#diego fo3
danses-with-dogmeat · 11 months
Choose a favorite character whose name starts with "D"!
(Or a character you just want to see me write for 😁)
If you have any questions on these characters, please feel free to ask!
And if you think of someone who's not listed here that you would like to see, feel free to add a name to the comments/reblogs!
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More domestic Fo3 headcanons bc I love Fo3 and I love domestic fo stuff
Megaton settlers actually being vaguely nice to you bc you’re familiar and not some passer-by asshole like half of the other floaters that come through town
Like I said in my other post, learning so much more about your fav characters- Gob, Nova, Moira, etc.- just from being around them every day; getting to see all their truly human quirks
If you do happen to go out wandering, you’re that weirdo in town that disappears for days on end then comes back to stay for months on end, and always bearing some new weird shit you found in whatever abandoned building you scrambled through this time
Moira loves the new tech you bring her; some of its pre-war some of its something else entirely (is it even human?) but she loves it all and rambles to you about all her lil discoveries and experiments she’s been performing on the tech
If you’re good karma, a lot of people see you as the protector of the town bc of everything you’ve done for them; defusing the bomb, helping Moira with her book, holding an intervention for Leo
The residents might see you as the town’s nicer version of Jericho
Rivet City
Catching up on the hottest gossip w Vera Weatherly; you probably stayed at her hotel for the longest time before you settled down and cleaned up that old stinky room down the hall to make it your own
Attending Angela and Diego’s wedding, you may/may not have had anything to do with that
Hanging out in the Muddy Rudder to get in on all the action; egging on a few fights with Butch or Trinnie
Bugging Doctor Li or Doctor Preston just bc they have the worst sense of humor and you love getting on their nerves
Also fucking with Doctor Zimmer when he shows up just bc he’s an ass and it’s really really funny
You and that Hargraves kid Hate each other but you two also have an Understanding
Going for a swim in the river bc you actually know how to take care of radiation (what Mirelurks? there’s no mirelurks in the river)
Obviously getting a very weird reputation when you do that and for a while ppl are kinda iffy around you bc who tf just does that
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eloarei · 7 years
@nomadsky asked me some questions about Final Fantasy and gaming, and what better time to answer them than when I should be either writing or dragging my ass to bed? =D  1. What area of FFXV do I like best?  --To be honest, I really love Leide! I grew up in San Diego, so I’m a big fan of hilly desert. I feel very at home. But I also really like areas of Duscae, particularly the... well, the whole thing, really. But the hilly wide-open areas where you can ride your chocobo and jump and glide for ages!! My heart! I get very emotional about scenery/landscape. ^^;  2. Are you a long-time Final Fantasy fan? --I’d say yes. I was too young to play the original games when they came out (like, uh, negative-several-years?), but the very first game I got when I got a PS1 was Final Fantasy Tactics, which remains one of my favorite games. I played 7, 8, and 9, but never beat them, although I still adore 7 and 9. I liked 10, and 10-2 was kinda meh? but the commercial for it was honestly what re-invigorated my 13-year-old self when I’d somewhat lost interest in games. (Oh, that and Kingdom Hearts.) Then I spent the entire year after I graduated high school sitting on the floor of my barren apartment playing FF12. XD GREAT TIMES. I played 13 and 13-2 but didn’t have especially strong opinions about them.  3. Do I have a favorite among the boys (the FFXV main characters), and if so, why?  -- ....Ignis.  ...I just love him. XD; Honest to god, I looked at him once and knew I was going to love him. I was not disappointed when I finally played the game. He’s so clever and sassy (and punny!) and I think he has a lot of depth that doesn’t get explored much but is definitely there. (Don’t gotta explain this to Nomadsky, I know!)  But at the same time, I mean, I really like Prompto? He’s just so precious. And he’s funny! And I love his style. I’d wear his normal outfit any day of the week. I want to give him a hug and take him out for pizza and wrap him up in a thick blanket and give him some hot apple cider.  ...Okay, but then there’s Noctis???? And he’s so RELATABLE. Everything he says and does, I’m just like, “same”. But he’s cute. So cute. I’d also wear his regular outfit any day of the week; sometimes I do. He’s just, like, such a person. In a good way!  So I guess Gladio is my least favorite? Except I still love him! I mean, GOD, just LOOK at him. He’s flipping gorgeous. Didja see that cosplay of him? I can hardly contain myself. Beautiful hair. Everyone knows I love a guy with long brown hair and a little face fluff. Shit. *adds him to The List*  And he’s got a good chill sense of humor. He cares about people, definitely, just in a way that I think IRL I wouldn’t fall all over myself about as much as the other three. BUT I STILL LOVE HIM.  4. What’s your favorite game of all time?  --Gawd, what a question. Ugh. I love games so much, I just can’t. BUT I will try... to narrow it down a little.  Okay, so... not counting anything I’ve played in the past year, because that’s not enough time to form a proper opinion IMO:  --- Final Fantasy 12 is DEFINITELY on the list. It’s... I don’t really know how to explain, but it’s so up my alley.  --- Metal Gear Solid 4. The reason I got into ‘modern’ gaming and kept up with it. The whole MGS series is good, but MGS4 is my darling. I... love it???! In 2008, it was just... the greatest thing in the world. It’s the only game I’ve probably played more times than I have fingers to count.  --- The Fallout series, because I can’t choose between 3, New Vegas, and 4. I just can’t. FO3 was such an experience for me, and the landscape was very homey to me, and also I want to shower Fawkes in my undying affection. FO:NV was so lonely, but IN A GOOD WAY, and I... like it a lot? And FO4 was huge and beautiful and your characters finally spoke and Nick Valentine and I’m CRYING.  --- I will literally never stop if I don’t stop myself, so here, I’ll just throw a few more into a pile without commentary: Ratchet and Clank (esp A Crack in Time) // Jak and Daxter (esp 2 and 3) // the Ezio series of Assassin’s Creed // Uncharted // Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time and Majora’s Mask // Don’t Starve // Mass Effect (esp 2 and 3) // The Last of Us (because who doesn’t like crying?) // The Sims // Pokemon // and like probably 700 other things I can’t remember off the top of my head.  5. Games I’m looking forward to:  -- MASS EFFECT ANDROMEDA. It’s the reason I’m busting ass on FFXV and trying to finish my long-fic, because Jason said he’d get it for me if I did. Gotta love some space marine alien romance!  -- Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild ... AKA the only game I’ll probably ever play on the Switch -- IF I can ever afford one.  -- I would like to play Horizon Zero Dawn at some point, but I have so many other things to finish first. ^^;  God, I’m sorry, XD; you did not ask for this much semi-coherent rambling. ^^; But thank you for asking! I love to talk about my favorite things! <3  As Kasumi says: “Come back later! I’m sure I’ll have more to talk about.” 
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danses-with-dogmeat · 11 months
I might be stupid, but who is deigo?
This is waaaay too late, I'm sorry 😅
But you're not stupid at all! Diego is pretty obscure lol
But he's a young (18 year old, I think?) acolyte in Rivet city, and the only mission that he's involved with is one where you can try and convince him either to marry the girl he likes, Angela Staley, or not to when he's worried about her affecting his devotion to the church.
I always thought he was an endearing character when I first played fo3, but attmitedly, I'd have to go back and revisit to see how he resonates now.
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