#disagreeing with the writing can mean something isnt clicking and couldve been set up better (or that you missed something)
I am once again reminding everyone that
"I think that character will regret that decision; I can see the bad consequences coming, and if they were a real person I would yell at them." (you were engaged enough with the characters that they feel like real people capable of making their own choices)
"I would have liked the story better if the character had made a different decision" (a matter of personal preference with no bearing on the quality of the writing itself, or even whether you agree with the decision that was made in-universe)
and "Given what we've seen from this character previously, the writer having them make that decision broke my immersion" (an actual critique)
are all different statements and do not mean the same thing, even if they can all be phrased as "I don't like that the character made that decision"
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