#did the potatoes and tomato soup stop climate change??? I don't think so!
merp-blerp · 2 years
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Why are people so dumb? Just because rich people value Van Gogh and other artists and their art doesn't mean that it's bad. Van Gogh's art has touched many different kinds of people, not just the rich. That's just a narrow way of thinking. Destroying it would be destroying something that means a lot to people. Destroying history. Destroying a real, poor man's life’s work! God! Quit trying to be some pretentious, woke, quirked-up hipster and think before you post! Especially when it's on complex topics like capitalism and art. Actually know what you are talking about before you talk so you don't spread something harmful. The art may not mean much to you–and you are allowed to have that opinion—but don't wish for it to be taken away from others who see its value.
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