#did. wh. hueh?????
brain-empty · 1 year
wait pause the universe im internally crashing actually
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cemo-roid · 5 years
I’m Just A Normal Person, Who Happened To Be A Trainer...
“W... W... Wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-wh-mmhhmmmh!?!?!?”
13 began to panic when I stopped kissing her to take a breath, but she soon froze up when I kissed her for the second time
...I could feel my strength leaving my body as I continued pressing my lips to hers, but I endured it and pressed my mouth even stronger
“Mmmnhh!? Mmmhhmhh-!?!?”
“mmmnnnnnn... puahh...”
Unable to endure the strain any longer, my hand inadvertently let go of 13′s suit and I fell down, separating myself from 13
The slightly wet ground had a strong smell of blood on it... but I could no longer move my body at this point
“H-Hey, you! What did you just-”
By the time I realized it, Mio was running towards me in her robot form and lifted my body before placing my left arm around her neck
...it would have been a nice gesture, if only she realized we are at least one meter apart in height...
“...but... good timing...”
“Sergia, I had a terrible feeling that something is happening to you, and-”
“...Mio... tear off the things... I wrapped around 13′s wounds, please″
“N... nnn...”
(Fortunately,) she gently placed me on the ground and began to remove the jacket I tied around 13′s shoulders. 13 became confused as she looked at me and Mio alternatingly
...and as soon as the clothes were removed, 13′s body tensed up before kneeling on the ground
“S-Sergia, 13 is-!”
“...just in time...”
I heaved a relieved sigh and tried to move my body, only to find out that moving my fingers was the best I could do at the moment
Hence, I could only watch as 13 squirmed around in pain as she pressed her forehead to the ground
“S... Sergiaaaaaaaa!!!”
“...the process is painful... but please endure it”
“My limbs! It feels as if they’re BURNING!!!”
“S-S-Sergia, what is going on!?”
I didn’t answer as I continued to watch 13 writhed in pain. Mio looked alternatingly between me and 13 before deciding to sit next to me and closed her eyes tightly
Fortunately, 13 stopped screaming after a few minutes. After making several deep breaths, she turned her attention to me and kicked off the ground...
...and rammed headfirst into my body
The pain from 13′s headbutt, coupled with my current lethargic body and injured back, tripled the incoming damage and made me lost my consciousness
“...oh, you woke up”
The gruff voice entered my ears as I slowly opened my eyes. Noticing that I was able to see the darkening sky, it seemed like it was already close to 6 p.m.
Realizing that I was lying face up, I was about to raise my body... but a hand gently pushed my shoulder down, disabling me from waking up
“......if you move now, your Roze is going to wake up”
"Serious, are all Trainers weak like you?” 13 spoke irritatedly before heaving a sigh. “You got knocked out by a mere headbutt!”
“...do note that Rozes had higher base stats than normal people like me...”
“Stats, what are you talking about?”
...I realized it a bit late, but I was actually laying my head on top of 13′s thigh... the so-called lap-pillow that most people would like to experience. But because of her skintight suit, I could not feel anything aside from the rubbery latex texture on her feet
...I don’t really like this feeling... but some of my people would actually pay for this though...
“That’s my name, yeah. Don’t forget it”
“......what are you?”
“...that’s pretty cruel. I’m just a normal person”
“Yeah, right. If you’re normal, then explain how you can regrow my arms”
13 showed both her thin, supple arms that weren’t covered with her skintight suit like before. The unblemished skin felt like it made weak glow as it reflected the orange sunlight
“After losing my arms, I was no longer able to call out my scythe or even control Typhoon...” a white flash of light appeared near her right hand, followed by the appearance of a familiar large scythe. “...but now... I...”
“That’s a good thing... right? You’re not going to tell me to leave you behind now, are you?”
“.........why did you do that?”
13′s question prompted me to look up... and saw her looking at me seriously
“...I don’t know what you just did, but having you collapse like that is not a good idea! it is fortunate that the Monster didn’t bother chasing us this far, as the three of us would die if it was otherwise”
“...mind you, the reason I was knocked out is your headbutt”
“......there is no merit in saving me. My only duty is to protect the two of you and-”
13 continued to look down at me, revealing her face and the scars on her eyes that were usually hidden by her bangs
Seeing her trembling eyes, I inadvertently extended my hand towards her
“...what are you doing?”
“......sorry. I thought... you are just about to cry”
13 froze stiff as she widened her eyes when she heard that
“13, I don’t know how you’ve been trained in this place.” I lowered my hand as I heaved a light sigh. “...I also don’t know what you’ve been taught in the period you’re here... but don’t you think you’re being... stiff?”
“You’re always thinking about efficiency, benefit, and focused only on your goal. It is not necessarily a bad thing... but being inflexible will make you hit a lot of dead ends”
“...but... as mere support-”
“I am a Trainer. One of my jobs is to make sure all Rozes under my jurisdiction to safely return from their missions.” I raised my hand once again and weakly patted 13′s forehead. “...and you’re one of my Rozes, for the moment”
“...heh... look at that. You’re a lot cuter when you take off that emotionless mask...”
I continued to pat her head for a bit before withdrawing my hand
"...that’s why... don’t say that it’s better if you die. There’s only one of you in this world”
“Can you... at least, promise me that?”
The sun slowly sank in the horizon, completely wrapping our surroundings in darkness
...or so I thought, but it was actually the Phenom Erosion reaching our current location
“Fue? Hueh!?”
“...this Erosion rate... it’s pretty bad...”
“The King Island will be completely isolated at this rate...”
Realizing that, I quickly rose my body, making Mio slid off from my lap and fell to the floor
“13, can you make a veil of wind or something and protect us? Or even better, carry us away from this Island?”
When 13 shook her head, I thought she was replying to the latter question...
“...unfortunately, ever since I regrew my arms, I only recovered my first Gear, my scythe. I... can’t use Typhoon”
“What? Then you’re basically nothing more than a Roze Trainee!?”
While I was starting to panic and trying to think of a way out of this island, Mio tugged my shirt several times as she sat on her wheelchair
“.........how many Rozes can a Trainer has?”
Hearing what she said, I reflexively glanced at 13 who approached us as she held her scythe... and made a deep sigh
...it seemed like there really was no other way for this situation
“13. There is no time, so I want you to trust me”
“...I don’t really get it... but okay”
“...then, become my Roze”
Before she could even make any response, I sealed her lips with my own, again
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