#did he steal it or did nace put it in his hair?
anxious-witch · 6 months
holiday prompt you say? well well well, totally not based on my experiences
aheeem heeem
good ol’ jance (everyone’s favorite)
one of them offering a hot beverage, the other declining the offer. first one constantly being like “are you sure? you look cold”
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I know I keep combining these, but some just fit so well! And I don't want to writing anything too short or repeat myself so! I hope this is fine, since I included both
Jan was having a bad day. His insomnia kicked in last night, which meant he didn't get much sleep. With Jere being over and Bojan's apartment for the holidays, the two of them kept constantly dragging the rest of them somewhere.
Because God forbid Jere didn't get the full experience with all of them around.
So here Jan was, after barely a few hours of sleep, standing by the ice rink. Freezing.
“Janči,” Nace said gently, “are you sure you don't want something to drink? Maybe mulled wine? Or hot chocolate?”
Jan set his jaw.
Nace pursed his lips, giving him a worried once over. Jan knew he wasn't happy about how he dressed for the weather. He wore only a leather coat and a scarf that Nace wrapped around his neck at the last moment.
He wasn't that cold though. It was just sleep deprivation.
“You look cold.”
“I'm not.”
Nace sighed.
“Janči. Com'on.”
Jan crossed his arms over his chest.
“I'm tired, not cold.”
Nace reached out, tucking a strand of hair behind his ear. Jan felt an overwhelming fondness wash over him, despite his annoyance.
“I am just trying to help.”
Jan grabbed his wrist when he tried to pull his hand back and kissed his palm. Nace's cheeks colored slightly.
“I know. Sorry, I am just tired.”
“Coffee might help?”
Jan snorted at his weak attempt.
“No. Unless you are offering to whisk me away from these idiots,” Jan quickly glanced at the ice rink, “I think I'll pass.”
Nace chewed on his lip and glanced at the ice rink. Bojan, Jere, Kris and Jure were there, Nace and Jan didn't join them due to Nace pulling a muscle in the gym recently. Jan didn't want to leave him alone and frankly, he felt like he'd be completely uncoordinated anyway.
Nace got up from their table and Jan curiously watched him as he got to the rink and waved their friends over. He saw him talk to Kris-Bojan and Jure were currently being chased by Jere across the rink-and then quickly come back.
“What was that about?”
“We are leaving. You are clearly tired and I did pull a muscle so…how about we just drive around and look at the lights? And then go home and watch a movie or something.”
Jan smiled warmly.
“I would like that.”
So they did. Nace drove, not trusting him not to get drowsy behind the wheel with the little sleep he got, and simply drove around.
Jan felt slightly like a cat, looking at all the bright lights and Christmas decorations of the houses. Nace drove slowly, so he could steal glances as well, but also the streets seemed to be mostly empty. Like that lull of the day where everyone was just content to stay where they were.
“Maybe we should buy the rooftop Santa for next year,” Nace mused, looking at one of the houses.
Jan laughed.
“And put it where? We live in an apartment!”
Nace shrugged, a fond smile tugging at his lips.
“Maybe in a living room. Igor would love him.”
Jan rolled his eyes.
“Yeah. Would love tearing it apart.”
It was Nace who laughed this time. They continued driving and commenting on the decorations, either approving or disapproving of the choice.
After a while, they both got tired and Nace began driving them home. Jan looked at him as they passed all the colorful lights and decorations once more, suddenly struck by how lucky he was. How thankful he was for Nace.
For the fact that they got to spend the holidays together.
“I love you, you know that, right?”
Nace carefully parked the car before turning to him and taking his hands in his.
“Of course I know. I love you too. Is everything okay?”
Jan nodded.
“Yeah-yeah I just. Maybe I don't say it enough. But I really do. Thank you for this. Everything, actually.”
Nace kissed him. Jan was almost started by it, not expecting it. He kissed him back, melting into the kiss. Then Nace gently pulled away.
“You don't have to thank me for that. And I know you love me, you just express it in different ways and that's okay. Although I won't complain if you say it more often, either.”
Jan snorted.
“Alright then. I love you.”
Then he kissed him again. He could say many more things. He could tell him that he loved him and he loved spending time with him every day. That he couldn't wait to spend every holiday and special occasion with him, along with all the ordinary days and love him throughout all of them.
Jan might still tell him another day. For now, he'd be content kissing him and accepting the fact that despite all of it, he likely knew all that already.
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