have in your cupboard can increase sugar metabolism by an amazing 20-fold. Real People Tell Their Story All this and more is shared in The 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie. Seriously, you need to get this book. Don’t take my word for it, here are some testimonies from real people who have used this book to reverse Type II diabetes and its effects on the body. I am a type  2 diabetic, who also has high cholesterol. I have tried several medications  (for both my diabetes and my high cholesterol) but just hated the side effects.  I found this site while searching for alternative treatments. After changing my lifestyle quite a bit and  doing everything in the book for nearly 3 months, I had my annual checkup. I  did not say a word to my doctor about what I had been taking. When the lab  results came back, he personally called me and I could tell that was obviously  very excited. He asked me What the heck I had been doing because my  glucose reading had gone down 32 points and my cholesterol profile had  significantly improved as well.  You've  made a believer out of me and my doctor. Thank you so much!  I am a 45 year old woman and was recently diagnosed as being a borderline diabetic. I knew something was wrong because, I have always been healthy my whole life, but of late began feeling exhausted all the time. My doctor prescribed some medication, but before filling it I decided to do some research on the internet which led me to the 7 Steps to Health. After reading your ebook and applying the methods, my skepticism turned to 100% belief. I noticed that my energy levels increased significantly and I felt more rested in the morning, my symptoms started going away and I was even losing weight. I am very happy to tell you that I have been feeling better than I have felt in years and my doctor informed me that he will be taking me off my prescriptions if I keep this up. This book is a godsend.    -Sherry  I have totally changed my eating habits as outlined in the 7 Steps to Health and am totally amazed at the results I have gotten, in such a short period of time. My blood sugar has averaged 103 over the past two weeks compared to the 160 I was averaging before. This is far better than I was expecting, particularly so soon.  As you can imagine, I am delighted. - Alice  I have been doing the 7 Steps to Health for 3 weeks now, and have noticed a significant improvement. I feel better than I have in years. My average glucose readings have gone from 12.5 - 16 mmol/L to 6 - 8.5 mmol/L. Obviously, I am quite pleased with the results so far. I have tried several other products advertised on the internet but they did not work like this, not even close. Thanks for showing us the path Max! – Donna  I've been Diabetic for nearly a decade. My doctors prescribed me on Glucophage which I was taking 3 times a day to keep me between 140 and 175 points all day. After starting with 7 Steps to Health, I noticed that I was able to reduce the Glucophage to just 2 times a day and keep my sugar stabilized below 140 all day. By the end of   my first month of all these nutrition interventions, I was able to reduce the Glucophage to 1 time per day and stay stable at 109-115. My doctor is happy. I've been following the 7 Steps to Health for 6 months now and I am stable around 90! My doctor was so impressed that he took me off the Glucophage completely. Thank you so much! Everyone should know about this wonderful ebook! God Bless. – Gary The Bottom Line If you are ready to get off the pharmaceutical bandwagon and control your Type II diabetes without insulin or prescription drugs you have to order The 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie ebook. I highly recommend it. What I like most about the program is you can change your life by eating foods you find in the grocery store and using certain spices and supplements. What could be easier? Are you ready to take control of your diabetes and live a full healthy life? I know you are, and The 7 Steps to Health and the Big Diabetes Lie is your key to success. So if you want your life back and cure your diabetes click here. http://exerciseandhealth.net/type-ii-diabetes-breakthrough/
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kidneyspecialists · 2 years
Finding a Nephrology Specialist Near Me
We specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases.
Our Services:
✅Chronic Kidney Disease
✅Renal Transplant
✅Hypertension Management
✅Other Conditions We Treat
Contact us:
SAN DIMAS OFFICE: (909) 542-2777
PASADENA OFFICE: (626)-357-9805
COVINA OFFICE: (626) 332-2777
UPLAND OFFICE: (909) 542-2779
Visit us: https://californiakidneyspecialists.com/
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kidneyspecialists · 2 years
California Kidney Specialists | Best Nephrologist in California
Life-saving Kidney Transplants for everyone who needs them.
Call us today for more information on Nephrologist transplants.
At California Kidney Specialists, We provide expert Renal Transplant Services.
Contact Now:
SAN DIMAS OFFICE: (909) 542-2777
PASADENA OFFICE: (626)-357-9805
COVINA OFFICE: (626) 332-2777
UPLAND OFFICE: (909) 542-2779
Visit us: California Kidney Specialists | Best Nephrologist in California (http://californiakidneyspecialists.com/)
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kidneyspecialists · 2 years
Finding a Kidney Specialist
We specialize in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases.
Our Services:
✅Chronic Kidney Disease
✅Renal Transplant
✅Hypertension Management
✅Other Conditions We Treat
Contact us:
SAN DIMAS OFFICE: (909) 542-2777
PASADENA OFFICE: (626)-357-9805
COVINA OFFICE: (626) 332-2777
UPLAND OFFICE: (909) 542-2779
Visit us: californiakidneyspecia#nephrology
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