#diapee sex
wittlesissyb4by · 5 months
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"Okay, so remember, once we have them in their diaper, it's really important that we praise them. They're going to be very averse to their new lifestyle at first, but they have to get used to it.
So we want them to associate their diaper with good things, at least in the beginning. Tell them they're a good boy, that they look super cute in their wittle diapurrs. Pinch their cheeks, boop their nose, and talk to them in your little singsong voice. Guys aren’t used to getting compliments and affection as much, so if they receive that sort of praise and physical touch while they’re in a diaper, they’ll warm up to the idea a lot faster than you think.
Now, once we’ve got them pampered and praised, I like to put a pacifier in their mouth. I find it really helps them regress a few years, makes them more docile, and it keeps them quiet other than their adorable little whimpers. It’s hard for them to do much arguing or fussing when they’re suckling a binky!
After they’ve been praised and regressed a bit, it’s time to *really* get them enjoying their diapers. That means: we’re going to make them cum.
I know, I know, this whole thing is supposed to be a ‘punishment’, but trust me, the ends will justify the means. If it makes you feel any better, the only time they will get to cum from now on will be when they’re in a diaper. That means no sex, and constant supervision to prevent masturbation. You control their orgasms, just like you control where they go potty.
So when we make them cum in their diaper, we never want to reach into the actual diaper. That kind of defeats the purpose. We want them to feel the padding, hear the crinkles, all while changing the way they traditionally garner sexual stimulation.
So what I like to do is place my palm right here on the outside of the diaper, right between their legs, and feel around for their winky. Those of you that have hubbies with little nubbies may have a harder time finding it, but honestly, even if you’re not directly on it, that’s okay. You’ll find they’ll aim their hips the right way for you.
Once you’re on it, you’re just going to do a simple kneading motion back and forth just like this. Long, slow movements at first. Don’t start too fast. You want them to really take in the feelings and sensations. You’ll even see them get a little desperate for more, and it’s up to you if you want to speed up and go a bit harder, keep that same pace, or just take your hand away and watch them wiggle and whimper.
But the most important thing is that this entire stimulation process is never silent. In addition to the crinkling, you want to continue praising them. Really dial up the baybee talk here. You should be reminding them what a good little boi (or gurl!) they are. Remind them what they’re wearing. Obviously they know they are in a diaper, but you need to vocalize it.
‘Wook how cute the wittle baybee is in his diapee!’
‘Hubby wooks so adorwable in his Huggies!”
Things like that.
If they have an erection—which I’m sure they will from all the rubbing—point that out to them: ‘oh my goodness! I didn’t think these pampers could make your pee pee so pointy!’ or ‘somewon sure is getting hard in their Huggies!!’
If they have messes, praise them for that as well. Nothing like getting complimented for pissing or pooping in a pamper. Again, we’re just trying to emphasize the state at which they’re in.
Another way to do that is to have them tell you. Make them vocalize these things:
“Tell me what you’re wearing little boi!”
“Why is it so plump? Did you do something in there? Tell me what you did.”
“Is that something a big boi would do??”
Make them use their little baybee voice, make them lisp, make them make it high-pitched, and make them do all of it with that pacifier still in their mouth!
If they do it properly, reward them with rubbies, if they’re stubborn or not performing up to your standards, pull your hand away. You’ll have them babbling like a baybee in no time!
I know some Mommies that will only do the rubbies while their hubby is jiggling a rattle. If the rattling stops, so do they. Feel free to be creative, as long as they’re being patronized while they’re pampered, you’re doing the right thing!
Alright, so after a few minutes—or maybe even a few seconds—they’re going to be ready to cum. Make sure you emphasize that they have to tell you when they’re close, and they have to do it in baybee talk. I like to have them tell me they have to make a ‘goo goo’. But you can use whatever term you want.
At this point we’re gonna do what’s called a ‘ruined’ orgasm. For those that don’t know, that’s where you get them right up to the edge when they’re babbling and rattling and goo goo ga ga’ing, wait until you see them first start to spasm—then lift your hand away. If you do it right, they’ll be past the point of no return, and all their little stickies will leak out, but they’ll only have a fraction of a pleasurable orgasm.
This is important, because it puts them in this sort of limbo. Where they’re a little satisfied but also still a bit horny and desperate. Don’t be surprised if they whine and cry about it either—you know how men can be. But that’s when you tell them one of your most important lines:
‘Maybe next time!’
That will leave them literally cumming back for more. They’ll be desperate for their next diaper, their next rubbie, or the next stage of their training.
But another important step here is to make them sit in their shame. Keep them in their sticky diaper for a bit, at least an hour or two. Let them feel the warmth of their little load that they made—all while they were in a diaper. And the only way they get to make a load like that again is…in a diaper. We really want to drive this point home. They are not going to cum without the constant sound of crinkling coming with it. They don’t get the love, touch, and affection while they’re in silly boxers and big boy clothes. The only way they get pleasure is when they’re in their pampers.
Wives never believe me, but i promise you, eventually, they’ll actually beg you to put them in a diaper, just so you can make them cum again.
But what we’re not going to tell them is that we’re eventually going to wean them off. They’re not going to get to cum every time they put on a diaper. For the first dozen times or so, yes, they get an orgasm (even a full one) every single time. But then it becomes “well only if your diaper is wet”, which makes them feel good about wetting, cause then they get a rubbie reward. But then they’ll grow used to that as well, so we have to constantly find ways to push their limits.
Wait until you see their face when they push their first poop into their pamper. They’re sooo embarrassed, but they’re willing to do it, all because you said you would give them a goo goo if they make a poo poo. But of course, what you don’t tell them, is that they’re gonna have to cum while they’re still inside their messy diaper. Don’t worry girls, if you get too disgusted, just make them turn over and turn their rubbies into humpies!!
Ohh I just love helping wives turn their useless/ungrateful husbands into helpless and desperate diaper dumpers! I know some that have their husbands wearing huggies 24/7, and sometimes even in dresses too! Even the most homophobic, chauvinistic pig can be turned into a pamper packer, all it takes is a little TLC.
Men are so easy, you can literally control their whole life, as long as you control when and where their balls get emptied. Which reminds me: next week, our workshop is going to talk about a little thing called a ‘chastity device’!!
I wrote a caption very similar to this a while back on one of my old blogs, but it was lost in the purge. I tried to recreate it as best I could, but I may have missed the mark. If you like my captions, please consider supporting me so I can keep making more. Go to allmylinks.com to follow me on other sites!
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princescribbler · 5 months
Low-Key Things We Do to Keep Our Dynamic Fun:
Pack stuffies for when we travel or go out! Obviously, babyboy can't sleep without his stuffies, even in a hotel... right?
Bring a diapee bag, even if we don't plan to use it!
Momma tax and butt pats: basically, if we hug, we're gonna grope, pat, and tease the other one. The pullup princess needs to be reminded she can be momma... and still a pullup princess!
Lots of physical closeness. On the couch we drape across one another, when hugging we keep it going a long time, when we get dinner, we regularly feed each other a bite! Just lots of lovey closeness-inducing things, nonstop!
Getting our partner food and water cuz "babies can be so forgetful" and tons of affectionate caregiver stuff. It's nice to be reminded it's "brekky time, sweetheart!" Is very fun and keeps our relationship kinky and cute!
Writing cute pictures and reminders to your partner, everyday. On the fridge, on post it notes, by text! Keep the fun going by showing a lot of daily affection and attention!
Making sure it's called the "potty" and an upset stomach is a "grumbly tummy" and using language that reminds you both... this is an ABDL or CG/L dynamic!
Names: I'm baby prince papi, not just my name. She's momma, or princess... we make sure the right title reinforces the right role!
Cummies apart don't mean much, when your mommy/ daddy/ caregiver partner expects you to THANK THEM and make lots of "cute noises"... suddenly your quick masturbating session feels much more controlled and kinky!
Help your partner pick their clothes! If they wear diapees, even if they change themselves make sure you watch and "help".
When they cross the street, hold their hand and give them praise for being good and holding on tight... REINFORCE the dynamic in little, subtle, private ways and you'll be far, far more invested and happy in the dynamic you build together!
Sharing in passions: my princess loves sports and I couldn't care less, but i'll celebrate her team's victories and be excited, the same way she celebrates and embraces my weird rants about the 1800s British navy, or the intricacies of bird mating habits... whatever fleeting interests we have, we share and get positive feedback on! And EXTRA points if you can tease about them being an excited little baby!
My point is this: 24/7 dynamics aren't all about sex and kink and nonstop sexytime or fetish play. But they can exist with daily reinforcement, reminders, and celebrating your nontraditional dynamics! So have fun, let your kinky self out, and don't forget to be happy, healthy, AUTHENTIC kinky people!
- Scribbler
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mellowsadistic · 2 years
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Aubree’s face was bright red as she toddled into her nursery, looking for her Daddy. He’d been her boyfriend once, and she’d been a regular woman, but that was her old life. That was before the new laws came into place a few months ago, stripping women of their rights. That was before she went from a confident, independent career woman to her boyfriend’s personal property, his little toy to do with as he wished. And of course he couldn’t have just turned her into his little sex-pet, like had happened to some of her friends. No, that wasn’t good enough for him. He’d been determined to put Aubree in her “rightful place”, to “fix” her attitude and make her understand that women were nothing but overgrown children, and that she was no different.
Aubree’s heavy, loaded nappy jiggled between her legs as she waddled into the room. It was absolutely soaked with pee, just like it normally was, and there was a big, yucky mess in the back as well. Aubree had made poo-poos in her pants almost two hours ago – there was no way Daddy would ever change her diaper straight away, but it had been long enough now that she could try and persuade him.
There he was, bending down by her changing table, restocking it with a fresh supply of adult-sized nappies for her to pee and poop in. He heard her approach, and looked up. A wide, satisfied smile spread across his face as he took in the sight of his former girlfriend standing there slightly bow-legged, with her full nappy drooping between her thighs.
“Hi, sweetheart!” he said, his tone sweet and condescending. “Were you looking for Daddy?”
Aubree’s face was scarlet. She hated the way he baby-talked her! She looked at the floor and nodded.
“Awww,” he cooed, “did baby want some cuddles from Dada? Or maybe she needed something else, hmm? What’s the matter, sweet girl? Are you hungry? Thirsty?”
Aubree seethed silently. He knew what she wanted! But she wasn’t allowed to ask for a nappy change. Daddy said she wasn’t allowed to use her big girl words that way. Any time she wanted a clean nappy, she had to do what Daddy called her “diapee dance”.
Aubree took a deep breath, and then, cringing with shame, she looked up into his smirking face and lisped, “Diapee danth, Dada!”
Then she turned around, fell into a squat, and started wiggling her diapered bottom from side to side so that the sagging seat of her nappy swung about madly between her legs. She wrinkled her nose in disgust as she felt her wee-wee sloshing about in her pants and the horrible mess squish against her bottom. Tears of shame stung her eyes. How could this have happened to her?! She was supposed to be a grown woman in the prime of her life!
She could hear Daddy laughing behind her. “That’s Daddy’s little dancer!” he praised as she continued to shake her bottom and make her droopy diaper jiggle about. “That’s my little wiggle-butt!”
She felt him come up behind her and pat her bottom firmly. She stopped shaking it immediately. Slowly, as if he were savouring every second, Aubree’s Daddy turned her around and tilted up her chin so that she was looking into his face.
“Poor little thing,” he crooned when he saw the tears of humiliation on her bright red face. “It’s okay!” He stroked her cheek gently. “I know you’re upset because your big-girl life is over and you’re just a silly baby now, but you’ll get used to it, sweetie.” He patted her sagging diaper firmly again, smiling. “One day this will all be normal to you.”
“But I don’t want it to be normal!” Aubree wailed.
“It’s okay, baby girl,” her Daddy soothed again, pulling her into a cuddle and reaching down to pat her bottom, gently this time. “You’re just a little cranky right now. But Daddy knows how to make you feel better.” He moved his hand from her bottom to the front of her soggy nappy, and started to rub.
Aubree gasped. She opened her mouth to tell him to stop, but instead, totally against her will, she let out a slutty, breathy moan. She felt herself going even redder than before.
“That’s it,” her Daddy coaxed. “Good girl! Baby likes her rub-rubs, doesn’t she?”
Aubrey moaned again, biting her lip in pleasure as Daddy pressed the sodden, pissy padding of her used nappy against her sensitive little pussy.
Still rubbing the front of her diaper, he led her to a chair in the corner of her nursery. He took a seat, pulling her, facing him, into his lap.
Immediately, she started to grind her diapered pussy desperately against his thigh. A part of her wanted to stop, was screaming inside her head to control herself, but the pleasure was too much. Daddy always kept her on edge, saying it would make her easier to control. She knew she was proving him right, but it didn’t matter. Nothing mattered now except humping his leg as hard and fast as she could. She felt Daddy press his knee up against her crotch, and she squealed in pleasure.
Aubree looked down at her Daddy, her eyes slightly crossed, her chin slick with drool, and saw him smirking. She let out a noise somewhere between a moan of pleasure and a groan of shame. She felt like a stupid baby. She felt like a dumb whore. With a final moan that made her sound like a bimbo slut, Aubree orgasmed in her soggy, stinky nappy and collapsed against her Daddy’s chest. She felt his strong arms hold her tightly against him, felt his hand cup her padded bottom. Then he kissed her on the top of her head and said, “That’s my little girl.”
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ayu-stuff · 1 month
Would you bully me for wanting to be a dumb, drooling toddler 24/7 who will never make stickies outside of diapees and will just sit and lay around cooing, playing with stuffies and suckling away at my paci? >////<
I mean, of course. That's exactly what my whole purpose on here is about, kiddo! I'm glad you took off your paci for once and expressed your big kid thoughts for us, even if they're that stupid. But it's important for you to know that, in reality, no big baby like you should actually feel ashamed of that treatment.
Tell me, why would you wanna make cummies outside of your diapees? Is there any better place fot them? Keep in mind that absolutely no Mommy or Daddy would ever engage in the grown-up stuffs with you!
So keep your number 3#'s in a safe place and don't bother the adults, sweetie. We have more important things to care about over here. For example, sex. But you don't know what that means, do you?
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fetishfairytales2 · 4 months
The Cucky ALPHAbet, Pt. 1 (Heather)
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Credit for the original concept of Brandi and Heather goes to @wittlesissyb4by and their excellent story “Besties”. Credit for the original concept of the “Cucky Alphabet” goes to Safeword Ignored Comics.
Each of the bolded letters corresponds to the letter from the song!
Early morning…
"Oh, Brandi..." I cooed, still in Connor's arms after another round of mind-blowing sex. He was such a stud. "Stop, babe!" I giggled, feeling his lips on my neck. "You're going to get me turned on again!" We were about to go for round 3 when Brandi simpered into the room. "Mmmph?” She struggled to speak behind the lip gag I made her wear. Her perfect  permanent ‘o-face’ expression was so adorable! Just like a little dolly. And of course, Connor loved it for, uh, “ease of access”.
Sitting up in bed, I grabbed a used condom from the nightstand and threw it at Brandi. "Snack time, sweetie," I giggled. "But don't worry, there'll be plenty more alpha loads for you tonight." Brandi just looked at the condom, unsure of what to do with it. "Here are your options, dummy," I said, lying back on the pillow. "Either tilt your stupid sissy head back and suck it down, or I pour it in your diapee and you sit in it all night. Now hurry up and make your choice, loser.”
“Oh, yesss, good girl," I moaned, tossing my head back in pleasure. Watching my pathetic little Brandi humiliate herself never gets old. I started touching myself as I watched her suffer, spreading my legs and teasing my clit under the covers. I'm sure Brandi is completely focused on me, but it's also fun to tease Connor a little. Mmm, I loved to flaunt my perfect body for real men.
I giggled as I watched Brandi struggle to get all the cum out of the condom and accidentally give herself a facial. "Keep it there, cupcake. It suits you," I snickered. "Come over here, honey," I beckoned. Brandi had her hands cuffed behind her back and a hobble chain on her ankles, making her waddle across the room a slow and humiliating one. Her pink tutu flared, showing off her Disney princess Pampers. "So, did you have a good time watching cartoons, Brandi?" I laughed, feeling Connor reach around me to play with my tits right in front of my ex-boyfriend’s eyes. “Mmm, thank you Daddy,” I moaned, just to rub it in.
"Mmmph, mmph…" she replied, staring at the ground. "Why not, loser?" I smirked and looked towards the open door. "Did Mommy's moans bother you? I know you’ve never heard them before, those are sounds Mommy only makes for real men..." I turned and kissed Connor again, more passionately this time, taunting her further. "Sorry, sweetness. I know it must have been tough hearing Mommy in action. Probably made that little sissy stick of yours struggle in that little chastity cage you’re locked up so tight in, huh?"
Once again, Brandi had nothing useful to say, just gazing at her feet like they were fascinating. I had to physically lift her chin to make her look me in the eyes. "Big news, little girl!" I declared, giggling as her face lit up with hope for a second, as if anything good could possibly come from this situation. "Daddy and I are going on a date today!" Her face instantly fell back into a sullen expression. "But we need your help, my dear!" Brandi's concern grew as she realized where this was going. "You see?" I turned to face Connor, "I can't bear to see her sad face! It's just so heart-wrenching!"
"Listen here, you little bitch," Connor barked at the pathetic sissy, towering over her. "You're gonna stay put and clean this fucking house. No kinky or weird shit. And we ain't dealing with your sorry ass tonight." I rolled my eyes and turned Brandi towards me. "What Daddy meant to say is that he's taking me dancing! We'll be out probably all night and I didn't have time to ask Kylie or Lyndsey to come over. So you'll have to be a big girl while Daddy and I are out, got it?"
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pippeebottom · 5 months
@daddyofpain sent me to work with a plug in and diapee on (then bought me a large refresher 😭) and is leaving tomorrow morning to go stay (and have sex with) his best friend……..
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crissiebaby · 7 months
Bab Rats: Chapter 5
DISCLAIMER: This POV story contains diaper usage, humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, gender transformation, breastfeeding, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
Commissioned By: Strawberry
“Hi dewe, Sam…chus feewin’ any bettew?' ' said Hanna with her partially perma-regressed vocal cords, receiving no response as Sam shied away from her. Undeterred, she shifted her approach, “Hey, I has an idea. How bout chu take chus mind off evewyfing and twy one of da new diapees dat da hazmats dwopped off dis mownin’? Ish a diapee dat can onwy be removed by da pewson who puts it on. See?” She tugged at the hem of her diaper with all her might to no avail before giving the simple lock print on its front a hardy slap. Sadly, her attempt at levity earned no reaction from Sam. Lowering her head, she took a step back from Sam’s crib. “Sowwy. I-I’ww jus weave chu awone until chus weady.”
“My life is ruined,” muttered Sam, his words lingering in the back of his throat and choking him up, “I thought I knew what I was signing up for. Now…I might be stuck as a girl forever.” He lowered his head between his knees, sulking.
Walking around to the side of the crib Sam was leaning against, Hanna reached through the bars and gently placed a hand on his head. “I sowwy,” she said, reaching through the crib bars and gently patting Sam’s shoulder sympathetically. Thankfully, he seemed receptive to her touch, allowing them to ease their tension slightly. Taking advantage of the opportunity, she decided to inject some fun into the situation, “Ya know, doh, bein’ a girl isn hawf bad. Take it fwom me: a fuww-time girl since da day I was bown. Suwe, da pewiods suck buh we gets wots of fwee dwinks.”
“Being as we’re stuck here, I’m not sure I’ll be able to cash in on those drinks. Good to have in the back pocket, though,” said Sam, unable to suppress his reaction to the mild humor being lobbed his way. He sighed hard, ridding himself of as much negative energy as he could, “Sorry, I’m sure you were hoping for a more playful playmate. It’s just…I always dreamed about being locked away in a nursery for as long as I can remember. I want to enjoy this…I just can’t get out of my own head. And now, I have to deal with this!” Using both hands, he grabbed onto his ridiculous double-Ds.
Had it not been for the lactation drug Hanna was testing, she was fairly certain Sam would have bigger assets than her. It was always the lucky ones who were never grateful. “Iswa says dey wowkin’ on da antidote so dis pwobabwy isn fowever. Why not enjoy it a widdwe?” she said, hoping to raise Sam’s spirits by showing him all the benefits of being a girl, “Wike finks about it. How many peepo wud do anyfing to swap gendews even fo one day? Fo aww dose poor twans girls out dewe, live a wittwe.”
Once again, Sam found himself in stitches over Hanna’s abrasive yet sincere comments. It was clear that she cared about his well-being, at least to some extent. “Oh…I-I’m not so certain that's a good idea,” he said, squeezing his thighs together to subdue the faint stirring in his unfamiliar loins. It was strange but for some reason, although Hanna and he had only met a few days ago, he felt like he’d known her all his life. Blushing as he caught himself staring at her in silence, his eyes darted away from his attractive roommate.
Yanking her hand away from Sam’s shoulder, Hanna too was in the midst of a flustered response as she quickly realized the reason for Sam’s abrupt head turn. As a bisexual woman who leaned toward liking women, she hated to admit Sam was exactly her type. Well, she didn’t exactly hate it per se but she did feel guilty about it. If he was even slightly into it, she would ravish him without a second thought; an intrusive concept that only intensified whenever she looked his way.
Trapped in a state of growing arousal, both Hanna and Sam were sweating multiple days of pent-up sexual frustration. Especially Sam, who hadn’t masturbated a single time since arriving at CrissBaby HQ. The same couldn’t be said for Hanna, though her steady use of the various vibrators made in-house at CrissBaby for testing purposes had certainly upped her sex drive.
Biting his lip, Sam knew if anything kinky was going to happen, he as the emotionally vulnerable one was going to have to initiate it. Mercifully, he had the perfect icebreaker stationed right between his legs. “O-Okay, we can try some stuff,” he said, shying away physically in spite of his bold words, “How about we start with my first diaper change as a girl? I think mine should definitely be put out to pasture.” He gave his overly ripe diaper a soft poke, demonstrating how absurdly used it was after more than three days without a change.
Lowering the crib bars, Hanna’s heart was threatening to leap out through her throat. How she was going to manage to conceal her lust while changing Sam’s diaper was beyond her. She didn’t even want to change him. She wanted to mash her face into the base of his ultra-squishy diaper until he came for her over and over again. “Hmmm…I not so sure chu neesa changie yet afta aww. Seems wike dere’s stiww pwenty mowe room in hewe,” she said, lightly dragging her hand along the muck balloon around Sam’s hips while passing off her desire to knead his diaper like a ball of dough as nothing more than playfulness.
Having avoided touching himself at all costs for three days, one touch was all it took to amplify his need for relief. A shaky breath exited his plush lips as waves of sensitivity, unlike anything he’d ever experienced as a guy spread across his entire body. Now, he was the one wondering how on Earth he would survive a diaper change in this condition. 
The strained silence from earlier reared its ugly head again as Hanna and Sam waded through extremely awkward waters. It couldn’t have been more painfully obvious what was on each of their minds. All they needed was for one of them to say something. Luckily, Hanna’s filter was nowhere near good enough to stay quiet, “Fuggit. Be honest, chu jus wanna do howny diapie stuffs wif me?”
“Yes,” said Sam without a hint of hesitation. Even he was a tad shocked by how rapidly the simple affirmation fell from his mouth. That shock served only to elevate his carnal needs as he opened his legs wide in preparation for the profusion of pleasure coming his way.
Unsurprisingly, Hanna wasted no time jumping into Sam’s crib and kneeling over him now that she had the green light to get freaky. Two wet spots began to form on her shirt thanks to her hyperactive titty lactation, triggered by an uptick in arousal over Sam’s approval. She paid it no mind, her passion too powerful to slow down over some slight humiliation. “way back and twy not to scweam too woud if chu can hewp it. I’ww take cawe of evwyfing,” she said, returning her hand to the center of Sam’s comically full pamper. Only this time, her touch was anything but light. Her fingers sunk into nearly a foot of the swollen wadding and its semi-soft, messy core. “Wowza! No way I cooda kept my hans off dis fo thwee days. I nuh seen one dis messy befo. Chu mus be one pwoud baby,” she cooed, adding some verbal teasing into the mix while her sensual hand motions cut through Sam’s defenses like a knife. 
Sam responded in kind as his face transitioned through various hues of red until his complexion was cherry-colored. However, Hanna’s words, while embarrassingly seductive, were nothing in comparison to the shockwaves impacting his nether region. His body felt weak as he leaned against his crib bars, allowing his new, female hormones to take over his senses. Everything from the way his hair brushed against the back of his neck to the softness of the blanket beneath his thighs turned every part of his figure into an erogenous zone. “I-Is that what…s-sex feels like for you?” he muttered, stricken by the stark difference between men and women when it came to the Big Bang. For men, all stimulation was housed within the pelvic area leading up to a large explosion at the end. The arousal women experience, on the other hand, is far subtler, spreading throughout the entire body the vagina acting as an epicenter.
It was hard for Sam to necessarily say which was superior, especially since he had yet to lose his virginity as a guy. That being said, he was certainly finding a lot of appeal in the female side of things if his libidinous moans were anything to go off. Even the pitch of his feminized voice was turning him on, sounding akin to something one might hear in a porno.
“I gonsa make chus addicted ta bein’ a girl,” said Hanna, intensifying her hand motions as she whispered the horniest things in Sam’s ear; her breath sending pleasure signals from his brain to his slit. With her free hand, she grabbed onto his left breast and began rubbing it softly, ensuring her delicate touch never got too harsh enough to cause pain, “Chu boobas awe gonna be so sensitive cuz imma pway wif dem aww da time. Fink of aww da dwess up games an tea pawties we can have. I wonder how long it wiww be befo chu beg me ta fiww da widdwe pocket between chus legs. You wanna have somefing inside chu, doncha?”
Done in by Hanna’s bedroom skills, Sam couldn’t argue with what Hanna was saying even if he wanted to. It was as if his feminine side had a magnetic field around it, pulling him in and refusing to let go. Maybe it was the sex talking but the more Hanna talked, the more alluring the idea of exploring the opposite end of the gender spectrum became. He’d already given up being an adult and accepted the fact that he wanted to live the rest of his life as a horny baby. It wasn’t a stretch to believe he would throw away his birth gender for the same reason. “Y-Yes! I-I want it all! I want to be your girl! Oh fuck!” she shouted, mounting her first female orgasm.
Hearing Sam say those fateful words was all that Hanna needed to push her over the edge. She scooted her padded butt forward and mashed her wet diaper into Sam’s messy one, joining her in ecstasy. “Come here,” she said, wrapping the hand around Sam’s neck that had previously been massaging her mooshy diaper, she pulled him into her lactating chest, “M-My boobs are so sore. Please s-suckle them.”
Hanna’s pleas were immediately answered as Sam pried open her play partner’s top and planted her lips on her right nipple. Her cheeks puffed up with fresh cream, unable to keep up with Hanna’s flow now that he had engaged her milk sacs. “Ish sho yummy,” she said between swallows. Even her subsequent orgasm wasn’t enough to unlatch her from Hanna’s tit. The flavor was just too good.
Lost in the deepest depths of passion, Hanna and Sam had entered CrissBaby HQ riddled with uncertainty. No longer was that the case. Every horny thing they’d read online or dreamed up in their heads was now at their fingertips. Letting go of the last of their reluctance, they embraced what it truly meant to be a Bab Rat as they climaxed together over and over again.
“Okay, I’ll admit when I’m wrong. This first batch of testers, while untrained, have given us more data to work with in a mere three days than anything the official testing team could pull off,” said Mark, sitting behind the glass partition of Hanna and Sam’s nursery as he watched them go to pound town with each other. He may have been skeptical of the Bab Rats Program at first but the numbers didn’t lie, “The only downer news at the present is that we still need to tinker with the aphrodisiac formula. It definitely shouldn’t have taken three whole days for these two to go to bone town together. But that can wait for tomorrow. Take your victory lap. You’ve earned it.”
Smiling proudly thanks to Mark’s praise, Dr. Madrigal was thrilled to have her superior’s approval, especially after he outright dismissed her idea initially. Soon, the rest of the test nurseries that had been assigned to her program pending final approval would be filled with useful idiots like Hanna and Sam who were willing to give up everything to be a market research dummy for an ABDL company. Where she’d go from here was anyone’s guess. Heck, for all she knew, Mark’s job might be hers in the near future. “Thank you, Mark. Coming from you, that means a lot,” she said, playing up her gratitude to ensure her rise to the top was as subtle as possible.
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Edited by AllySmolShork
Special Thanks to Our CrissBaby Diaper Company Investors: BlossomBitchDolly BlushyBen DD Exminister Gun1242 JFN LittlePissy PrincessKittenLizzi Strawberry Sweetsamantharebecca & One Anonymous Investor
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little-ly-moon · 9 months
Is your daddy on tumblr? Can we meet him?
Unfortunately no, Daddy is a very private person. He doesn’t mind me posting and sharing on here, but he himself doesn’t like being open about his need to rip off my big girl clothes, throw me on the bed, spread my legs🥵… then powder and diaper me up and put me down to play😖 (I miss having big girl sex🥲 but Daddy says im far to little for that) anyways! Maybe I can get his hand on my Diapee in one of my photos🤭
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diaperedhumiliation · 3 years
A story submittal I received, reposting.
Wife diapers me and cuckifies me
When i got out of the bathroom, Jeanne was waiting for me in our room, sitting on the bed, in a black babydoll underlining every detail of her figure instead of hiding them. She smiled to me, and, slowly, took her hand from beind her back. She was holding a Tykables Unicorns diaper, and waving it in front of me. 
- Lie on the bed. 
I shivered. I had confessed my diaper’s interest to Jeanne and, in the beginning, she let me use them alone, without judging. But she soon ended up participating, first with a few strokes, and then being willing to change me and add diapers to our sexual games. Thereby, i wasn’t surprised and just lied silently on the bed. She started by strapping my hands to the head of then bed, and then my feets to it’s bottom, slightly spread appart. Again, I was used to that and, if I seemed to resist, I was only pretending. Once I was bounded and unable to move, she got me to raise my hips and put a diaper under my bum. Then the game began. She languidly licked my torso, going from my chest to my lower belly. From there, she slided her tongue on my perfectly shaved thighs. Got me to languish was a pleasure she would never deprieve herself of, and I felt my sex grow hard while her strokes were getting closer to it. When I was fully erected, she went to the kitchen and came back with a bowl of icecube that she sucked. Once her lips, her tongue and her mouth were cold, she fiercly licked my penis, getting it to shrink. Soon, my dick between my legs was nother more thant a small bit of flesh, and, proud of her work, she whispered in my ear : 
- Here, that’s more fitting for a baby. 
Then, she applied a protective cream on every part of my body that would be covered by the diaper : my butt, my penis and the top of my thighs. When she was done, finaly, she folded the dipaer over me, trapping my sex into a soft and crinkly prison. She took her time to be certain that the diaper fit snuggly fitted, and when she was done, I genuenly felt like a baby. I could feel the pressure of the staps against my hips, the bulge of the diaper between my legs, and the warmth that was slowly rising in my crotch. More importantly, rising my head to watch my lower belly, I could only shiver at the sight of, instead of my penis, a plane area, covered with pink and childish patterns. 
Jeanne then went and pulled something out from under the bed : a segufix belt, in thick leather. 
- What is this ?  
I felt my breath accelerate when, without any answer, she strapped me to the bed, making any move impossible. Having my wrists and ankles boud was somehting, but, with this belt, I was  loosing any control over my body. I was pinned to the bed, fully powerless, and unable to move a inch. 
- I wanted to had some spice, Jeanne whispered. 
Then she sat on my legs, and started to lick my diaper. That was her favorite game. I felt her long hair slip over my belly bottom and brush my skin. I felt the stroke of her hands over my thighs, the weight of  her plump butt on my knees, and I could very well saw her tongue moving were my sexe was supposed to be. But, between it and her tongue, there was a thick layer of plastic that deprived me of any feeling. Excited and humiliated, I felt my penis trying to swell inside of the diaper, it’s bulk making it impossible and leaving me unable to get hard while my wife was licking my crotch. 
I was starting to moan under the excitement at the time when the bell ringed. Jeanne, hearing it, was quickly on her feets and laughed : 
- The spice has come.
She got out of the room and i feld cold sweat rushing on every part of my body. Being seen in diaper by my wife and being treated that way was something I had made peace with. It was a secret that we shared, as humiliating as harmless. But I was not even close to be willing for it the be revealed, and what was happening down there was terrifying me. Unable to move, I was nonetheless unable to do anything than wait, powerless, for what seemed to me ages. 
Finally, Jeane came back, followed by a man, around or age, probably 30, that couldn’t help but giggle seeing me. I was staring at this stranger that was trying not to laugh, in my room, and I couldn’t find the words. It was then Jeanne that broke the silence. 
- Paul, here is James. Since, you obviously - she stared at my diaper - can’t take care of me, I asked him to help me with it. I hope you don’t mind ? 
I was about to answer but she waved at me.  
- No need to answer. Let me explain you the rule for today. It’s my night, so you can’t talk. At all. No matter the reason. Understood ?  
Too stunned to understand what was happening, I signed yes with my head, and she kissed me, before going back to James. They started, on the bed, right next to me, even touching me sometimes, passionate foreplays that Jeanne punctuated with strokes on my diapers. When they were fully naked, James kneeled on the bed, his dick fully erected right over my diaper and, under my eyes, on all fours, Jeanne started to lick it. I couldn’t help but that stare at this sexe, that in my room, on my bed, over mine that was traped in a white a soft cage, my wife was fiercely sucking, her mouth doing energetic back and forth, and tongue sliding over the testicules that she would swallow looking at me. In my diaper, I felt my sexe trying to inflate as much as my plastic’s jail would allow, et, unable to only shake my hips to alleviate the pressure, I felt overtaken by a violent despair. 
After that, Jeanne took from beneath the bed one of those erotic swing that she suspended at beam at the ceiling. She adjusted it, and sat into it, the cruelty of the situation suddenly striking me. She had fixed the swing just over my diaper, and adjusted it so, once she sited, her butt would be less than a inch over the bulge between my legs. Lying rover me, she started to get penetrated by James, and, I started to see her swing under the blow of his hips, right on top of my trapped sex.  It lasted for a while, and as I couldn’t hold it anymore and was about to scream in disbelief, I felt a warm liquid invade my crotch. The diuretic that Jeanne gave me was working wonder, and, while a man was making her love over me, I was peeing myself, flowing my diaper with a hot stream I was unable to stop. I thought that was the most humiliated I could get, but the worse was still ahead. Soaked with my own piss, the diaper and swollen, and had gain just enough inch for me to now feel, at every back and forth, the butt of my wife against my diaper. And for her to feel the plastic against her skin. And so I saw her face brighten : 
- Did baby wet his diapee ?
-No way he did that !  It was James’ voice, where I could here mixed disgust and contempt. 
- There his a reason for him to wear diapers, you know, answered my wife. 
The kept on for a moment, and, with each rubbing, I could feel frustration rising into me, without being able to do anything about it. The friction was too light for me to hope feeling anything through my piss’s swelled diaper. But it was strong enough for me feel a slight shift that was enough to turn me crazy. 
Soon, they swapped position and unhanged the swing so James could take Jeanne doggystyle. She settled over me, and, while James was penetrating her, put her head on my chest and hold tight to me. The man was energetic with his hips’ blow, shaking Jeanne’s whole body, and, as she was lying over me, his back and forth were shaking me aswell. He was having sex with her, over my diaper, and I could feel every of his moves just like he was making love to me. My hips were moving at the pace he was printing out to Jeanne’s one. As for her, I could hear her moan on my chest, her mouth half-opened with the pleasure an other man was giving her, while I was myself unable to be even erected, my penis trapped in a soaked diaper. Panting, she started to lick my armpits, then my neck, and then under the pressure of her own pleasure, she stroked my diaper, her hand firmly pressing over the thick and squashy underwear. It took me less than a minute to cum from this stroke, in a grunting of pleasure. Very well aware of what happened, Jeanne whispered to my hears, her voice jerky from James’ hips’ blow : 
- That’s why he’s fucking me and you’re not. He’s been making love to me for fifteen minutes and still he hasn’t came. you ?  You do a cummy in your diapee, your pathetic dick not even erected, and it takes you a few second, and I don’t even need to touch you. I really don’t see any reason for me to let you cum any other why. Turning toward James, she added, laughing : 
- He just came ! 
- No way ?
- Yes !  He’s so premature that even if he wasn’t peeing himself I would have to keep him in diapers so he wouldn’t cum everywhere. 
They bursted in laugher and started rght back where they stopped, until James, in a manly grunting came in Jeanne, arched while screaming when I gave her a last and powerful blow. At the same time, I felt the enema doing it’s job, and, while, half lying over me, my wife had what looked as the strongest orgasm of her life, I felt my diaper fill once more, now with a warmth and mushy mess that soon covered my butt, and I felt tears rushing to my eyes. But I couldn’t cry. As soon as she orgasmed, Jeanne sticked her vagina to my face, and, sitting over me, forced me to give her a cunnilingus. It lasted for a while, and when I felt her contract, it was immediatly followed by a stream, thick and  sticky, that slided into my throat :  James’s sperm. 
- You gotta swallow it all. It’s your punishment for that, said Jeanne as she patted my bum, her stroke spreading the mess a bit more. 
It was much more than what I could handle, and much worse than what I had dreamed of. It was a feeling of full powerlessness that genuinely made me a baby, bounded into my diaper soiled with pee and poo. Until then, our games only gave me the illusion of submission, but, fur the first time, I really belonged to Jeanne. She had broken my dignity, not in our games, but in front of a man whose I was now feeling the salty taste of his sperm down my throat. 
The worse was that I felt, in my diaper, my penis as hard as possible. Of course, the thick absorbing matter was preventing me to have a full erection, but I knew very well that, without it, it would have been the hard I would ever have got. I never had been that excited, and Jeanne knew it very well. 
 - Look, she said to James. He’s so excited by what you just done to me. Now you can tell how much I need you. Play a bit with his diaper if you want. 
She covered my eyes with her hand, and I heard a sound i recognize quickly, the buzzing of a magic wand that we were using from time to time. She gave it to James, and he put it on my diaper, it’s buzzing shaking the thick mattress fill with piss. It took me less than 20 second to have a violent orgasm, the second of the day, that jolted my stomac. I came again, unable to hide the pleasure that twisted my brain, and James watched me do so, my moaning of pleasure making him laugh. 
- Did he came again ? No way ! I never saw that ! 
Jeanne stroked my face were tears of powerlessness were rushing. 
- Just image how fast he came when we were having sex. It was … Infuriating. Then she turned toward him and said :  Look, baby his crying, I think he misses his pacifier. 
Understanding the message, the man put his knees around my head, and, without letting me the time to react, he slide his still erected cock into my mouth while I was feeling, at the same time, Jeanne pressing on my diaper whithout being able to say if it was with her hands or another part of her body. 
In my mouth, Jame’s dick had Jeanne’s taste, and he force to me lick me over and over, grunting with pleasure : 
- I might not be a good fuck, but he’s hell of a good sucker. 
He took his time, doing deep and long back and forht into my throat, and, while I felt like I was about to puke, a feeling of warmth invade my crotch. I was peeing myself once more. My diaper was now as full as possible, and I could felt my pee and my poo that each of James’s hips’ blow was mixing together a bit more. Aroudn the same time i finally stopped peeing, he had a new orgasm, and holding my hair, cumed into my mouth and forced me to swallow. 
When he stood up, I was in another dimension. I had no more strengh to scream, and on my face were rushing silent tears. I lowered my eyes to my crotch, and found myself staring at a sight that would have desperate anybody but that got mo rock-hard. Or, more exactly, I was trying to get rock-hard, my filled-with-piss’s diaper repressing painfully my erection. Instead of my sex, where the was an immaculate and barely bulging diaper there was now a large yellow stain and a thick bulge of swollen and crincly plastic. Between my thighs, it wasn’t the lower belly of a man. It was the soiled one of a baby unable to control his body. And, realising my own and miserable state, I came a third time, wihthout anybody stimulating me. this time, my stream of sperm was accompanied by a genuine scream of pleasure, and it was the most powerful orgasm I ever had. Two minutes after it, as I was still shivering, James was laughing out at me. Next to him, Jeanne leaned over me : 
- I was willing to unbound you and let you make me love baby, as you really were pathetic and painful to watch. I thought that after two orgasms you’d last a bit longer but … Looks like not. So you’re in for a night in your diapees. Actually, for every nights. I hope you remember your tiny, tiny penis, because you’ll never see it again sweat hearth. 
Saying so, she kissed me before adding in a whisper : “ I love you though. But you make me wayyy more happier like that than when you pretend to be a big-boy.” 
While James was dressing, Jeanne took somehting else from beneath the bed. This time, it was a diaper even bigger and thicker than the one I was already wearing, a Tykables Camelot. With it, she was holding pink clothes, a pink Rearz Onesie with ruffles, the “princess” one and a diaper cover, pink aswell. She also had a satin dress from the same brand. She started to put me in the new diaper, that she pinned over my already used one, piercing small holes so pee could flow from one to another. She added a boosted pad a a drop a fragrance that would cover the smell of poope, and a powerful and small vibrator. She closed the diaper, and then covered with the diaper cover. She did it tenderly, just like if she was putting me in sexy lingerie, slowly letting me feel the satin against my skin. The second diaper between my legs was so thick that she had to refasten my legs to make room for it. From now on, even if i was let free, I wouldn’t be able to walk without waddling, and crawling would be much easier. 
Then she unfastened my arms one by one and, asking James to hold me tighth, she put on the onesie on me. Soft, it sticked to every inch of my skin perfectly, covering my body in a thin layer of pick fabric covered with princess patterns. When she snapped it behind my crotch, it molded my body perfectly, sticking to my belly and my back, and covering me with a second skin, pink and tight. More importantly, it was pressing my overfilled diaper against me, splattering and spreading my mess into my sowft jail. 
Finally, she put the dress on me, took a picture, and refastened the segufix harness, then showed it to me. With my swollen crortch,  the pink jail that was trapping my body, and the leather bound at my wrists and ankles, I looked exactly like in my fantasies. Except that a stranger was watching me over, just after he had sex with my wife. That turned it into a nightmare, that three back to back orgasm, making my want to wear diapers disappears made properly unbearable. And then there was what the pictures wasn’t showing :  the smell in the room, mix of sweat, poo, pee and baby lotion. This, and the inside of the diaper, sticky with my mess, my sweat and my sperm. 
One year had passed, and Jeanne didn’t lie. She had thrown away all my under wears, and forbidden me to take care of my diaper myself. Every time she would change me, she would hide my eyes, and, after a few month, I forgot what my penis looked like. I was not even sure I had one anymore. Between my legs, there was only a triangle of soft and thick plastic, pink or white depending the day, and always covered with childish patterns. Waht was behind was a distant memory. I also gave up any hope to cum another way than in my diaper. The mere idea of masturbating seemed silly to me. To masturbate, you needed a penis, you needed to be a man. Same if you wanted to make love to Jeanne. As for me, I had only a diaper between my les, and if I wanted to cum, I just needed to rub it agains’t anything. After a few strokes, the pleasure would come. Why and thanks to what, it didn’t matter anymore. I was cuming thanks to the diaper, and the diaper had became my sexual organ. 
In the exact same way, i would not know anymore if my diaper was dry or wet. Sometimes it was thick, sometimes it was thin. Sometime, when i was sitting, I felt it stick to my bum. That was it, and if Jeanne or the men that came to her house to make love to her were to forget to change me, I would soon have ended up in a leaking diaper without noticing it. 
I was now only wearing onesies, footed jammies, short and pink dress, satin stockings, diaper cover with cute patterns and others childish clothes. All of them, in any case, allowed for a quick and easy check up, that Jeanne never deprived herself of. 
My favorite activity had became my baby bouncer were Jeanne hanged me for whole afternoons, lettting me wave my legs and shake myself, elastics around my waist making me gently bounce in a movement that, no matter what, would leave me shaking with pleasure. In those moments, my brain seemed to turn-off, and if it wasn’t for my bib, Jeanne would found me drawling, my dress or my onesie covered in drool, unable to talk nor walk. 
Besides, I hadn’t walked for months. With the thick diapers I was wearing and the spreader pants that sometimes recovered them, it was much easier for me to crawl. And, just llike that, I didn’t talked anymore, picking words being too much of an effort for me. In any case, screams and tear were enough for Jeanne to understand me. 
I had became fully dependent, stranger to shame, and, sometimes, when men came to make her love, I would crawl to their bedroom to watch. A sudent impulse would drive me to scratch my head against those men thanks to whom I had nothing to do anymore and that were taking care of my wife for me. And, every time, the disdain in their look would make me emptied myself in my diaper, that I’d first fill with pee and poo under their look.  And then boucing in my soiled diaper, at the bed’s foot, I would cum, orgasmn after orgasmn, while they were making love to my wife whose hand gently patted my head. 
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princescribbler · 1 year
Some USEFUL REMINDERS for CG/L Dynamics (Especially Online or LD)
Presented in no particular order or significance, a few useful reminders!
Your Caregiver is more than just that... they're a complicated, whole person with interests outside of CG/L, ABDL, and kink.
Nobody, and I mean nobody, likes to be introduced or harassed online with "Hi wanna be my mommy/ daddy/ little" as an opening line. Like... that's a huge amount of effort, time, and responsibility to take on just cuz somebody you don't know asks... it isn't gonna happen.. if you want that, work for it and build a relationship!
Reminders are great! Send them to your partner, yourself, your friends, whether it's for daily tasks like checking in with a CG or boring work stuff... be the person people appreciate because you check in, give reminders, and generally enable everyone to succeed easier.
There will be extremely tough days where you'll feel bad and want to give up your kinks, your fetishes, etc... and that won't fix a single thing. See, whether you're kinky or not; Jobs suck, renting sucks, everything sucks sometimes! Stop blaming your kink for your problems and accept that you might need to find more complicated answers than just hating or blaming kink.
You and only you are responsible for your fetish activities... you choose how you engage in them, even if it's at someone else's supposed "orders." Don't see yourself as somehow not an active participant!
Consent is key, and informed, enthusiastic consent is key. Whether it's hand holding, keyholding, sex, cuddles, or just sexy messages and texts, consent is key. If you don't get it, don't get kinky with them. And major important note: coerced or manipulated consent is NOT consent.
Pixar and Disney remain excellent at any age, and you don't need to be a little to enjoy! Seriously.
Littles can be toxic! Yes, there's tons of fake caregivers, fake switches, fake and manipulative buttfaces out there, absolutely. But littles can be toxic, too, and if you're seeing those toxic behaviors within yourself, you need to change. Now... it isn't acceptable or fair to damage others with your toxicity just because you're afraid to change and grow!
Consent is needed from all involved, including spectators. Don't bring your kinky stuff in public without the consent of ALL impacted parties. Don't make the whole community look bad, either!
Depression, anxiety, and mental health in general can be a risk when adopting a kinky lifestyle. Don't ignore them or just try to work around them... it won't work. You need to deal with them, and social relationships can help but sometimes you need professionals, not just friends.
When in doubt, assume you should be doing the responsible thing..I know, especially for bratty subs, that it is hard to choose to do the responsible thing... but seriously, being a little isn't an excuse to EXCLUSIVELY do irresponsible or naughty things!
Things like diapees, pacifiers, bottles, most little or ABDL or CG/L gear can be passed off by just saying "Oh, it's for a friend" because everyone assumes there's a friend with a kid. When you accidentally feel exposed... just try to remember most people don't care, or notice, and if they do they probably assume it's a misunderstanding. Stop freaking out!
Your caregiver isn't your therapist. They're not here to fix your emotional trauma from childhood.. they might help you, but they're not meant to fix your whole life just because you let someone be in charge of you.
You are still an adult, even in littlespace... so you need to act like it when it comes to serious stuff. Money, sex, responsibilities, these deserve an ADULT view and should involve your ADULT mindset in participating, unless you and your caregiver have a very specific and well negotiated/ understood agreement about power exchange and decision making... and even then, you should still be an active part of the planning.
Everybody fucks up, and it's USUALLY stupid to hold a mistake against someone who means you well. Give your partner the benefit of the doubt, by default... it can be either you alone against your problems, or you WITH a partner...idk, seems like being on a team is just easier and a better way!
Communication isn't everyone's thing. If you're with someone who never learned healthy methods, you can teach and help. You aren't obligated to, I'm not saying you're responsible if your Partner isn't knowledgeable about this stuff... I'm just saying, if you know a healthier and better way, show your partner, don't expect them to just improve because you think you model good behavior.
Diaper and ABDL play isn't ubiquitous... in this community, some people love it (myself included) and others hate it, and that's fine. As long as nobody is shaming or hurting anybody, let them be, whether your kinks match or not.
Very, very few people want unsolicited pics, whether of penises, breasts, butts, chastity, diapers, etc. If you want to send a pic, check that the pic is welcomed.
Just a short, hopefully informative list than jumped into my head today and I figured I'd share!
Sending you all lots of good vibes, good times, and good luck!
As always, stay happy, stay healthy, and stay kinky!
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nofearageplay · 4 years
Lightning Round of 10 Kinkshame/Kinksame:
Chastity, knives, medfet, rope, humiliation, 24/7, omorashi, sissy, leather, bimbos.
Chastity: KINKSAME! Although I haven’t tried it aside from a cheap cage I bought that was WAY too small, I love the idea of getting locked up but only for maybe a day max.
Knives: Kinkshame, I don’t do well with “threatening” elements in kink and a knife is too much for me.
Medfet: Kinksame, I like enemas and checkups but probably won’t go as far as others would with it.
Rope: Kinksame? I like bondage but AB/DL gear almost always has some sort of bondage element in it already like a paci gag or child restraints, so I don’t know if rope is needed for me.
Humiliation: I don’t know, haven’t really gotten to try it and I don’t think I’d do it to a partner unless they said it was important to them, def not a heat of the moment thing I’ll go to.
24/7: Kinkshame, but I don’t judge. If you want to wear all the time go for it, I don’t have the budget or the patience for that though. I’d do a weekend of it maybe but never 24/7 all the time.
Omorashi: KINKSAME! I love watching little ones struggle through a potty dance only to end up filling their diapees, so cute!
Sissy: Kinkshame, which maybe y’all think would be weird since I like feminine little gear so much, but I like it because it’s cute, not because it’s girly. I think sissy is problematic personally in the way it objectifies femininity to be a weak and subservient thing. I hope that doesn’t offend any followers, because I can’t speak for how everyone feels, but it makes me uncomfortable to view it that way.
Leather: Kinkshame, it doesn’t do anything for me compared to AB/DL outfits.
Bimbos: Kinkshame? Idk, this isn’t something I ever played with this idea but it isn’t very interesting to me, I’m a sweet daddy and I don’t really like the “all sex all the time mindset” that I perceive this as.
Thanks for the ask stranger!
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nice-d-man · 4 years
Endlich mal früh zu Hause, nichts Wichtiges mehr zu tun, nichts sonstiges geplant. Müdigkeit -> Gemütlichkeit. Wenn nicht ins Bett, dann aufs Bett. TV anschmeißen, Kultfilm bitte, hm, Bridget Jones Baby oder Sex and the City 2? Ach, die Wahl folgt nach der frischen Pampers. 😉 Schön, so viel Zeit noch bis zum nächsten Morgen. Da nehme ich doch mal wieder ne hübschere. 😃
Finally at home early, nothing more to do, nothing else planned. Fatigue -> comfort. If not to bed, then on the bed. Start TV, cult film please, hm, Bridget Jones Baby or Sex and the City 2? Oh, the choice follows after the fresh pampers. 😉 Nice, so much time until the next morning. I'll take a prettier one again. 😃
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Tja, fühle mich trotz meiner eigenständigen Blase gerade niedlich-sexy, urgemütlich und drücke Play:
So, feeling me currently, despite of my leaking bladder, mega cute and sexy, very cozy and press play: 😎
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crissiebaby · 9 months
Double Diaper Dare: Chapter 11
DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, public humiliation, masturbation/diaper sex, WAM, hypermessing, hypnosis, diaper filling, slime transformation, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
“I-Is this a prank or something?”
Baffled by Codi’s sudden change in behavior, Crissie couldn’t help but have flashbacks to trick-or-treat night when she and Codi swapped personalities. Only this time, it was only Codi whose personality shifted, at least as far as Crissie could tell.
Shaking her head no in response to Crissie’s question, Codi didn’t appear bothered in the slightest by Crissie’s apprehension. “Hehe! Nuh pwank! Buh if chu wans…” she said, rubbing her hands together as she exploded into an abundance of mischievous giggles. As her laughter slowed down, she began to blow a bubble with the gum in her mouth, drawing Crissie’s attention to it.
“Hey, wait, didn’t you spit that out already?” asked Crissie, causing her to look back at the table where the gum was found, spotting that the once discarded gum wrapper was once again empty and unfolded. With the words, “Bubbly Baby,” written in bold on the wrapper cluing her in, it didn’t take her long to figure out what the purpose of that experimental gum was, “I-I think you might want to stop chewing that gum.”
However, as Crissie looked back at where Codi had been sitting, she was shocked to see that her babified roomie had disappeared without so much as making a sound. Having been so focused on deciphering the mystery behind Codi’s new attitude, it was no surprise that Crissie didn’t hear Codi slink away without a trace.
“Codi?! This really isn’t the place to go full Little Space!” shouted Crissie as she looked around frantically. Having written for the Test Dummy series several times, as well as making up various other CrissBaby inventions throughout her bibliography, she knew what dangerous, potentially perma-regressing stuff was in here. She may have wanted to see Codi open up her Little side more to her but this was NOT the way.
Whipping her head in the direction of the ear-piercing popping sound, Crissie began to make her way toward its source. Codi may have been sneaky but Littles could only be so quiet, giving her the upper hand. All she had to do was follow the popping and she’d find her eventually.
Passing through a set of hanging, opaque tarps, Crissie entered into the greater testing area, where Mark’s control console and various other testing devices that were further along in development were located. At the moment, everything was set up to test a finalized version of the playsuit that Charles wore in Lawyer Dummy. She snickered a little as she remembered writing in the caveat that he would have to be the one to test it.
As Crissie admired the new and improved playsuit, of which several were hanging on a clothing rack in a variety of colors, she failed to notice the small stream of purple goo that was crawling across the floor near her feet. With the hose to the filling machine in clutches, Codi lifted a pair of slimy tentacles from the floor, pulled open the back of Crissie’s diaper, and jammed the hose inside.
“WHAT THE-” was all Crissie had time to say before the filling machine roared to life and began pumping oatmeal into the back of her diaper. The sloppy mush quickly filled all the available space it could find, pushing its way between her legs and up into her diaper front before she even had time to react. Bits of slop gushed through the slots in her chastity belt, increasing her sexual frustration. She reached back to grab the hose, hoping to halt Codi’s deviance in its place.
Unfortunately, as soon as Crissie touched the wide tube sticking out of her diaper, Codi rose from the ground fully to stop her, placing her hand on Crissie’s and keeping her from removing the hose. “Ah-ah-ah! I Douba Diapee Dawe chu ta keep da hose in until chu’s diapee espwodes,” she whispered, her soft words sending shivers down Crissie’s spine.
Unable to say anything due to a mixture of steaming humiliation and unabated bliss, Crissie whined like a dog in heat as her shaky hand slowly ungripped the hose. If Crissie kept a list of her most desired fantasies, this would certainly be at the top, and she knew Codi was aware of that. She gazed down at her rapidly expanding diaper, pressing a hand against it to test how much it sunk in. This move only heightened her horniness, nearly causing her to drop to her knees in the process.
“Das right, I knows how much dis turns chu on, Widdwe Sis,” said Codi, fully turning the tables on the infamous Big Sis Criss. The cheeky slime-girl licked her half-formed lips, finding herself undeniably turned on by Crissie’s predicament as well.
Soon, oatmeal began to drip through the leg holes in Crissie’s diaper. Unlike one of CrissBaby’s Super Absorber XXXs, there was a limit to how far the BunnyHopp she was wearing could stretch. As globs of goopy porridge began to pile at her feet, it was only a matter of time before the tapes of her diaper began to loosen.
In one swift action, the two tapes of Crissie’s BunnyHopp diaper ripped open, causing the oatmeal-filled nappy to drop to the ground and splatter outward dramatically. Chunks of sticky grain clung to her chastity belt and dribbled down her legs, making a mess out of both Crissie and the testing chamber. Her lower body quivered with unfettered arousal. Frozen in place, she let out a heavy breath, attempting to come down from her sudden sexual high.
“Hehehe, did chu have fun? Chu did say chu wansed me ta pwank chus,” said Codi, completely twisting Crissie’s earlier statement. Returning her body to her human form, she draped her arms across Crissie’s chest, cuddling her close, “If chus wikes, we can esperiment with somfin a bit gooier in chus next diapee.” She held out one of her hands in front of Crissie’s eyes, changing the tips of her fingers into translucent, purple slime, “I don neesa key ta get passed chus chasity bewt.”
For Crissie, this was everything that she had wanted to hear and more since their game of Double Diaper Dare started. Heck, it was what she’d been dreaming about ever since Halloween. How could she say no to such a tantalizing offer?
Having almost forgotten about the brain-altering gum that Codi was chomping on, Crissie’s expression began to turn sour as she watched Codi’s partially-gooey hand start to lower itself toward Crissie’s princess parts. “W-Wait,” she said, grabbing onto Codi’s wrist just as slimy her fingers were about to make contact with her oatmeal-coated clit. She took a deep breath and lowered her head, “This…isn’t you. I mean, it is you physically…but it’s not…you you. And as much as I want this, and fuck do I really want this, I don’t want to disrespect the real Codi’s wishes. I’m sorry.”
Loosening her arms from around Crissie’s body, Codi backed away, feeling a bit hurt by the rejection but also slightly relieved. In the back of her mind, her silent but still existent mature side knew Crissie was right, even if the forefront of her mind wanted to cry like a spoiled child being told no. The warring factions of her conscious and subconscious spiked her anxiety something fierce, causing her gum chewing to accelerate. “Buh…chus did stuff on Hawwoween! Why’s dis any diffewen?!” she shouted, her panic transitioning into a full-blown tantrum.
“Because neither of us knew what was happening. This isn’t the same thing,” said Crissie starkly, her eyes rising to meet Codi’s. Listening to Codi’s gum-smacking grow louder and more intense, she glanced around the area, spotting a jar of the lisp lollies sitting on Mark’s control panel. She quickly retrieved one and rushed back over to Codi, waving the sucker in the air, “Here, I’ll trade you a lollipop for that stinky piece of gum.”
“Oooooh!” exclaimed Codi, who immediately stuck her fingers into her mouth and pulled out the small wad of gum. She chucked it on the ground before snatching the lolly out of Crissie’s hand and pushing it between her lips with a derpy, satisfied grin. The yummy cherry flavor seemed almost dull in comparison to the gum but that didn’t stop her from humming happily as she lapped at the lollipop.
Picking the piece of gum off the ground, Crissie quickly disposed of it, sighing in relief that Codi no longer had access to its mental regression powers. “There, hopefully, whatever that gum did to you wears off soon,” she said, leaning back against Mark’s console and looking down at the mess Codi made, “What do you think? Should we clean up or let the testing team get in trouble?”
Suddenly, the sound of a door being unlocked began to echo throughout the testing chamber. Crissie and Codi shot each other panicked looks. Even regressed, Codi knew this was not good. “W-Wuh sood we do?!” she asked with zero control of her volume, prompting Crissie to shush her.
“We gotta get out of here,” whispered Crissie as she reached down to grab the teleport key from her diaper…or at least she would have if her diaper was still taped to her hips! Dropping to the ground, she frantically started to search through the gallons of scattered oatmeal, “C’mon! Where is it?! Nothing this pink and shiny should be able to hide!”
Out of time, Crissie grabbed Codi by the arm and sprinted into the nearby changing room just as a security guard entered the testing chamber.
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Edited by AllySmolShork
Special Thanks to Our CrissBaby Diaper Company Investors: BlossomBitchDolly BlushyBen DD Exminister Gun1242 JFN LittlePissy PrincessKittenLizzi Strawberry Sweetsamantharebecca & One Anonymous Investor
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juanitaashburn-blog · 6 years
Meena Ali's expanded household-- The Strongs-- are actually full of few that reside in passion, but she can not seem to pass the break-up of her parents that was actually brought on by a relationship. I am in the procedure from updating our area's rubric and also would enjoy input coming from others teaming up with students along with social interaction issues. The major concern when it comes to dangerous play and also children appears to be safety and security. I would certainly adore to relocate but as a result of aged moms and dads I perform t feel this's an option presently. Link Website Actress Bella Thorne spoke out in an Instagram submitted Sunday concerning being actually intimately abused as a child. Margaret moaned as she cooed towards her child girl Sarah, which is participating in and blabbing with the mobile phone over her. Which brings our team to this minute, when the White Home is actually preparing to deteriorate United States's credibility as a nation of migrants and change that with dangerous immigration plan, which that has masqueraded as a method to conserve young undocumented immigrants that were offered the nation as kids, referred to as Dreamers." The Trump management has mentioned this assists expanding a pathway to citizenship for the roughly 800,000 Fantasizers that the Deferred Activity for Childhood years Arrivals policy presently shields off deportation and also for various other youthful immigrants that are actually entitled yet don't currently keep the defenses-- a determined 1.8 thousand individuals in overall. You may intend to reframe through inquiring exactly what they assume they can do to develop a positive improvement in their life. You may utilize this type of typeface on adult certificates and on kids's certificates. ' Sorry darling, yet I don't possess opportunity for playthings, Mum received some essential work to do' she came back on the phone, leaving Sarah let down as she relaxed down and also continue to play. Among those, 48 percent from white Americans claimed that was a separated incident, a third that this was characteristic from a more comprehensive pattern in just how culture all at once deals with black folks, as well as 6 per-cent that this was a representation of a wider design in the way Starbucks handles dark individuals. For all my love-hate feelings concerning Laid-back Encounters," I never ceased marveling at its basic capability to attach us. That such a free space existed for kink to thrive, for unedited human desire that was actually broad of every type of individual to prosper, for conceding grownups to locate their complementary sexual challenge item, for males and females to separately and also anonymously exercise their right to sexual freedom is actually extra unusual as well as precious in review, as we look toward a digital potential influenced by grasp of the brand new sex-trafficking law. That are going to you leave the management of your level (I am actually not speaking about rich individuals here) however everyday American's. Sandseter (2009a) nonetheless disagrees through this statement, recommending that little ones will certainly seek risky play possibilities in any play atmosphere.
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Growing little ones could need to have a number of wigs as time go on as they combat their ailment. Sarah sigh, 'ok you huge rascal' she aggravated as she got out of bed and stood her up, 'Lets improvement that clammy damp diapee!' she blew on her stomach, making Margaret laugh along with laughter. When the court was considering the checklist from possible transmission universities the DOE is providing for the PS 25 trainees (some away from district, the far better ones currently overcrowded), she pointed out concerning one of the possibilities, "That's 29 mins away!".
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Scaramucci didn't last greater than 10 days, yet because time he dedicated, in a particularly cringeworthy instant, to keeping the brand-new hair and make-up individual for media secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders. As well as the criteria apply moms and dads at social institutions are actually a lot lesser - less selective outfit codes, fewer requirements on parents' opportunity as well as they take a greater accountability for your youngsters.
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niklass2181240-blog · 6 years
My Ink Smears Poetry & Musings Of Life & Faith.
50 years ago the 'usual' household was actually the 'nuclear' family - a couple with little ones. Grownups are actually flocking to these books, also, perhaps since grown-up lifestyle has its portion of difficult issues, and also everyone takes pleasure in well-written tales regarding difficulty as well as accomplishment. None people had youngsters at that time. Promote your kid to check out sex as one thing really good as well as healthy and balanced, and also verify that you actually prefer them to have excellent, fun sex when they are adults. As I claimed in my equipped opinions, 33,000 grown-up PKU patients in our areas, 12,000 of all of them in the United States. To make sure that's a very significant market. Expanding kids could require numerous wigs gradually as they fight their ailment. Sarah sigh, 'ok you huge rascal' she aggravated as she rose as well as stood her up, 'Allows adjustment that clammy damp diapee!' she streamed on her stubborn belly, creating Margaret chuckle along with amusement. He frequently appears on the series yelling about his healthy and balanced way of living", which consists of consuming simply raw veggies and fruits and running 20 miles a time in ladies's lingerie Due to the fact that he uses ladies's clothes, many feel that Offen is a homosexual. My parents never informed me they our company proud of me, something I inform my children daily, I have actually never ever heard my mother claim she miscalculated she consistently condemned me (the oldest of 2 little ones - my sibling was actually the princess or queen), thus if you create this apparent that you are actually not satisfied with someone then they are actually certainly not visiting be around to view the dissatisfaction.
My brother gave her the book "Sybil" and also, after she had reviewed it, he asked her what she thought about this. She said she couldn't understand why an individual in Sybil's urgent family didn't assist her. For example, if your son's only participation along with the loved ones is actually occasional meals, are sure that is actually clearly understood just what opportunity he is anticipated and that you call for a clean as well as clean dinner buddy.
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After the fostering, I still kept a method of making use of action and imagination along with kids and also young adults. A ton of time and effort is engageded in making an equipped Montessori class that is actually created to satisfy the specific requirements from all youngsters. The first concern I will inquire is where is this originating from?" because individuals can be managing a considerable amount of internal hate occasionally. ' Listen closely girl, Eventually you are actually visiting modify your personal little one, therefore hope http://dieta-dla-ciebie-blog.info that she will certainly stand still for you' she blew on her belly as 2 year old Margaret had a good laugh, at that point the mind changed.
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Adults commonly feel evaluated concerning their parenting capabilities, and also any sort of way you can easily help all of them to feel confident as parents is a good thing. Her legs were actually still spread out wide available as she pitched back and also I rose and leaned ahead at the waist as I started to push my upright cock into her pussy.This is a brand-new method forward for our household, therefore, everybody must know; you are actually really loved, you are respected, you and also your welfare is essential per from your Mistresses, yet you are to be complete submissive to every Mistress as well as every other females you fulfill.That is actually a great gal?' She stimulate her stomach producing her laugh, Margaret started to believe a lot better as Sarah stood her up as well as led her in the direction of the sitting room. The Centers for Ailment Command as well as Protection suggest that individuals with MRSA be actually maded in solitary rooms and also medical staff damage dress and also handwear covers while maintaining them to stop spreading out MRSA amongst patients.
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crissiebaby · 2 years
Growing Into Diapers: Epilogue
DISCLAIMER: This story contains diaper usage, sissification, humiliation, forced drug use, domination, masturbation/diaper sex, hyperwetting, anal play, mental regression, and other ABDL themes. I hope you enjoy!
Commissioned By: BlossomBitchDolly
“Uh oh! Smells like someone made a stinky in here!”
Roaming around CrissBaby HQ’s nursery with a nose that would put most police dogs to shame, lead caretaker, Miss Dollia, followed the pungent scent as she weaved between the dozens of Littles scattered around during playtime. Her accuracy for sniffing out a messy diaper was unparalleled, even when compared to the best robotic nannies that money could buy. In no time at all, she managed to single out the foul-smelling culprit as she leaned down and pulled open the back of their diaper, increasing the odor’s viscosity. “Pee-you! I swear, Edan, your messes are getting smellier by the day,” she said, waving her hand in front of her nose in an exaggerated manner.
Unlike Miss Dollia, Edan paid no mind to the rancid stench that emanated from her diaper. It had been several months since Edan had fully descended into babyhood, though to her, it all went by in the blink of an eye. Dressed in a darling pink babydoll dress with two cute ribbons to hold her short hair up in a pair of tiny pigtails, the former marketing employee was far too busy fussing over her dollies to worry about something as trivial as the state of her diaper. With the doll in her hands finally dressed to her liking, she sat back on her heels and cradled it in her arms causing her incredibly swollen diaper as well as the semi-soft load it contained to squelch as she eased her butt down. She giggled at the squishy sensation, feeling an overwhelming sense of bliss course throughout her entire body.
Looking up at the pastel-colored analog clock on the wall, Miss Dollia let out a long, exaggerated sigh. “It hasn’t even been an hour since I last changed you,” she said teasingly, wrapping her arms around Edan from behind and forcing even more giggles out of her, “Good thing you seem to like your mooshy diapees since I won’t have time to change you until after lunch.”
“Oh, you don’t have to worry about my little Edy. I can take over from here.”
Whipping her head back toward the entrance of the nursery, Miss Dollia was delighted to see Aubrey standing in the doorway. “Aubrey! You checking Edan out for lunch?” she asked, releasing her grip on the hem of Edan’s diaper as she stood up and brushed out her long skirt.
“Indeed, I am!” said Aubrey, giving Miss Dollia a quick hug before rushing up to her baby girl, “You ready to go to lunch, Edy?”
Raising her arms toward Aubrey, Edan was beyond ecstatic to be graced by her beloved Mommy’s presence. Subconsciously, she began to grind her diaper against the floor, quickly achieving an erection inside her supremely soggy diaper. “Mama! I mades tinkies in my diapee jus like chu asked,” she said, excited to be praised for having shaken off her shyness of using her diaper for number twos. 
Ruffling Edan’s hair, Aubrey knelt down next to her and planted a kiss on her forehead. Placing her hand on the front of her Little’s diaper, she was amused by how far her hand sank into the gushy padding, as well as how much Edan was frothing at the mouth to explode cummies all over her diaper. “That’s my good girl. Now, shall we do something about your bloated diaper now? Or would you like to wait until after lunch?”
Edan’s attention span was so impossibly short that she didn’t hear a word of her Mommy’s question. Instead, she was far more focused on what Mommy’s hand was doing with her diaper. Unable to resist herself, she began pushing her diaper front up against Aubrey’s hand. To her, there wasn’t any reason to hold back. As her Mommy, Aubrey was her primary source of comfort, care, and pleasure; someone who would never judge her for acting upon her horniest desires.
“Hehehe! I’ll take that as you wanting to stay all squishy and sloshy for as long as possible,” said Aubrey, rolling her hand around in a circular motion as she caressed the outside of Edan’s diaper around the outline of her little clitty. An ear-to-ear grin formed on her face as she watched her baby’s docile expression become more invigorated as his breathing picked up.
For Edan, it was as if every graceful stroke from Aubrey’s hand was a bolt of euphoria striking through her entire nervous system. Everything from her mushy diaper and sensual silky clothes that draped across her torso to Mommy’s kind, doting eyes sent her mind further down the rabbit hole of infinite Little Space, with no hope of ever resurfacing. Sucking her bottom lip into her mouth, she let out an unconscious moan as her hyper-sensitive, flaccid micropenis squirted almost half a gallon of spunk into her diapers.
“Awww, you must’ve been so pent up to make your sissy squirties for Mommy so quickly! I do hope you saved some of that love for your Aunties. They’ve been dying to see you,” cooed Aubrey, causing Edan’s excitement to perk back up instantly at the news that Malorie and Rita would be joining their lunch plans for today. She began bouncing up and down on her sloppy, slippery padding in anticipation.
Placing a hand on Aubrey's shoulder, Miss Dollia sighed as they watched Edan’s world dissolve into a squelchy paradise. “In all my years of working as an AB caretaker, I’ve never seen a Little sink this deep. You’re a very lucky Mommy,” she said as she leaned down and gave Edan’s hair a few pats, “I’ll see you after lunch, sugar bee.”
Left alone with her baby girl, Aubrey scooped Edan into her arms and exited the CrissBaby nursery, making sure to sign her name on the checkout sheet beforehand. Entering the elevator, the pair rode down to the ground level before being greeted by Malorie and Rita as they stepped off the lift. “Perfect! Ready to go, girls?”
“You betcha! And we better get to the restaurant pronto before my little Nicki gets cranky,” said Rita, leaning down and tickling her Little’s chin as he rested in his stroller. Nicki burbled happily in response.
“Ugh! I’m so jealous of you two! I wish I had my own Little,” whined Malorie as the group exited the building. 
Snickering, Aubrey responded, “Speaking of that, have you seen Edan’s replacement, Travis? He’s ripe for the picking if you ask me. I doubt he’ll be able to keep up with the others in the office even once he’s fully trained.”
“Hmmm…I dunno. I kinda want someone like Edan. With that girlish face and slender body, she’s too cute not to dress up like the perfect baby princess. Travis is a little too gruff for my tastes,” stated Malorie as she trailed behind Aubrey. With Edan’s head resting on Aubrey’s shoulder, Malorie reached forward and curled Edan’s hair around her finger, admiring her precious smile. Maybe someday Aubrey would get bored of Edan and she’d be able to swoop in to look after her from then on. That would be her dream scenario.
Suddenly, Rita gave Malorie a friendly slap on the back, causing Malorie to retract her hand instantly. “Don’t worry, Mal! I’m sure your ideal Little is waiting just around the corner,” she said, parking Nicki’s stroller next to her van as she began to load him into his booster seat, ”Sorry, Aubrey, I only have the one booster seat right now.”
“That’s okay. I’m more than happy to let Edan sit in my lap,” said Aubrey, hopping into the backseat and lifting Edan onto her. She bit down hard on the inside of her bottom lip and felt Edan’s diaper squish across her thighs. She’d never admit it to the others, but there was just something about the feeling of a smooshy diaper that got her blood pumping, regardless of if Edan was wearing it or she was. Wrapping her hands around Edan’s body, she rested her limbs heavily on the front of Edan’s diaper, silently indulging in the delicious feeling.
Edan, on the other hand, was the opposite of silent as her arousal was sparked for a second time this hour. Mumbling and babbling incessantly, Aubrey decided that her baby’s mouth was just too active. Unbuttoning her suit jacket, she lowered the neckline of her maternity shirt underneath and lifted one of her breasts out. “Nothing wrong with a tiny snack before we get to the restaurant,” she said as she raised Edan’s awestruck face toward her taut nipple. 
Wrapping his lips around Aubrey’s practically dripping breast, Edan slowly began to suck, allowing her Mommy’s warm, creamy milk to fill her with an abundance of joy. In moments like this, she made sure to savor every last drop as her arousal pushed her sissy clit to spit out an unfathomable amount of pre-cum, beginning to build up toward her first climax of the early afternoon. The best part was, in the back of her dulled-down brain, she knew this wouldn’t be the last time today by a long shot. Soon, she’d be doted on by three milf goddesses at once and forced to cum over and over again until she passed out from overexertion. It was a simple existence but one that she wouldn’t trade for the world. Leaning her head back against Mommy’s warm, bountiful breasts, she closed her eyes and cracked a soft smile as she, her Mommy, and her Aunties drove off toward their next fun-filled adventure.
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Edited by AllySmolShork
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