#did a quick google search and i immediately found another tumblr post with the same cat
kaitoustarlight · 1 year
Yooo there!! Hoping you dont find this ask strange, weird or whatever you call it 😞 Just wanted to ask a favor if you could possibly check the post I pinned for my cat? Its on this blog, please do check if you have a spare time and reblog/boost it as we badly need help because there’s an ugly rash on her mouth and im so so worried 😭😭 Im so sorry if I did bother you, just need some help. Please do send me a msg to reply or answer the ask privately, please and have wonderful day! 🙏🐈
oh look, a 7-hour old blog, asking me to check the pinned post about a pet, and telling me to answer the ask privately! that's all the red flags for a tumblr scam checked!
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Hidden In Plain Site (2)- Tom Holland x Reader
Word Count:  2348
A/N: This was inspired by this wonderful post by @starsholland. Without it this would not be happening. This will be a multi part fic, but I don’t know how many chapters or when it will be posted so if you’d like to be tagged let me know:)  Welcome to Tom being undercover on Tumblr. Quick notes- Y/T/B = Your Tumblr Blog
Chapter One || Master List
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The edit turned out better than you thought it would. You had decided to use blue and red, since they’re Spider-Man colors and it honestly suits Tom and Haz so well. You still are wondering when the picture is from since you scoured the depths of Google and Tumblr to no avail. It’s either really old, or not really posted. Either way it made an adorable edit and will look great in your edit’s tag. It’s also sparked some ideas for a friendship imagine. It’s been so long since you wrote anything, with work and family stuff weighing you down, but you can picture the outline in your head so as soon as you finish the last touches on your outline, you click open a new document and drop a few lines down to get going. 
“What you working on?” Your brother calls to you from across the living room. He knows that once you’re home for the afternoon, it’s not normally work stuff, but sometimes your graphic design projects run into your post work day.
“Just some edits. Nothing too big.”
“Bringing work home?”
“Nope, just working on some extra stuff.” You type some more into the document, wanting to make sure that everything is hitting the moment right. In your browser, you pull up your tumblr and make a new post.
Ask me stuff while I work on my latest imagine. Give me a number 1-100 and I’ll give you a song from my writing playlist and a memory attached to it.
Across the ocean, Tom can’t sleep. It’s nearly 3am, but something is keeping his mind from sleeping. He should be able to sleep just fine. He isn’t working on any movies that have him worried, he doesn’t have any auditions coming up, and he doesn’t have press for a few weeks. So why can’t he get to sleep?
Lifting his phone in his hand he sees a notification from Tumblr saying that Y/T/B has posted. He swipes across and waits for the post to load. You want questions? Well, he can help with that. Plus, he’s interested in learning about what kind of music you’re interested in.
Anonymous Asked:
Anonymous Asked:
Anonymous Asked: 
Three Anons come in right after another. You weren’t expecting that quick of a reaction. Sure you had a couple hundred followers, but you didn’t tend to get that many reactions to your posts. At least not back to back. But you’ll take it, and reply. As soon as you send the edit to that blog that asked for it.
You pull up the thread between you and tomholland2013. You click the camera button and upload the edit you had done. 
Hey, here’s that edit. Hope this works for you! 
Surprisingly, whoever is behind the account messages back immediately.
That looks awesome! Thanks so muchX
Hows your night going?X
More like afternoon here lol. I’m just getting some work done after getting home earlier.
How about you? Is it night there?
It’s like the middle of the night here and I can’t sleepX
If it’s middle of the night there, did you see the news? 
What news?X
That Tom saved Spider-Man?! It’s been all over Tumblr since I got home from work.
It’s kind of the reason I made your edit in red and blue tbh.
I hadn’t had time to look at my dashboard to be honest. I’ve been busy with work stuff most of the afternoon.X
It wasn’t a lie. Over the past few days having talks between him, Bob and Tom trying to smooth everything over, there wasn’t much time to glance over the explosion that had happened since the original news had been released. But after clicking send on his message to Y/N, he clicks over to your main blog to see the reaction to the news. There are some general reblogs of the news announcing Spider-Man returning to the MCU but then there were also some general posts about Spider-Man and Peter Parker. Your tags are what really get to him. Some like hashtag my-baby-is-back-where-he-belongs and hashtag get-tom-drunk-more-often-if-it-saves-my-baby. He can’t help but laugh at the last one. True he hadn’t exactly been sober when he and Bob had first talked about getting Spider-Man back in the MCU, but he didn’t think that story would take the world by storm.
Going into his settings, Tom quickly updates his picture with the edit you had done for him. Honestly, it looked better than he had hoped for. You had done Spider-Man colors and if he wasn't trying to keep this blog on the down low, he would share it on his Instagram so his fans could see how talented Y/N was. As he hits save, another message comes through from you.
Do you mind if I use the edit I sent you as inspiration for an imagine?
A what?X
An imagine. It’s a specific type of fanfic. I had a great idea of one while I was working on the edit for you, but if you’re not cool with it, I’ll find a different picture.
You did all the work on it. Feel free to use it. What kind of story?X
Basically like a Tom x Reader with hints of Harrison friendship notes in it. It’s hard to explain lol
Have you written other stuff?X
I think everyone on this site dabbles in it from time to time, but yeah I’ve written a few pieces over the past few years.
Do you have a list of them?X
Sure, it’s here.
You had linked a page in your message. Apparently dabbling meant one.. Two.. three… his finger drags down the page as he counts the stories. Holy hell, you’ve written fifty stories about him, Peter Parker and even some of the other Avengers. But most of them revolve around him and x Reader, whatever that means. You had mentioned it in your message, but he wasn’t sure what it meant.
Ok, I’m new to the whole fanfic thing, so pardon my stupidity but what does x reader mean?X
It’s a self insert fic. Basically anywhere that it says Y/N or you, you put yourself into the fic. They’re one of the most popular types of fics.
Before he can reply to your message, a notification comes up saying that Y/T/B has posted a new post.
Anonymous Asked:
Y/T/B/ Answered: Heather by Conan Gray. So I love this song and totally have screamed along with the chorus of this song when I’m alone at home and writing or in my car driving places (otherwise I would freak my family out). When I wrote a fic called The Smell of Your Sweater, on my master list here, I listened to this song on repeat for three days straight to be in the right mind set. Honestly I could probably listen to this song until the end of time and never get sick of it. 
Tom reads over the answer and can picture someone jamming out to a song so much that they love it. He pulls open his Spotify app and pulls up the song, because he wants to feel closer to you, even though you’re time zones apart from each other. The fact that it’s afternoon where you are and nighttime where he is makes him think that you’re in the United States.
So reader insert are some of the most popular type of fics, but what are your favorite to read?X
That’s not even something that I would share on a first date lol you’ll be waiting a bit to find out. 
Is sharing that you write fanfic something that you don’t talk about on a date?X
Not normally. Talking about it with tumblr friends is one thing because I link it on my blog, but what I read is a whole nother thing. It literally says so much about you with who you read, what ships you ship, and especially what kinks you look for.
You haven’t read much yet have you?
Literally no. I’ve only been on tumblr since I messaged you the first time. That was the day I made my blogX
So you’ve been on for a month? And you’re deciding to get into fanfics?
No I’m thinking I should stay away from it still. It seems like virtual porn.X
It doesn’t have to have anything smutty in it. Just click on ones that say fluff or don’t say smut next to them. You can also block certain tags so they don’t come up on your dashboard. Like Starker is a popular one to be blocked for a lot of people.
I don’t think I even want to know what that is if people are blocking it who are into this porn esque writing. X
It’s not porn lol You seem to have only found smut so far. We need to find you some fluff. Maybe some Tom x Reader?
Maybe I’m just not ready for it after all.X
Does he want to read about himself? Not at all. That seems creepy. But other people write about him too. It’s not just Y/N. He decides to research this further. In the search bar he types in Tom Holland Fanfic. The first four post all say smut or NSFW so he’s not going to bother reading them, but the thing that catches his eye is the fact that they all have over 2,000 notes on them. Two thousand people have liked or reblogged about him in a sexual way? What the actual flipping hell?
Before he has the chance to flip out even more, another notification from your blog pops up.
Anonymous Asked:
Y/T/B answered: Praying by Kesha. THIS WOMAN COULD MURDER ME AND I WOULD THANK HER FOR IT. Plus that chorus makes me want to write some epic breakup scene and have one of the people begging the other to feel the same as they are feeling. Oooooo maybe I feel a one shot coming up. Anyway, a memory of this song- my best friend and I blasted this song while we drove from California to Philly to visit a school. It literally got us through so many hours of that drive. Kesha is bae lets be real. Or is that not what the cool kids say? 
When he sent you these asks, he thought he would get one or two sentences in response, but he’s learning so much about you from all of these asks. Maybe he would send you some non song related ones, maybe some To- Peter Parker ones to see what else you liked. Purely science based research. 
If you’re not ready for it, don’t push yourself. Fanfics can be a weird mindset to put yourself in. I used them at first to distract myself from some shitty family stuff that was going on, but now I read and write them for fun too. I think I mainly read Avenger ones at first as well as some TV shows too. Plus would I be a teenage girl if I didn’t read a few Twilight fanfics back in my day? 
Twilight? Like Rob-Tom makes himself type out Rob and Kristen’s full names like a fan would-ert Pattinson and Kristen Stewert Twilight?X
That one exactly. I was the generation it was aimed for and so fanfics galore were my teen years. But I’m proud to say I’m a recovered Twihard.
Glad to hear it darlingX
What about you? What were you into as a kid?
I’ve always been a fan of Spider-Man, ever since I was a kid.X
Comics or movies?
Comics. They’re the originalsX
Which Spider-Man is the best? 
Is that a trick question? Obviously HollandX
Was that conceited? Maybe. But hopefully, Y/N doesn’t think so. Oh wait she has no idea-
It was a trick question. A trick question that you clearly got right. 
Another notification pops up and you suddenly remember the last number that you sent Y/N. Well hopefully the number doesn’t seem like you.
Anonymous Asked: 
Y/T/B Answered: Noice. 
But the actual answer is Bad Religion by Frank Ocean. This song got me through my last bout of depression lol. I remember sitting on the floor of my bedroom with the lights off and just playing this song on repeat. Always open about that here. It also gets me to channel some deep emotions into some pieces that I’m working on because it reminds me of being in that dark place. I also really like the beat of this though, like how it sounds like a mix of an electric piano and an organ. So if I ever name a one shot Bad Religion, it’s probably named after this song.
Tom feels like a weight is sinking in his gut. Almost like someone slammed an anchor into the lower part of his bowl. He didn’t mean to bring up something so dark with that number. He was hoping it would actually make her laugh. So guess he will send her one more number, but this one won’t be on anonymous.
Tomholland2013 asked: 36
Huh, he must have seen all the responses you posted. Between posting and replying to him, you hadn’t gotten much work on your imagine done, but you could post once more before jumping back to your word document. 
Tomholland2013 asked: 36
Y/B/N answered: The Night We Met by Lord Huron. I literally saw them in concert with my friends last month so a lot of the memories I have of them are about this. But I have a great fanfic idea for this song specifically. To not spoil it completely I’ll just leave you with three spoilers- first date, first dance, secrets spilled. It’s a work in progress.
Now it’s time to get off the internet and back to writing, or else you’re going to Tumblr your day away.
Taglist: @ serendipitous-amor @im-still-tryin-to-find-it​
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ontowanderlust · 5 years
How to say I love you?  (2)
A/N: Another one? Really? Gosh. Bear with me, I’ve got like six more to go. I haven’t started writing the third one so if you guys are waiting for the next one- I’m gonna be frank with you, it will take me a long time before I publish it out. I would like to give this fic to the anon who had requested a different Five Hargreeves fanfic- (I tried writing your prompt, dearie, but I just couldn’t find the inspiration to recreate the magic of the song. That, and I am not really familiar with the song itself and tried googling it but I really cannot replicate the magic.) so instead, this part is dedicated to you whoever you are, anon.
Special thanks to: @grimpower-s you are awesome and amazing and I might pop out sooner or later depending on my motivation so yup.. I love you, my beta.
One of the reasons why I haven’t posted this was because of the sucky title. Let me know if you guys have better ideas. The other reason was just I’m too lazy to post this. My betas knew that I had a name written here but I had to revert to second person since… this is tumblr. (Though, the last name is predetermined already, don’t fight me on this.) Let me know if this sucks or if you guys like it.
Also some reminders:
Five is eighteen in this fic
The apocalypse had already happened
(Spoiler) They are sent back in time
And there are some of the 43 involved in this fic- there are 16 actually. Find them all and hit me in my asks if you knew the reference of the names.
Alternatively: 7 times he confessed and the 1 time she accepted his confession / 8 ways to say I Love You
Fandom: The Umbrella Academy
Pairing: Five Hargreeves x Fem!reader
Prompt: This prompt is brought to you by R. McKinley (you write beautifully, may I just say) and @chickenshit​‘s photo edit. I did say that I’m gonna write something about this, right?
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For as long as Y/N can remember Tuesdays had always been allocated as a day where she and her brother, Crutchie gets to be “special” (or so as people in their household says.)
Coming from a rich household, their mother had given them Tuesday as a time for reprieve from the whirlwind of studies from their different tutors, (seriously, why do they need to learn the 14 different uses of forks?) she and her brother would have a mock battle with each other- her, usually making her brother pause at mid-action while he retaliates by setting off a series of events at her misfortune. 
As much as she loved spending time with her brother, back then, it always felt as if Tuesdays are nothing more than the only day where she felt extraordinary and that if Tuesdays were removed, she would be… nothing more than some girl who got lucky and was born to wealth.
She hated how Tuesdays dictate her worth. She hated it so much that she had to resort to all kinds of excuses.
That is until her mother brought home the foster kid who would eventually become her big brother, Jack. 
Despite their initial distrust with each other, she learned that there is a purpose why her mother is adamant with their Tuesday routine. There is a purpose why she let her children discover what their abilities can do and make up for the loss of what the others can’t.
And right now, she couldn’t be more thankful to her mom than ever.
Throughout the years, Tuesdays with her brothers had somehow evolved with having more company- the kids she and her brothers had encountered on their run from their relatives- and their neighbors who were all born the same day as them. 
Crutchie liked to call it predetermined. Fate, if he will. She and Jack simply would scoff at their brother’s belief. Although, deep down, they all knew that having these kids make up for the space their mother had left them. In a way, they are all what they have, they are family.
When the Umbrella Academy showed up on their doorstep a few months back, she knew her twin had been right all along. (She never doubted him in his predictions. She just hated how optimistic his way of thinking is.) 
And so here they were Tuesday morning, in the middle of a massive courtyard-turned-grassy field courtesy of Katherine’s ability, about to face these superheroes. And since the Academy is massively outnumbered, Jack chose seven people from their team to battle the opposing team. 
“Heads up, mi hermano!” She heard Klaus holler at Five as she saw JoJo swooping down from above, grabbing the fifth Hargreeves child as if he weighed nothing before dropping him 30 ft from the sky.
She watched with interest as Klaus tried to levitate to save his brother, failing when Katherine touched the grass, willing some blades to transform into vines as it wrapped around the unsuspecting seance’s ankle, pulling him to the ground.
“We’re being floored,” she heard Diego deadpanned at Five as he spatial jumped back beside him. “We need a new plan.”
Five rolled his eyes as she watched him search the field for what she presumed would be the victim of this boy’s ire.
Having spent her time with them, she knew the Academy had somehow built this holier-than-thou attitude- a result of their glorified superhero days.
It’s no surprise that their hubris is their downfall and her family have no qualms in kicking their sorry asses.
Good. She scoffed inwardly. Someone has to teach them some humility. She thought as she absentmindedly reached up to steal Henry’s popcorn, ignoring his protests as her attention went back to the battle in front of her. 
Her family had adopted the strategy of keeping the Academy from each other while they keep themselves open to assist their own should the need arise.
Davey is managing on his own after he had borrowed Vanya’s ability, facing her by himself as he isolated her from her siblings, Katherine and JoJo teaming up to confuse Klaus and Diego, messing with them, Mush steeling himself well against Luther’s strength while Elmer and Romeo are fighting off Allison and Ben side by side. Crutchie, on the other hand, is providing all the assistance from every corner, setting off one series of unfortunate events to another, simply cast on the side as an open target.
Apparently, Five is thinking the same thing as her as she saw his gaze fell upon her twin, his fists started to glow blue.
She stood up abruptly, startling Race who was using her shoulder to sleep on, jumping off the bleachers (graciously provided by Katherine, “for your entertainment, losers”) prompting the rest to ask where she’s going. 
“He’s going after Crutchie!” she called over her shoulder, eyes locked onto Five’s running figure, trying to concentrate on him in order to slow him down. 
“Y/N, get back here!” She heard Jack yell but she had already entered the field, running as fast as she can, barely dodging JoJo as she shook her head, irritated at her lack of control over her ability.
Just as she ran past Elmer, she vaguely heard his panicked tone, voicing his worries to Romeo. 
“Time out!” Romeo yelled, stretching his arm as he wrapped it around Allison and Ben, easily trapping them. “Time out, Jack! Elmer’s lost control of his portal!”
Too late now. She thought as strings of profanities left her lips. True to Romeo’s statement, Elmer’s portals had been emerging from different places and so she used her momentum, dodging the stray portals, her eyes searching for the spatial jumping boy, not noticing the portal that appeared beneath her feet. 
Having grown up alongside Elmer, there wasn’t a Tuesday where she hadn’t accidentally gotten sucked into his portal so why would this Tuesday any be of different?
Perhaps, the fact that she entered the void, momentarily disorienting her as she fell from above, her arms outstretched in order to brace herself, instead she found her hands colliding with a body part- a shoulder? She’s certain it was a shoulder since arms immediately wrapped around her waist as the person braced for the impact.
She couldn’t be any more grateful at Katherine for making today’s landscape a grassy field as the grass soften the impact of collision of the back of the person who had grabbed her to the ground while her knees were the ones that caught her weight, accidentally straddling the person.
Y/N couldn’t care any less for the pain that is engulfing her.
She shouldn’t care except… because of the force from the gravity, her head had collided with the person’s face, her lips effectively planting exactly on the person’s lips.
What the fuck.
Instinctively, she pulled away faster than she could utter a profanity, glancing down as apology is ready to leave her lips.
Only, the apology died as her eyes widened at the sight of the boy she is seeking out, sprawled beneath her, groaning in pain.
What the fuck.
She opened her mouth, about to sputter out apologies- anything to save face- when Five’s eyes creaked open, his face morphing into quick panic as his arms around her waist tightened before flipping them both easily, shielding her as stray objects that entered the portals (stray branches, small pebbles, handful of dirt) rained upon them. 
The vague smell of coffee overwhelmed her senses as she opened her eyes only for her breath to hitch as her eyes met the bluest pair of eyes she had ever seen. 
Time slowed down as flicker of blue lights enveloped the two of them momentarily. Is it even possible for someone to possess such fascinating eyes? She wondered silently as conflicted expression graced Five’s face before leaning down, softly brushing his lips against hers before fully capturing her lips.
Have I mentioned what the fuck already?
She is vaguely aware of her surroundings, the blue lights flaring for a bit as time alternated on freezing or slowing down everything around them and yet, that didn’t stop the warmth spreading on her ears, her hands tapping slightly on the grass as she could feel his lips moving against hers as if he was muttering something.
If she weren’t the type to pay attention to the littlest detail, she might’ve missed it but surely, the stoic Five Hargreeves hadn’t muttered those three words on her mouth now, would he?
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mfackenthal · 6 years
100 Followers Spotlight: @simplyaiden-blog
Hello Hello Hello … is this mic on? Yes? Great! I have a treat for you today! Especially if you’re a Drake or a Damien fan.  Today, I am here to interview the talented, fun-loving, and fabulous @simplyaiden-blog AKA Krystal AKA Krys.
Krys, would you join me on the stage?  While she walks up here, let me tell you just a few things about her. 
Krys is PhD candidate studying biomedical science with a focus on Alzheimer’s disease. That’s right, we have another super smart lady in the house!
When I first talked to Krys, she claimed that she is not really a content creator, but the quick search I did on her blog told me a very different story.  Of course, @tmarie82 also knew better – she was the winner of the 100 Follower give-away and, thus, was the one who told me to interview Krys. (To understand how this interview came about and to learn more about @tmarie82, please see this post.)  When pressed I finally got Krys to own that her biggest claim to fame is coming up with Santiago Cabrera as the Damien faceclaim.  
And what a claim to fame this is!  Here is the post.  This post has more notes than I have followers!  (With a faceclaim like that – I can’t be mad at it!)
Krys will also admit that she sometimes post pictures of things that happened in the book of TRR but through real photos, like drinking whiskey with Drake in Olivia’s cellar, polar plunge, and Drake smirking (with Michiel Huisman as my Drake).  
Please give a huge round of applause to Krys before we start our interview! 
MFackenthal:  So tell me, How did you come up with the face claim for Damien?
Krys: Honestly, a lot of googling. Since I found out Damien was Puerto Rican, I basically did a nose dive on google images looking at Spanish actors and then I found him!
While I thought he was perfect, I found some others that could work, I wanted to give people options, and did a poll on here.  He was overwhelmingly the #1 choice. 
MFackenthal: If someone else wanted to ask you to create/find a face claim for them, would you?
Krys: Oh my goodness! Getting to look at hot celebs while also fulfilling my need to talk about choices? Undoubtedly, YES!!
MFackenthal: How did you find choices?
Krys: Honestly? I had decided to check the App Store for free games and it was like #33 or something like that.  I thought, “A story I can control - let see what it’s about.”  And then I started playing the books and got hooked; especially TRR. I’ve literally played each book 3 times and each chapter 4 or 5 times and still needed more, I needed more Drake in my life. 
MFackenthal:  Now that’s a sentiment I can relate to.  In fact, I may need to go to Choices Addiction (CA) meetings!
Krys: Seriously, I cannot get enough of that man. He is my ride or die. The love I have for him is very unhealthy. My fiancé doesn’t understand.
MFackenthal: How did you get connected to the choices fandom?
Krys: So, like I said, my love for Drake knew no bounds and I needed more.  I knew fanfiction was a thing so I started googling for “Drake Walker.”  @mrswalkerwrites was the first blog to come up and I devoured literally everything Drake related she wrote.  After that, I decided to just join a few months ago, and the rest is history.
MFackenthal: Is there anything you're thinking about adding content wise to the fandom? Are you a writer who just hasn't published yet? (hint hint nudge nudge)
Krys: Mmmaaaayyyybbbeeee …. I’m a scientist not a writer so I’ve never seen myself writing fiction.   But then a couple of days ago I had a dream about Drake and I had to write it down (took me an hour or so to jot everything that happened down). It might turn into a story, who knows @tmarie82 might help me with it.
MFackenthal: What is something you would like to say to the choices fandom?
Krys: Oh my goodness, the choices fandom has honestly been such a blessing. I needed an outlet to talk about my obsession because my fiancé and my friends did not understand the appeal one bit. But it was something I loved and needed to talk to someone! And I found you guys! You have all been so nice, and welcoming, and fracking hilarious with your posts and conversations. All the writers and artists are so talented, I can’t even stand it. From expanding on chapters in the book to writing AUs to OCs. The plethora of talent in this fandom just boggles my mind. And it’s an honor to be a part of it all and to have a few people here I can call friends. I LOVE THEM ALL! And I also blame the writers for enabling my Drake obsession … Like I said, I loved Drake Walker before, but with all the fanfiction I’ve read, it’s definitely gone above and beyond.
MFackenthal: How do you find time to yourself to read fanfics when your fiancé is around?
Krys: Hahaha, @tmarie82 got to you, didn’t she?!
MFackenthal: Mmmaaaayyyybbbeeee …. If "got to you" means she asked me to ask you and I immediately added it to the list of interview questions. (wink)
Krys:  Honestly, that girl is my absolute favorite. Anyways, normally, when he and I aren’t doing stuff, he’ll be on his phone playing hearthstone, which gives me time to read my fanfics … but he can only do that for so long … so, I’ll hide in the bathroom. 
MFackenthal:  I’d laugh at that, but I have to admit I have been known to do that too!
Krys:  One time I was in the bathroom for like 30 minutes and he came in to check on me to make sure I was okay.  I didn’t even have to go, I just went in there to get more time and so he wouldn’t bother me.  He was like “are you okay, you’ve been in there awhile?”
Basically, I was like, “oh yeah, sorry just got distracted.” 
And he was like “distracted by what?”
“I was reading.”
And he said, “… about Michiel?”
And I’m like, “No, about Drake!” 
But, I’m just so proud in the moment that he now knows what faceclaiming is. 
And he was like, “Well you faceclaimed Michiel for Drake so isn’t it the same thing?”
And I laugh and think to myself, “Touché fiancé, touché.”
So yeah, he sort of just rolls with it. I think I’m really lucky that way.
MFackenthal:  I’m sure he’s the lucky one!  Krys, I want to thank you so much for your time today and for all that you contribute to this Choices Tumblr Fandom.
Everyone, please give @simplyaiden-blog a round of applause!  And if you haven’t already, check her out, follow her posts, and help @tmarie82 and I encourage her to write her first fic!
Thank you all for coming!  Thank you for following me!  I’ll see you at 200 followers with another interview contest!  If you really like this, let me know.  I could easily be convinced to do it every 50 followers.  Just let me know if you’d like that.  In the meantime, I’ll also be looking for other ways to highlight the work of all of you amazing content creators! Thank you and good night!
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gobbochune · 6 years
I’m calling you out for not knowing how to call people out
I saw a callout post for a problematic user the other day that was probably the worst attempt defamation I’ve ever seen. And this made me mad not because I thought the target was wrongly accused, but because there were like seven people giving their testimony to the abuse and yet it was handled so poorly that I doubt anyone who saw it would even believe them. This is pretty dangerous considering the person in question was an actual pedophile grooming children for sex, and a quick google search told me that this person has an army of stans ripping the lack of significant evidence apart in order to entrap new victims. Calling out the blatant inconsistencies in testimonies is a tactic that abusers use to separate their victims from the people who want to help them. Anyone who has had a run-in with a serial pedophile can tell you that they usually have a methods to make people trust them over numerous allegations. Its not enough to throw a rock at their house, at its worst, that rock can even help the abuser gain a victim’s sympathy. 
So I’d like to take this moment to explain how to properly spread information about a potentially dangerous person. Though, I’d like to make this very clear: I’m not saying this as someone whose done a lot of these as if its some kind of art form. I’m doing this from the perspective of someone who has seen the scum of the earth and know how they ensnare people, and hope to be able to spread awareness to potential victims. 
1. The Abuser
I feel like it is a no brainer to actually mention who the abuser is, but apparently thats difficult for some people to wrap their heads around. So often I will see purposeful misspellings or code names in callout posts to avoid causing drama. This is stupid for two reasons: Firstly, if it is at the point where you feel a callout post needs to be made for people’s safety, fandom drama should no longer be an issue. Secondly, if you don’t make it clear who it is you’re warning people about, how the fuck are they actually supposed to avoid them? Like, do you expect a 12 year old who is currently being gaslit by a pedophile to message you like ‘Hey, is @lle/////gory!!!334 Gregory? That kinda looked like his username but I couldn’t tell.’ Of course they’re not. They’re going to ask the person who is grooming them, who will either say ‘lol nah’ or make up a sob story as to why they’re being defamed. Grow a pair and use their names. 
It is very likely that the abuser will have more then one account, you’ll probably need to list all of them that you’re aware of, but know that the minute they see a post with their current name on it they’re probably going to change it. So, mention very clearly who they are, what circles they can be found in, and how they amassed enough popularity to trap victims in the first place. 
This callout post that I saw, which I will now be using as a reference for what not to do, managed to list the abuser’s various names but pretty much nothing else about them. All it said was that they were apparently the origin of some meme, but didn’t even explicitly say what the meme was so I had no idea if I even knew this person or not. I didn’t know if they were a fandom blog, an art blog, a social justice blog, a youtuber, the only context I could draw was from the fandom-specific usernames of their victims. If they changed their name, which they probably did right away, I would have no way of telling who this person was. 
Include screenshots of any of their posts with a lot of notes and listing this as identification for who they are. Also explicitly mention what circles they can be found in, any projects they were involved with, and any other iconography that can be associated with them. However, there is something I’d like to stress:
Do not include leaked personal information such as home address, workplace, or emails. It is not your authority to broadcast this information online. A callout post is not a legal testimony, merely a warning to other internet users within a community. If alerting the authorities is necessary, it is a different process to be handled by the victims and their supporters. Do not attempt to intervene through a social media. 
If you don’t want to receive hate from an army of stans thats understandable, which is why many people often will make a blog where victims can anonymously offer evidence. In fact, I suggest doing this as a first resort as it is easier to search “_____ problematic” into Tumblr then it is to scour a personal blog for mention of the abuser. This will also provide a handy archive for the allegations, and help keep up with the abuser’s activity. However, for legitimacy’s sake, I suggest that the mod’s identities of these blogs be clear. This leads us to my next point:
2. The Evidence
This is actually my primary reason for wanting to make this. The stuff mentioned above delegitimises accusations but isn’t really dangerous the same way a shoddy presentation of evidence can be. Someone who has been thoroughly brainwashed by the abuse cycle will look for any reason to continue a relationship with their abuser. They’ve likely been isolated from their friends, groomed to worship or fear their abuser, and are so drained from a volatile relationship that they don’t have the mental energy to waste on doubt. It takes a lot of strength to end even a good relationship, thats why abusers try to keep their victims drained and confused. They make them think it is easier to continue being abused then try to untangle the lies and manipulation. 
That is why you need to be explicit, blunt, and vocal about what the abuser has done. Put the most serious and unforgivable accusations at near top of your post in clear view. Try not to rely too heavily on accusations that dont have concrete evidence, as the abuser has probably already explained away anything you don’t have in writing. 
I am going to once again revisit the terrible callout post from before. The first thing they did was the usual attention grabbing intro with the paragraph pretending to tell us who this person is was to list a bunch of testimonies from various users.
Now, testimonies don’t really work over tumblr in a traditional sense. In a courtroom a testimony is given under oath, all the words spoken must be presumed to be true because the speaker understands that lying is a federal offence. Obviously the internet is not like this, and there is nothing stopping someone with a blog from lying. Not to mention, if they had been in the abuser’s circle in the past but is now flinging accusations, it is safe to say they didn’t leave on the best of terms. Abusers are famously unable to take responsibility for their relationships falling apart, odds are everyone in the abuser’s circle convinces their latest victim that all previous victims were in the wrong. 
I spoke with a friend who briefly joined the public discord of a known abuser to see what it was like, and showed me the rules specifically prohibiting anyone on the server to discuss allegations towards the mods. There was even a list of names that the bot would automatically block if you tried to type them in the chat log, and the mods had this witch hunt mentality where if they found evidence of you conversing with blacklisted users outside the discord, you would be banned and your name would be added to the list. It is very likely that the act of reading a testimony and asking about it could place a victim in danger. 
However, there is value to a testimony online if there are more then one. Testimonies are really only effective if there are an abundance of them, so many that you don’t even have to read one, the sheer volume of people speaking out against the abuser is suspicious enough on its own. Again, the presence of a blog that allows anonymous asks or submissions would be the ideal platform to publish testimonies.
Back at the terrible callout post, underneath the list of testimonies they had some bullet points of direct evidence that they linked directly back to the abusers blog. You should not do this. I cannot believe there are people who do not realise it is largely worthless to use posts that the abuser still has access to as a source. 
If you have even a remotely functional following anywhere on the internet you have probably said something stupid that bit you in the ass before. Your immediate reaction was probably to defend yourself, and when that failed, you go back and delete the post. Abusers can do the same thing, or, even more insidious, edit the post to say something else. 
“_____ fetishises black women! here is the link!” can originally have linked to something explicit but can easily be changed to “I think black women are beautiful and deserve our support <3 <3″ to make the writer of the callout post look stupid or overzealous. 
Screenshots are your friends. Take screenshots of the concerning behaviour and either include them in the post or link to a photo sharing archive. There’s really not much to explain about this. I cannot believe someone thought linking back to the original url would work. 
Another thing I cannot believe about that terrible callout post was that half of the accusations linked to posts of people repeating rumours they’ve heard. 
This is...dumb. This is unsalvageable. Don’t to this. It will never count and you will look like an idiot. 
However that terrible awful worthless callout post did have SOME credible evidence, to shit that didn’t matter at all, which leads us to our last point. 
3. The Abuse
Now this part is hard to discuss as most people seem to think abuse is a subjective term. This is not the case. 
While abuse can take shape in an infinite number of ways, not all stuff that pisses you off counts as abuse. Sometimes a jerk is just a jerk. Now you can hate a jerk as much as you want- they probably deserve it, but don’t try to sell someone just being a generally awful person as abuse.  
The terrible awful no good callout post tried to back up claims of criminal activity by saying the abuser cares more about Doctor Who than Flint Michigan. 
This is not abuse. Why would anyone think this is abuse. 
Now, if I have a blog devoted to a fandom I’m probably not going to post stuff about Flint Michigan to that blog. As stated above, I had no idea who this person was. For all I know they could have been exclusively a fanblog for Doctor Who. Sometimes there are just spaces that are kept away from serious real world issues and that in itself is not a crime. 
Trying to equate something like that to an act of sexual assault only makes it easier to dismiss your legitimate concerns by saying: ‘they’re just hating on me for being cringy’
There are millions of reasons why someone might not want to keep up with real world social activism on their blog, and those are a million reasons the abuser will use to invalidate your legitimacy. 
But hey, if that sort of thing annoys you, I totally get that. Go ahead and block this person, campaign against them, blacklist their stuff, encourage your friends to do the same. I’ve blocked people for less, just dont call it abuse. 
Now there is actual fan content that is means for legitimate concern. If the person consistently praises or creates content of abusive scenarios, its a red flag. If a person consistently defends incest or pedophilia, its a red flag. If a person bullies someone else for being ‘triggered’ over Flint Michigan, its a red fucking flag. 
The problem isn’t the art or the content or the blog type, but the mentality behind those things. Liking Doctor who isnt a problem. Liking the idea of Doctor Who having sex with his own daughter is. Avoiding current events isnt a problem. Trying to bully activists into silence is. You need to include that context to be taken seriously. 
Chat logs are your friend. Get the permission of victims to post, anonymously or otherwise, chatlogs of concerning behaviour. Try to focus on patterns to show a potential victim that the tactics used to insnare them have been used on other people before. Highlight instances of an abuser being sweet, (The Honeymoon Phase) as well as how quickly they devolve into abuse. 
In Conclusion
I’ve probably turned a lot of people off with this big dumb rant about something as petty as a callout post, and to those people I say: Good. If you’ve never been in a position to need this kind of thing then that is good. I’m not being facetious here, or implying you don’t know what you’re talking about just because you disagree with me, a callout post is really a last ditch effort to warn others that someone can construct in the aftermath of their ordeal. Pretty much everything I’ve mentioned relies on the willingness for victims to come forward, which I totally understand if they dont want to.
It is not my intention to bully others into sharing traumatic memories over the internet, but rather to make sure that anyone who does speak out wont become a target for harassment. At the end of the day, these are just posts floating around on tumblr. All you can ever hope is for someone to see your warning and stay away from the person who hurt you. Perhaps even draw the attention of other victims and help them process what has happened to them. 
But baseless claims and petty squabbles aren’t how you do that. Abuse should be taken seriously, and there is a large difference between someone Problematic and an actual Abuser. 
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Ingrain this fact correct: 24 years ago, the only language that the 1990s were familiar with were the conversations exchanged through lips and not the busy fingers typing furiously to pass on the message. Today, since my job requires immediate questionnaires and interviews with quick response, I can’t fail to thank how technology has revolutionized the lives of many. 8 years back, when I was flipping the pages of Hindustan Times which showcased a detailed research on the side effects of Facebook, little did I know that for years to pass, Journalism would demand my presence on all the possible platforms one could lay eyes on. 2 years back when as fresh students of Journalism, we were handed over the task of choosing topics for our research project, the first question posed to me by my classmate for his subject ‘The Negative effects of Social Media’, was: “Do you think Social Media has benefitted you in any way?” Without hinting a tinge of surprise on my forehead, my answer was: “Addiction to Facebook withdrew me into a shell, where attachment to the virtual world was superior to the affection for my kith and kin.”
Coming back to the present day, if we converse with our old parents and relatives, before technology even blinked to open its eyelids in the world, especially in India, newspapers, application of wood sticks for cooking, face to face conversations, the sight of postman and the bliss of reveling in the ‘wait’ for replies when corresponded through letters picturized a life devoid of artificiality. Since the application of Science and Technology is not just limited to conducting experiments in the laboratory, someday it had to wave its magic wand for broadening the horizon and opening the world to a sector, that not just could ease every problem but enable the receipt of information and world affairs within minutes. Be it the introduction of social media platforms like Medium, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and Tumblr, or our contact with news through e websites, it is an undeniable fact that technology is a boon and, in the years, to come, it will dominate every spectrum and make its approach electronic. Since 21st century is heavily dependent on technology, hasn’t it widened our approach towards everything we can or could lay our hands on?
Sam Pitroda. As a passionate man who sailed in a boat all the way from Vadodara to Karachi, to catch a flight from Delhi to Illinois, little did he know that the acknowledgment of his work as a pioneer of hand-held computing for the invention of Electronic Diary, would one day hail him as the creator of telecom revolution in India. On his arrival to Bahrain during the Global Convention People of India Origin (GOPIO) event that was held from 6-8th January, gracing the crowd on his forte and his stone of inception right from his college days till now, indeed served as an insight for all the aspirants of success. Marching forward among the crowd to grab answers to the questions that mixed my views on technology, my first question to him was: “Sir, don’t you think technology has carpeted negativity around us?” In his usual sense that has been his signature appeal, he said, “When technology was not present, life was as usual. From the moment it was introduced, letter writings got converted into messages prompt to be received and replied, gas stoves replaced wooden sticks, and social media and Google have taken the place of post offices and other traditional media of communication. Now, how can easy life attribute to negativity?” No doubt, technology has made communication relatively easier where one connects instantly and can have face to face conversations with people divided by borders, but, in some way hasn’t it diminished the charm one used to derive when it was not prevalent? Be it the presence of social media, or pouring coffee through an electronic machine, our instant cravings may be satiated, but, if we sit to ponder over, don’t we miss the innocence of those days, where instead of mobile phones we depended on our toys, books, and conversations devoid of any electronic pretense? On being questioned in this context, Pitroda highlighted to only say, “Negativity is a perception, not a reality. What we think, that is what we behold. Technology can never be negative as it is here to stay. In the long run, immense positivity will be reaped by masses in various ways.”
Immense positivity? Yes, it will. But, if the traditional form of existence was brought back, would the red carpet be laid in the same way how it was laid down for the electronic medium? “Change is inevitable. One must grow at every stage and embrace what is new rather than wailing over things that are redundant. Since 21st century is heavily blanketed by electronics, in the long run even WhatsApp will replace all the possible platforms of email,” added a professional who requested anonymity. He further went on to add, “What is not negative in this world? When the wavelengths of perceptions don’t match, one is bound to experience a mix of emotions. Never forget, we have the utmost right to publish, write, showcase and say what we want. The button for all the platforms is in our hand, and the same even applies to others. So, every person is different in expressing their self.”
Often, we have read cases about selfies where people in their bid to increase the traffic of their social media accounts have met with accidents which resulted in death. With the projection of what they eat, where they are holidaying and what not, the culture of this century is different from what it was when we were growing. What is even a gripping matter today is, Social Media is all about how many likes one can garner, and how can the number of followers be increased? Throwing enough light on this matter, another expert, who again demanded anonymity said, “Most of my Instagram searches are based on tapping the happenings of my dear colleague. I have designed my Instagram account in a manner, where the people I wish to open my world to can be a part, and vice versa for others too. Since we can decide what to do and what not to, we can also design our quality of thinking, isn’t it?” Our perceptions are very much ours. How we wish to project is solely dependent on how we allow it to. Speaking on the context of social media, we have often got intimidated by the virtual life of people that we compared our lives with theirs thus nicknaming our moments as ‘dull’, ‘boring’ and ‘luster lacking’. But, as it is said, negativity and positivity are two sides of a coin, where it all lies in how we wish to take it.
With various article topics and news has found its voice through the support of technology, it is also an undeniable aspect that excessive use can take a big toll on one’s health. According to an article published this year on May 30 in Hindustan Times, a popular daily newspaper in India, there was a report which said that promoting fitness, and extensive coverage of this topic on Social Media could make one feel worse about their figure. Though the reactions are mixed, this aspect is also a cause of worry for people who are overconcerned about their appearance. Though the intention was a good one of spreading health awareness around, perceptions differ from person to person, and this cannot be changed. As I said, everything that we use or are going to has some pros and con and how we wish to perceive is solely dependent on what we wish to view and how we wish to take it. Also, according to an article published on http://smallbusiness.chron.com on June 1st, it was widely stated that social media addicts or technology crazy people suffer from time management, increased mental stress and cyberbullying. Though such reports widely refer to organizations, this is applicable to all as technology is deeply ingrained within all of us, and it is the newest form of submissiveness we all suffer from.
In the 21st century, we all prefer going the easy way where whatsapping has become more convenient than phone calls, emailing has become easier than passing the message through sources, and tweeting to our favorites has become the new trend than sending out letters in blood or ink. So, isn’t Social Media a matter of comfort in solving all the age-old hassles of communication and reaching out to people? “Social Media or I must say, technology is very much ingrained in this fast-paced and easy-going culture, and I feel proud enough to proclaim that in a few years to go, even schools, colleges and books will spread knowledge electronically. Parents will be seen encouraging their ward about latest electronic gadgets. Students will be dependent on technology to read, write and give exams. Wait and watch, 5 years down the line, this world will speak in the language of electronics,” concluded the telecom revolutionary while signing autographs.
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crazy-daves-crew · 7 years
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Three Quick FTF's while Geocaching in the Dark
Geocaching in the Dark
On Wednesday afternoon, several new geocaches were published.  My lunch break had passed so the next opportunity for me to grab a FTF would be after work and before church.  That is only a 45 minute window!
I ended up deciding to wait until after church and I am glad I did.  The cache I had planned on going for had not even been placed yet (more on this in another post)! I would have been pressed for time for nothing!
Geocache #1
So, church ended at about 8:00 pm.  We visited with our church family for a few minutes, then to the closest cache that had not been found yet.
GC70J2J – On the Fence Again was to be our first geocaching in the dark experience for the night.  Although the navigation app on my phone was telling me to go down the I-75 entrance ramp, I turned onto the road immediately before it.
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I have had many caches that the closest driving is not necessarily the closest or safest spots to search for a cache.  What Google’s navigator doesn’t seem to realize is parking lots are great places to park.
The coordinates took us to exactly the right spot, which was great.  The problem was we were searching for a “micro” in the dark and there were so many possible hiding places (several evergreen trees, a couple of utility poles, and a fence with lots of nooks and crannies that would easily hide a micro container).  To make matters worse, I couldn’t find my flashlight.  Geocaching in the dark with just the glow of your phone creates a very difficult situation. I would like to think we would have found it sooner in the daylight, but who knows.  We were finally able to log a FTF at 8:51 p.m.
Geocache # 2
After grabbing one geocaching in the area, I just couldn’t help myself; I had to have another (would that be called an addiction?)
Next on the list was GC70J2N – Cradle Cache. When we arrived in the parking lot, I spotted what I thought to be the likely hiding place fairly quickly (I had found another “cradle” type cache in Murfreesboro, TN).  I was looking at a large tree with a hollowed out section where the branches all came together.  I parked so my headlights were shining directly at the tree so we weren’t having to geocache in the dark this time.  Little Dave(SlateFox55) rushed ahead of me and confirmed what I suspected. He grab the geocache container from its hiding place and proceeded to sign the log, the  replaced it as he’d found it.  By 9:07 p.m., we had logged our second FTF of the night.
Geocache #3
Yes, I think it may be an addiction! Before heading home, I decided to make it three for the night. GC70J2P – Big Ears Splash & Cache Car Wash ended up being more difficult than it was probably meant to be. Geocaching in the dark added a couple of points to the difficulty level. I had to be standing in the right spot and shine the flashlight on the right spot at the same time in order to spot the well placed cache. After making the find at 9:21 p.m, we signed the log as First to Find and replaced it as we found it.
This wrapped up our geocaching at night adventure because I still hadn’t had dinner and was getting pretty hungry.  This made our 34th month of being FTF of at least one cache per month.
What are some of the crazy things you have done to be first to find?  Tell us in the comments below.
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