leaveherwild1 · 5 years
“That’s very woman of you”
That’s what you said to me. It was in reference to something small and stupid and meaningless. But that statement stung. Like a slap across the face. Why is it so wrong to have “woman emotions”? Why is it not okay to feel the way I feel? What does the fact that I don’t have a dick swinging between my legs have to do with anything?
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This is what is wrong with the world. People do not put their tattoos on their blogs to be criticized about. If they were looking for criticism and opinions they would ask. People show off their tattoos and piercing and clothing and hair, etc because it makes them feel good. Who are you or anyone else to judge others decisions. The two first things you learn as children are; 1: If you have nothing nice to say, don't say anything at all. 2: Treat other the way you want to be treated. Why are people so quick to pass judgment on others. Grow the fuck up! Your are certainly entitled to your own opinion, but keep it to yourself.
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destructive-behaviour · 11 years
Idk man I just want to be covered in tattoos. Why do so many people have problems with that? It's not their body, it's mine so people and their opinions should fuck off.
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