#diana isnt even listening smh
platinumsupa · 4 years
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Day 2: Handholding/Cuddling for @dianakko-week​
come on akko there’s so much more space on that couch you’re really gonna sit there?? 
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plainvanillapotato · 4 years
the 100 diaries S1 E8
quarantine diaries: may 24 2020
season 1 episode 8: “Day Trip”
i did not know that the actor that played bellamy is half-filipino. that made my day! pinoy pride!
that headbutt. btw miller and the grounder i laughed out loud
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WINTER IS COMING! any other GoT fans out there? 
clarke a gamer? she out here with a headset and gaming chair? she’s using discord isnt she lol no wait she using the master of online video communication not skype but zoom.
dax really looks like the actor that plays luke in that horrid percy jackson live-action movie. (i pray to god that this new live-action with disney+ does not fuck up this beautiful story like they did with the films) that’s a pretty compelling deal tho. i would take it. i would do anything for my mom. but i know that bellamy has plot armor so im not to worried about this guy
the camp is really coming along these little stations are cute. also monty and jasper’s handshake is everything to me. very good for social distancing :) does anyone have a gif of that?
finn really does not deserve raven. why is he still so caught up on clarke? because like clarke said they barely know each other :| those longing glances between clarke and finn oooof and with raven in close proximity :| i cringe. ive never felt so uncomfortable in my live expect while watching scott’s tots. somebody tell me how much longer of this misery i have to endure..
when bellamy said “a lot can happen in a day” really this shows a lot within one episode. its a lot to take in. like i thought weeks had past but when raven mentioned in the other episode how only 10 days had passed i spit out my drink. bitch waht. like so much shit happened like jasper gets speared (thought it was an instant kill but miraculously it was not and he got better real quick), atom dies, charlotte kills wells, charlotte kills herself (tho we don’t see her body and you know how tv shows and movies love to pull that shit about you can’t be sure someone is dead unless you see their dead body), murphy is almost hanged but then is just banished...just to mention a few things.
LINCOLN. the grounders name is lincoln like the president? this is a lot to unpack. of all the names. he really don’t look like a lincoln tho. but I can’t believe that octavia really apologized to him for how she reacted when he chained her up. seriously that was not okay. listen to the guy when he says that he is the enemy 
also what is the deal between jasper and octavia is that ship just gone now?
octavia why you gotta stir the pot like that bringing up clarke and finn to raven. that was dirty but good for raven taking the high ground. did not expect that.
woah ‘day trip’ has more than one meaning. i did not expect a high episode from this show at all. the whole group is trippin balls. WOW i love this show.
the glowsticks (found when clarke and bellamy go to that place where they find the guns) ok you know its gonna be a good scene when they break out those glow sticks. reminds me of that one scene in spy kids
GuNs! bellamy’s smile at 16:45 he’s a little too happy. like a kid on a sugar rush
bellamy is definitely catching feelings for clarke. that shoulder touch. that head shake/hair flip. and she definitely checked him out too
bellamy’s hallucination *sad face* 
go octavia! saves yours mans even tho i really don’t think you should. way to take initiative and have some agency for once in your life. this drug thing is very convenient
THEY KISS! ummmmm i do not ship it. the guy literally chained her up and she instantly forgave him. i don’t even like octavia but i think she deserves better
*intense stares between finn and lincoln* did finn really not recognize him as the grounder or did he assume he be another kid trippin
bellamy and clarke saving each other. protecting each other. that talk after bellamy killed dax. ok i kind of see that as a zutara moment.
also did bellamy use a bullet shell to stab the guy in the neck. resourceful king. but i dont think that bullet shells are sharp enough to do that
can we also talk about how majority of on screen death we see are not because of gun shots but neck wounds: wells, atom, and now dax. literally jasper had a spear go through him. now he is fine. jaha was shot. now he is fine. i guess dwight really wasn’t lying when he said that necks are the greatest weakness of people
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GUNS GUNS GUNS! bellamy and clarke really came back to camp slinging guns and said fuck it let the grounders come. I love this american trope where having a gun = invincibility/safety 
oooh yes clarke you tell finn off! you deserve better. how much longer is this ship gonna last because its annoying me.
they really killed off another POC (jeff epstien style) smh. fuck ok. and i called it! did not trust diana at all.
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