#disaster brother faren
archesa · 5 months
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Merry Wintersday from Anwen, Faren and Trahearne!
(courtesy of Meryw, taking pics!)
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ren-val · 5 years
Paint me from the drabble prompts for whoever it fits best?
OK so, you have given me the chance to choose, and I want to give my dear noble Necromancer, Maesta Renata, the chance to shine. She is of orrian descent and this is a bit of the story of how she turned from sheltered lonely noble to adventurer thanks to her 5 silly friends who decided to be the Heroes of Shaemoor.
Those 5 boys are a mashup of characters @disaster-bi-canach and I took from another IP and OCs we developed from that. We decided to move them to GW2 and have fun. HERE is a pic of them all.
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The night air was dense with smoke and unanswered questions. Most of the Seraph were quiet, focusing on their duty, and on the noble lady who had entered unanounced along with their Captain. They were observant enough to know that Logan Thackeray was more tense than usual, and that in spite of her gorgeous clothes, the lady had the sweet and metallic aroma of spilled blood all around her.
“A kidnapped noble and a bandit conspiracy in Salma’s district was not what I expected to come from your party, Lady Seserakh“ Logan stated, looking at his desk as if to distract himself of the matter at hand. “It was not my party, Captain”  emphazised Maesta, clearly annoyed at the mere idea “It was Lord Faren’s party, in honor of the heroes of Shaemoor“
Logan sighed deeply “So, a party when the guests of honor do not appear, and the host ends up in a bandit lair rescued by a necromancer. I must admit, it is way more interesting than the noble galas I am used to“ A small smile graced the lips of the noble, and she relaxed a bit, though her gaze didn’t lost its edge. The Captain finally took a file from his desk, and opened it so she could see it; on it were the documents of a dead Seraph called Mario Zeppeli, killed by the Risen years ago. “I assume you knew this man, and if not, I guess you know his eldest son. My men told me you were trying to court him months ag-“
“I was not!“ she exclaimed, the harsh tone of her voice contrasting to her exqusiite mannerisms “I-I mean… forgive me Captain. I… yes, Cesare. I used to be close to him. And as many nobles, I thought myself clever enough to make him settle down. I was foolish however, and I failed“
Her curt answer way too short to disallow suspiscion from the Captain. His eyes closed slightly, too tired for nimble wordplay, Logan decided to be blunt. “He was with me and other adventurers the day of the attack on Shaemoor, and now he is reported to be on Queensdale. But is was not alone: the intelligence you gathered says he and his relatives were the real targets of today’s attack. I need to know who they are, my Lady. I need to know if they are potential assets or potential traitors to Kryta“
Maesta glared at the Captain, but calmed down as soon as she felt the rustle of steel coming from the surrounding Seraph. She sighed deeply, and looked down, sadness making her limbs limp around her. “It is impossible, they can’t be traitors. If anything, they are some of the most noble men I have ever knew. Faren and I expected their return after their mother wrote them a letter, but it seemed they didn’t recieved it, or they just didn’t care…“
Logan felt the creeping sadness taking over her, little by little. The feeling of being forgotten was not something he knew well, but it was hard for him not to be kind, or at least trying. “That we cannot know yet, but there is something more important, my Lady: you said they were good men, but I saw two boys younger than any Seraph in the battle, and I want to know who they are“
He took his own chair and offered it to Maesta, kindly letting her sit and look over his desk. He also took some sheets of paper, along with pencils and a piece of charcoal. “As far as I know, most ladies of your upbringing know how to draw, am I right?“ Confused, Maesta nodded “Well, then I would like you to make a protrait of your friends, and tell me who they are, so I can track them down and ensure they come back home“
Maybe it was the exhaustion, or the melancholy that was shattering her heart, but Maesta accepted, and took the papel and the pencils, making five base models for portraits. While she was doing that, Logan took the liberty to ask for food and drink, and to assure that everything was in proper order around the headquarters.
When he looked back, he could see the portrait of two men on the paper: one was Cesare, the brave guardian that had fought by his side in Shaemoor, the other was a man with longer hair and a whimsical beard, his smile wide, even if his eyes did not reflect joy.
“You already know who Cesare is, the other is Julius. He is an engieneer, and its probably the leader among them all. He and the others are Cesare’s cousins, although they are all around the same age“ Lady Seserakh wrote their names besides their portraits, and added some shadows with charcoal “Julius wanted to be a Seraph once, but he did not enter, although he was in the Academy, and passed all his exams… he is too aware of his duties, and sometimes he can be bossy, but never tyrannical. He and his brothers have the weirdest laughs I have ever heard“ She stated, smiling softly one more time.
Silence engulfed them once more, and this time, Logan looked at Maesta working. A servant brought wine, bread and cheese, and he took the chance to drink and eat a bit before looking at two extremely dissimilar faces: the two boys he had seen fight. One was a lean lad, smaller than any of the other adventurers, his gaze cold as his gestures, strands of his hair falling across his forehead. The other was a larger lad, wide and strong, his long dark hair in a high ponytail. His features were round and soft, with thick lips and shining eyes that showed both serenity and a streak of melancholy.
“The twins. They are the younger of them all, if anything they must be fifteen by now“ She shook her head, stretching her fingers and looking up to the skylight above them “The little one is Alessandro, he is way too quiet and smart for his own good. Taking interest in all the secrets he can find; he loves to hear the stories of how my father and his espionage escapades. Even now, I am scared he is having some stupid ideas about being an information broker…“
The Captain frowned at that: although fifteen was way too young for anything, he remembered the traps well, along with the poisons that the scrawny kid had used against the centaurs. He sounded like a real handful, or a huge asset if he acted the right way.
But the voice of Maesta pulled him from his reveries, back into reality “The big boy is Salvatore. He is a real softie, somehow he adopted a Drake broodmother and befriended her. Ludmila lives in my house, a huge noble lady trapped in the body of a huge fire-spitting creature” The mental image elicited a soft laughter from her, but it died soon “He is too insecure to be out there killing centaurs and getting into trouble, if he is doing so it must be because of his siblings“
The murmur of pencils over paper suddenly filled the space between them; Logan had no idea why, but Maesta had started to draw with an extremely detailed pace. All protraits had a good amount of detail, but there was a depth of detail in the last one that almost shocked him. Long, silky strands of lighter hair, the steady gaze of someone whose thoughts were varied and deep, tight lips and the freckles of youth that somehow did not seem out of place on such a serious and somehow feminine face.
“The red haired mesmer…“ He whispered, marveled at the details of his face. “His name is Lorenzo“ the Lady said, not yet finished with her work “And yes, his hair is longer than any of them. He could be confused with a girl if it wasnt for his voice and the strak line of his jaw. Somehow I thought he was going to apply fro the Durmand Priory; he is very knowledgeable about magical theory… he wouldn’t be an adventure unless there was something new to know…“
A sudden dreamy look on her face appeared, lasting just a second before a nervous smile appeared “Alright, these are the men who fought by your side, Captain. I am sure you want these with the same amount of detail, so give me a moment and I will… you know…“ Her hands moved once more, drawing details that were not there before. Freckles and beauty marks, small wrinkles of laughter or frowns that were not there, details that only someone who loved those lads would be able to remember.
“How did you met them?“ He wondered aloud, noticing the change of guards and the bright moonlight in the center of the room. “We have lived in Salma for years; not only are we nieghbors, but their father is a doctor; he takes care of my father’s health as well as mine. His name is Gregorio, and he knew my dad when both were under service of the Sera-“
She stopped all of sudden, unable to look elsewhere but the paper. When she finally did, her gaze was full of anger, an accusation present in her deep frown. “Their father was a Seraph, he served in the Highlands along with Mario, and recieved and honorary discharge after his death. And I know that their mother had something to do with the Crown, Captain. There is no way you couldn’t know this” Her fists curled, but she did not reach out for her dagger. “You knew all of this, Captain. Am I right? Then why did you bring me here? Grenth’s breath I swear that if you don’t give me an answer I-“
“There is no need to get to angry, child“ A clear feminine voice broke the tension between them. A beautiful woman with exqusiite clothes had entered silently, and now walked to them. Her presence was powerful, even if she did not look as strong as any of the Seraph around her. “Logan knew the names and the faces of your friends, but there are many details that cannot be found in the files of a retired man. He needed information so he could decide if they are hero material, or just some silly boys playing adventurer“
An anwkward silence fell upon them, and it was the woman’s soft cough that made Logan break it. “Allow me to introduce Countess Anise, Master Exemplar of the Shining Blade, and personal counselor to Queen Jennah“ The womam gave a short bow, and Maesta stood up so she could return the gesture. She seemed confused, instead of angry, but her questions lingered in the night air.
“And may I know why someone of your rank is interested in this intel, my Lady?“ She asked with a hint of hesitance in her voice. “Because these lads of yours can be heroes for our Queendom. But to be honest, this is why our dear Logan is interested in them, as for me…“ she stated, looking at the portraits on the table “I am interested in arts. Especially the art of observation. I am marveled at your capacity for detail, Lady Seserakh, especially the depth of your knowledge about people. Also, the fact that you are one of the few non-sylvari Firstborn who has knows something about Orr doesn’t make me any less interested…“
Maesta blushed furiously, but her gestures didn’t betray her intentions. “I think you are talking to the wrong noble regarding social skills. Half of the court thinks I am cursed, and the other half can’t seem to forget that Grenth blessed me with something that terrifies them, and therefore ignores me as much as possible“
The dignity of her statements was broken by a chuckle of the Countess “I am aware of that, child. You are invisible and unwelcomed, far from intrigue, except for the times your dear friend Faren has been your gallant lad in distress. You are also a good book keeper, and your archive is impecable, as far as your dear father has told me. A silent shadow with amazing manners and a diplomatic streak…“ Anise breahted deeply, a proud and charming smile in her face “What I am implying here my dear, is that I am not just looking for intel on your dear friends… I am here to recruit you for the Shining Blade“
A moment passed. And the deep silence was not broken this time. Lady Seserakh lowered her gaze, deep in thought, she closed her eyes for a couple of seconds…
And then, she nodded.
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archesa · 6 months
Wontersday prompt ❄️
2 for Faren
7 for Trahearne
23 for Canach
Happy Christmas Eve and Happy Wintersday with the first of these three prompts ✨🎄☃️ Hope you'll enjoy!
Have you been naughty or nice?
The gazette, printed in golden-edged paper, was amongst the most prized and long-awaited distractions of the season.
From the last warm days of summerset to the first days of december, the high borne society of the Reach coveted the list of the most eligible bachelors, to seal alliances with and throw their daughters at*. *or their sons, for the matter...
Year after year, ever so rarely dethroned from the very top of the list, a certain Lord Faren, whose scandalous ventures and heroic endeavours never failed to pique the interest of many a bored reader. But this year, 'twere his numerous visits to every toymaker and confectionner in ton that intrigued the writers and readers of the scandal sheets and respectable gazettes. Was the Reach's most eligible bachelor courting a mother? Or were the presents to be seen as an early announcement of a close relative's long expected happy event?
Rumours run wild, and it seemed the highest circles of society had yet again conveniently forgotten Lord Faren's constant patronage and support of Kryta's orphanages. And the morning of the winter solstice, the journalists, reporters and rumourmongers hopes for a good old-fashioned scandal were utterly twarted when, instead of a liaison or a pregnancy being revealed, the all-relative secrecy of Faren's endeavour appeared to be a trap to lure them to the annual Wintersday's Eve feast and gift distribution at Salma's Orphanage.
And in the absence of any gossip, the scandal sheets and respectable journals of the capital on Wintersday morning all titled : “Have you been naughty or nice?”
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archesa · 2 years
Just realised that, outside of Divinity’s Reach nobility, it must not be common knowledge that Anwen and Faren are siblings. I mean they don’t have the same name, and yes, she might mention “her brother” and “Faren” from time to time, but people wouldn’t necessarily connect the two...
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So, when Faren is taken hostage by Scarlet, and the Commander rescues him, there’s a strange moment of bafflement for Braham and Rox - much to the amusement of Meryw, who’s by then long been adopted to the Faren family - when Anwen pulls the noble in a bone-crushing embrace, checks on him and heals what burns she can and then absolutely flips, calling him an idiotic moron, a danger for society and himself for getting himself captured, and that she is not bringing his dead body to their parents - not today nor any other day - so he better wrap himself in a cloak before he catches himself a death of a cold, and get his reddened arse back to the manor before she kicks it back herself.
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archesa · 2 months
I was tagged by the lovely @i-mybrunettelady 😘
I tag in return my ever partner in crime @lilypixy , @dumb-dumb-mander , @just-eyris-things and @kerra-and-company 🥰
-- B A S I C S
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name: Anwen Evergreen
nicknames: Anweena (by her brother), Dame Anwen (Meryw) , Commander (lovingly by Trahearne, ceremoniously by everyone else)
age: 25 in 1325AE, 35 in End of Dragon
birthday: 317th colossus (13th of november)
race: Ascalonian Human
gender: Female (she/her)
orientation: Demisexual
profession: Magister of the Durmand Priory, Commander of the Pact, Dragon Champion, leader of Dragon's Watch
-- P H Y S I C A L A S P E C T S
hair: Mahogany brown
eyes: Chocolate
skin: Pale but tans easily when she spends a lot of time outside
tattoos/scars: Shrapnel scars on her arm and shoulder, from one of Canach's mines, in Southsun ; a jagged scar slashing across her throat, from Mordremoth ; now erased, but she once had a tattoo of ancient Orrian and proto krytian runes on her ribcage - a sigil of protection against necromancy
-- F A M I L Y
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parents: Violet Faren (living) , Conrad Faren (living)
siblings: Julian Alfred Faren (living disaster 😆)
in laws and others: Trahearne (husband), Meryw (sister in arms and in law), Aurene (daughter), Caithe (sister in law and Aurene's Voice)
pets: Harley, Leo and Maddy (Trahearne's cats), Caerwyn (Sieran's fernhound)
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-- S K I L L S
abilities: Guardian – her flames in particular are very controlled and she uses spirit weapons in battle
hobbies: Botany and gardening, history, traveling
-- T R A I T S
most positive trait: Curious, enthusiastic, hopeful, optimistic, protective, relentless, contageously communicative
most negative trait: Stubborn, self-sacrificing,
-- L I K E S
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colors: Blue, the colour of her armour, the colour of her best friend Meryw, the colour of her daughter's scales ; Gold, the colour of her sword, the colour of Trahearne's eyes ; Violet, her brother's favorite colour, the colour of Trahearne's glow.
smells: The scent of earth after rain, mint and mulberry, butter and sugar, salt and spray, cinnamon and warm cider, paper and dust from the libraries in her parent's house, her manor and the archives of the Priory.
textures: Trahearne's leaves and bark, silk and cotton, velvet and wool.
drinks: Mulled wine, Tea, Warm cider
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-- O T H E R D E T A I L S
smokes: Never
drinks: Occasionally, but she's seen her brother get wasted enough so she'd never want to find herself in such a vulnerable state
drugs: Painkillers when needed!
been arrested: For crashing an airship on the shores of a foreign empire... whoopsie!
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archesa · 1 year
Hmm... wanted to ask you the ship ask meme thingy but realized that I don't know a lot of fandoms you are in. So maybe for the character you want to talk about for this the most?
Thanks Tallys ^^ Well, the obvious choice would be to talk about the fandom we first met in, but my Guild Wars 2 blorbos are occupying my mind at the time so... if my rambling can pique your interest in this great fricking game, I'd be delighted ^^ otherwise, just enjoy the nonsense! ^^
Random OC ship : Canach!
My NOTP for them : Canach x Anise Like... I totally understand the appeal, but it's a big no-no for me! Sorry Anise, but I need my reformed terrorist cactus to be happy and healthy! so...
My BROTP for them : Canach & Trahearne We were robbed of Canach being the annoying middle child and Trahearne having to deal with a little brother very well determined to ruin his day in the most imaginative of ways! I love the idea of them just being silly together, of Canach discovering there's more to Trahearne than being The Firstborn, and generally just being loved by his big brother just the way he is : prickly and generally a nuisance, but still loved!
My OTP for them : This one's a no brainer, but... Canach x Galaëd! I love them, I love them, I love them! I mean it's the ship of mine that fills the most of my boxes! There's enemies to friends to lovers, there's redemption arc, character growth, the grump and the ray of sunshine... It's of course very subjective on my part, as Galaëd's my OC, but... yeah! I adore him with Canach!
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If OC don't count, tho, it's still Canach x The Commander (Canmander?)
My second choice pairing for them : Canach x Faren! In Anwen's verse, Anwen totally ships them! It would be a disaster for her, Meryw and Trahearne's sanity, of course... and they'd be a danger to Tyria and themselves... but damn they'd be cute together!!
My fluffy pairing for them : See the otp ^^'
My angsty pairing for them : Same as above
My favorite poly ship for them : Hmmm... Can I tag someone else's ship ? I can, I make the rules! ^^ @kerra-and-company 's Kerra x Nisha x Canach!
My weirdest pairing for them : Canach x Faren!
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archesa · 2 years
✨ - Lucius has taken a liking to Faren when they met in Amnoon. They are very different and maybe that's the reason why they connected so much — Lucius needing an escape from his increasingly bleak reality, with Balthazar's crusade leaving a trail of ash and blood in His wake — and Faren all too eager to prove himself beyond his noble status, far away from the illusion of safety of Divinity's Reach.
✨ - Galaëd loves fireworks! He may not have thought about it that way but his absolute ideal date very much involves a drink in an elevated place and fireworks!
✨ - Anwen has caught Faren in way more embarassing situations than the one they stumbled onto in Caudecus' Manor. One of them involved a runaway conquest, handcuffs and their key being hidden under a strategically placed pillow.
The whole story ended with a heavy coin purse handed to Andre, the innkeeper, for his patience with the much overdue check out, for his silence about Faren's presence and galant company, and for the replacement of a headboard utterly demolished with a greatsword.
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archesa · 2 years
Character List
It's been brought to my attention that I don't have a character list for my OCs, which can make it hard to follow track. Truth be told I never expected to need one because I had yet to encounter a fandom I felt at ease enough in to discuss my OCs at length the way I do now !
Alrighty then, so, let's give my kiddos a look ! Might (will) contain heavy spoilers for the aforementioned games and the related fics, so, read forth at your own risks!
Guild Wars 2
Trahearne Lives!AU
Anwen Evergreen - Celestial Guardian
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Orphan before she could remember, Anwen was adopted by the Faren and grew up in Divinity's Reach, surrounded by a loving family and the best preceptors of Kryta. She swore an oath to Kormir and became a guardian in her early twenties, shortly before the sack of Shaemoor, where she drew the attention of the Seraph and the Shining Blade. She later joined the Priory, under the tutelage of Sieran.
After her mentor's untimely death in Claw Island — where she met the one who'd become her shieldmaiden and closest friend, Meryw (belongs to @lilypixy) — she threw herself heart and mind into the creation of the Pact.
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During the campaign of Orr, she became fast friends with Trahearne, but it would take the Marshal going missing in Maguuma for her to realise her feelings for him went beyond friendship. She manages to defeat Mordremoth and save her dear friend at the cost of quite a few scars for them both.
Julian Alfred Faren - Bard Swordmaster
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Not much need to introduce Lord Faren, but there's much to say about his years growing up with Anwen!
Lady Violet Faren & Lord Conrad Faren
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Disaster parents to the Disaster Siblings! They're amongst the oldest and wealthiest families of Divinity's Reach and as such all but immune to scandal. Thus, they’re quite amused by their children’s shenanigans, and ever supportive of their idiosyncrasies.
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Mesmer extraordinaire (aka Mentors Live AU, aka De Draconic Mobile)
Galaëd of the Cycle of Dusk - Phantasmal Duelist
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Our mostly reliable narrator !
Born as the sun gleamed its last upon Caledon, Galaëd is fascinated with stars, wisps and fireflies — all the things that enlighten twilight and shimmer in the dark. He joined the Vigil to protect the world against the rising threat of the Elder Dragons and later became aide-de-camp to the Pact Commander, Rorschach Grimlaugh (belongs to @lilypixy).
Elianora Eira - Tempest
Daughter of destitute nobles, Elianora joined the Order of Whispers to use her influence, her knowledge of politics and her skill with elemental magic to good use against the dragons. (Officially part of the no less official Terror Trio, alongside Iotzza and Jiirka - Moar on them to be added!)
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Lucius Gwenvaël Ayşenur Al-Amir (aka Lucius of Amnoon) - Sniper
Member of the Order of Shadows, Lucius is the son of a Vabbian noble, rumoured to descend from the Primeval Kings themselves, and a runaway ascalonian noble cast away on the shores of Elona while trying to escape an arranged marriage. He has embraced his matrilineal crusade against His Supreme Putrescence, Palawa Joko and is sent by as an ambassador of the Order to make a first contact with the Order of Whispers’ envoy, Elianora, and afterwards distantly watch over the Commander during his crusade against Balthazar. After a while, he joins Dragon's Watch and Elianora's life... permanently.
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Felanor Eurwén - Warrior
A Seraph and childhood friend to the Elianora.
Dalor Eurwén - Engineer
A skilled inventor and jeweller, older brother to Felanor, and childhood friend of Elianora.
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The Elder Scrolls V - Skyrim
Specifially for my fic The Dragon and the Bear
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Eliana Evergreen Stormcloak
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Half-elven alchemist of Falkreath, condemned to death by the Thalmor, she escaped Helgen with Ralof and embraced her destiny as Dragonborn. She remained neutral in the conflict till Alduin was defeated but afterwards joined the Stormcloak rebellion, in hope to free Skyrim from the Aldmeri Dominion 's influence. She and Ulfric eventually fall in love and rule over a free Skyrim together.
Aventus Aretino
Kept from completing the Black Sacrament by Eliana, he was pardoned and offered to stay in the Palace of Kings as Ulfric's ward.
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Gendry of Solitude
A young scout who lied about his age to join the rebellion. He earned Ulfric and Galmar's trust during the battle of Hjallmarsh and the sinister case of the Butcher, and was offered a position as housecarl to Windhelm's newest Thane, the Dragonborn.
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Buliwulf Stormcloak (spoilers!)
The first of the Stormcloaks children. His Voice is strong and he is coveted by the Greybeards to become one to them.
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Liv Stormcloak (spoilers 2!)
The second of the Stormcloaks children. Much like her mother, she’s exceptionally skilled in destruction magic and will join the College of Winterhold to further her studies in Restoration and Conjuration. An investigation led by the College on the strange events plaguing Solstheim will eventually lead her to Apocrypha where she’ll encounter Miraak.
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Arya Stormcloak (spoilers 3)
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The third of the Stormcloaks children. Small and shrewd, her tongue is as sharp as her daggers, which will help her harness many allies and fend many enemies when she’s forced to flee Windhelm with Aventus and Gendry as her protectors in the wake of the capital’s siege at the beginning of the Second Great War.
Liv Darroch, the Heroine of Kvatch
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Founder of the Evergreen line.
Uncovering the corruption of Mannimarco, King of Worms, over the Mages Guild, she was wrongly accused of the murder of the Arch-Mage, Hannibal Traven, and would have been executed or left to rot in a cell of the Imperial Prison if not for Akatosh’s wicked sense of humour and purpose, as the cell she was imprisoned in held the secret passage the Blades had to take the Emperor through to protect him from the assault of the Mystic Dawn.
Stricken by his assaillants, Uriel Septim entrusted the rogue Master Wizard with the Amulet of Kings and a secret that would seal the fate of Tamriel for the centuries to come.
My Novel
I might mention the characters sometimes but I'm mostly keeping that story a secret for now 😅
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archesa · 2 years
7, 12 and 20 for the Commander ask !
Thanks for the ask!!
7. How does your commander feel toward their position of power? Anwen is used to it by now, and finds certain advantages to being held in high esteem by influent people all over the world - whether out of respect for her rank, her accomplishments, or her own merit. Should the world no longer need saving, she would very gladly relinquish power in favour of a quiet, anonymous, secluded life, surrounded with books, plants, cats and with a kettle always ready to boil should friends come visit for tea.
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But as long as Tyria is in danger, as long as she can act to save it, she appreciates being listened to and not having to prove herself over and over -- even if, lately, her position has also proven to have its downsides and come with uncomfortable amounts of misunderstanding and unflattering assumptions from those who only know her by her reputation...
12. How does your commander feel about Braham? 'Little' brother! Their relationship was quite strained after the campaign of Maguuma, Braham was still processing the loss of Eir and let his anger overwhelm him, leading to him antagonizing even those who cared about him - Anwen most of all. This culminated in theirinfamous meeting at Bitterfrost Frontier...
“A direct assault on Jormag puts a lot of lives on the line. I think the Pact can tell you that may not be the best idea.��
“The Pact you and Trahearne commanded.”
A crack echoed sharply under the ice crown. The shock melted off Braham’s face in an instant, but the cold fury replacing it paled in comparison to her own, hand still raised from when it first collided with flesh.
“How dare you? As if there were any way we could have known Mordremoth would wipe us out. As if I hadn’t done everything in my power to save as many lives as I could after our defeat. As if I hadn’t spent my every waking moment running after Destiny’s Edge, as if I didn’t know first hand what the jungle stole from us.”
“And what exactly has it taken from you?”, the young Norn seethed.
Way to go Braham... Dismissing her and Trahearne’s trauma is not the smartest move there. Then again, by 1329, Anwen’s had her fair share of experience with people processing their post traumatic disorder of Maguuma in the strangest of ways (Faren commissioning a smut novel centered around him in a torrid passion with Mordremoth? That’s a whole story for another time!). So, her anger is prompt to pass and she forgives Braham for lashing out at her, but their paths won’t cross for yet another couple of months... By the time they meet, Anwen has died and returned to life, and Braham has processed his grief and mourned the reconciliation that would never happen with his mother. They grow close during the war against Joko and afterwards, Braham reluctantly joining the evergrowing extended family of disaster siblings adopted by Anwen, and, by extension, by the Farens!
20. Can anyone calm your commander down, no matter what? If yes, who and why? Meryw and Trahearne. They know her better than anyone, they’ve seen her at her best, and at her utterly worst, and they’ve always been there to pick her up when she crumbled. 
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