danchxku · 6 years
continued w/ @kxburagi
        He couldn’t help but feel a bit confused when Danchiku did nothing but stare at him, but he eventually caught onto to what was up. Batting his eyelashes at the man a few times, he waited to see what kind of reward he would get– not that he helped the other out with a reward in mind. He just hoped that he would get one as a nice bonus for helping.
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        Even though the reward was just a quick peck on the cheek, he couldn’t help but get weak in the knees– especially thanks to the way the taller spoke quietly by his ear. If they weren’t in the club room, he would have squealed so loud that glass would shatter. “ Anytime. “ He replied with a joking wink, despite the statement not being a lie what-so-ever. Issa maybe be lazy, but he would do almost anything for Danchiku.
Smirking at the smaller and being pleased with his reaction, he quickly looked over to the team; that’s when Danchiku noticed that they were indeed seeing a glimpse of their actions, their conversations and whatnot, mostly Imaizumi looked rather... stunned. He remembered how he was mocking Naruko for having so many male fans instead of female ones, but alas, he was not thinking too much into it. It was merely a kiss to the cheek, nothing else. Sure, Ryuu would have to be more careful, simply because he didn’t want the team to get the wrong idea (or rather, the right idea, and therefore treating the two of them differently). After all, he was the more responsible one on the Team SS duo. 
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Quickly looking back to the redhead, “Are you ready to go, Issa? We wanted to stop by at my place. Was it maths homework that you needed help with?” simply picking up the conversation where they left off before practice. As hard as it was to let the other go and have him train hard for InHigh, while he knew that he wasn’t going to be beside the other ---- he also would cheer him on anytime, help with him with anything, really. That’s the job of a proper assistant. And that’s how he saw himself after all. “Mom made dinner, perhaps you want to stay and eat with us? I’m sure, she’d be happy to talk to you.”
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danchxku · 9 years
“You didn’t have to ask.”
      Staring at the ginger for some time after he had gotten that reply, he observed his cute expression and couldn’t help but melt at it. Honestly, he wondered how someone as precious as Kaburagi would even go as far as to miss Danchiku if they weren’t around all the time.
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                 The boy leaned in then and kissed the boy’s cheek gently, muttering a quiet “Thanks.” to his ear before standing up tall again. After all, even if he didn’t have to ask, it was only decent to thank someone for doing them a favour, right?
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