#did u like it *nervous* i feel like i didn't quite convey what i wanted to say
faux-ee · 1 year
OH MY GAWD I'm so glad it hurt *evil cackles* i hope the plot still makes sense I'm sort of rushing things tbh 👉👈
NO NO BUT SRSLY tysm Alistair I'm sorry for making u cry 🥺🥺 next chap will be up in a day ❤
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thehandsresisthim · 3 years
Taming Tenko - Part II
Shigaraki Tomura I Shimura Tenko / Female Reader
Part I can be found here
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Contains: sub shig, dom reader, low-key women-hating shig, college au, quirk less au, masturbation, shig nuts on readers scarf, cock stepping, shig humping against readers feet, humiliation, overstimulation, shig and reader are having fun playing pretend lol
Before he can help himself, he's rubbing parts of the scarf along his cock - at first it's strange, but the smell of you is so soothing that he finds himself unable to stop.
Amidst whimpers and moans, Tenko blows his load all over the piece of clothing, ruining it.
"m' sorry, mistress..." he whimpers, still deep in his fantasy.
"Hi, Shimura. How's it going? I just wanted to quickly ask you about the project - we still do need to finish it. Would you be interested in meeting up with me? We could meet up at your place, just text me your address and a time."
It's the ninth time he has played your message once again - the voice recording, no matter how mundane it's subject, gets him going like nothing else. You're his pretty miss.
The scarf you gave him was now covered in his seed - it had dried in a few places, making it all crusty, but he still couldn't help using it.
It felt so good - he had never felt a woman's touch before, and this was as close as he could get.
After cleaning himself up a little, he answered your request with an adress and a fitting time, afterwards taking a look around his room and promptly starting to clean it. He did not want his mistress to think he was gross - he put clothing into the laundry basket, got rid of old plates with food on them, vacuumed the floor, replaced his bedsheets with new, clean ones and dusted of surfaces. He had to admit, his room hadn't been this clean for a while. Even when he wasn't pretending to be a dirty pervert, keeping clean was important to him when you came over.
A few hours later, the agreed upon time had come - you had answered him in a text - and he was certain he had never been more nervous.
Tenko hears the doorbell, the sound sending a wave of shock through his body. Finally, you were here.
He walks over to the door, breathing heavily, and quickly lets you walk in.
Fuck, you're so pretty, he can't help but think.
'Shit, shit, shit,' he says in his mind, 'I'm already hard.'
"Hi, Shimura. How's it going?" you say as you take of your coat, a different scarf - Tenko almost whimpers in shame as he is reminded of what he did to your other one, where did he put it again? - and your boots.
"I'm... doing good. And you-u are?" he stutters out, distracted with thinking about whether or not his bulge is visible.
"I'm all good. Cmon, Tenko, let's start working already. Where is your room?"
Tenko? When did you start calling him Tenko. Did this mean that you liked him? You're not helping his erection.
"I- it's this way," he blabbers and starts walking towards his room. You follow suit.
You enter, and he can see the way you look around yourself, taking in his space. He wonders what you think, but is too nervous to ask.
"Oh, Tenko, there's my scarf!", you exclaim, and he's sure he just died inside.
Before he can do anything, you've grabbed the thing, and are holding it in your hands, no doubt feeling how damp and crusty it is in places. He wonders if you'd believe him if he told you that he spilled something on it.
Your facial expression conveys how disgusted you feel quite well.
"What happened here, baby boy? Did you seriously dirty my scarf with your disgusting sperm?"
"I-I... Look, I-"
Quickly, you walk over to the door, close it, and lock it.
Next, your hand is buried in his hair before he can dodge it, and you push him down. He whimpers, and he himself can't tell if it's because he is shocked at your sudden harsh treatment or aroused by it - maybe it's both.
He's kneeling now, right beside your legs.
"Are you seriously hard already? Really, Tenko?"
Your foot is stepping on his cock, and he can't help but buck his hips up against you.
"I- I'm, sowry, I-"
You push down on him, and he let's out a raspy moan. It's all happening so quickly, he doesn't know what to do.
"But, you were- so, nice, to me, so why-" he stutters in confusion.
"Oh, Tenko, at first it was genuine. But then I found out just how disgusting you are."
"But how-" he chirps out in stress.
"Stop whining and take your filthy hands of my scarf, you little whore.", you instruct, and he immediately follows your command, putting it onto the bed right next to him.
"It's really not surprising that a disgusting boy like you is turned on by being humiliated. I already guessed you'd be a masochistic bitch, but when I checked the browsing history on your tablet whilst you were in the bathroom at the Café I got confirmation. A gross little nerd like you should know to delete your browser history, hmm?"
"I... I forgot, I-", he tries to explain, but you interrupt him.
"Of course you did. You can only think with your tiny cock, can't you? Take off your pants and underwear, I want to see just how small you are."
Does this mean that you like him? A big part of him jumps in excitement at the thought. You had to, right? Otherwise you wouldn't ask him to expose himself.
He starts untying the band holding up his black sweatpants, and quickly removes his underwear, all whilst still kneeling down, in hopes of not disappointing you.
You immediately stare at his private parts, and he feels his face get red with shame.
"Wow, Tenko, you're even smaller than I expected." you exclaim loudly, and he hates the way his cock twitched at that. Based on your facial expression, you saw the twitch too.
"Aww, look at you!" you say and use your foot to massage his tiny nub.
He starts humping your foot, gasping for air and moaning once again and you chuckle, then suddenly move your foot up with quite a bit of force.
Tenko reacts deliciously - letting out a strangled scream, and says something you hadn't quite expected - "M-mommy!"
You can't hold in your laughter now.
"Seriously, Tenko? I didn't think you'd be this pathetic."
You can see how the shock over his own words kick in.
"I... I didn't mean, I'm not- it's not..."
"Come on, repeat what you said. Babyboy."
You see the glistening amount of pre dripping down his cock, and the repeated twitch of it at the nickname.
You take to massaging his aching cock with your foot once more, and he starts to buck once again. "Come on, Tenko, say it."
"Mommy... Mommy, need my m...mommy. Please." he whimpers.
You smirk and shove one of your hands into his hair, slowly rubbing.
"Don't stop humping, babyboy."
Tenko sighs at the sensation of your socks against the sensitive skin.
He quickly feels an orgasm coming. Should he tell his mommy? He's not sure. You're mean enough to deny him, but he doesn't think you'd appreciate him dirtying your socks, considering your previous reaction to what he did to your scarf. He ultimately decides to tell you.
"Mommy? I'm, going to-,... cum." he says quietly, averting his eyes.
"So quickly?" you ask.
"I'm sorry - I don't want to... disappoint mommy, but, cock is too, sensitive..."
"Well, you can cum - but you better don't stop humping after." you answer his plea.
Tenko whines after comprehending the instruction, knowing that he can't handle overstimulation all that well. But following mommys commands is more important than his comfort, he decides.
After a particularly sensational hump, he quickly covers your feet in his seed. The noises he makes are nothing short of adorable - a high pitched chirp of "mommy!"
"Don't stop now, little Tenko." you remind him, and as he follows the instructions, he is reminded of why he hates overstimulation.
The confusion of having pleasure and pain mixed is simply too much for him, and before he can think, he has his arms wrapped around your waist, grounding himself through the touch.
He sounds absolutely miserable - high whines and gasping moans escape at a high rate.
"Can you cum again, my little boy? If you do, I'll allow you to take a break." you say, your voice still calm. Tenko notices how much he likes how collected you are whilst he's making a mess of himself.
Eager to fulfill your request, he quickly recovers - taking way less time to orgasm again. This time, it's not as pleasurable - the nerves still burning as a consequence of the overstimulation.
But the way you laugh at his pathetic expression is a wonderful reward.
"Onto the bed, you slut." you say, and he just nods in response, feeling overwhelmed by the fact that he just came two times in the span of roughly 7 minutes. He adores you, and the idea for such a scenario - you were always willing to listen to his ideas, and getting grouped up for a project gave it the tint of realism he loved. He felt lucky to be with you.
He quickly gets himself together - as best as he can - and hops onto his clean sheets.
"You're going to eat me out now, maybe you'll actually have something you're good for, let's find out." you demand and take of your pants.
Tenko sighs at the idea of your thighs surrounding his head as he laps up your juices.
"Yes, mommy," he manages to say, though quietly.
Here's part one!
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fanfiction-abyss · 4 years
This is my gift for my fellow ___ for a discord gift event! Hope you enjoy it!!
Akane Aoi x Hikari Minamoto:
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For all his life, Akane Aoi found himself struggling. He struggled to gain the love of his childhood bestfriend, struggled in his balancing order between his life and responsibilities as vice-president of the student council and keeping his duties as School Mystery No. 1. As his first year of high school started, he thought that he had it all in check, until he met her. Hikari Minamoto. Their meeting was by chance, he bumped into her while she was walking out of the student council room. She quickly bowed, spewed out an apology and ran off before he could blink. At first he thought she was a brave fan of Teru's who came to bother him, but the thought was quickly crossed off his mind as Teru explained who the girl was.
"That was my little sister. She was just dropping me off my lunch that I forgot. Usually it's Kou, but he's busy with his own mission." Akane nodded, busying himself by filing some papers, sweating under Teru's intensive stare. After finishing his filing, Akane nodded at Teru before heading to the door.
"Aoi." His sharp voice made Akane stop.
"Please be good to my siblings, if you ever see them around."
"I will, President Minamoto." The redhead silently cursed the president in his mind.
It wasn't until a week later that Hikari and Akane made contact once again.
"Ao-chan! I'd like you to meet someone! She's interested in joining the Gardening club!" Nene pulled a familiar blonde in front of Aio's desk, one thing Akane noticed was that she was wearing a middle school uniform.
"P-pleased to meet your acquaintance! I'm Hikari M-Minamoto, a third year in t-the middle school division and I'd like to join the club, as Senpai just explained!" Her voiced was rather meek and she had a rather heavy blush on her cheeks. Aoi, who Akane was standing next to, clasped her hands excitedly, sparkles bloomed as she cutely titled her head and smiled.
"That's great to hear, Minamoto-san! I'm Aoi Akane, thank you for showing interest in the club! We really need new members!" Hikari rubbed her arm and gazed at the ground.
"Y-You can call me by my first name... I don't mind. It's just... it's just that I don't want any unwanted confusion or attention, so..." She trailed off, her eyes swirling with embarrassment.
"I see, then you can call me Ao-chan, Hikari-chan!" Akane tensed, pushing up his glasses.
"... to think she's already in nickname basis with Ao-chan..." His mutterings grabbed the girl's attention.
"Is something wrong, Akane-kun?" Aoi asked sweetly, to which Akane shook his head.
I must stay poised and collected in front of President Minamoto's siblings or I won't hear the end of it from him...
Akane respectfully bowed towards Hikari.
"Pleasure to meet you, Minamoto-kohai. I'm Akane Aoi, if you don't know, I work with President Minamoto. " Hikari immediately bowed in respect, hitting her forehead on the top of the desk.
"I'm incredibly sorry for bumping into you last week, Aoi-Senpai, I didn't even formally apologize! I'm so, so sorry! Please let me make it up to you in some way or another!" The first years jumped, not expecting the sudden outbursts.
"Minamoto-kohai! It's quite alright-"
"Uwah! Hikari-chan are you alright?!" Nene had her hand up to her mouth in horror. The young girl, straightened up, showing a rather painful bruise of her forehead. Tears were welling up in the corner of her eyes.
"I-I'm fine, Senpai!"
"But-but you're crying!" Hikari covered her face and turned away.
"It's just that... I'm so embarrassed! I made a fool of myself in front of the upperclassmen!" Aoi patted the younger girls sibling in the back rather comforting.
"It's okay, Hikari-chan! You were just nervous, but for now, let's take you to the nurses office and check the bruise out."
"A-Ah! It's fine, Ao-Senpai! I'm, I'm used to worse, so this is nothing!" Aoi's and Nene's face visibly darkened with worry.
"A-Anyways, umm... about the club..." Face brightening, Aoi picked up her bag.
"If you don't mind, we can introduce you to the gardens! You can see what type of plants you want to take care of and you can meet the others as well, but first we have to change out of uniforms so they don't get dirty! Did you have an extra set of clothes?" Hikari lifted her bag and nodded, gaining approval from Aoi.
"Then, let's get moving! See ya, Akane-kun!" Akane watched the girls leave before making his way down the garden, hiding in his usual spot where he was able to watch what was going on. It took a few minutes before the girls came outside. Aoi was wearing her cute white sunhat, a pink tshirt and discolored shorts. Akane watched the new member with eyes of a hawk. She was wearing a white long sleeved shirt, black track pants, and her hair was pulled into a ponytail, allowing a purple good-luck amulet piercing in her left ear. It looked rather delinquent-like on her, which as far as Akane could tell, was not much her style. Aoi left and Nene walked with Hikari, touring her around, and stopping in front of Akane.
"And this is the decorative plants we take care of..." Nene trailed of, seeing the horrified expression of her junior, looking at the bush and letting out a terrified yelp.
"A-Akane-kun?! What are you doing?!" Akane's face was popping out of the plant, his glasses hid his eyes, but he was smiling.
"Oh, Nene-san, I'm just watching over Ao-chan, that's all!" Nene nodded, pulling Hikari close.
"Forgive him, Hikari-chan! He has a condition!" Before an answer escaped her mouth, Hikari tensed and turned, feeling dread.
This feeling... is it an apparition? Not to mention, didn't Ao-senpai head over there!?
"Eh, Hikari-chan, everything alright?" Nene's question was answered with a familiar shriek, causing the trios eyes to widen.
Hikari was the one who ran first, the other following close behind. They reached the toolshed and Hikari held her hand, stopping the others.
If it's an apparition, my upperclassmen will be in danger!
"I-I will go in there, you guys stay here! I'll go check and see!" Nene and Akane couldn't stop her as she dashed inside the tool shed. Stepping inside, Hikari felt the presence of a spirit, but she spotted Aoi first and kneeled next to her. It seemed that she was just passed out, the shards of a broken pot, probably dropped in surprise, thankfully didn't reach the older girl. Hikari focused her attention on the corner across from her, where the dark aura came from. A shivering child was huddled in the corner, its arms around its legs and head buried between its knees.
"I don't know what past you've lived, but that gives you no right to harm a human, so... I must exorcise you." A child's voice spoke out.
"Mother and I... used to play in the gardens all the time... are you my mommy?" With furrowed brows, Hikari clenched her hand, a spear made of lighting molded within. She took aim and threw the spear towards the corner, a gentle light and clean breeze fell upon the toolshed.
May you find peace in the afterlife...
"Senpais! Akane-senpai has fainted!" Akane and Nene immediately rushed in, both looking disheveled.
"We should take Ao-chan to the nurses, Akane-kun!" Akane nodded with Nene and picked Aoi up.
"Sorry to cut the tour short, but..."
"D-don't worry, senpai!" Nene smiled brightly at the young exorcist.
"Thank you for helping, Hikari-chan!" Blushing, Hikari waved goodbye to her seniors before making her way home.
Stupid Cupid you're a real mean guy
I'd like to clip your wings so you can't fly
I'm in love and it's a crying shame
And I know that you're the one to blame
Hey hey, set me free
Stupid Cupid stop picking on me
Ever since that day, Hikari began getting Akane's attention no matter where he went. It was only natural, after all, she saved his beloved Aoi. He would catch glimpses of her as he would walk the halls, or greet her whenever they made eye contact. He noticed details about her. Her eyes were always gentle no matter what, though she rarely talked, she had an energy that attracted people to her. And, another thing he noticed was that she would never judge others no matter what.
"Oh, hi, Aoi-senpai!" His hiding spot had been compromised once again. Akane sighed and crawled out the plant.
"How do you do, Minamoto-kohai?"
"I'm d-doing well... how... how about you?"
"I'm doing perfectly fine, Ao-chan is as bright as the sun, so everything is fine!" The girl giggled at his response, but quickly covered her mouth.
"Sorry... I wasn't laughing at you, I-I just think your affection for Ao-senpai is quite cute..." Akane shook his head, squatting next to her, watching as she dug up wholes in the soil to plant beans.
"It's alright." They stayed in silence, before Akane spoke out.
"What made you interested in the Gardening Club?"
"U-umm, I joined because... I just wanted to make my brothers jobs easier." Akane said nothing and stared at the girl, encouraging her to continue.
"W-Well, Teru-nii is always busy with student council work and keeping peace in the school. Kou takes care of the housework himself and won't let me help, so... I was thinking if I could at least plant veggies and fruits, I could make their life easier... plus just in case Tiara's interested in gardening, I could teach her..." Hikari's fond expression quickly turned into one of embarrassment.
"But now that I say it out loud it doesn't make any sense!" Akane huffed, fiddling with the red student council band on his arm.
"No, I think it's nice that you think about your siblings and the fact that you try to take care of them, it's admirable." Akane didn't know what went through his mind as the words spewed out of his mouth. Hikari stopped patting the dirt, her face turning redder than the tomatoes on a nearby vine, her eye were wide, but they didn't convey any negative emotion.
"I-I see, thank you... for thinking that..."
"Oh and Minamoto-kohai, you could call me by my first name, so that's in not confusing."
"Then you can call me by my f-first name too..."
"Alright, Hikari-san."
I can't do my homework and I can't think straight
I meet her every morning 'bout half past eight
I'm acting like a lovesick fool
You've even got me carrying your books to school
Hey hey, set me free
Stupid Cupid stop picking on me
After their conversation in the garden, their usual greeting turned into full blown conversations with each other. It wasn't noticable, but they began getting closer. Hikari thought about her new friend most of the time, even though it distracted her from studying. Akane who used to hate having to collect files and papers from teachers of the middle school division, began enjoying his walks, seeing that as soon as Akane and Hikari made eye contact, Hikari would join him and help him on his quest (or so she liked to call it). It wasn't noticable to anyone, until Akane stopped confessing to Aoi everytime he saw her. He would still watch her with loving eyes, but Aoi noticed something was different with Akane. It was one morning, where Aoi's suspicions were confirmed. It was early in the morning, when Aoi stepped into the sunlit classroom, Akane was already there, ruffling through a pile of papers.
"Goodmorning, Akane-kun!" Aoi smiled at her childhood friend, who looked up with a bright smile.
"Ah! Goodmorning Ao-chan! You look as beautiful as always!" He then turned his attention to the papers in front of him. He didn't even notice her scrutinizing gaze, until she was literally in his face. He leaned away in slight shock.
"Something wrong, Ao-chan?" The indigo haired girl put a finger on her chin and hummed.
"I don't know how to put it, but Akane-kun, are you over me?" Akane tensed and blushed.
"O-Of course no-" The image of a smiling Hikari flashed in his head, causing him to stop mid sentence. The vivid image caused him to relive the memory. It was when the beans she planted finally sprouted out of the ground. She quickly called him over and showed him the accomplishment with proud smile, her usually gentle voice was filled with excitement.
"Look, Akane-senpai!"
"Akane-kun?" Akane snapped out of his trance, gazing at Aoi.
"Ao-chan, I still love you, but it's not the same love as before!" Aoi giggle, putting her hands behind her.
"Thought so! So do you like Hikari-chan?"
"Huh?! Ao-chan how did-"
"It was quite obvious Akane-kun! You're never to good at hiding your feelings if you like someone! Plus, I wouldn't be called your childhood friend if I didn't notice!" Akane sighed and rested his forehead on his arms.
"I see..."
Thank god President Minamoto hasn't noticed my change of behavior, yet... I can only imagine what he'll do to me!
Akane revisited memories of being tied up like an animal and shivered.
"Then, Akane-kun, what do you plan to do...?" Aoi's unanswered question stuck with him throughout the day. What was he going to do? It felt weird thinking of Hikari all the time instead of Aoi. His affections now differed, he wanted to stay the same with Aoi, but with Hikari it was different. It felt as if he'd been struck by a cupid's arrow, which made a warm feeling resonate within his chest. It wasn't until he stood in front of Hikari's classroom door afterschool, that he had the answer.
I want to ask her out!
The classroom door opened and out came a blonde boy, the thing the caught Akane's attention was the red traffic-safety amulet on the boys right ear.
"See ya, sis!" He ran off the opposite hallway from Akane and Hikari ran out of the classroom looking the way Kou ran off.
"W-wait Kou!" Kou was long gone by now, making her slump her shoulders in defeat.
"He forgot his spirit staff... and here he was boasting about taking down the school mysteries..."
"Hikari-san?" Surprised, the girl yelped before covering her mouth.
"U-um... about what you were talking about..." She tensed, before clenching her fists.
"C-can we go somewhere p-p-private..."
"Sure..." Akane followed Hikari up the roof and gulped as she stood in front of him with a bowed head.
"A-A-Actually... I've been putting off this confession for a long time... but can you promise me that no matter what... you won't look at me differently..." Akane stood paralyzed, with a heavy blush and without waiting for an answer, she took a deep breath.
"I-I'm actually an exorcist! I come from a lineage of exorcists, so I'm not the only one! My older brothers are also exorcists, t-that's why you heard me talk about supernaturals and all that gibberish..." A cold wind blew past Akane as comical tears ran down his cheeks.
A-Ah, that type of confession..
Quickly composing himself, Akane put his hands on her shoulder and looked into her eyes, which were full of uncertainty.
"Don't worry, Hikari-san, if anything, it makes my view of you grow positively!" He gave her a sweet smile, that made her feet go jelly.
"C-can I h-hug you..?" Akane didn't hesitate to give approval and he felt warm arms wrap themselves around his chest, her head was rested near his heart, which now, the redhead realized, was pounding rapidly.
"T-thank you, senpai!" Akane slowly wrapped his hands around her frame, pulling her closer, if that was possible.
I'm content with this...
You mixed me up for good right from the very start
Hey now, go play Robin Hood with somebody else's heart
About a few weeks later, Akane realized that he was not content with how the relationship was progressing. He managed to get a grip on himself and managed to not gush about the girl that kept his mind busy, seeing as he was scared that he would scare Hikari off. He tried to be sensitive, but like someone flipped a switch, he couldn't contain himself. He was tired of hiding his affections from the girl that deserved it the most. Making up his mind, he decided to confess to her, and told Aoi, who cheered him up. As he walked through the halls, ignoring the gossiping whispers of another supernatural at school, he planned on confessing the next time he sees her.
You got me jumping like a crazy clown
And I don't feature what you're putting down
It was lunch, when he saw her, but not in the exact situation he preferred. In fact it was the opposite of an ideal situation. He was walking, passing by an abandoned music classroom, when he heard a low piano note resonate, the sound of the door slamming open and someone being thrown against the wall followed the sound. Akane turned, horror on his face when he saw Hikari crumpled on the ground, cuts and bruises on her skin. She shakily picked her head up, reddish eyes clashing with blue eyes.
"A-Akane-senpai, get out of here! It's supernatural!" A black, gooey hand held the doorframe, and a shadow loomed over the girl, causing her to scramble back on her feet. A goey hand was raised, ready to strike, but gloved hand kept it in place.
"A-Akane-senpai...?" Hikari took in his appearance, his outfit had changed black and white suit, a pocket watch pinned on his chest. His hair had slighty gotten longer and a low ponytail swayed behind him. With a growl, Akane clenched his hand, breaking off the supernatural's hand off, getting the black substance on his face.
"You filth! Don't ever touch Hikari-chan with your dirty hands, ever again!" With his other hand, Akane stabbed through the supernatural's main body, making it go limp before dissolving into this air.
"Akane-senpai... you're a school mystery?" Akane turned his attention to the girl and gave her a closed eye smile.
"Yeah, sorry for keeping it a secret from you... but more importantly, are you okay?" He took her face into his hands, rubbing his thumbs over her cheeks in a gentle and loving manner. His red eyes gleamed with adoration.
"We need to take you to the nurse's, don't bother resisting, it's best if your brothers find out." He took her wrist and began pulling her along, stopping when he felt her other hand tugging on his white vest.
"Thank you for saving me Akane-senpai..." Blue eyes were filled with warmth and the genuine smile dancing on her lips made Akane snap.
Well since I kissed her loving lips of wine
The thing that bothers me is that I like it fine
Hey hey, set me free
Stupid Cupid stop picking on me
With a hand under her chin, he gently pulled her chin up, closing his eyes, he leaned in and pressed his lips onto hers. Hikari tensed into the sweet kiss, before relaxing and softly pressing her lips back. A small smile sneaked its way on Akane's face through the kiss, before the two pulled away and looked at each other's eyes.
"If it's you, I wouldn't mind have to save you no matter how many times it is... "A moment of silence was shared between the two, as Hikari slid her hand into his and he wasted no time to gently grip it into a secure hold. Akane stroked her cheek once more, and pressed his forehead upon hers. He realized that for once, he felt at peace. Hikari squeezed his hand.
"After all, I love you more than anything else in this world..."
You got me jumping like a crazy clown
And I don't feature what you're putting down
Well since I kissed his loving lips of wine
The thing that bothers me is that I like it fine
Hey hey, set me free
Stupid Cupid stop picking on me
Hikari remembered when she realized she was in love with Akane. It had been a few weeks ago, she had complained about not having enough fertilizer for the soil, and the very next day, Akane showed up to the Gardening Club with a wheelbarrow full of it. It was a grand and sweet gesture, and just the memory of it let a few giggles escape from her mouth.
"Akane-kun, I love you too."
Hey hey, set me free
Stupid Cupid stop picking on me
I hope you like it and I'm sorry if any characters seem OOC! Also apologies for any editing mistakes!
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toukenra · 7 years
Aaaaah! I just realized in my ask I didn't specify the saniwa's gender. I asked for kasen, kashuu, and taroutachi being given presents and they realize the saniwa likes them. Can the saniwa be male?
[Continuation]: I can’t view the rules on mobile so just ignore this if it breaks the rules plz. I was wondering if you could do kashuu, kasen, and taroutachi receiving gifts from their master and realizing they’re giving them gifts because their master likes them.
Hi there my dear. I apologize for not being able to get to your request! I feel so bad! T.T. Please forgive me! I have been working on this request for quite a long time and it ended up being so long! I hope it’s to your taste.
I also further apologize if there’s any grammatical errors (It’s currently quarter to 1 AM here and I just finished studying for a test.)
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Anyway, please enjoy!
Everything under the cut (as always~!)
-Mod Catharia.
“I’m sorry but I can’t see you right now, Kashuu.”
“Oh…” (╯_╰)
You don’t fail to catch the disappointment on the Uchigatana’s face and it kills you
“Ah, I see. When can I come visit you, Aruji?”
“I’m not sure if when I have any vacancies, Kashuu. You may need to ask either Hasebe, Kotegiri or Tomoe.”
You’re cruel …You rejecting Kashuu Kiyomitsu is equal to kicking a puppy
Kashuu literally looks like a kicked puppy, shame on you Saniwa
Do you not have a conscience?
He’s your starting sword and you treat him like this
You’re too cruel…
You were so tempted to bang your head against the wall and just throw yourself into the brunette’s arms
But you had to keep your composure and act like a respectable Sage
Yeah right, half the time you’re missing from the office and raiding the pantries for food or napping in the storage house at the back.
You just give Kashuu a weak smile and pat his hand comfortingly
“How about when you come back from sortie, I’ll treat you…”
“Will you really, Aruji?”
The brunette finally relents and gives you a smile before bowing
“Alright, I’ll be heading out now, Aruji.”
“Take care!”(^○^)/
Once the Uchigatana leaves the premises of the citadel you quickly put your plan into motion
You enlist the help Izuminokami, Horikawa, Shokudaikiri, Hasebe and Tomogata
You convinced the last two to help you after pleading and using those puppy dog eyes
Sneaky (¬‿¬)
When Kashuu finally returns from the sortie, he is immediately ushered to the repair room and was provided with a special talisman to hasten the process
After being ushered to the baths and getting dressed, He immediately goes into your office but you weren’t there
Cue the disappointed pout and sigh from Kashuu
He was about to leave but he notices a basket and a small sign with his name on it
Come to the kitchen, something delicious is waiting for you there… -A
The Uchigatana walks to the kitchen and sees a delicious-looking slice of strawberry shortcake with another note.
You must be hungry, Please enjoy this treat and once you finish please come to the library…-A
It was to celebrate his first year as the first sword of the citadel
To thank him for his service underneath you
And well…
“What is it Aruji?” He looks at you a bit confused
Your rub the back of your head while you flush a bit
 “...Well...I wanted to tell you that-that I like you...”
“I-I like you too Aruji.” 
Neither of you speak but your faces looked like it was going to combust anytime
 *Silently roots for you two* (〃艸〃) 
He was intimidating at first but then you warmed up to him
You two briefly spend time together mostly having tea, caring for the flowers in the garden or helping in the kitchens
The first time that you felt something was when you caught sight of him sitting in his room, concentrating on his own work
You definitely knew that Kasen Kanesada was a man versed in the arts so what way to learn about tea ceremonies and literature than asking him
You had a genuine curiosity and wanted to learn about it
So eventually you would pass by once in awhile to learn about literature and became much better at brewing tea
Soon, you decide to write him a poem as a way to convey your growing feelings
...But how?!
Asking for help is definitely out of the window because the last time it was a disaster:
You had asked Uguisumaru, Tonbokiri and Kotegiri who would actually help you in writing a poem
…But somehow a few more people had heard about you writing your little poem
Yagen told you that both Tsurumaru and Mikazuki surprise, surprise had heard from Uguisumaru and is now asking everyone to help their beloved master write a love letter.
Since when did a poem become a full blown love letter!? (⊙︿⊙)!?!
You stared at the two suspects down who try to look like they had no idea what was happeninng
I swear to God that the two looked so smug, knowing smiles underneath those sleeves
Everyone decided to contribute in their own way by writing their own sample letters
You were so flabbergasted when even Kasen even handed his own version
A personal endeavor would be much safer
Within a few days, you finally finish your haiku and wrote it down on a piece of paper
You invite the Citadel’s resident poet to your room, showing him your latest arrangement of flowers
“ It was quite difficult to make.” 
“It looks wonderful, Aruji. The Peach Blossoms work well with Carnations and Baby’s Breath...”
You smile proudly over your work until Kasen spoke up once more
“Ah, how about this week’s haiku Aruji? Would you like to read it out loud?”
You feel yourself break a sweat and a nervous smile on your face
It’s now or never, honey...Do it...
“Actually, how about you read it...I made it with you in mind...”
“Me?” The purple-haired Uchigatana raised a brow but held his hand out looking quite excited.
He quietly reads the paper and you tug at the sleeves of your hakama nervously
In a few moments his usually calm face turned a bit pink...
...And you immediately averted your face to the side to hide your own blush before speaking
“A moment, Aruji.” he interrupts you
In the corner of your eye, You suddenly see Kasen reach for a piece of paper and write on it
Eventually, he pushes the paper towards you and he silently urges you to look at it
It read as follows...
At the perfect timeI love you my darlingAmorous spirit
D-darling!?  Σ (O///.O///)
hE JUst CALled YoU daRLInG!?!!
You almost pass out because it was such a blatant declaration from the usually conservative warrior
You stare back at Kasen who was hiding half his face with his sleeve, looking quite flustered.
“U-um…Kasen…I-Is this…”
“W-well…It’s my response, Aruji…” He finally looks at you in the eye
“…I-I have grown rather found of you as well, Aruji…I like you.”
You may have passed out shortly after due to being overheated from the sudden confession and guess who came to keep you company…
…You guessed right, Darling–Kasen did…
The first time that you met the Oodatchi was when your main party returned from sortie and they brought him and his brother, Jirotachi, home
You greeted them with a welcoming smile and Jiro literally picked you up in a tight hug while Taro merely nodded in your direction as a sign of acknowledgement
“I heard so much about you, Aruji! You’re so tiny!”
“I-I am…?”
If you stand beside them, you actually look like a midget…LOL (ᗒᗜᗕ)՛̵̖
“Brother please, put him down.” Taroutachi would scold his brother
“Awee, you’re no fun!”
From that day on you got along quite well with the two brothers and once in a while you would help them with some chores around the Citadel
One night, after having dinner, you decide to make one last round to sure everyone was settling in comfortably for the night
You pass by Jirotachi and Tarotachi’s room to bid them a goodnight
…But you are greeted by Jirotachi alongside the three Yaris– Nihongou, Tonbokiri and Otegine– who were quite drunk
I’m not surprised…Jiro has his way with convincing people….and some sake doesn’t sound so bad either…
You call a few others to help you move the Yaris back into their room while you usher Jiro into his futon
Sadly, the said Oodatchi didn’t seem to want you to leave but instead clung your arm.
“Jiro-san…Jiro-san…please let go…” (-_-)ゞ゛
The large man just clung unto your arm and you just sat there quietly until Taroutachi entered the room
He just took one look at you and his brother drunkenly clinging to your arm before walking over and taking the limb off of you
“I apologize for my brother’s behavior, Saniwa-sama.”
“It’s alright, Tarou-san. I just want to make sure your brother was alright.”
You were suddenly surprised when you heard a small chuckle from the taller man beside you
“I appreciate you watching over my brother, Aruji.”
What’s this…?
“Thank you…”
The smile from this handsome man was going to kill you one day…if not tonight…
“You’re very welcome.” You quickly get up, letting the Oodatchi get ready for bed, feeling your cheeks flaming
When you were about to be leave, you when you notice that Taroutachi’s futon looked a little to small
LOL can you imagine this guy’s feet sticking out??
That’s probably going to be a problem when the could season comes
You make a mental note on the bedding and make your own way to your room
You continue to have these odd feelings surfacing whenever Taroutachi was around
You looked at various symptoms you were experiencing…
You’re sick…love sick…huheuhe  ෆු(*˃ர்˂*)ෆු
You basically thought you were going to have a heart attack
You debate whether to go see a doctor…or Yagen at least
The purple-haired Tantou claimed that you were perfectly healthy and told you to just take it easy
You follow his instruction because Yagen can be scary sometimes
Once you returned to your study, you were greeted by a package and you perked up–it was the item you ordered
You decide to carry the package to it’s destination, excited to give it to the person it was intended for
On the way to the Oodatchi’s room, you bump into someone while carrying the package but thankfully the person caught your arm before toppling back
“Are you alright, Saniwa-sama?” came the familiar voice.
You feel the package being taken from your hands and Taroutachi’s visage greets you
“Where do you need this, Aruji?”
“Umm..It’s actually for you…” You smile sheepishly
“For me?” You nod in response
When you two reach his shared bedroom, you allow him to unpack it’s contents and he looked quite happy
You bought him a brand new futon which was much larger than the one he currently was using
“Thank you, Aruji…You didn’t have to buy this for me.”
Again that handsome smile has surfaced once more and it made you flush a bit
God, You can look at him all day…Wait, get a hold of yourself!  (o.o)!!!
“Please, it’s a gift…you deserve it for working so hard.”
“You have my thanks, Master.”
You don’t have to say you liked him…You were pretty sure he knew well enough
A few days passed and you could feel the stares of a few people which unnerved you a bit:
…Hasebe came in the office with slightly red eyes…was he crying??
…The Tantous kept passing by, looking expectantly at you…Huh?
…Even Yamanbagiri was slightly pouting…What is wrong??
The Shoji doors situated behind you slammed open catching you off guard
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