#disclaimer: this is indeed extremely long and nerdy
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So I found this on Google, and I accidentally ended up having a megabrainstorm session with my dad about if Vulcans were actually photosynthetic, or really just how photosynthetic humanoids would work in general and how they'd function on a Starfleet ship? It was more like me ranting excitedly at my dad for a few minutes, but there were some cool ideas in there. (I mean I think they're cool, hopefully you guys do too)
Warning: EXTREMELY long (and nerdy) bullet point list follows under the cut
green skin because chlorophyll
possibly even leafy skin, which might end up looking more like scales, but with patches of softer more leaf-like areas where we'd have more body fat and/or body hair
(they can still have that Vulcan hair though, since it's sort of a defining trait/style of the species in Star trek)
This means they have to absorb sunlight through their skin, and convert it into energy in the form of glucose, like trees
Therefore they'd have to have glucose (not copper) based blood (but the melting point of sugar is really high? Hadn't quite worked that part out)
Their blood would be white then? Amber, like tree sap. Wait actually don't some flowers/green stemmed things have white sap in the stems? (Maybe their blood would change from white to amber as they age? I know flowers aren't younger versions of trees, but it would be cool)
and they'd have to drink water just as much as humans because plants need water (as Chekhov is panicking about) but maybe since Chekhov is worried about "watering" spock, their hair can function like roots or something to soak up extra water as well. Idk if it rains much on Vulcan but when it did they'd all be going outside like the worms do on Earth lol
They wouldn't really have to eat if sunlight is their primary energy source. Their mouth would be just for water, breathing, and speaking. In which case they'd have ALL different organ systems, seeing as our digestive system takes up a good chunk of space in the torso, what would they fill it with? Being humanoid, they'd still need lungs, as well as a heart to circulate the (glucose based?) blood. They can still have a liver as a toxin filter and whatever else livers do (trees have to deal with not-so-clean water, so the photosynthetic Vulcans could probably deal with pretty muddy/questionable water as well. And maybe that connects to a very basic digestive system (liver-filters > short and singular intestine > rectum) which is mostly just for getting rid of the mud (yes, pooping.) And the liver can also deal with dusty/sandy air probably. Oh they might not need to eat (maybe even CAN'T eat since they wouldn't need or have the organs to deal with it) but they could drink liquids other than water, and it might be helpful/necessary to drink sugary fruit drinks if it's been cloudy for a few days, because humanoids expend a LOT more energy than plants probably do. They probably have a "stomach" which acts as a storage and distribution-into-bloodstream area for water and sugar, a little like how a camel's hump works, so it might not only be "OMG did anyone water Spock today!?" But also "OMG Spock fainted, somebody get him fruit juice!" *frantic running to the mess hall* *20 ccs of sugar* "I told you to drink more sugary stuff, our artificial light here just can't give you as much energy as your THREE ENTIRE SUNS back home, you ****ing idiotic hobgoblin!" *definitely not crying over Spock's wellbeing*
Idk what would make up the rest of their torso since they don't need as much space for organs. Heart, lungs, liver, one intestine + waste management, storage stomach, and the rest of ours is primarily taken over by about 15 feet of scrunched intestines, so maybe for them it's all leg, or they could maybe have a redundant extra pair of lungs, and/or another heart, especially to lessen the workload since tree sap is significantly thicker than human blood? Or maybe all the water would thin it out? Or one heart is more connected to the skin where they absorb light energy and cycles the glucose-based blood (which goes from white to amber as they grow up) and the other heart connects more to the water/fruit juice storage stomach and cycles water as well as somehow sends old water off to get peed out? And they should also have an organ that somehow counters sunburn and helps then deal with their world's elevated levels of radiation.
So: two pairs of lungs (for no real reason), two hearts (and two circulatory systems?), one for water and one that's more for the nutrients of glucose from sunlight, a storage stomach, a liver, an organ that deals with radiation and sunburn, a short intestine for the undrinkable parts of potentially muddy/contaminated water, the rectum to poop out the mud, the kidneys/bladder/urinary system for old water, and I think that's it.
I've been occasionally researching (googling) during the process of writing this, and I found that trees actually do have 2 different kinds of sap! Phloem is the "more nutrient rich form, and flows from the leaves bringing sugars and hormones to nutrient-hungry parts of the plant," while Xylem "consists mostly of water" so it's perfectly reasonable for them to have 2 hearts, one for each kind!
But how can we design starships to be more Vulcan-friendly then, if they need so much light? Well first of all, having sugar as an option for hyposprays in the medbay/sickbay, as well as plenty of sugary drinks available in the replicators, and the sugary fruit drinks shouldn't "cost" as much in rations since the Vulcans sort of need it as much as they need water when they aren't able to access direct sunlight. Speaking of which, all the hallways should have strips of light off to the side (one on the floor and another shining down from the ceiling above it) that the Vulcan crewmembers can walk through, and there should be a solarium room which does its best to replicate at least the lighting and radiation conditions of Vulcan (the planet). This solarium should have the light panels be able to slide away to reveal actual windows, and starships with any Vulcans in their crew should be required to spend a minimum amount of time every so often in orbit of an actual sun or star system so that the Vulcans can have genuine sunlight. It would be really funny if Spock just had a spotlight that follows him around like Olaf's snow cloud in Frozen, but it would be more practical if his station on the bridge just had extra light panels which are positioned in some way so as not to shine in his eyes. Also, this photosynthesis sort of depends on their skin actually being exposed to light, so the uniform would probably be modified for Vulcans to be short sleeves and shorts despite how weird that would be, or it would be designed like tinted glass somehow, or... some other way of letting the light in without being immodest, idk
And now for a very important question: some trees are deciduous, yes? Oh dang it I just googled whether Vulcan has seasons and the answer was no. Scrolling down pointed out that Vulcan is a desert planet and so they'd naturally be able to go without water for longer periods of time than humans. That second one is okay, that's why they have a water storage organ sort of like camels, and I guess maybe they wouldn't need so much water after all. More like cacti than trees. But the no axis tilt / no seasons thing sort of cancels out what I was about to write :(
I'll write it anyway. Let's pretend for a second that Vulcan has seasons, because this whole thing can really apply to "photosynthetic humanoids" in general, not just photosynthetic Vulcans in particular. So, I was about to talk about deciduous trees :) When the seasons shift towards winter, the sunlight is weaker, trees go red before losing their leaves and sort of hibernating, right? Well what if Vulcans start going pale, then yellowy, and eventually taking on a pale reddish hue, and since they can't lose their skin to conserve energy, they consume as much sugar/fruit juice as they can over a period of a few weeks, before going into hibernation like bears?
This means that your Vulcan crewmate is kind of useless for at least a quarter of every year, which isn't really a problem unless they're a senior officer, but if they ARE a senior officer, they better have an apprentice or someone who can cover for them while they hibernate. Maybe another Vulcan from the opposite side of the planet, who would naturally hibernate during the opposite half of the year.
Would this Vulcan and their opposite-side-of-the-planet counterpart be best friends, or bitter rivals? Who knows!
Now, starships do not actually have seasons, so the hibernation cycle wouldn't be technically necessary. The Vulcan has two options: either slowly adjust to the year-round availability of sunlight over a period of multiple years so that they don't have to abandon their crew for a few months out of every year (and be SEVERELY messed up if they ever retire and go back to the hypothetical version of Vulcan which has seasons), OR, make sure that the availability of light mimics the seasonal cycle of pretend-Vulcan-with-seasons so that they can have their hibernation cycle properly. (Clearly the better option if they aren't a senior officer, especially if they don't plan to spend the rest of their life on the ship.)
Also it would be really cute to see what kind of pillow fort nest Spock would probably end up making in his quarters to hibernate in. I wonder if they'd visit him.
DO NOT WAKE THE HIBERNATING SPOCK. Google says waking up an animal from hibernation too early can have fatal consequences. On the other hand, it also said bears can wake themselves up immediately to protect cubs if necessary or if they're startled awake, so maybe he can respond to red alerts. However going based off the first point, it might be necessary to completely soundproof his quarters and make sure he remains undisturbed. And yet another possibility is that photosynthetic Vulcans wouldn't need to hibernate at all if they come from a part of the planet which is mostly friendly year-round (which would technically be true, since it doesn't actually have seasons at all, and they would choose to have civilizations in the most habitable areas. Maybe civilizations closer to the poles would have Vulcans that are naturally paler or more reddish, like how the Aenar on the Andorian homeworld are blind and paler.)
Animals coming out of hibernation can have lost up to 30% of their body weight (over a QUARTER), so Vulcans coming out of hibernation would look so sick and weak, and they'd probably take a while to get their full green color back, and the more soft leafy areas of higher body fat would have shriveled into just the small scale-like leaves that make up the majority of their skin, and their uniforms would be all baggy on them, and the human crew would probably be so so so worried for them, especially the first few hibernation cycles
*Spock stumbles onto the bridge for the first time in several months, pale orange-red and extremely skinny* "Oh my god, Spock!" (overjoyed at his return) -- "Oh my god Spock you look like crap, are you alright?" (softer and full of concern upon actually noticing what he looks like) -- "This is perfectly normal, I'll be fine, you need me on du-" *faints*
#HI OKAY so I have a lot more like this: branch-off ideas about their reproduction and blood functionality and cute baby stuff and all that#and all of them are tagged “photosynthetic vulcans” so if you want to search for them that should work (it's worked for me)#vulcans#photosynthesis#photosynthetic humanoids#photosynthetic vulcans#hibernation#star trek#star trek tos#spock#biology theorization#speculative biology#(I am not a botanist or a biologist but I'd love to talk about SPECIFICALLY how this would work with someone who is haha :))#disclaimer: this is indeed extremely long and nerdy#I didn't realize at first that this got saved as a draft#so for a devastating few hours from roughly 2 in the morning until a couple hours after I woke up#I genuinely thought ALL of this was GONE. Deleted.#and I tried to start recreating it but I was just so damn heartbroken over losing literally hours worth of work that I just couldn't do it#so I am extremely grateful for the fact that it got saved as a draft#but A LITTLE WARNING WOULD HAVE BEEN NICE#because I had gone to a different site to do research and then stepped away to unplug the phone and plug in a portable charger instead#and when I came back#the post was EMPTY#just blank. The “create a new post” screen. I was in shock and denial and very upset.#it was probably 1:30 in the morning and I was unprepared to deal with it#so I know none of that matters but if you are reading these tags then THANK YOU because a fuck ton of emotions went into this
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hunterartemisanime · 4 years
Kuroko no Basket Headcanon : GoM (+others) Horoscopes and Planetary Positions (Sun and Moon Sign)
Going full Oha-Asa over here, I really wanted to write something on it. As meticulous as Fujimaki-sensei is, he already noted what sun sign each and every character is born under. The internet is filled with Zodiac stereotypes and sets every signs into boxes: this character should be like this and all. But the surprising thing about Kuroko no Basket characters is none of them fall under their zodiac stereotypes. So I looked around and discovered that in Eastern Astrology, especially Vedic astrology each sign of the Zodiac is divided into 2 and a half star division, which makes two people of the same sign completely different persons. That makes 12 Zodiac Signs ruled by 27 different constellations! I was inspired by an Youtuber called “Claire Nakti” who sheds some brilliant light upon it. So here is my take on it. 
The calculations I did is based on the Cafe Astrology
I will also try to add different characters of the same zodiac signs to prove my point. So This may get a little longer. I understand there could be jargons and all, so I will be adding English names also so that you can read about them.
Disclaimer: I ain’t no astrologer, I just made an analogy to an anime where Horoscope is much discussed topic (by a certain Green haired character) so I thought why don’t I pull an Oha-Asa in my way?
Kuroko Tetsuya (31st January, Aquarius sun-Scorpio Moon, North Node and Jupiter Influenced)
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Kuroko has always been unique as a character in sports anime. His sun sign falls in Aquarius in Shatabhisa constellation or The Constellation of 100 healers (eng: γ Aquarii), and his moon falls in Scorpio, in Vishaka Constellation or The constellation of Tree branches (eng: α, β, γ and ι Librae ). His sun position makes him not hesitate to sacrifice his self-interests to stand by his principles. Indeed Kuroko is a moral person and calls out the wrong, even though his enemies are larger and scarier than he is. This moral nature is further heightened by Jupiter ruled moon sign: Vishaka people are clear speakers, unique thinkers and justice lovers. Kuroko may be soft spoken but he clearly depicts all of those qualities. 
Looks wise Nodal males have light, magnetic wide eyes. North node of the moon is the shadow of the moon, and Kuroko is the “phantom”, an illusion which is also under the domain of the North Node of the moon: as sun plays a forefront in astrology, his Sun ruled Aquarius north node perhaps makes him the way he is.  His name is “Tetsuya”, which was written in Katakana; if it were written in Kanji it means “Philosophical”. North node controls darkness and illusions, out-of-the-box ideas, Jupiter controls morality and higher truth: His name is “Kuroko” (child of the dark) “Tetsuya” (Philosophical)
Kise Ryota (June 18th, Gemini sun-Scorpio Moon, Jupiter and Mercury influenced)
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That is a really odd combination for Kise, because Jupiter characteristics are not at all frivolous and smiling all over the place like Kise. His Gemini sun falls in Punarvasu Constellation of the Constellation of “Return of the Good” ( eng: Castor and Pollux ), and His moon sign is in Scorpio in Jyestha Constellation, or the constellation “of the elder” (α, σ, and τ Scorpionis). Both of his constellations sit at the cusp of air (Gemini and Libra) and water signs (Cancer and Scorpio). This brings two things in line: Air sign gives him his mutability or ability to change, while water sign brings him closer to his emotions. He is not a “perfect copy” without any reason (Midorima agrees)
Looks wise, His mercury ruled moon sign is more dominant than his Jupiter rule Gemini constellation. Mercury men are very youthful looking, have narrow but bright eyes and are very much babied by the people around him: Mercury being the infant planet of the zodiac brings this quality. His moon sign also dictates his career as a model because Jyestha males are prone to go to the entertainment industry. Both Jupiter and Mercury are responsible for learning, knowledge. Kise is known to catch up with basketball in the shortest amount of time, and perhaps this is the reason. These people are also bad at hiding their emotions and are very honest in nature. Both him and Kuroko share Jupiter moon signs, perhaps that is why Kise is very attached to Kuroko.
MIdorima Shintarou (7th July, Cancer sun-Leo Moon, Saturn and South Node Influenced)
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We all knew that Midorin was a Cancer, but Leo moon, we did not see it coming. Midorima is a Cancer sun and falls under the Pusya Constellation or the Constellation of Nourisher (eng: γ, δ and θ Cancri ). People born under the constellation are well respected, stable-minded and moral (we all agree on that). The Leo moon falls under the Magha (the blessed) constellation (eng: Regulus). These people  are very hard-working, and whatever progress they makes is owing to this attitude of sincerity. Well, no one can disagree on that part also. 
Pusya males are saturn ruled and they come with extremely good looks. Saturn beauties have long-ish faces, narrow eyes and a serious look on their face which looks quite attractive especially on males. South Node  moon makes a man magnetically handsome and to some extend emotionally distant--he may have hard time figuring and expressing his or other’s emotions. South Nodes also gives people a weird way to speak: be it voice, dialect or accent, and in Midorima’s case it is suffixing everything with “Nanodayo”. Saturn born people are very spiritual as well, they believe in a higher power and often follow it unquestioningly: with Midorima’s case, it’s his Horoscopes. With the saturn influenced sun, he will be disciplined, orderly and somewhat submissive in his nature: figures when he gets scolded or bullied by his seniors (and Takao) he takes it quietly. Guess Midorima knew Oha-Asa wasn’t hoax when he self diagnosed himself.
Aomine Daiki (August 31st, Virgo sun- Leo Moon, Sun and South Node influenced)
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I had a hunch that Daiki is Sun influenced the moment I started doing this thing. He is a Virgo sun that falls into a Sun ruled constellation called Uttar Phalguni (The Younger Red One) (eng: Denebola), which is called the best Constellation for leadership and masculinity; Sun attends Youth in this constellation and therefore these people are leaders, egotistic and often harsh speakers. He is a Leo Moon which falls on the Magha or The Constellation of the Blessed (Eng: Regulus). His sun sign sits between the cusp of Leo and Virgo and this brings the fieriness in him. Stereotypical Virgos are portrayed as Nerdy and Neat people, but Virgo behaves like Leo when sun is sitting in Denebola Constellation and it amplifies Virgo’s ambitious nature and Leo’s Ego.
Sun influenced men are very masculine in looking and particularly the constellation under which Daiki is born makes the men hypersexual and lovers of all things erotic. Sun men are also the people who attract a lot of Nodal natives, moon born natives in their lives. Kuroko, who is North Node influenced, was once Aomine’s “shadow”-- a Sun influenced person who was Kuroko’s light. However, here comes his south node moon in play. South Node men are quiet emotionally distant, even from his own friends and loved once: they frequently hurt people with their words and have trouble expressing their feelings. Daiki also has the South Node speech type: he tends to drag the words “in--dayo” whenever he speaks, especially if he is annoyed. They speak often forcefully which may come off as rude, which also contributes to their loneliness. They are the “lone wolves” and people cannot stand them often: Sounds like Aomine? because he is like that. 
Murasakibara Atsushi (October 9th Libra sun-Capricorn moon, North Node and Sun influenced)
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Anyone with Libra sun hear me out: Sun is said to be at his Weakest in Libra, and that means out Purple Giant has an unfortunate sun position. His Sun Sign falls in Swati Constellation or the Constellation of “Goodness” (Eng: Arcturus), and his moon falls in Uttar Ashada or the Constellation of the Undefeated (Eng: Zeta Sagitarrii) which is a Sun ruled constellation that sits at the Cusp of Sagittarius and Capricorn. Thus Murasakibara is not a stereotypical Libra, he has some grounding qualities in him. Libras are most compatible with Gemini, Aries and Aquarius but Murasakibara’s best friend is Himuro Tatsuya who is a Scorpio. This must be because the Capricorn enters in his chart as his House of Moon, which has medium compatibility with Scorpio.
Any Nodal person mentioned in this post, especially if they are North Node are exceptionally tall in heights and it is said that Nodes, like trees in the deep equatorial forest, grow tall to get the Sun, which makes them so execptionally tall. Murasakibara is very large compared to a Japanese. Although his sun is weakened in the sign of Libra, which snatches all the honour, glory and leadership positions, he strengthens it back in his Capricorn moon which is a Sun ruled Constellation. Although the Constellation is mainly on Sagittarius’ side, but when it enters Capricorn’s side it loses it’s philosophical edge of the Sagittarius house and gets more practical because Capricorn is an earth sign. This moon position gives him those Sun ruled narrow and sharp eyes, deep voice, imposing alpha qualities. People who have sun in Swati tend to be my-pace kind of people: they have their own ways to do things, they hate being criticized and they have fierce angers. 
Akashi Seijuro (December 20th, Sagittarius Sun- Aries Moon, Sun and Venus Influenced)
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Boy! Here comes one big ball of Ego! I always wondered (when I first saw Akashi) wow, he acts like a Greek God who just got pissed off by a mortal, and turns out he was just born on certain influence. He is a Sagittarius Sun that falls on the Uttar Ashada Constellation or the Constellation of the Undefeated (eng: Zeta Sagittarii), and His Aries Moon falls on Varani constellation or The Constellation of the Bearer (Eng: 35 Arietis). Uttar Ashada is the last sun ruled constellation of the Zodiacs and Varani is the First Venus ruled constellation. As a fire sign he should be getting along with other fire signs: Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, (even airs signs like Gemini and Libra) but he is closest with Midorima, who is a Cancer Sign, and Kuroko who is an Aquarius. All of them have one thing in common: Jupiter. Sagittarius is Jupiter’s domain, Cancer is Jupiter’s favorite house to be, and Kuroko has Scorpio moon in Vishakha Constellation, which is ruled by Jupiter.
Sun ruled males are hands down the alpha males around as i have written before, but dear Akashi’s constellation has an added twist. As Sagittarius is Jupiter Ruled (the eldest of the Zodiac) where Akashi’s sun sign sits, it gives him a sense of older-than-his age dignity. Thus people around him, older or younger, stronger or weaker obey him without contest. People with these placements may be blessed with the Supreme Leadership image, but it also gives them an overly authoritative and egotistic father figures (with which Akashi has had torments). His moon sign which is Venus influenced makes him very unconventionally attractive and in touch with his feminine sides, females or feminine gay men are likely to be attracted to him for this. But all of this politeness are outside features: inside, he is harsh and broken. Venus men are very particular about what women they desire in life, and Sun men are rapid womanizers. However Akashi’s Constellation has no opposite gender consort available in the 27 constellations (26 others are assigned with 13 pairs of male and female animals). So he will have high standards in women, not likely to have steady partners because of this--he may (god forbid) also die a virgin.  
(Fun Fact: the symbol of Varani Constellation is a Vagina)
Kagami Taiga (August 2nd, Leo sun- Leo Moon, Double South Node Influenced)
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Kagami may have Leo sun and Leo moon and we may think--oh, he is full of sun power, but it is not hat simple. He is doubly influenced with South Nodes. South Nodes are responsible for morbidity, detachment, emotional alienation, aloofness etc, but none of them is really seen in Kagami. He shares Leo moon sign with Takao and Midorima, Aomine and on the same constellation: Magha, the constellation of the Blessed (eng: Regulus). At the beginning he seems to be very aggressive and his speeches rub people in the wrong way which is a typical South Node influence that come with his Sun and Moon sign. But later we see that he has a huge gap between appearance and reality. 
Magha people usually come from wealth, but due to Kagami’s sun sign falls in a nodal constellation he faces detachment from his father figure. Nodal people usually have wide and doe like eyes, but as Kagami’s Sun and Moon sign sits on a Sun ruled House of Leo, his South nodes mimic the looks of a typical Sun dominant man: narrow eyes, alpha male qualities, deep voice and great leadership skills. Their speech tends to be loud, forceful and may seem harsh and rude, but it’s far from it. It is to be noted. Kagami’s voice also have the typical South node eccentricity, he ends his speeches with “desu” in polite conversations, even when it is not necessary. South Node is the headless tail of dragon and when sun comes to it, it takes the sun as it’s missing head and magnifies the qualities of the Sun. Kagami is so beautifully written that he is not a typical rugged charmed beauty: there is more to him in the bottom than we can see. South nodes enables a person to reach the higher truth, if they are placed in a good sign--remember how Kagami opened the Direct drive Zone? it was really like discovering the unconscious mind.
Takao Kazunari (November 21st, Scorpio Sun-Leo Moon: Mercury and South Node influenced)
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Charming, playful, good looking, Takao Kazunari is Scorpio Sun and a Leo Moon. Surprised? I was too--our Takao influenced by Leo? but that’s what he is completely opposite inside and out. He Mercury influenced Jyestha Constellation Sun or the Constellation of the Eldest (Eng: Alpha Scorpionis) and South Node influenced Magha Constellation or The Blessed Constellation moon (Eng: Regulus). The Mercury influenced Sun sign makes him swift and outspoken in nature; these people can be so quick thinkers that it makes them almost unpredictable.
 South Node influenced men have light eyes, great looks and magnetic personality, while the Mercury influence gives them youthfulness, lightheartedness and great intelligence. they may have forceful speech or a weird accent: Takao adds a “-ssho” at the end of his sentence, despite he laughs at Midorima’s “Nanodayo suffix”. They don’t take life or themselves too seriously but can hold grudge for a long time. South Node men are prone to be ‘draining’ emotionally, but that aspect of Takao is not revealed. He and Midorima shares the same moon sign, The Leo Magha Moon, which makes them so different and so uncanny to be friends together. HIs Moon constellation, Magha makes him sort of selfless and detached at the same time. I always wondered why Takao wheels Midorima around and doesn’t get mad? because he is generous in a very selfless way.
Hyuuga Junpei (May 16th, Taurus Sun- Taurus Moon: Mars and Sun influenced)
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Hyuuga is Taurus sun and Taurus moon respectively. Hyuuga’s sun fall in Mrigshira Constellation or Deer Head Constellation (Eng: Lambda Orionis), which is the third Taurus constellation and it sits between Taurus and Gemini. His moon falls in Krittika constellation or Axe Constellation (Eng: Eta Tauri or Pleiades) which sits between Aries and Taurus. Sun influenced males depict a lot of alpha male qualities that attract both males and females (remember Reo Mibuchi) But Mars males usually are short tempered and express their anger in a funny way. Hyuuga is acknowledged by all as a captain but he struggles with his temper and his position, several times, perhaps due to these position. Looks wise Sun influenced males are very attractive in their own way, they usually have large forehead, sharp and narrow eyes and husky voice.
Sterotypically Taurus people cannot stand any other signs than specific earth and water signs, but this combination brings a taurian very well in terms with fire and air signs, especially with Leos, Geminis and Aquariuses. Aquarius people become very special in these types of taurians because they keep coming into Taurus’ throughout their lives: even though they are completely opposites. Hyuuga’s romantic interest is Riko, an aquarius. Taurus and Gemini are said to be in bad terms, but due to this combination of constellations, Hyuuga is in good terms with Kiyoshi. His Moon sign that falls in Krittika Constellation is symbolised by Axe (and any kind of blades in general) so, these natives are usually good with jobs that requires cutting: Hyuuga cuts hair nicely, don’t you think? Cutting also means cutting remarks--his Tsukkomis bite
Kiyoshi Teppei (June 10th, Gemini sun-Aries Moon: North and South Node influenced)
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No wonder Kiyoshi is the way he is. I always thought he is not a typical Gemini, there is a hidden aspect to him. South and North nodes of the moon are nodal planets and they love being around Sun influenced people (Hyuuga). Kiyoshi is an Aries Moon that falls on Aswini or Horse Head Constellation (eng: Beta Arietis), and he is a Gemini Sun that falls on the Ardra or Wet Wind Constellation (Eng: Betelgeuse) If You want a stable, cool-headed, life of the party, salt of the earth kind of person, go for Kiyoshi or the combination of his Sun and Moon placement.
The males born with the Moon in Ashwini Nakshatra will almost always have a handsome face, and bright and big eyes (South Node, trying to absorb light through big doe eyes). His forehead will be broad and his nose will tend to be on the bigger side. He will be grateful to those who love him and will go to any extents to do anything for them. He is the best friend you can have when you need one desperately. Ardra people have the special power to persevere, communicate and be gentle and soft spoken at the same time. The natives are soft, stable, strong, sacrifice a lot to earn, and may be prone to sickness--the last can connote with Kiyoshi’s knee injury. North Node people tend to be ambitious in nature and they will to any lengths to fulfill it, Nodal people tend to have wide and often doe like eyes, dry but sophisticated sense of humour and they love to be around Sun influenced people. That is why, despite being completely opposites, Kiyoshi and Hyuuga are in good terms. 
Riko Aida (February 5th, Aquarius sun and Leo Moon: Venus and North Node influenced)
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Riko is Aquarius sun and Leo moon. NO wonder she exercises great leadership skills. Her Aquarius sun falls in Satavisha constellation or the constellation of 100 physicians and her Leo Moon falls in Purva Phalguni constellation or the Elder Red constellation. The North Node ruled sun constellation gives her harsh, strict, healing and truthful nature while the Venus ruled Moon constellation gives her charming outlook: she is soft on the outside, hard on the inside kind of girl. She used to have relationship with Kiyoshi at the beginning, and I wondered why, and then I discovered: Kiyoshi’s moon’ s constellation Ashwini is symbolised with a Male Horse and Riko’s Sun’s constellation Shatabhisha is symbolised with a Female Horse. The stars truly came together with these two.
The Purvaphalguni women are instructive and very good teachers and mentors: Riko is a coach and is very good at her job. Because her moon sign in ruled by Venus, she attracts a Taurian Hyuuga, whose Zodiac Sign Taurus is general is ruled by Venus. Nodal women have wide set and usually lighter eyes (according to the race) and Venus gives them an overall charming beauty (because Venus is the Goddess of Beauty). But along with it comes vanity as well: venus is extremely proud of her looks and will not stand any other’s presence who is more good looking than her. Perhaps that’s why she is quite jealous of Momoi.
Tags: @sidd-hit-my-butt-ham​ @yanderebakugo @kurokonbscenarios​ @kurokonobasket​ @kurokonoboisket​ @art-zites​ @idinaxye @sp-chernobyl​ @strawbe3ryshortcake​ @reservethemoon​ @rilnen​ @a-shy-potato​ @thirsthourdemon​ @animebxxch @edagawasatoru​ @akawaiishi-blog​ @reinyrei​ @chloe-noir​ @theswahn @ahobaka-trash​ @jeilliane​
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