rafzantomomi91 · 6 years
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Sambil-sambil membawang di taman, sempat juga tengok drama korea dekat Dimsum. Memandangkan data pon banyak, best tengok dengan kawan-kawan dan keluarga. Lagi-lagi memasing memang hantu drama korea haha . Dimsum menggunakan platform online yang terdiri dari pelbagai rancangan dari Asia seperti drama, variety & entertainment, movies, dokumentari dan berita dimana anda boleh menonton melalui laptop, tablet atau smartphone. Jom daftar sekarang! #dimsummy #StreamTogether (at Putrajaya, Wilayah Persekutuan, Malaysia)
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monstxrhani-blog · 10 years
DISCLAIMER; These are my thoughts and mine alone, and will not be in the family tag because of that. Upon the recent issues within ICON!C, I'm going to make a statement from my perspective. While I, and many others within the family, found the reply from JR rude and condescending, I personally stood by the admin team and had faith in their decisions. Upon hearing the news that JR was removed, I stood by the decision from the admin team again. Now, what I don't stand by is the outcry from people, namely Mark and JB. Calling our admin team 'spineless bastards' because they removed a controversial figure from the team, is in no way, spineless. It's called removing a potential problem. Many times in life will you see this. It's actually a lot harder to remove someone that you're close with, and take responsibility for your actions than it is to just let it slide, and takes much more spine than you have when you say things like that, especially when you, yourself, are being spineless in not being specific on what who you're talking about.  As for a personal issue I have, JR's post saying that he is receiving anonymous hate from members of the ICON!C family, I say, shame on you for assuming that it's the family turning on you. Hundreds of people saw the post and hundreds of people judged you for what you said, and any of them could have sent those messages, not just people in ICON!C. Seriously, you say that you got pissed off because of someone calling our family a 'so-called family' and then you go and accuse the same family of turning on you based purely on assumptions. That's the most destructive thing you could possibly do to the family, accusing us of sending you anon hate. Hyeri/JR did a wonderful job behind the scenes and I thank you very much for the effort you put into being an admin. However, from my opinion your attitude has always been 'blunt and harsh', but not in the honest way. To me, it more seems you have a chip on your shoulder and you're needlessly condescending to others (namely when you were extremely condescending to Seulgi in the group chat.) Soon you'll learn that it's often times better to fake a smile when you're in a position of authority, rather than to be needlessly rude and ruin not only your public image, but the family's public image.   I will NOT have my family publicly ridiculed and not take the time to address why you're wrong, in my opinion. If you all decide to stay in the family, I suggest an attitude change, and I will still call you members of my family with open arms. Being an asshole and rude isn't cool. Being nice and understanding of others, on the other hand, is. Reflect on that before you reply. if you have the spine to.
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taeillilly · 10 years
dimsummie replied to your post:MARK HAS ABSOLUTELY NO RESPECT I’M SO MAD. ...
Not my fault you weigh absolutely nothing.
I don't weigh nothing. You're just ridiculous.
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hxwnz · 10 years
Send me a ship and I'll tell you who:
Makes the bed in the mornings: Neither.
Has sole possession of the T.V. remote: Sunmi.
Stays up until 2 AM reading: Me, maybe both.
Is the bigger cuddler: Both.
Does the laundry: Both.
Mows the lawn: Me.
Is better at budgeting: N...either?
Instigates the sex: ...no idea. Both?
I just assumed you meant Meems, so--
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b-attosai · 10 years
Welcome to the asylum! -throws confetti-
{’ baekhyun eyed the chubby cheeked boy with a chest nut brown hair, noticing the accent, he must be from another country } Can you please say something from your mother language? Are you from China, or somewhere in U.S.A? Because, your accent. 
But anyways, thank you for welcoming me to asylum! ヽ( ˃ ヮ˂)ノ
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svnshxne-archive · 10 years
“I’ll only stay with you one more night.”
"But but but--!" The look on Sunny's face drooped; her pout protruded and quivered as she stared Mark in the eye. With weight, she threw her hands to the side and let them dangle. "C'mon, Mark," she protested. The voice began to heighten, almost squeaking, into a baby-like voice. "There are loud noises outside during the night... I'll be driven to insanity if I hear anymore tonight." She clasped her hands together, holding them to her chest. "Please, pwetty please~? I'll make you yummy food in the morning. Just don't do this to me..." She drifted off into her speech, feigning tears as she then hung her head.
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taeillilly · 10 years
dimsummie replied to your post:dimsummie replied to your post “[-buys you a...
…I can toss you into the air hyung remember.
...Can not.
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kjiyng · 10 years
dimsummie replied to your post “Hhhyyuuunnggg welcome to the family, I hope you don't mind the craziness that tends to happen here.”
-laughs- Don't worry about your image, its safe with us.
"Are you sure? I don't want to be seen as a creep." ['snorts] 
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kjiyng · 10 years
Hhhyyuuunnggg welcome to the family, I hope you don't mind the craziness that tends to happen here.
"Hey, you're that kid from TV!" ['chuckles, shaking his head] "Nah, I'm preatty sure I'll enjoy the craziness, really. I'm glad to have a crazy family, since I am a bit crazy myself, but don't tell anyone that. It might ruin my image." ['chuckles]
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