#did you know he has different dialog when he becomes duke
carryoncastiel · 11 months
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Reset!Rant (part 4)
Chapter: 1
Thad: "Even though Craydl was programmed to obey my dear grandfather over me, he still could hold a conversation and be useful. While you have some rudimentary communicative abilities, it's not the same. I could say the same of Bart."
This is a put down that comes out of the blue and it shows how normal it has become for Thad to resort to insulting Bart. This insult is especially tasteless when you remember that a lot of ND people have problems with verbal communication/talk too fast/talk too loud or too quiet/have trouble expressing their thought and can go nonverbal. So yeah, basically another slice at Bart for having ADHD, wouldn't you know it.
Thad's vision blacked out and he grabbed the washing machine for stability. If felt as if the bottom fell out of his world. He knew this feeling all too well now, but it had never been as bad as this. He staggered away from the laundry and into the kitchen to sit.
.................................... Helen's voice echoed from the kitchen. "Thad? I just got a call from the school. Bart passed out in class and I'm going to pick him up. I'll be home soon." When Helen returned home with Bart, Thaddeus was waiting in the kitchen with a smirk on his face. "You passed out?" Bart scowled and stomped off to dump his backpack and jacket off on his bedroom floor. Thaddeus snorted, still sneering.
Making fun of someone because they showed physical weakness, that's stereotypical school yard bullying right there. "Haha look at you you loser! You passed out. You're such a weakling!" Thad is so...pathetic in this. He is so desperate for power, so desperate to be superior to Bart. He waited all this time in the kitchen just so that he could throw Bart this line. He clinges to everythign that will make him appear better than Bart. He obssessively seeks out every little one of his flaws and mistakes in order to maintain his big ego. It's almost pittyful. Of course he snots at Bart, of course he is behaving as condescending as possible. Thad is the kind of person who kicks someone who's already on the ground. This is just...So ugly to read. Hey Thad, you nearly passed out earlier this day, I don't see you shaming yourself for being weak. What's the difference? What's making you so special that you don't deserve to be shamed for it?
Hey Helen, you're just going to ignore Thad very obviously and viciously bullying the closest person you have to a son? You're not gonna repriment him for it so that he won't continue to destroy Bart's self esteem and his mental health? No? Great, it would be very confusing if you suddenly started being a responsible parent.
Thaddeus leaned against the doorway with crossed arms. "You're pathetic." He sneered.
Funny that you mention it, have you looked in the mirror lately?
Chapter: 2
Mike gestured to Bart's injuries. "You could say that you got hit in the face with a basketball or something." Bart slung the bag over his shoulder and pushed the bathroom door open. Maybe he could just go home? No, Thad was there, and he didn't want to listen to his evil twin berate him about getting bloodied in a fight.
Through his frequent put downs, Thad now made Bart afraid to show weakness. He knows that Thad will make fun of his vulnerability and won't be of any help to him.
Thad: "No moron, I'm playing with a tesseract puzzle." His voice was dripping with condescending sarcasm. "What else would I be doing?"
Another put down out of the blue. And a very sordid one, I might add.
Chapter: 3
A commotion in the backyard grabbed her attention and she saw Bart and Thad duking it out again. "Oh, for the love of...Wally, I'll call you back. The boys are really at it this time. I swear, Thad needs to get out of the house and get a life, and Bart needs to stop antagonizing him."
Hmm, that's odd. I could've sworn that Thad was the one who constantly ripped on Bart, was a dick to him and provoked Bart with "You've got ADHD so you're dumb" insults, and Bart was the one who remained friendly despite having to endure insult after insult without retailiating. Are you referring to the times Bart called Thad a jerk and said "Like you're any better"? Are those the oh so bad words Bart calls Thad that justify you saying "He's antagonizing him"? Because, and maybe that's just me, but calling someone who is neurodivergent a r*tard, moron, idiot, shortbus, brainless, annoying, destructive, a nuisance, hyperactive, embarrassing, dense, pathetic, saying that they have "Rudimentary communicative abilities", that they "probably got distracted with by something shiny" and implying over and over again that they're stupid and useless, that you see it as a disgrace to be related to them, that you'd like to beat them up, (and actually beating them up) and that they're inferior to you because of aspects of their personality they can't control is a bit worse than saying "Jerk" to defend yourself in response to being called those insults. And somehow we should believe that Bart is the one who is antagonizing Thad? What the fuck is wrong with you people? Thad is so obviously abusing Bart in this, I don't know how anyone couldn't see this. Screw Helen, she has no sense of fairness and justice when it comes to Bart's treatment. Do I have to explain the word favoritism? How come she lets Thad get away with was worse stuff? Why doesn't she chew him out for all the stuff he put Bart through? He was very clearly shaming him for having ADHD im Helen's presence, and she didn't do shit.
I'm 100% sure Thad started this conflict with some "You're inferior to me" comment and was also the one who got physical first.
Helen: "You don't even know?! Get in here and go to your rooms!" The boys let go of each other and sulked past Helen. "I swear you two, if you were girls, I would be blaming hormones for these outbursts."
Yeah, let's just casually ignore the fact that testosterones are the hormones that increase aggressive behavior and that boys produce about 16× more testosterone than girls, and that men are known to be quicker to express their anger through violence than women. (Cite: Men vs. Women: Hormones; a transgender perspective, Why do women and men respond differently to anger? PsychCentral) I guess I can add "sexist" to the list of things that make Helen an unlikable person. Also, glad to know that she now cares about breaking up a fight between them. Play fighting for fun in the yard? Absolutely not! What were you thinking? Why do you act like that? You should know better! Shady sparring fight in the streets? Sure Thad go ahead! Nothing wrong with beating up your brother to release your anger!
Chapter: 4
Thad answered with a smirk, "That you're a hyperactive brat who would just get more destructive when introduced to sizable amounts of caffeine."
Bart glowered and crossed his arms. "Shut up! I am not!" Thad lifted his chin in victory. "See? Hit the matk. I'm right."
Both Helen and Konner sit next to Bart and they say nothing in response.
Kon chuckled as Bart settled down at the table. "Man, I kinda missed that."
"Missed what?" Bart asked.
"You driving people nuts. Inertia's not Rob or Wondy but he flips out pretty fast." Thad snarled at Kon, "They don't have to live with him!"
Bart has been nothing but nice to Thad. Bart is the one who has to live with Thad's constant belittling. Thad has deluded himself into believing that he is the victim here, but he's really not. Bart is. Bart has been trying to help Thad, even though he was a total douchebag who constantly humiliated him. Bart has to live with Thad.
Chapter: 5
Kon: "Seriously, don't you have any other modes than "up yours" or "sideways"? You're going to die a lonely virgin life if you keep this up. Yeah, I get that your childhood was stolen by an evil madman and all, but you're preaching to the choir here. Dude, get over it. We did." Thad's glare darkened and he clenched his fist. Lunging forward with a punch, he stopped just short striking Kon. Shaking with fury, Thad backed away and left the kitchen. Bart sighed and leaned against the kitchen counter. "He's gonna need to spar today and I'm all beat up already."
"You don't have to be his punching back."
"I'm not a punching back. I hit back."
I agree with Kon up until the "just get over it" part. It's nice to see someone finally calling Thad out on his demanding and shitty attitude, but telling an abuse victim to "just get over it" isn't good advice, either. What Kon should have told him was that Thad should work on his behavior and that him having been abused doesn't make it okay for him to abuse others.
The dialoge after that between Kon and Bart is another attempt on the author's part of justifying this situation. The "I hit back" isn't very encouraging when you consider that Thad is a way better fighter than Bart. The "He needs to spar today and I'm all beat up already" makes it very clear that Bart would rather not participate in a duel, but does it anyway because he feels pressured to keep Thad's emotions in check. Without Bart sacrificing his own well being, Thad would've gotten himself into a lot of trouble by beating up random people in blind rage. And Bart knows this. Despite what this sentence is trying to make you belive, their fights aren't balanced. Thad can easily overpower and outsmart him in a duel. At the end of the day, Bart is still his punching back.
Chapter: 5
Seeking Thad out, Bart found him in the library, talking with a couple of upperclassmen girls. Bart pulled him aside, much to Thad's annoyance. "I'm gonna need some help. Eddie's-" "Not my problem," Thad interrupted. "I don't care what's going on." "Look, getting beat up was just the start of it. He's-" "Not. My. Problem." Thad turned away from Bart. "If he got himself into it, he can get himself out of it. This is a waste of my time." "I just want you to back me up."
This kind of sums up what kind of person Thad is. He takes and take but doesn't repay the favors. He's cold and has no compassion. It doesn't matter to him what Bart did for him, and that he vouched for him. And going by Thad's logic, Max and Bart shouldn't have offered Thad to stay with them because; If he got himself into this situation, he can get himself out of it! Not our problem, we don't care what's going on!
Thad knows that Bart is going to do something really dangerous and could get seriously injured or even die, and he still doesn't give a fuck. He hasn't learned to care for Bart one bit.
Bart grinned at him. "You came."
"Max wanted us to take care of each other," Thad remined. "Letting you get pounded into a smear is a violation of those orders."
This is Thad admitting that the only thing that made him help is Max. I'm 100% certain that Thad would've gladly stood by and watched Bart die if it wasn't for Max. Thad still hates Bart's guts for whatever reason, and he actively shows him that every chance he gets.
Chapter: 7
"Obviously, I got my intelligence from both of our grandfathers. Pity that means there wasn't any left for you."
Hey Thad? How about you shut up and not smack talk Bart every chance you get? It would make you less of a person that deserves to get hit multiple times in the teeth with a brick. This is, very obviously, another put down directed at Bart's ADHD that is disguised as a joke.
Jerking his head up, Bart nodded. "You would do that?" "What kind of evil twin do you think I am?" Thad huffed in mock offense. "I only beat you up and ridicule your intelligence, not withhold precious words of wisdom that can be thrown in Wally's face whenever he gets his tights in a wad about you not being the perfect little sidekick. He treated Bart to a wicked grin. Legacies are more than a name and a costume."
Oh don't worry Thad, you're not the evil clone, you're just the abusive, selfish, cold hearted, self entitled, manipulative, egotistical brother. Yes, you 'only' did those things. They are still reprehensible and loathsome. They will still mess up a person and are unforgivable. Turning your actions into a joke doesn't make them funny or acceptable. The fact that he admits to his wrongdoings but doesn't see them as reprehensible speaks volume about his personality. He talks about his crude actions with such satisfaction and confidence as if he were proud of them. After everything I read about Thad in this, it's very likely that he is.
And the reason why he does Bart a favor here? Again, just doing it for himself. He tells Bart these things not becaus he likes Bart, but becaus he dislikes Wally for that whole legacy thing and wants him to suffer. Thad is self projecting about his issues with his legacy.
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usatrendingsports · 7 years
Large-name coaches open up about school basketball’s issues and how one can repair them
Almost a month right into a strong season replete with phenomenal play from freshmen Marvin Bagley III and Trae Younger, 13 undefeated groups and the nice publicity of fulfilling and attention-grabbing November tournaments, school basketball stays wounded by its most infamous offseason ever.
When the federal government and the FBI spend untold quantities of cash and dedicate a number of years on a sting operation that results in the arrests of 10 males inside or related to varsity basketball, a stain settles. What grew to become public in September is the type of story that’s so far-reaching and unprecedented that it already has entered the historical past of school basketball, full with a fee to repair the game.
In the end, the individuals really working the game — the top coaches — additionally needed to intervene. To little fanfare, that course of has begun. The NABC introduced on Nov. 16 an advert hoc committee that may search to “tackle the urgent points at present dealing with the game” with the first perform of being an advisory entity “to develop a sequence of suggestions to current to the recently-formed NCAA Fee on School Basketball.” 
The committee is 15 coaches deep and contains a few of school basketball’s most achieved names: Kentucky’s John Calipari, Michigan State’s Tom Izzo, Villanova’s Jay Wright, Gonzaga’s Mark Few, Notre Dame’s Mike Brey, West Virginia’s Bob Huggins and extra. However these males usually are not coping with a style-of-play difficulty or course-correcting commencement tendencies. They will attempt to curb probably the most egregious configurations of dishonest. Anybody with an informal information of main school athletics is aware of that is a sensible impossibility. In need of that, what can the committee, rationally, have the ability to do? 
CBS Sports activities spoke with Izzo, Few and North Carolina’s coach Roy Williams on the PK80 Invitational final month to get clearer imaginative and prescient from a few of the prime names within the sport. Corridor of Fame Duke coach Mike Krzyzewski was additionally questioned on the subject. 
“I do not assume the sport’s a cesspool. I am going to allow you to spend all afternoon with any 14 of my children and you will not assume it is a cesspool, I promise you.”Roy Williams
“Are we going to be trustworthy with ourselves? Are we going to BS one another?” Izzo mentioned of the NABC committee. “As a result of the neat half about it’s, if there’s 20 individuals within the room, most of us know what is going on on with everyone. Most of us. Are we going to open up, or are we going to be afraid to be trustworthy? Can we care in regards to the recreation, or can we care about ourselves? Can we give you some issues that aren’t the perfect for one crew, one program, one shoe firm? We at all times speak about what’s doing what’s greatest for the youngsters. If the child’s getting a profit, it is best for him now, however is it greatest for him in the long term? What are you instructing him? What’s he studying? I hope we’re trustworthy with one another and actually go in making an attempt to do what’s greatest for the sport of basketball.” 
Few, who has lifted Gonzaga to sustained nationwide relevance for practically twenty years, shared comparable sentiments. He places the onus on himself and different high-profile coaches to talk out in regards to the cheaters to be able to push them out of the game. Selling school basketball is important too, however Few and others perceive it is a unhealthy look to not acknowledge, privately and publicly, what may be performed to enhance the game’s ethics and popularity. There’s by no means been a greater time than now.
“I do assume there’s loads of nice coaches on this career who’re good individuals and their voice most likely must be heard,” Few mentioned. “I feel it is a kind of situations the place you need to step apart whether or not it is league conferences or nationwide conferences and, ‘Properly that is what’s greatest for Gonzaga, we should always do that’ and simply say, ‘OK, I am invested on this factor with my life, mainly, we have to do that. And it may need a bit of little bit of a unfavorable impact on Gonzaga if we do that, nevertheless it’s nonetheless the perfect factor for the sport, interval.’ You guys (the media) must do the identical. It is all tied in.”
Tom Izzo hopes the NABC committee is not burden by bureaucratic claptrap. USATSI
The shock waves from the FBI fallout sparked loads of dialogue amongst coaches. Not many spoke out in opposition to the atmosphere round them, even amongst those that consider their packages are clear by means of and thru. That is partly why some public notion of the game is that it is run by crooked males making the most of gamers and breaking legal guidelines within the course of. Each coach I spoke to was certain to level out that school basketball has its points however that the blow-back has been overblown. 
“We will do loads for the 10 %,” Izzo mentioned. “And there is 10 % of issues in each stroll of life. Yours, faith, medical doctors, attorneys. There’s some issues with everyone. For some cause it will get magnified in school basketball. I feel that’s unfair.” 
The general public nature of school basketball is cause for such response. The game is adopted by tens of millions of followers and alumni. As teaching salaries proceed to extend, gamers proceed to be vastly restricted in their very own money-making alternatives. These contrasting optics entangle a scenario that is pushed coaches to defend the better amateurism mannequin, which solely makes extra noticeable the hesitation to talk out and be particular on the rule-skirting and -breaking that is introduced the game to this second.
Roy Williams remains to be coming to phrases with what occurred in September. 
“You’ve got obtained 351 colleges,” the 30-year head-coaching veteran mentioned. “Everybody’s obtained three assistants. That is 1,300, 1,400 coaches. We had 4 assistants (arrested). And if they will get some extra they’re going to get some extra. There could also be some extra, I am not saying there’s not, however that is a reasonably small proportion. I’ve had some individuals, together with writers, criticize me as a result of I mentioned I used to be shocked. I was shocked. Shocked on the FBI involvement, shocked on the extent of the investigation. I feel we now have a small proportion of those who deliberately break guidelines.
“It is what we’re in our world. You are taking any business and there are some individuals doing issues they know usually are not proper however they’re nonetheless making an attempt to do it to realize a bonus. That is the human race. I do not assume we have to throw the entire thing within the ocean and begin once more.”
Williams was self-aware within the dialog, making reference to his seven situations when the NCAA has investigated him, most just lately acquitting UNC of violations in an educational scandal spanning 20 years. 
“I actually do hate what we see right here, that it colours each different coach,” he mentioned. “In my scenario, with NCAA investigations and all the pieces, I have been investigated seven occasions. Seven committees got here out and mentioned, ‘Roy did not know what was happening, did not have something to do with it.’ But there have been individuals on the market within the public, particularly if there have been followers of different groups, they thought I used to be concerned. Do not you assume you assume you’d really feel fairly good in the event you had been investigated seven occasions and no person discovered something?
Are we going to be trustworthy with ourselves? Are we going to BS one another?Tom Izzo
��“I went by means of this for 4 years. For 4 years, each time I would see someone I used to be pondering, He thinks I am soiled. … That is the toughest factor. It is one thing that, my whole life, my integrity has been crucial factor. And for 4 years I’ve needed to undergo with it. That is the world we reside in.” 
Williams, maybe due to his attachment to the educational scandal, isn’t on the NABC committee.
“I do not assume the sport’s a cesspool, and but you will learn loads of articles that say the sport’s a cesspool,” he mentioned. “I am going to allow you to spend all afternoon with any 14 of my children, and you will not assume it is a cesspool, I promise you.”
Few and Izzo particularly are calling on their contemporaries to turn into extra vocal in regards to the recreation they love, the career that is made them millionaires. A tradition of whispering over wrong-doers is partially what obtained school basketball so far. 
“I do care in regards to the recreation, care about what occurs to it,” Izzo mentioned. “I do not assume it is unhealthy, however I do assume there’s obtained to be changes made. For probably the most half you may have an concept with every (faculty that cheats). You could possibly most likely decide and select the packages, so may I. So you may have an concept. I can not fear about what the surface persons are pondering on all the pieces. For some cause the game will get scrutinized like everyone’s an knowledgeable. How do they know? I took my compliance lady on a recruiting journey two years in the past. She was blown away. No one goes on these. How does anybody know?
“The individuals making the foundations on these committees, they’re by no means making any journeys. They do not know what is going on on. I feel the coaches gotta do extra. I do. We have got to spend a bit of extra time with one another. Recruiting’s so screwed up now that all the pieces’s competitors. I preferred it higher whenever you went to a recruiting factor and all of the coaches went out and also you talked and it was so civil. Now we do not have time to speak as a result of we now have to go to so many alternative locations.”
Mark Few has been more and more vocal in his opinions on how one can straighten up school hoops. USATSI
Izzo drives house some extent that Few was certain to make a number of occasions. The first concern with Emmert’s fee is that it is populated by those who, for probably the most half, have not been concerned with school basketball for a very long time, if ever. The NABC committee hopes to assist delineate what guidelines modifications will and will not work. 
“Generally, individuals outdoors our career have these fantastic concepts that are not very sensible in our world,” Few mentioned, later including, “I feel all the pieces’s on the desk proper now. You’ve got obtained lots of people that are not in a world, and loads of good individuals, so I am certain they’re throwing out loads of good issues that must be vetted.”
One thing the coaches want to have strongly thought of: an enormous discount on the rule guide. Williams advised slicing it by a whopping 90 %. In simplifying the foundations as a lot as attainable, they are saying, you may have extra black and white on the subject of rule breaking. Williams, Few and Izzo all agree that, of their best scenario, a convicted rule breaker would endure from a lot more durable punishment than the Committee on Infractions even doles out now. 
“Proper now I feel you may have too many individuals rationalizing that, ‘All people’s doing and if I do not, they’ll and what is the worst they will do to me? Slap a show-cause or one thing?”http://ift.tt/1OPItWM; Few mentioned. “No, it must be: Ban the entire employees for 5 years, ban the varsity from going to the postseason. We won’t have this ‘I did not know what was happening’ or no matter.”
Williams is in favor of everlasting banishment from Division I. 
“You make a mistake, you realize it is a mistake, you do it deliberately? You are performed,” he mentioned. 
It must be: ban the entire employees for 5 years, ban the varsity from going to the postseason.Mark Few
Was once that some coaches would report suspected — or typically even independently confirmed — dishonest to the NCAA. In speaking to a lot of coaches in current months, that tactic appears much less viable in 2017 than it was a decade or two in the past. 
“They speak about self-policing, speak about it loads,” Izzo mentioned. “If the NCAA and even the FBI has to go for 2 years, there’s some issues which can be professionally performed now. Am I going to accuse you of dishonest? There’s been loads of occasions once I’ve picked up the cellphone and known as a coach over one thing I did not like, and there is been a pair occasions when a coach has known as me, mad at my assistant. I feel that is cool. I feel that is actually good. However I do not assume we all know, both. The rumour is screwed up. A sure coach will get a man, nicely it is ‘as a result of he cheated.’ That is baloney. A few of these guys are working their tail off.”
The FBI’s probe appears to have dispirited coaches all of the extra with the NCAA’s juridical setup. If the NCAA and school basketball are literally severe about cleansing itself up, coaches want to surrender leverage within the occasion they knowingly and severely break the foundations to realize a bonus on their competitors. 
“I feel there needs to be someplace the place you may go to voice your considerations,” Few mentioned. “Clearly I feel perhaps all of us, we should always most likely all topic ourselves. Give [the NCAA] subpoena energy so there is a stronger investigative piece. As a result of proper now the NCAA has no juice. Possibly it is simply, hey, as an NCAA coach, I enroll [to be subpoenaed if applicable].”
He is additionally placing onus on the media. Rumors of rulebreakers and secondhand scuttlebutt fly consistently amongst these concerned in school basketball and that features the press.
“A part of the true world, when high-level unhealthy guys are doing stuff, there’s an investigative piece,” Few mentioned. “The journalism aspect of it’s the one which finally ends up, and so they do not cover behind the entire, ‘Properly, I may by no means write that. It might be libel.’ And that is type of how our society screens itself. Whether or not it is with groping, whether or not it is with uranium offered to different international locations, whether or not it is with collusion. That is not politicians telling on one another. I feel it is type of tied in. I do not know if it is only a coach working in and saying, ‘Jimmy did that’ is simply the reply.”
The NABC’s committee comes at a vital time for the game. Among the greatest names are virtually actually inside three to seven years of retirement. Will all their fame, energy and affect, will they search to enact change that brings the game to a greater, cleaner, extra clear actuality than what it is turn into within the 21st century? 
“I heard Mike Krzyzewski speak about getting a czar to run school basketball,” Izzo mentioned. “Possibly there’s some fact to that. I do not know who’s working it. It looks like everyone’s obtained their palms in on these gamers, even on campuses.” 
Krzyzewski’s been a vocal proponent for years of school basketball putting in a commissioner. Nevertheless, when requested in regards to the FBI probe and the way it’s affected school basketball, he confirmed a special mind-set than his colleagues.
“To be fairly frank with you I feel we have handed that part,” the Duke coach mentioned at a information convention at PK80. “The beginning of this season has been improbable for school basketball. The Champions Basic, the curiosity stage, you guys are writing extra optimistic items in regards to the recreation. Hold that up a bit of bit. I feel there’s an amazing curiosity within the recreation due to all these tournaments, whether or not it’s Maui or the Barclays. We will begin a Three-on-5 event. We’re making an attempt to begin all new issues that may sustain curiosity.
“That is why this event (PK80) … it got here at an acceptable time. You had two tournaments at one place with all these groups and we had 4 prime 10 groups enjoying tonight. I feel we’re in good condition with school basketball. I like the place we’re at. I hope that fee does a very good job in seeing how we will change this even higher.” 
In gentle of successful the Nike-run unprecedented preseason event, Duke’s coach was reflective on the occasion and the change again to dialog that is virtually solely about basketball. He’s proper in that regard, nevertheless it additionally speaks to the tendencies that concern different high-profile coaches. There may be room for promotion and opprobrium. Izzo pointed to the “center males” which have muddied the waters of school basketball recruiting. 
“Guys present me texts from brokers and other people, and it simply retains going and going and going,” Izzo mentioned. “I do not care who you’re, I feel these distractions damage the sport. I will have an interest to be on this.” 
All coaches interviewed mentioned they’ve as a lot delight of their profession and area because the day they started. Their energy and presence has elevated, although, and with that comes extra alternative and duty than they’ve ever actually had. In committee conferences and at press conferences, school coaches have a second within the form of a season to evoke change and communicate to what plagues the game. Will they seize it, or will they fall again on the habits that introduced school basketball so far within the first place?
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