queer-quadrants · 1 year
dirkquius but both of them are transfem gay guys
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most autistic horse girls ever to exist. theyre watching gen5 and are frustrated with the direction theyre taking the plot.
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sheydim · 10 years
petition to name the good ship dirkquius ‘cool ranch dorito’
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witches and warlocks and wizards oh my! (and familiars)
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asukaskerian · 12 years
Sunlightverse meme 2 - Dirk&Nep
stheere asked you
Um um DIRK AND NEPETA talking about Equius. =3
-- arsenicCatnip [AC] started trolling timaeusTestified [TT] ! --
AC: 33 < *the cave lioness pounces from the bushes and tackles her prey to the ground!!*
AC: :33 < *today she doesn't care about godmodding one bit! she plants her claws in her prey's hide, and leans furry close, and growls all low and scary*
AC: >:00 < what are your intentions toward my meowrail??? >:00
TT: Huh.
TT: The stallion is brought to the ground by the lioness' startling and not godmoddey at all pounce, and whinnies sadly because his mouth is not formed ideally for speech.
AC: don't laugh at me! that'd be a really bad idea right now, okay??
TT: "I'm not," the stallion IMs through his awesome glasses. He kicks against the ground and rolls to shake the lioness off.
TT: Because he's not a godmodding bastard, he gets scratched pretty badly down his side and his hot rump shaking her claws out, but the scars will probably look sexy, so he deals with it.
AC: >:|| < fine.
AC: :33 < *the lioness growls and circles the stallion again, her long muscled body low to the ground, ready to pounce. she pauses and licks a claw. mmm, he would be delicious.*
AC: :33 < *she wonders most seriously if she should even wait for an answer or just tear into his jugular right now!*
TT: The stallion stomps his hooves on the ground, but doesn't charge. He recognizes her as the best, best, best friend of that sexy hunk of horsemeat he's been shaking his tail at recently. He supposes the other stallion would be angry if they fought.
TT: "Hey there, what's up," he asks, cool and collected and a total bro about the slices she just tore out of his side.
AC: :33 < *the lioness stops circling for a moment and growls* i asked what do you want with my meowrail!
TT: To take him on a long, hard ride over the rainbow.
TT: For some reason it feels kind of wrong to say that to you, wow. Sorry, the temptation to make a quip was too strong to resist.
AC: >:// < if you try to hurt him *the lioness says, entirely serious* i will kill you.
TT: It would not behoof me to hurt one I desire as a companion.
AC: >:// < NO PUNNING!! you're not gonna distract me like that!!!
TT: Alright. I'll can the goofiness.
TT: I like him, Nepeta, okay? I think he's smart as hell and it's horribly cute how uncertain he gets around people.
AC: >:|| < ... hmm.
AC: :33 < pale or flushed?
TT: Flushed, of course. Not only would I not even attempt to compete with you for his diamond, but he's got an ass to die for. I'd be real fucking disappointed to never get to handle that.
AC: :33 < :333333
AC: :33 < but for real, right, not only for sex?? because i mean it, okay? he's sensitive, you catnot hurt him!!!
AC: i would really, entirely, totally kill you dead. and then i'd hide the corpse so well that centuries later they'd still think you're migrating with the herds. >:((
TT: Whoa, there. I'm not planning to hurt him at all.
TT: Well.
TT: Not emotionally.
AC: >:?? < *the lioness hisses quietly*
TT: Are you sure I can talk about that kind of stuff with you? It's sexual, do you need to know that shit about him?
AC: :33 < of course i know that shit about him! i know what he likes in efurrything. what do YOU know about it??
TT: I know he plays haughty and distant, but it's just to protect how savagely he dreams of someone breaking him to the saddle.
AC: k33p going.
TT: I want that, Nepeta.
TT: I want to give him what he wants and can't make himself ask for. I want him to give into his need. I want to train him to actually fucking ask for what he wants. I want him to be mine.
TT: And when we're done I want to pet his hair and tell him what a good foal he is.
AC: :33 < HMMMM.
AC: X33 < *the lioness sits and starts grooming her paw, purring quietly* you do s33m to understand him. furry well! *she says,* i will allow you to court the bl00 stallion.
AC: :33 < but don't furget i can and i will stalk you from the shadows if you make the merest wrong move!!!
TT: No chance of that, my queen.
TT: The orange stallion bows his regal neck in agreement and trots off, tail flagging high.
TT: He has a man to see about a horse. 8)
AC: :33 < h33.
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