#diagon event001
wandsandrosiers · 3 years
Evan had taken refuge at the bar. He was starting to wonder if the bartender was going to know him by name by the end of the night. Probably not as many other attendees frequently came up to get drinks before returning to wherever they had come from. It seemed like a never ending wave. It made the duelist wonder if the bartender might have a time turner that he used to find out what everyone would order and then leave as a note for his past self to help ease the pressure off him.
He finished off his glass and motioned for another. The bartender just handed him the bottle, which was fair at that point. Evan helped himself to the bottle and poured out another glass for himself. Then he felt eyes on him.
“The polite thing to do would be ask if you could have some of this scotch rather than staring at me. Or are you here for an autograph. You will have to lend me a quill since I forgot one,” he said as he turned to where he felt the stare coming from.
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doecycs · 3 years
To say she was nervous about this thing would be an understatement. Her stomach had been in knots for hours; since she decided to put on this stupid dress and parade herself infront of all these people again. Some of which she hadn’t seen since she was under cover with the order. The mere awkwardness of that alone was enough to send the butterflies that had permanently set up residence in doe’s gut to flutter their wings into overdrive.
The building was beautiful, transformed inside and out. Dorcas couldn’t believe this was the same place that doe sometimes did her debriefs. She almost didn’t mind the slight wait to get in. Outside was beautiful and soon when that wasn’t distracting enough, Doe quickly got sucked up into the drama of a fight that was unfolding in-front of her. It was a real life soap opera, Doe was captivated.
“What did he just say?” Doe asked the nearest person, hoping they had been as captivated by their fight as she had been.
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lydiaabbott · 4 years
“Quick,” Lydia said, turning to look pleadingly at the person beside her, “This is absolutely critical... Chocolate or Strawberry?” Sure, she should have selected her flavor before getting to the counter here at Florean Fortescue’s ice cream, the line was certainly long enough to have given her plenty of time, but it was an impossible choice. 
“On one hand, that strawberry flavor, so magnificently creamy and smooth with a mix of fresh berries and a swirl of this amazing strawberry jam, is my normal go-to; it’s a dream to eat. But on the other hand, my mouth is practically watering thinking of that chocolate. It’s so rich, and Florean here,” she gave a quick glance to the owner, “He’s a true genius, every batch is sprinkled with chocolate chips and carries slight notes of caramel. It’s magical. I couldn’t possibly choose between them on my own.”
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ofbroomsncloves · 4 years
Who: Elizabeta && OPEN Where: Triple Crown Brooms in Diagon Alley
Elizabeta had closed the shop hours ago, but yet she stayed working on a customer order for someone who had too much money and no sense of how brooms actually worked. She was frayed, frustrated to the point of hair pulling, only it wasn’t going to be her hair she was pulling if this thing didn’t come together soon.
She was missing the celebration, 4 years relatively terror free. It was an accomplishment. One Elizabeta had been looking forward to. As a new Business owner in Diagon Alley she had had a plan to introduce herself and her shop to people. She was going to change out of these wood stained overalls, Shower to try and get the smell of cloves off her skin and out of her hair.
As the music grew louder, she grew more and more frustrated. Of course luck would have it that the one night she was actually child free she was stuck inside listening to other people have fun.
The twinkling of the bell of the front door could be heard inside the quiet empty shop, short circuiting Elizabeta’s brain for a full 30 seconds. a strangled panicked groan escaped her before she padded out of her office and onto the floor, barefoot and looking a mess. This was not the image she wanted to project in her shop but her hand was forced.
“If you are looking for the celebration I’m afraid you are in the wrong place. The Closest thing to butterbeer I have is our homemade broom wax and trust me, you don’t want to drink that.” She said, running a hand through her hair, trying to tame it with a brush of her fingers. 
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eleanorrosierrp · 4 years
Open ||
Eleanor was growing tired of looking at all the papers in front of her. Although the influx of work was never ending, she had to find a stopping point somewhere or she’d never leave her office. Standing up from her desk, she wondered if it was too crowded to apparate to Diagon Alley. Probably, she thought, but I don’t mind a bit of a walk. Floo powder was always messy business and one thing Eleanor wasn’t was messy. In the blink of an eye, she found herself a few streets down from the thick of it, but she could already hear the sounds of music and eager witches and wizards partying the night away. Though she wasn’t normally one for such reckless behavior, her heart yearned to join them. Maybe, just this once, she could let go a little. She had only taken a few steps toward the heart of Diagon Alley when she noticed she was not the only one this far out. It startled her momentarily, but she quickly composed herself.
“I didn’t see you, there. Are you just finishing up a hard days work, yourself?” she asked, forcing a smile. 
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offranklongbottom · 4 years
who: frank & open where: diagon alley
working large events like the one going on this week still made frank more nervous than most of the younger kids on his team. it was an important day, having such large numbers of people who felt ( or likely still feel ) so strongly about the views of either side of the war crowding onto the streets together like this felt like it was asking for bad news. but perhaps that was just old thoughts refusing to vacate the permanent spot they had taken in the forefront of his mind. 
he had been placed on extra shifts all week, and while he would much rather be spending time with alice and neville, he knew it was important to have more aurors out and about than usual this week. it was one of the first days in over a year he felt any form of job satisfaction but again, that was probably due to the inability to shake his fears from the war, even four years later to the day. 
that didn’t mean he wasn’t going to join the celebrations. frank had left to change the second his replacement showed up- a young kid, new to the program and likely still in training who seemed to not have a full grasp on what today really meant judging by the smell of firewhiskey lingering behind them. although frank shouldn’t judge, he very much planned on getting a drink in his system as soon as possible. he only made it a quarter way down the block before running into a familiar face and stopped, shaking his head as he looked back towards the direction he had just left. 
“do kids look that much younger these days or are we just that old?”
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justiceforbones · 3 years
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𝘼𝙢𝙚𝙡𝙞𝙖 𝘽𝙤𝙣𝙚𝙨 𝙛𝙤𝙧 𝙩𝙝𝙚 𝙈𝙞𝙣𝙞𝙨𝙩𝙧𝙮 𝙤𝙛 𝙈𝙖𝙜𝙞𝙘 𝙎𝙥𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜 𝙂𝙖𝙡𝙖
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mrlenemckinnons · 3 years
closed thread: pre-game.
@mxrysmac & @motherdoe​
Thank Merlin for extension charms because getting ready for a gala required so many things. Dress, shoes, make-up, two bottles of wine to make sure she had plenty of social lubrication  — check, check, check. Also, England was still fucking chilly in April, so Marlene figured she might as well thank Merlin for a lack of boundaries. She had apparated straight into Lily’s hall. “Helllooo? Are we all ready to party?” Marlene’s voice echoed around the elegant hall. Oh. Harry. “Shit. fuck. shit.” She hissed. It was easy to forget children still existed at nighttime. She had had Harry for a sleepover once or twice, her godmotherly duty but mostly she saw him in Lily’s kitchen, in the playground  —during the daytime when five year olds were awake and happy and full of energy because they had not been disturbed by his parent’s immature friends crashing in rather loudly well past bedtime. Or perhaps Harry was used to it. She and Mary were very mature but the same could not be said for Sirius and Remus. 
Marlene heard noise from upstairs, the bedroom. She had come this far and she could intrude a little bit more, couldn’t she? They said they’d meet at 8 anyway and it was 9 now. Fashionably late. She was just living up to her own reputation, really. Mary and Lily had probably factored that into getting ready time and her hair was washed and she could definitely down two bottles of wine in an hour and ten. Maybe one and a half would be enough anyway, it was a work function. There was music playing from the bedroom and Marlene’s face lit up. God, she loved an excuse to dress up. Especially with her girls. She knocked politely and strode in without waiting. 
“I’m here, I cannot believe you two started without me.” 
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mrlenemckinnons · 3 years
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ministry spring gala
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wandsandrosiers · 3 years
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