#dimensions & weight & material and whatnot. if you grab a wineglass with the same amount of force you'd use for a piece of wood
warriorend · 6 months
I've had this idea kicking around in my head for a While, so the way I personally interpret the TK abilities is like. Physical motion helps, but it's mostly on the mental end. If you're trying to move a pencil, you have to be able to think about the pencil moving to make it happen, that sort of thing
(readmore bc idk how long this is gonna be)
Hovering stuff is just a matter of. Not thinking about it falling. Easier said than done, especially at the start, but once you get used to it, at least you aren't having to get it to Move, it just. Stays still.
using hands makes it easier because they act as an anchor for the person using it, and hey. bonus property from having to think about something that hard is. well. some people say they can kind of feel it in their hands, which makes it easier, it's a nice little feedback loop. so using things becomes feasible, if you can "feel" what you're holding.
most of the later sets have hard upper limits, but. for implants without the limit, it basically boils down to "how hard can you work mentally before your focus starts to crack and overwhelm the implant. which is another reason the hand thing is taught, it lessens the mental strain required and it might be a little stronger, but it's hard to tell if that's just because it makes it easier.
some things just aren't feasibly movable for some people. In the games you can't move things that are too heavy or large, and that could be because it's just. Hard to imagine stuff like that moving. But, perhaps, if there was a very large chunk of unstable kinesium, it could be usable as an amplifier. Given a hint of desperation, anyway
but yea all in all to me it feels like the way the limitations work in-game, the easiest way for me to interpret the telekinesis is "you have to be able to imagine doing it". Since you can hover any number of items, but actually moving anything is limited to two at a time. It'd be difficult to move much more without Badly sacrificing precision (I know the Mechanical reason is bc there's two controllers, but. work with me here), and the training for it doesn't seem very. thorough, in the games, but who knows
& that's why Phoenix goes into a weird shock at the end of the third game. Even with amplification from the kinesium chunk, it's still a lot of effort and a lot of weight to move, and it's exhausting coupled with the explosion (plus it probably hasn't been Long since the end of the second, and I still maintain they weren't getting away from a 30-floor elevator fall and an explosion that turned the building into practically nothing unscathed*. They're probably fucking exhausted by the end of 3)
(*they were taking notes from. well. someone. and i thought about it for two seconds and it feels like someone pinged my brain off a wall bc it is now going Very fast. too bad phoenix Probably isn't going to betray anyone)
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