#discord: riff5110
e2019 · 6 months
i want to hitch hike across the continental u.s. and/or europe. i think that would give me everything i want out of life and make me more confident/independent but also more social and teach me so much about myself and like western whites more generally. this is like the last biggest most important thing to me on my bucket list
sooo let this serve as an open invitation: if anyone who reads this (literally anyone at all, gender/race/age/orientation/etc irrelevant) and is possibly interested to join me at least partway (as yall probs know i live in san antonio TX which is like dead central/southern u.s.a.) but wouldn’t it make more sense to travel from one coast to the other? (or if we go to Europe i dont know much about it i’d have to research first), hmu please!
the only hard rules are it has to be within the next 5yrs (before 12/17/28) also I’ll pay for most of our expenses. but i need chill ppl only no road rage no stranger danger paranoia no back seat drivers no animals in the car with us matter fact dont bring your bf/gf or nothing along either. only exception is I can bring my brother if he wants to come but i doubt it because I plan to redacted in each relevant city, an activity of which he certainly would not approve, and yet which none of yall would likely even notice unless you really sniff around so to speak. but my brother is so uptight he’s the only one who’d absolutely need to make a big deal of it im sure.
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