#diabolik lovers transaltion
Diabolik Lovers BLOODY BOUQUET Vol.8 Mukami Yuma [Track 1]
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Original title: 代わりの印
Source: Diabolik Lovers Bloody Bouquet Vol. 8 Mukami Yuma [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Tatsuhisa Suzuki
Translator’s note: Make sure to listen to this when you’re almost because things get pretty HOT AND STEAMY over here phew~ I swear Yuma’s voice does things to me. > // < I struggled a lot to translate his speech at first but now that I’m used to it, he’s honestly one of my favorite boys to translate content of because I feel like I can be a little more playful with his dialogue.
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5
Track 1: An Alternative Mark
The two of you return home.
“...Aahー The place was crawlin’ with people, I’m hella beat. There we go...”
He puts down the bags.
“Oi. Which ones need to be put in the fridge?”
He starts looking through bags as you point out the items.
*Rustle rustle*
“Hm...? Chocolate, jelly...The fuck? It’s just a bunch of sweets! Didn’t I tell ya to put these back? Guess we’ll be good in terms of candy until next month. ...Wait, oi! Are ya even listenin’!?”
You turn your head. 
“Haah...You’re still upset? What so bad ‘bout kissin’ in public? For one, I apologized so fix yer damn mood already.”
You protest.
“Ya really gonna get all flustered when our lips barely even touched? ...It’s not like I went for the lips either. ...Or are you beggin’ for it, perhaps? Guess ya leave me with no other choice. Nn...”
“Hehehe...Oh come on, stop gettin’ yer panties in a knot. I felt like it so can ya really blame me? ...Besides, aren’t ya actually happy? To have me do with ya as I please? Come on, tell me where ya want it. You want them, don’t ya? My fangs. Right here. ...Or would ya rather go to the bed?”
You start fighting back.
*Rustle rustle*
“...Uwah! Don’t throw a fuss, geez! ...I know! Guess I’ll put away the groceries first then...Come on. Ya better help out as well.”
*Rustle rustle*
“...Aah? The fuck’s this? It’s just a bunch of seasonings. Also, chicken and...eggs? Ah! Ya even managed to sneak in a pot behind my back! No wonder this bag was so heavy!”
You explain.
“Aah...!? It broke? Really? Ahー! So that’s why ya haven’t been makin’ any one pot dishes as of late! In that case, let’s make a stew tonight! I’ll get the ingredients we need from my garden. Hehe...Why don’t you go ahead and take a bath? I bet you’re tired from walkin’ ‘round all day? Then, we can continue where we left off after dinner. Ya better don’t run, ‘kay?”
Yuma walks away.
You turn off the water and get out of the bath as Yuma enters the room.
“...Phew. Hm? Oh. You’re out of the bath?”
You shriek and quickly try to cover up.
“The fuck’s that reaction? There’s really nothin’ to still be embarrassed ‘bout by this point.”
You ask why he’s here.
“Ah? I just came to wash my hands, that’s all. ...Anyway, why don’t ya start puttin’ on yer clothes instead of just standin’ there nailed to the floor? ...Also, it kind of bothers me how you’re just starin’ at me.”
You explain.
“Haah...? Why does it matter whether I’m here or not. Hurry up and get changed. Or maybe...”
“Ya want me to do it? ...If that is what ya were hopin’ for, I don’t mind grantin’ said wish?”
Your cheeks flush bright red.
“Come on, move yer hands. I can’t remove the towel when you’re holdin’ onto it that strongly, right?”
You tell him to stop. 
“Too late. I’m not stoppin’ now.”
“That bein’ said...Your skin really looks delicious per usual. On top of that, it’s covered in my bite marks. ...It really gets me goin’.”
Yuma takes in your scent.
“Ahー Come to think of it. Ya really were the centre of attention at the supermarket earlier.”
You frown, tilting your head to the side. 
“They were all lookin’ at these marks, no? ...Didn’t you notice?”
You blame Yuma.
“Aah? Not my fault. I just couldn’t stop myself yesterday. Besides, ya were havin’ a hell of a good time as well, weren’t ya? Screamin’ on top of yer lungs and all...Nn...”
“...Heh. Don’t be reactin’ already. Hehehe...Do ya want me? Huh?”
You shake your head.
“...Ya really aren’t honest with yerself. ‘Kay then. I won’t bite ya today. ...But instead...Nn...”
“Don’t chicken out. I can’t kiss ya like this. Come on, part yer lips a little more. Or do ya want me to pry them open instead, ah?”
You slowly part your lips. 
“Hehe...Great job. Mm...Ya really are my very own exclusive Sow...”
“Haah...I won’t be able to stop at this rate. ...Imma mark you in a different way than with my fangs. Mmh...”
Yuma leaves a hickey on you.
“...Phew~ It left a bright red mark. ...This side’s up next then. Nn...”
You protest.
“...Nnhー! Don’t move! I can’t mark ya like this...Nn...”
“...Actually, this is kinda rough. There’s this high quality blood right in front of me, but I have to abstain.”
Yuma takes a deep breath.
“Haah...It’s the scent of delicious blood.”
You flinch.
“Hm? Just feelin’ my breath on yer skin’s enough to get a reaction out of ya? You’re way too sensitive.”
You protest.
“What? Why do ya look dissatisfied? I’m over here tryin’ my best to hold back ‘cause ya said ya didn’ want to get bitten, remember? If that’s makin’ ya unhappy...Hehe, I guess ya really do want to be pleasured by my fangs.”
You deny it.
“No point in tryin’ to cover it up. Don’t ya think it’s ‘bout time ya realize that yer body speaks louder than a thousand words? Haah...When ya make that kinda expression, I seriously end up cravin’ yer blood. I start yearnin’ for ya. ...From this arm, for example.”
Yuma suddenly bites you. 
“...Haah! Haah...I can’t get enough...It really tastes extra special after endurin’ it for a bit...Relax. Otherwise it’ll hurt, right?”
*Rustle rustle*
“...You’re shaky in yer step. Ya must really like my fangs. Hehe. If ya want more, then stand properly on yer legs.”
You get back up.
“...What do ya want me to do, huh?”
You beg for his fangs. 
“Hehe...You’ve just been dyin’ for this, haven’t ya? ...Yer honest side honestly drives me crazy.”
“I’ll suck from yer lower back next as well. Nn...Lemme hear more of those sweet cries, ‘kay?”
Yuma bites you again.
“...!? The fuck!? We’re just at the good part too!”
You try and walk towards the door but he stops you.
“...Hey, wait. Ya don’t need to go.”
You insist.
“Che...Didn’t ya hear me when I said ya don’t need to go just now? Imma hurt yーー”
*Ding・dongー Ding・dong*
“(mutters) ...Can this person read the mood, for fuck’s sake...”
You tell him it might be urgent. 
“Shut up! Just stay here. ...Heh. Actually, were ya gonna answer the door lookin’ like that?”
You look down at yourself and grow embarrassed. 
“Hehe...You’re covered in both hickeys and bite marks, ya know? Well, if ya wanna go that badly, be my guest then. I’m not stoppin’ ya. That’s a fittin’ look for a Sow after all.”
You shake your head.
“Hehehe. Figured so~ ...In that case, ya can’t show yerself in public.”
Yuma pulls you close.
“ー With that bein’ said, let’s continue. I’m not lettin’ ya off the hook just yet. Hehe~ Let’s see...I’ll bite ya here next.”
He bites you again.
“I figured it was ‘bout time I marked this disobedient Sow again to remind her of who she belongs to. Haha...Puttin’ these where ya can see them really is the way to go. Gotta show everyone that you’re mine, no? Haahn...”
“...Hah! Haah...Look at that dreamy look in yer eyes...Ya really like this spot best, don’t ya? ...Fine by me. I’ll do it more then. I’ll thrust them in nice and deep...”
“So cry out for me sweetly, ‘kay? Also...Show me all of your shameful expressions. Entice me more.”
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DIABOLIK LOVERS Do-S Kyuuketsu VERSUS Ⅱ Vol.6 Yuma VS Azusa [TRACK 6]
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Original title: 兄と弟
Source: Diabolik Lovers VERSUS II Vol. 6 Yuma VS Azusa [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here
Seiyuu: Tatsuhisa Suzuki & Kishio Daisuke
Translator’s note: A short yet incredibly sweet and heartwarming track to end it. I absolutely adore the relationship between Yuma & Azusa. Nothing cuter in this world than Azusa calling him ‘Nii-san’. <3 I’d love to have Azusa as my younger brother as well, to be honest. Just keep all the knives away from him or things could get dangerous.
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 ll Track 6
Track 6: Older and Younger Brother
*Cling cling*
You collapse.
Yuma: ...Woah there.
Azusa: Eve...?
Yuma: Seems like we had a lil’ too much. 
Yuma: Oi. Don’t space out now, ‘kay?
Azusa: I’m your...younger brother after all.
Yuma: Ahn? What didya say just now?
Azusa: So it’s not...all that odd for you to order me around...You said we’re all equal earlier but I’m...your little brother.
Yuma: And here I thought what kind of nonsense you’d spout next...Heh. Don’t be catchin’ me off guard by actually saying something sensical for once. It gave me a scare.
Azusa: But...It’s the truth.
Yuma: Yeah...You’re right. We’re siblings after all. We’re not blood-related, of course.
Azusa: I don’t like having to fight with you...I’m sure Eve...feels the same way, right? Don’t you?
You nod.
Yuma: Rest assured. That isn’t my intention in the slightest. Besides, in the end...the choice is up to her, no?
Yuma: Right...? Nn...
Azusa cluthes his chest.
Azusa: Mmh...My chest this aches...There’s still this unfamiliar pain lingering...
Yuma: Heh. Don’t ya think that’s fine? ...Might be kinda odd comin’ from a Vampire, but I’m pretty sure that anyone whose alive is confronted with unknown pain at one point or another. We all pretend not to notice, but I’m sure we’re just trying to get used to it. Right? ...Aren’t ya the same?
Azusa: Is that so...?
You whimper in response.
Yuma: Ahー I’m here preachin’ some good shit, but seems like she’s totally out of it right now. ...Come on, let’s leave this creepy place already and head back.
Azusa: Mmh...
Yuma throws you over his shoulder.
Yuma: Heave-hoh...
Yuma: Gotta get rid of these handcuffs as well...
Azusa: Shall I do it? ...Okay?
Yuma: Eh!? You...? Actually, I can picture you cuttin’ some other place while tryin’ to remove the cuffs so don’t even think about it.
Azusa: I wouldn’t...do that...
Yuma: I wonder...
Azusa: More importantly, we better make haste...
Yuma: That guy’s more impatient than you’d assume after all...Oh well, whatever. I’ll somehow talk our way out of it.
Azusa: You will...?
Yuma: Not somethin’ ya hear every day, huh? Well, I might be affected by the lunar eclipse too. ...Well, I am yer big bro after all.
Azusa: Yeah...
Yuma: ...Whatcha mean, ‘yeah’? 
Azusa: You are my...dear older brother.
Yuma: ...!! W-Whatcha gettin’ all serious for? You’re gonna make flustered!
Azusa: But...It’s the truth...no? Nii-san...
Yuma: ーー Like I said, cut it out, geez...!
ーー THE END ーー
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Diabolik Lovers GRAND EDITION for Switch ;; Haunted Dark Bridal - Shuu Heaven [Epilogue]
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ー The scene starts in the Church
Yui: ...Phew.
( It’s been quite some time...Since I last came here. )
( I’ve been skipping out on cleaning, so dust has piled up all over the place... )
But...This is the last time I will set foot inside of here...
Yui: God, I’ve come to part with you today.
I’m a sinful woman. I’ve given in to the sin of lust and sloth.
Furthermore...I don’t regret it in the slightest.
I’ve...fallen. Right now, I belong to Shuu...
I won’t beg for your mercy. If you wish to send me to hell, please be my guest.
Even if this body were to burnt by the flames...I do not mind.
ー She pulls out her rosary
Yui: I’m returing to you...The proof of my faith.
The only thing I need is...
ー Shuu suddenly appears
Shuu: ...Me?
ー He hugs her from behind
Yui: Shuu...! Were you listening?
Shuu: Yeah. I just so happened to hear you recite your confession.
That being said...Churches give me the creeps per usual.
Even when it’s all dirty and dusty like this, the atmosphere in the air remains lofty.
Honestly...It’s bullshit.
Yui: Right now, I feel as if I can understand where you’re coming from.
It’s strange, isn’t it? Even though I’ve abandoned my faith, I don’t feel any heartache. ...Because you’re here with me...
Shuu: ...Hahaha. If your Father were to hear that, he might just pass out from the shock.
Yui: I don’t care. ...I doubt we’ll ever see each other again anyway.
Shuu: I see. ...I don’t feel a shred of regret from your words. So you’ve really tossed away your faith and everything else, huh?
Yui: Yeah...You’re right.
Shuu: For sure, being the mistress of a Vampire fits you ten times better than being God’s little lamb.
That’s the one fate for a woman who can make such an ecstatic expression while getting her blood sucked. Yui, you shall live by my side.
I can give you the ultimate pleasure, something a vague, uncertain existence such as God would never be able to give you.
Yui: ...Yes.
Farewell. I’ll...walk alongside Shuu.
Shuu: ...Come here.
Yui: ...Mmh.
ー She steps closer
Shuu: ...Your hand.
Yui: Shuu...?
Shuu: Even after tossing aside your pure body and heart, your hands remain fair...They’re beautiful...
Shuu: ...Me neither, I don’t wish for anything else but you.
Yui: Yeah...We can no longer be separated...
Shuu: Yeah. ...I won’t allow anyone to get in our way.
...If they try to get in between us, let’s drown them in a pool of blood.
Yui: Shuu...What’s wrong?
Shuu: ...For me to think about the ‘future’ like this...
Hahaha...Ever since making a promise to play with him, I figured I’d never do that again...
Yui: Him...? ...You mean the friend you’ve mentioned before?
Shuu: Yeah. I promised him to play in the forest again. ...However, he died without being able to fulfill said promise.
I thought I’d never think about the future again...
The more you got involved with me, the more you seemed to change but...In fact, the one who was able to change might have been me instead.
Yui: You were...able to change because of me?
Shuu: Yeah...Exactly.
ー He embraces her
Shuu: I don’t want to let go of this warmth. I want to breathe in the scent of your blood forever. Those who try and get in the way...Shall not be forgiven.
These are feelings I shouldn’t be able to feel. On that day...My heart should have died alongside him...
You’ve pulled it back from the very depths of hell, it seems. ...I’ll have you take responsibility for that, Yui.
Yui: ( I didn’t know Shuu looked at it that way... )
Shuu: What?
Yui: Knowing that’s how you feel about everything...Makes me happy beyond belief!
I love you more than anything...
Shuu: Love...
Yui: Yes. ...This feeling isn’t mercy or pity...
I love only you. Everything else can just die or crumble apart for all I care...
If this feeling is what pushed you to change...Then I can say I abandoned God with pride.
Shuu: ...Love for one person only, huh?
Yui: ...Yes. So very selfish and deep...
Shuu...I’ll make a vow. Even if my body were to rot away and only my soul remains, I’ll remain by your side.
...I’ll love only you.
Shuu: ...Yeah, me too.
Even if everything else in this whole world were to fall into ruin, as long as we are together.
You’re all I need... (1)
Translation notes
(1) In true Japanese fashion, his sentence actually cuts off and the scene ends before we get to hear the whole thing. He says 俺が...お前を... or ‘ore ga...omae wo...’ which means ‘I...you...’ but since the verb is missing, it’s kind of difficult to make a decent sentence so I used my artistic liberty here to fill in the gaps.
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Diabolik Lovers BLOODY BOUQUET Vol. 9 Sakamaki Kanato [Track 3]
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Original title: 確かなもの
Source: Diabolik Lovers Bloody Bouquet Vol. 9 Sakamaki Kanato [CD not owned by me]
Audio: Here (29:53 ~ 39:00)
Seiyuu: Kaji Yuki
Translator’s note: Lot of delicious ~~ FEELS ~~ in this track. I like how the MC isn’t an ignorant idiot, but actually found out about the curse herself. I can’t believe Kanato was actually going to keep it a secret from her, but you never know with this boy. I did feel kind of bad of him near the end of the track though. He clearly does not want her to die, but he just can’t comprehend his own feelings very well.
This track was requested by an anonymous user! If you would like to request a translation, please contact me through IMs or drop an ask!
Track 1 ll Track 2 ll Track 3 ll Track 4 ll Track 5 
Track 3: Definite Things
The sound of a fire can be heard.
“Mmh...Nn...What on earth...Are you doing...?”
You seem happy to see him awake.
“Are you listening? What are you burni...Ugh! My body won’t mo...”
“Uhm...Are you burning the bouquet...?”
You nod.
“Haah...I see. You knew all along, huh? How boring...I was planning on keeping it a secret from you for a while. I didn’t think you’d find the card. I should have destroyed it just in case.”
Kanato slowly gets up.
“However, that still doesn’t give you a reason to burn it. If anything, I welcome this curse with open arms. After all, not only have you just proven the truth in your words, as long as the poison lingers, you won’t be able to leave my side for eternity. Fufu...Fufufu~ It’s so very wonderful.”
You remain quiet.
“...Hm? Why do you make that kind of expression?”
You tell him he doesn’t understand.
“I’m...wrong? How so?” 
You explain.
“Kuh...! There was nothing to believe in between us. Everything was so horribly vague and shapeless, don’t you think? So how do you expect me to continue to believe? ARE YOU AN IDIOT OR SOMETHING!? This poison allows us to mutually understand each other, we can finally get through to each other! Even without words, I’ll finally be able to tell how you need me!”
Kanato suddenly starts coughing again.
“...Aah...Geez...I was finally in a good mood but you totally ruined it...Why won’t you just act the way I want you to?”
You run away.
“Hey...! Wait...!!”
You leave the room.
“Ugh...What is her problem!? I DON’T UNDERSTAND!!”
He runs after you.
While chasing after her running frame, I failed to grasp the meaning behind her actions. If she were to flee from me now, she would be sealing her own death, so why would she run away? Even though I love her this much? Yet, does she wish to run away and perish? Just when our mutuals feelings had become clear. I truly do not understand...
However, as my heart filled with anger and irritation, I continued to run, knowing I had to chase after her now. 
*Knock knock*
“I’m coming in!”
"What are you thinking, locking the door? At this rate you will die...!”
*Rattle rattle*
“What is your pro...Ugh...! Haah...haah...Why won’t you say anything!? HEY!!”
*Knock knock*
“You’re confused? Why!? ...Hey!!”
*Knock knock*
“Uu...Uuu...Why...!? Are you...trying to say that...I got it all wrong!? You are...”
You tell him that’s not true.
“THEN WHY!? Why won’t you...let me in...? Uu...You need me right now...Don’t you...? So why...Are you trying to lock me out!? HEY!!!!”
*Knock knock knock*
“YOU’RE LYING!! There’s no way...If you like me - if you truly love me - you wouldn’t...try and die like this...!”
Kanato breaks the door.
You take a few steps back.
“You won’t even listen to me...Has the curse made you lose your mind as well?”
“What are you doing with that knife?”
You tell him you’ll die.
“You’ll die here? For my sake? ...I have no idea what you’re talking about. Dying without my permission would be no different from betraying me. You belong to me after all, and so does your life. ...That should be obvious! Furthermore, I am more than satisfied with the current situation so there is absolutely no reason for you to pity me.”
You shake your head.
“Or did you perhaps want me to punish you with this knife? If that’s the case, you should have just admitted that ri...”
You shake your head again.
“I’m wrong? Then...Were you really planning to die? Here, all alone. Without telling me.”
Kanato snatches the knife from your hand.
“In that case...! I might as well do it myself! Exactly...If I do that...You will become mine forever without me having to rely on this curse.”
You frown.
“Aah...It’s so obvious, why did I not realize it sooner? ...How should we go about it? Hey, I’ll do as you wish. Pierce your heart in one go? Or maybe chop off your head? Fufu...Ah, but in that case, you’d die in the blink of an eye. 
Hm...You have to die while thoroughly rejoicing over becoming mine forever...Or else you’d feel sad, right? Mm...”
"A slow death where you gradually feel your consciousness slip would be best, right? I’m sure that would be the ultimate happiness. ...Right? Huh? Why...Why am I crying...? ...How come? Why!? I don’t understand at all...!!”
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