#digimon predictions
kideternity · 1 month
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Why is Stingmon so fucking huge
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holydramon · 2 months
finally got to the wrathful route orz
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firedragon1321 · 2 years
@ the Joe fans that literally never existed until like the past year or two- where did you come from?
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cyatzura · 9 months
my sister and i managed to finish our months' long endeavour to rank all 103 openings in our anime/donghua playlist, here are my top 30
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citrus-cactus · 1 year
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Amazing XD
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uniarycode · 2 years
I think this is the first episode that actively disproves the "Hokuto is dead and sending messages from the past"....so plot by association?
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sabedilemon · 3 days
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Redesign of the Digifake formerly known as Romon
Level: Ultimate (Mega)
Attribute: Virus A Space Alien Digimon that has assimilated data from old science fiction stories. It has a child-like view of conquest and scientific innovation, leading it to hatch world-changing plots without paying much attention to consequences. Because of that, although not quite ill-intentioned, it is a dangerous and unpredictable Digimon that can't be left alone.
Thanks to its beloved drone "Sputnik", it is able to completely analyze the battlefield to predict the perfect course of action. Additionally, its ray gun "Vanguard" can infiltrate the mind of the enemy, turning them into devout followers of Astromon's plans ("Invasion Ray"). Its Special Move is engulfing its enemies with toxic pink slime, causing them to slowly disintegrate ("Sludge Hazard"). Suggested pre-evolved forms: UFOmon, Ghilliedhumon, Garbagemon / Garbamon, Vademon, RareRaremon, Nanomon, Blikmon, Insekimon, Ex-Tyrannomon
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drinkyourvillainjuice · 3 months
Secretary Questions and Answers Part 1
What's the answer to life, the universe and everything?
Being nice to people you don't know. nd also large amount of cocaine
Why did you make the reading comprehension section in the last module?
I'm a librarian! Teaching literacy is half the fun of my job! The rates of functional illiteracy are quite high (up to 50% in some areas of North America). I believe that literacy is one of the few ways to better one's situation, and it starts with asking questions about what you are reading and trying to read in-between the lines. I like teaching people :)
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Did you do 9/11?
When I was a wee young lass,
What are some other interactive novels you would recommend?
Secretary Answer: The Life and Suffering of Sir Brante!
Author Answer: For choice of games/hosted games, I like Night Road, the creme de la creme series, fallen hero (which is probably the most predictable recc ever), lies under ice was a really cool recent sci fi release, slammed! is old but pretty great. Separate to choicescript, Our Life Beginnings and Always has a special spot in my heart, it's very much a comfort game for me. I played Digimon Survive this year and although it's kind of a hybrid (it has a lot of turn-based strategy) it's a cool spooky VN. I like the zero escape series too, but also heavily criticise them the way that only somebody who likes something a lot can.
Secretary Answer: show off
What are the characters opinions about peeing in the shower?
nobody pisses in the shower excepts:
Vantage (time efficient)
Hypothesis (he also poops in the shower)
Beth (she's incontinent)
how do author and secretary come together to work on DYVJ? what's the synergy and system like (if there is a system)?
The author writes and does the creative management of the story. She chooses what is inputted in the story and all.
The secretary, me!, deals with a lot of the behind the scene stuff, and with participates in the character design and scene compositions. Create plot points, keep track of things, etc.
essentially, she writes and i am her HR manager. the blog was my idea :)
you guys gay?
i ate her pussy, yes
why is she named surpass
iirc it's because I wanted to evoke a sort of - I don't want to say "Superman" vibe, but I wanted to have a name that evokes power and force. It also feeds a bit into her personality. She's kind of cocky, I'm sure you've noticed, and 'Surpass' has a kind of 'come at me bro' feel to it, making it more the kind of name she'd pick.
Can we smooch Surpass?
Surpass is presently unsmoochable.
Very serious and important question that is totally serious and not at all not serious. At all. Ever. So. Would CG let MC pamper her and feed her sweets via hand? I want to hand feed my handler a Cannoli
CG would be unbelievably tsundere about anyone trying to pamper her.
How did you play Baldur's Gate 3?
my wife says i play games like a maniac. in stealth games (hitman, my beloved), i just run around with guns and kill everything and then finish the missions. allegedly im not supposed to play the game like that! bg3 was a similar experience: what do you mean im not supposed to kill story npcs for their loot? aradin, eat your heart out
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stubz · 3 months
Oh shit Jeri was depressed. I am an almost 22 year old adult just realizing that the goofy girl in Digimon Tamers was legit depressed. Not only that but the depression was bound to happen. This child was hanging on by her goddamn fingernails until they broke off her flesh.
People of Tumblr let me introduce you to Jeri Katou from Digimon Tamers, my first introduction to depression!
So first things first, her mom is dead. Died when she was like 4. Her dad was shit at comforting her and basically noped out of the mourning period. In fact it turns out she never got over it bc of his shit comforting.
Then her Digimon partner who in magic terms is her familiar and in regular terms her platonic soulmate bestie gets murdered right in front of her. His final words trigger her trauma related to her mom. She spirals. Hard.
Depression hits her like a freight train. During this time a demon digital organism possesses her, replaces her (creates an evil clone of her), and kidnaps her. Literally using her nightmares and depression to fuel itself.
Jeri walked so Darcy could run. Jeri walked so Hunter could sprint. Not much correlation between the latter other than the fact that Clone!Jeri is found out and basically becomes an older Jeri. And I just realized that Jeri and/or the others will get ptsd when seeing how close Clone Jeri was at predicting how she'll look in the future.
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animalinvestigator · 11 months
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this week's 02tobers are my favorite digimon of each stage in 02 (i took a break for one day this week because there's only 6 linear stages...) predictably, i mostly ended up drawing wormmon's evolutionary line...
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rocketupduck-art · 1 month
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・☆ 𝕄𝕖𝕔𝕙𝕒 𝕄𝕒𝕟𝕚𝕒𝕔 ☆ ・
Summary: When high school senior and wannabe nuclear technician Holly drops in on Solar Andromon, the Digimon equivalent of a nuclear reactor, they set in motion a butterfly effect no one could have predicted.
Hypnos pushes Juggernaut too far. Tensions between the Digimon Sovereign are at an all-time high. The veil between the worlds is thinned. Waves from the dark ocean are raging, and the D-Reaper is born under a new and terrible circumstance.
Chapter ten: Murphy's Law
Link: Click me to read the latest chapter!
Start at the beginning: Click me to get started! 😊
Thank you for checking out my wholesome little Digimon tamers fic! 🥰
Likes and reblogs are greatly appreciated! I work hard on my artwork and stories. Help me introduce others to my goofy characters. 🤓
Until next time! 💖
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otakween · 4 months
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Digimon Frontier - Episode 32
What the fuuuuuck..? What is wrong with Koji's dad? Is he just an abusive sociopath or something?? This is like a crazy Reddit story lol.
So we didn't get all the details, but I guess Koji's been gaslit by his dad for awhile now. He's believed his mom was dead (not true) and he's completely unaware he had a twin brother somehow. The only possible explanation I can think of is amnesia. We'll see...
There were a little too many flashbacks in this episode, hence my lack of interesting screenshots. Typical early 2000s shounen -sigh-
What is this franchise's obsession with brothers being split up in a divorce? Okay, so it's only happened twice. But it's such a weird dynamic that it feels weird they're doing it again! (Although way more effed up this time)
So my prediction is that Koji got in some kind of accident and when he woke up his dad was like "your mom's dead and you're an only child" and that became Koji's new reality. If true, what the fuck. If it's not that, I'm interested to see where else they could go with this.
Does Koji's step mom know everything? Is that why she dropped the dishes dramatically?
This wouldn't be the first time we've seen abusive parents in this franchise (Juri's were messed up too). Not very common for a kids show, but I guess it's important to show that everyone comes from different circumstances.
The moments with Takuya bein a bro and giving Koji a pep talk were nice. Sure it's the generic Digimon rivals relationship, but I'll take the character moments I can get.
The scenes with Junpei, Izumi, and Tomoki were pretty pointless lol. We don't always need to know what everyone's doing (especially it they're just waiting around).
When digimon warriors get their code scanned they "die" (if you take all of their spirits) but when human warriors get their code scanned they just go back to being human. Kinda confusing but oh well.
The story is heating up which is good, but I'm hoping for better visuals, please! My eyes are so bored.
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holydramon · 8 months
saw some vague digimon survive spoilers (yes I still haven’t finished it, it’s long and I’m slow) and I am going crazy because I think I pieced together what’s up with haru and miyuki but I can’t tell my sister because spoilers and *holds head in hands and screams*
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firedragon1321 · 2 months
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Since it's almost July 8th where I am, I decided to just do a meta rant for Tai and Sora today for @taichiyagamiweek. Before I start- I do not ship them and request that you don't tag as ship. Just because it may read that way, but I don't want my post to be weaponized for ship wars/character bashing.
I saw some other people start on this already, with some entries discussing how their character development leans on each other. And it does. Heavily. ...In Adventure. After that, they kind of drift apart.
These two are the only non-siblings who knew each other before that fateful week at camp. And they're somewhat like siblings, with Sora's "mom" personality coming off a little less strict with Tai than the others. She can be exasperated with him at times, but knows he's got a good head on his shoulders. He's proven himself on the soccer pitch, and takes those leadership skills into the Digital World.
Sora sees the writing on the wall with SkullGreymon long before anyone else. Of course, no-one could predict that Agumon would become such a beast. But she knows Tai isn't acting like himself, and even tries to stop him from jumping in front of the other Greymon.
In return, Tai tries to be there for her, in his own way. He just comes off as accidentally insensitive sometimes (like when Sora believed herself incapable of love). In Adventure, the characters teeter between childhood and their teen years, which is a really awkward age. Add in Tai being naturally impulsive- saying the first thing that comes to mind- and it may seem like he doesn't care. But he prepares to sacrifice his own life to save Sora from Datamon, and trusts her skills as well as she trusts his.
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The shift starts in Our War Game. The root of the friendship becoming less close is character decay on Sora's end. From here up through Kizuna, she sits out important battles, becomes increasingly feminine, and stops sharing as much screentime with Tai compared to Matt. Now, femininity is not bad by nature, and there are logical reasons for the first two points (not so much the third, other than marketing). But I do feel all three contribute to their "drifting apart".
Becoming more feminine puts her in different social circles. Tai stays in the soccer field. Other, non-DigiDestined boys did as well. Some of the kids in tri. may be childhood acquaintances, who even knew Sora. But by tri., Sora's retired from soccer. It's doubtful she'd even still talk to Tai if not for their shared digital adventure.
Not having as much screentime with Tai- including sitting out key battles- does not help. Because they spend less time together, their drifting only hastens. Sometimes it feels like Sora is a background character in Tai's life. A shame given how important she was in Adventure- to Tai and the group.
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This isn't a bad thing persay. People grow up. They make new friends. They don't keep friendships from their childhood. But it's also a symptom of a greater issue with Sora's writing. And it's Tai's loss. He could use her voice of reason more now than ever, with his Digimon gone and his heart in pieces.
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noellevanious · 7 months
who would my partner digimon be.... id like to think gatomon but that might be too predictable
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citrus-cactus · 4 months
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Bad End Takuma #2 (prompt: Darkness & Loss)
Image descriptions in the Alt ID.
I decided to revisit a concept I started during @surviveweek (and reuse a prompt!), where I illustrate the non-canonical "Bad Endings" for Takuma I see in my head. You can see the first piece in this series here.
Technically this Bad Ending is not concluded yet, but it's going to take me a while to make a part 2. So feel free to speculate on what might happen in the meantime (mwahaha) >:)
Some more rambling under the cut!
This one is also based off of in-game dialogue, but from the beginning of Chapter 8 this time, when (SPOILERS!) Miyuki rescues Takuma from the Master's domain and they end up in the Real World. The Master’s quote is also from the game, though I think from a different section (might be the beginning of Chapter 4… but alas, I don't remember).
Other inspirations include Adventure/02, namely the scene of the Older Chosen getting kidnapped in Hurricane Touchdown (because OF COURSE that movie is on my mind all the time always, yes I really AM that predictable), and episode 24 of the original Adventure, where Koushiro has a run-in with Vademon. Digimon likes doing this sort of thing a LOT, doesn’t it?!
Relevant screenshots from the game for extra-thoroughness (emphasis mine):
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Miyuki: And it's not just me. You were in danger just now too, Takuma. Takuma: Do you mean that if I hadn't come to the light, away from the darkness... Miyuki: You would have been captured, just as I was. No, I think you would have gone even deeper. All of your soul, life, and existence... gone. Takuma: It really was a close call, then.
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???: Power, knowledge... Existence, soul, heart... Bring them all... to me!
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