#didnt expect to write 5 mini character studies but hey
python-nebula · 4 months
I will never not be devastated at the fact that Edwin, this (forever-)16-year-old who doesn't know how to fight like Charles, or use a weapon, or anything like that, can run so much faster than Charles, or anybody in the show for that matter. Because he's had to. He's had to for 70 years. And he's still waiting for the other shoe to drop.
Crystal (in her 'past life') learnt to insult people because (it seems like) that was the only way people would listen to her (aka her parents).
Charles learnt to immediately go on the offensive (to protect others, not himself) because he can't let anyone else be hurt the way he was hurt by the person who was supposed to care for him.
Niko learnt to forgive people and take the kindest route because that was how her dad taught her to be, how he'd want her to be.
Jenny learnt to close herself off from people because she's been too open in the past, and she can't afford to be vulnerable again.
And Edwin learnt to run, because there was no point in fighting back, because the only way he wasn't going to have to watch his own corpse be horrifically murdered again and again was if he ran.
The final scene of the show is the first time he's stopped in one hundred and eight years.
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neowinestainedress · 2 years
Hey! here is another appreciation post from another reader of your hyuck's mini series ^^
I just wanna say i really love your writing!! Angst is my fav genre so to read something that can tug my heart is really satisfying to me ><
I've been wanting to send you this message since before but i'm too shy and afraid i couldnt find words to write to descript my feeling but i'll just do it now haha
I did read one of your answers about the possibility of the ending, if the fl gonna ended up with hyuck again or jeno. tbh i feel the same way as you. Hyuck's character here is so damn toxic i wish i could punch him real hard so he realised his mistakes but then again it'll be satisying to see him get torture slowly like that.
on the other side, aka my bias for him, i want them to be together again. which showed that his toxic is winning if they ended up together again. because i couldnt see them with other people aside from each other. i guess its affected by the 5 years relationship too. But he is so toxic 😭 he is so bad to her, he is the worst! Not loving her the same way as she is already worse enough BUT IN THE SECOND PART WE GET TO KNOW THAT HE ALSO TALK BAD ABOUT HER. THAT IS SO-- coward of a man to do that. I'm so disappointed but I dont get why i want them to be back together. I mean after all renjun and jeno has done, and her braveness to finally having the positive thoughts, to see her trueself, loving and forgiving herself, why would i want her to be back again with hyuck eventho he change for a better self?
It is so complicated i want to slap myself. Because i know on the other hand, hyuck is struggling too. I dont know how to word it out but he look like he haven't found himself, (this is just like me), it's like when people said he can be like this, he will try to be like that without thinking if that is good for him. it's like he is a shadow of people's word instead of being himself so maybe thats why i still have a tiny sympathy for him. but to say it's a sympathy is not right too cuz i'm placing myself as the fl and tough to say, i still love him. i want him to realise his mistakes and changed but getting fl right away will be so abrupt. Maybe both of them should recover from the hurt and after many months and meet again and maybe they finally fall in love again, that would be okay.
Okay, now lets talk about renjun and jeno. im so so glad renjun is still talking to her even tho he is actually hyuck friend to begin with, word cant explain how much i appreciate his effort and the same goes to jeno. but as much as he is soooooo nice, i couldnt see him with the fl 😭😭 like yes he is nice and thank you for telling the fl that she deserve so much more than what she was thinking of herself before, regaining her confident back. he is a good friend and thats a shame because he is like a 2nd lead character, so damn nice, willing to do anything for the fl but at the end he could never get the chance to be with her. that is how i see his character, it could be different from you or the others.
But well this is your story, youre the writer so it's all up to you. And its just my opinion with a little bias to hyuck since he is my bias blfjdldjfk so of course i still want him at then end of the day though i really want him to physically and emotionally broken, get his heart bleeding more than the fl after realising his mistake until he gain a forgiveness from her again.
Anyway, i'm rooting for you whichever ending you planned to end it! I hope you have a great time writing and doing works outside of writing too, i saw that you're busy with your studies now so good luck with that!! Cant wait for the final part but take your time as much as you want until youre satisfy with your writing.
That should be all from me hahaha didnt expect it to be this long. And thank you for reading this lol >< have a nice days ahead <333
Hi!! These types of ask make me so happy you have no idea😭. Thank you so much. And you described your feelings perfectly.
Hyuck's character here is so damn toxic i wish i could punch him real hard so he realised his mistakes but then again it'll be satisying to see him get torture slowly like that.
I love to see that we all want to punch him lmao.
Because i know on the other hand, hyuck is struggling too. I dont know how to word it out but he look like he haven't found himself, (this is just like me)
No, you're right. I know I didn't make it explicit because I plan on elaborating it in the last part but Hyuck feels like shit for real. You don't know what you have until you lose it, right? That's what he feels right now,
Okay, now lets talk about renjun and jeno. im so so glad renjun is still talking to her even tho he is actually hyuck friend to begin with, word cant explain how much i appreciate his effort and the same goes to jeno.
They are the bests, I love them so much.
but as much as he is soooooo nice, i couldnt see him with the fl 😭😭 like yes he is nice and thank you for telling the fl that she deserve so much more than what she was thinking of herself before, regaining her confident back. he is a good friend and thats a shame because he is like a 2nd lead character, so damn nice, willing to do anything for the fl but at the end he could never get the chance to be with her. that is how i see his character, it could be different from you or the others.
I'll answer to this but I'm also referring to what you said before about hyuck and the oc being together for five years and so on. I totally get why most readers feel like this. Jeno and oc 'relationship' wasn't developed and it's against Haechan and the oc that have been together for five years and even if they were flashbacks you know how deeply they loved each other and what tied them so together so, as toxic as it got, I think it's normal to wish for them to make it up.
i really want him to physically and emotionally broken, get his heart bleeding more than the fl after realising his mistake until he gain a forgiveness from her again.
And I think we can all agree. Either way the story goes, he WILL suffer so don't worry about that
A more general comment, I know how it will end so I can't really answer you how I would do if I didn't because I don't want to spoiler but once the last part is out you can write me again so we can discuss this with no filters.
Anyway, i'm rooting for you whichever ending you planned to end it! I hope you have a great time writing and doing works outside of writing too, i saw that you're busy with your studies now so good luck with that!! Cant wait for the final part but take your time as much as you want until youre satisfy with your writing.
Thank you so much, i really need support because I'm kinda going crazy hahaha. Have a nice day/night too!!
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