evcryopeneye · 5 months
@directorofwulin liked for a starter
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The Phoenix had gone forward in time for a god damn reason. Some peace and quiet. It wasn’t enough that during her multiple lifetimes in the mortal world she had spent most of it helping other people and trying to keep the world from ending, her vacation days got ruined as well?
She’d picked the year precisely because it was so far in the future Cultivation as they knew it was long dead, replaced with technology, the ability for anyone to manipulate the world around them. It was a glorious thing really, even if it meant the era that Feng Wu was so versed in had been lost to dust and buried under rocks. It was the perfect getaway.
Right up until she felt something tug inside her, as if her mind blipped out of existence for a moment only to return almost instantly. A single frame drop that alerted her to shenanigans. Whoever it was, better have a damn fucking good reason. It happened again, and then again, each time she pulled herself back, dug in metaphorical heels and refused to move.
The last time someone tried to command her to anything it had ended badly, for everyone involved…maybe that was some justification for being selfish enough to refuse to attend, right up until pain overcame annoyance. She was starting to get a migraine, the metaphorical tug of war was tiring and even the immortal phoenix couldn’t ignore it forever.
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It took only a blink of an eye, and felt far longer than that to appear in the clearing. Feng Wu could feel the cool grass under her, a hand reached out to feel it in an attempt to center herself. Though the fact she was ready to stab someone in the face made it more difficult to do.
“You have three seconds to explain yourself.”
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pctaldrunk · 5 months
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"Just a spoonful of sugar makes the medicine go down in the most delightful way."
@directorofwulin liked for a lyric starter !
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cuckoo-among-beasts · 5 months
@directorofwulin sent a caring for sick muse meme: ‘ i got us a place to stay for the night. you have to get out of this rain. ’
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Sometimes, Huaisang seems to have the worst of luck. He who avoids fighting at all costs, still manages to get in the way of a yao. Yes, it's just a scratch, a scratch he doesn't even mention he's having until he can't keep it a secret. Whatever was on those claws, it's affecting his core and meridians, making him unable to use his cultivation to... well, anything. When it then starts to pour down, it doesn't take long for him to feel cold and sluggish. Shivering, he tries to keep up, but it's hard and he keeps stumbling, but thankfully not falling. Huaisang tries his best to keep it together, but it seems like his new found ally notices his struggles anyway.
As they reach the village, instead of continuing to a town that's not too far away, the other man disappears, just to seen be by Huaisang's side again, telling him he's found a place for them to stay. "That is very kind of you, gongzi, but the town is not far away. I am sure I can keep it together until we reach it." He is, in fact, not sure he can. By now, he's shivering badly, teeth chattering, body aching and all he wants is to lay down and sleep. Huaisang is aware that he looks like shit and that his lie will most likely not be believed. "Perhaps a short respite could be beneficial."
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meihuasmight · 5 months
"When was the last time you slept?"
Li Fei's grin nearly splits her face in two when she hears the question. "The last time I slept, hm? I'll have you know that I'm on day two of staying awake." She says this proudly, but her tired eyes don't glimmer with delight as they normally do when she's being jokingly prideful. She can feel herself want to yawn, but she just manages to swallow it.
(Don't worry about the weird facial expression that she definitely doesn't make.)
"Why do you ask?" she asks, curious. "It's not everyday I have those I'm not familiar with inquiring about my," Li Fei pointedly does not say 'lack' and instead pauses, biting her bottom lip as she contemplates her next words carefully, "interesting sleeping habits."
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h3artf3ltint3nt · 5 months
“  it’s fine— nothing i haven’t dealt with before.  ” 
injury/hurt prompts bc reasons
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Kexin frowns slightly, digging into her qiankun pouch for medical supplies. Damn these yao seemed to keep getting more and more aggressive lately. What was with that? "Just because it's something you've dealt with before doesn't mean you should ignore it this time," she replies, finding the things she needed to help with his wound. Now she would preach such a thing to others till she was blue in the face, but getting her to follow her own advice? That was a different story. "May I?" she questions, gesturing to the wound.
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adversitybloomed · 5 months
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🌸  ┊ letter received from  @directorofwulin     Qiu An :  ❝ The magisters and archons fed him wine and promises, but his soul was starved to death. ❞ / 𝐒𝐓𝐎𝐑𝐌𝐁𝐎𝐑𝐍 : 𝐏𝐀𝐑𝐓 𝐓𝐇𝐑𝐄𝐄.
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          Mulan did not speak for a moments breath, her dark brown eyes instead focusing on the tea before her as she watched the swirling motions of the steam rising from the cup. her lips pursed slightly as she felt for the man they spoke of, for she knew that greed and false promises lead to a corrupted soul. part of her pitied him, for she knew that many fell victim to it, just as he had ━━ but another part of her, could not help but feel more sorry for the victims that would suffer for his mistakes.
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        ❝  it is unfortunate,  ❞    she spoke at last, her voice a soft whisper as her eyes rose to meet his own.      ❝  how common this story is becoming. more and more fall into the hands of greed. to the promises of riches and safety... to the falsehood of feeling like a god.  ❞    taking a breath, she slowly released it as she watched him for a moment, before shifting her eyes towards the ground as a black cat approached her. lowering her hand, she let it sniff her before rubbing under its chin.
        ❝  but... i cannot help but feel as if you are telling me this story for a reason...  ❞    she moved to straighten as the cat jumped upon her lap and rested with a purr.
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battleguqin · 5 months
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@directorofwulin hit the ♡ྀ for a tiny starter. "I have never thought about it like that." he said "This Yellow Emperor sounds terrible."
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directorofwulin · 5 months
Pinned Post
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I. Carrd (coming soon ) II. Rules III. Memes IV. Open RP V. Lore VI. Headcanon VII. Qiu An
#Directorof Wulin --An independent and semi selective blog for an original & headcanoned based portrayal of Qiu An from the Moon Brightens for You. Leaning heavily in the the wuxia and xiaxian lore. With heavy focus on how I imagine the Qiu Sect to be. With my own Original Lore mixed in for good measure. Elements of horror && fantasy play a great deal significance. As adored by Pocky she/her 30+ first written in 2020 and moved to tumblr in 2024.
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The Qiu Sect was known to embody feline qualities...Their blades were an extension of their bodies. Honor a must, integrity required. Nobility is not a title it is a way of life.
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Qui An--- a study in nobility both born and by nature. A peek into the life of a Sect built to be true of motive, true of heart and true of honor. A peek into the going On's of sect life, of protecting a world that is slipping ever slowly towards darkness and the lights that brighten to hold the night && evil at bay.
A look at controversial opinions and actions of a Sect and man far ahead of the time he is living in. Of inner beauty matching outer beauty. Of finding a place where life is allowed to be lived without the influence of the Dark Immortal, Of the Yellow Emperor in shadows and protecting oneself from falling from the path of light.
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Affiliations- coming soon.
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Follows #directorofwulin // Discord Available for RP Partners // Multiverse // Multiship // Canon, OC, Sideblog, MuMu Friendly //
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evcryopeneye · 4 months
@directorofwulin asked: [ rainfall ] sender finds receiver out alone in the rain
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“It’s just rain, you can stop with that look.” Well, was she wrong? She wasn’t going to melt because of it.
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Though, it made everything feel dull, it opposed the fire in her veins…but it was just rain. Slow steps through tile pavements that were starting to flood. Thunder rumbled overhead, she could almost feel the sound rolling through the valley like a barrel down a hill. It made something on the back of her neck stand up on end, it was pleasant in a kind of dangerous way.
Feng Wu thought really, she had left all of this behind for something more….easy. Sure, the modern world was easier, they had machines to do things for you but the people, no people don't change. Hadn’t changed. They were still wonderful, energetic, creative creatures that managed incredible things.
They were also fucking horrible.
Truly horrible. Even her own experiences had taught her that, and while she was powerful, Feng Wu didn’t think of herself as special. There were plenty of woman who walked this earth with similar feelings and traits, it hurt her to think that the world might attempt to hurt them too. If she hadn’t escaped such ire and cruelty, then what chance did anyone else have?
It wasn’t good to have your mind on the past, but the reality was, humanity had very much yet to prove her wrong.
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h3artf3ltint3nt · 5 months
❝ do you know where we're going or are we just trying to get lost now? ❞ [hello]
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"Of course I know where we're going! These woods are literally right outside of my home. I used to play in here for fun,"
Occasionally. Until she and A-Sang had gotten lost one day and had Da-ge so worried that he banned them from going without escorts. That only lasted until they were teens though, then she'd been in the woods plenty again. The fog was just making it a little difficult. But she knew the basic direction to go even with it....probably.
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h3artf3ltint3nt · 5 months
What genre of book were you written for and did you survive to the end
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Written for a children’s book only to die before the story even begins
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You always take the role of the parental figure for those around you. You are very caring and always put others before yourself. Sadly this is a kid’s book, and having a parental figure in that would be nightmarish. So you die offscreen in some tragic way before the story even begins.
Tagged by Stolen From: @directorofwulin
Tagging: @meihuasmight and whoever else wants to lol
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