khalilhassan · 8 months
location — skyline shopping center food court.
character — @dilanxbarak
The watch strapped to his wrist was a blessing and a curse all the same. To have fixed one thing broken was a step in the right direction, but was it even possible to make up for every terrible thing he'd ever done? Did he deserve the bite of the cool metal against his skin? His stomach twisted at the thought, his gaze dropping to the barely touched Chinese food he'd been eager to devour moments earlier. Head lifted and smile curved upwards at the sight of a familiar and the happy child who cooed over the buzzing of people. "Someone's wide awake and in a good mood today," he greeted, nodding towards Selvi. "Need a hand with her while you have lunch?"
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cjwelford-archive · 10 months
○ location: random alley, downtown ○ status: closed for @dilanxbarak
CJ couldn’t remember exactly where he was the other night, but he only realized three days later that he must have dropped his phone there. Not that he didn’t know it was even missing until Wren had contacted Jeanie directly worried out of her mind something bad happened to her brother. So, after tearing through the apartment, both workplaces, and asking friends to look, he decided to try the alley on the side of some bar he recalled getting thrown out of with Seb in tow. He was this close to throwing himself into the dumpster to go searching for it in the trash, when CJ realized it was just a little too tall for him. “Hey!” He called out, noticing someone walking by, grinning when he recognized her from the ice cream shop those months ago. “I need you to give me a boost. I think my phone’s in there.”
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verdadurmaz · 10 months
location — hot cocoa stop.
character — @dilanxbarak
The frigid air of November was quickly reminding the woman of why she missed California or even the likes of Louisiana around this particular time of year. It had reminded her of Detroit the first winter roll around, but by the second, the nostalgic feeling of home had faded and the real chill had settled deep into her bones. "Thanks for coming out today, babe. Selvi with her dad? I hate that it's so cold out. I think so big smiles from her could have warmed me right up. How are things, by the way? Getting sleep these days?"
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alesolcno · 11 months
— characters: ale & dilan — setting: dilan's office — partner: @dilanxbarak
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In the photographer's eyes Dilan was a wizard with that magic wand she waved over weddings to make them perfect for her clients. Something that she'd never be able to do no matter how hard she'd try.
People had their specific gifts and niches, and respectively they'd each found theirs. The added benefit was that for the past year they'd made a good team.
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"I know you just walked in," the brunette smiled at the wedding planner, "but do you wanna go grab a bite? I'm famished."
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albietorreschef · 1 year
location: room service status: closed for @dilanxbarak
Albie was glad for his landlord, who didn't seem to mind that the man wanted to spend his free time gutting out the small apartment, and redecorating it. Honestly, he didn't even know what had gotten into him; he certainly didn't care about interior design in the various places he lived before; from couch-surfing to his closet-sized apartments when starting his career out in New York, to the fancy chrome condo in Vegas that came furnished. Even the house in LA was designed to Sheri's specifics. But here, in Providence Peak, he wanted his apartment to become his own. He had been at the sample of wall colours for a while, frowning as he flipped through the book. "These are the same shade, right? Like...what's the difference?" He asked, glancing down at terracotta and another terracotta, with a more pretentious name. "Can you see the difference?"
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bennett-miller · 2 years
location: the peak seasons
character: @dilanxbarak​​​​​
After throwing back a few of the creative cocktails for the night, Bennett had found solace at a table away from the dancing and mingling crowd. It was a safe place to nurse his newest drink while his wife joined the mingling and had a good time for herself. “Dilan,” he called out with a smile, his tipsy demeanor clear as he waved her over to join him at the table for a moment. “How are you doing? I couldn’t help but say hi. It seems like tonight is a hit, huh? I hate that I missed out on it last year, but hey, when you’ve got a newborn at home, you miss out on a lot of things.” With one look down at his drink and another over at the bar, his gaze returned up to her. “Can I get you a drink? I promise, they’re both good. I tasted them myself and they’re approved by yours truly.”
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camxle · 1 year
status / closed @dilanxbarak
location / sunday afternoon at the park (performance arts festival)
Cam applauded after a local band in Providence finished up their set onstage. She couldn’t have been more pleased with how the event turned out. This idea of a performance arts festival had been swimming around in her head since last year. Seeing it come to life meant more than she could put into words. Deciding to grab a quick snack before the next band went onstage, Cam quickly turned around, accidentally bumping into someone. "Oh, shoot, sorry about that. I was trying to make a mad dash for the churro stand. You okay?"
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leilabarak · 9 months
closed starter for @dilanxbarak at mountainside pharmacy
As much as Leila liked to believe that she was as careful as could be when working, there were far too many incidents to count that left her with various injuries or calling the fire department. That afternoon a fight with a table saw had left her with a bleeding hand and a tragic lack of bandages to fix it. Wrapping it in an old oil rag that she had lying around, Leila made the quick decision to pop by the pharmacy with the hope that a few bandages would fix it up just fine. Leaving a trail of blood on her steering wheel and everywhere else on her way into the store, Leila made a beeline for the bandages, stopping in her tracks when she saw Dilan. Slyly trying to shift her bleeding hand behind her, Leila gave a little wave in her sister's direction. "Hiya."
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foster-notmatty · 6 months
—Starter for @dilanxbarak Location: The Downtown Extravaganza
His last experience with open-market vendors hadn't been great, with the holiday bazaar blowing up around him in spectacular fashion. He really had no intention of coming this time around, but considering it was only a few blocks from his apartment, and he was already out for his morning run, he supposed it couldn't hurt just to see how it looked. If nothing else, Phoebe was still asleep in his bed, and he could surprise her with a baked good or some flowers or something...
It was more crowded than he thought it'd be this early in the day, and he was too tired to do anything but allow himself to be taken with the tide. "Shit, sorry," he winced, as he nearly collided with someone else. It was really only because that night at the markets was already on his mind that he even recognized the woman as one he'd bumped into the last time around.
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dylan-westwick · 6 months
character: Dilan Barak @dilanxbarak
location: Kayak Race; Spring Extravaganza
Finding the perfect spot to lay the blanket under a nice and shady tree, she rocked the twin carrier as there was a nice little breeze from the lake. Sitting next to her was Dilan and Selvi who was much bigger than the last time she'd seen the sweet girl. Looking out, watching the people moving quickly through the lake, she unstrapped the babies, they could do some tummy time while they were here. "Okay I don't think I can handle just how close to one Selvi already is." Dylan admitted as she placed the babies on the blanket area that was easiest to make sure she could pick them up and pulled out two rattles. "I mean the twins are going to be four months next week and I think I might actually tell them to please stop growing."
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aliciamillergarcia · 7 months
Characters: Alicia Miller-Garcia & Dilan Barak (@dilanxbarak) Location: The Teachers' Lounge Closed Starter
With Selvi now a little bit beyond the newborn phase, Alicia figured it was easier to get her mother out of the house. Which was exactly how she dragged Dilan out for lunch, with their daughters in tow. Hazel was busy scribbling, her latest hobby since she discovered how to grasp a crayon, and Alicia was occupying herself with little Selvi. "You are an absolute cutie," she told the little girl who she was holding in her arms, who was smiling widely in return. "I can't believe she's growing up so fast. Wasn't she born yesterday?"
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khalilhassan · 1 year
location — saturday evening, acrobatic performers
character — @dilanxbarak
He'd been looking for a decent view of the stage when he spotted a familiar woman off to the side. "You think you'll be getting up on stage as a volunteer?" He was teasing and if anything, her pregnancy gave her the perfect out. Between the two of them. he was looking more volunteer-worthy by the second. "If they even look our way, I'm pointing towards you. Between the two of us, I think you'd have a better stage presence than me."
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cjwelford-archive · 1 year
location: below zero
status: closed for @dilanxbarak
“Y’know, I think ice cream parlors should, like, offer up eating contests that diners offer.” CJ contemplated aloud, stabbing at his rocky road scoop in the tub with the little plastic spoon. He knew he should have gone with the cone, but it was hot and he didn’t have it in him today to cope with the delicious ice cream dribbling down his arms. He turned to the woman next to him. “If you had to enter an ice cream eating contest and you could pick like, three flavors so you weren’t getting like, bored. What would you go for and why?”
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verdadurmaz · 2 years
location — verda’s place, claret park
character — @dilanxbarak​​​
Her idea in inviting Dilan over was that they could chat, eat, and drink as much wine as they wanted without any judgement. The woman had let Zeppelin out into the backyard to burnoff energy while she and the wedding planner sat around the kitchen table snaking on the baked goods she’d made and the various items she’d cooked in her lonely boredom on her first day of the new year. “Thanks for coming over. I wasn’t sure if you’d be busy or not and I was starting to worry I’d have to work through all of this on my own.” She wasn’t sure where her roommate had gone off to, but she knew that the woman would eventually pop up again. “So, anything exciting happen last night?”
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sagefranklin · 8 months
— dilan barak claret public library, claret park.
Story time at the library was always something that she and Maggie stuck to on a consistent schedule. Unless it was a day where Atlas specifically requested time with the toddler, which she was always happy to oblige him with, the two would spend the morning at the library followed by grabbing something local for lunch, a day where it was just the two of them, no work to worry about. Sage always valued those moments with Maggie, the simple things like a library story class or lunch. Part of her couldn't help but wonder how it would have been different, if her eldest daughter were still there or if she'd gone through with having another baby when she'd started thinking about it almost a year prior. She knew, deep down, that no matter what, she'd still make time for these moments with Maggie. Though, Maggie couldn't have cared less about her being there for them, as the toddler made her way over to the baby she spotted, disregarding the block tower they'd been building after story time had wrapped up. Moving after her, Sage swiftly snatched up the toddler before she could attempt to pet the baby's head like she'd been intending and the older blonde glanced apologetically at the mom. "I'm so sorry, she's been taking it upon herself to greet every baby she comes across. She's obsessed with them for some reason."
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albietorreschef · 2 years
location: the grape escape
status:closed for @dilanxbarak​​
Though the weather wasn’t at its best, it didn’t deter Albie from exploring what he could of the vineyard, before heading inside, curious about it and in awe of its beauty. The meeting was set up pretty hastily, not that he minded, and he decided since it was pretty last minute, to show up slightly earlier so not to waste anymore time. 
“Hey,” He said in greeting, to the only other figure he could seee. “Dilan? I’m Albie Torres, hopefully you were told to be expecting me.” He smiled, his eyes still darting from each detail he spotted. He had never really been one to coordinate with caterers before, but since he had decided to stay in Providence Peak, he had also made the decision to branch out where he could.
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