#discount theatre co
spidermaninlove · 11 days
Are TZ Married?
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I spot a yellow-diamond ring (at least five carats, maybe six), from Bulgari. “This is my splurge, my treat-myself,” she smiles. “I do get a little employee discount,” she laughs shyly. “It feels like it’s gonna be an heirloom, like one day I can give it to my grandchildren.”  -- Zendaya for British Vogue, October 2021 (Interview conducted on July 1, 2021).
According to a Bulgari representative, Z's yellow diamond ring is an "engagement ring."
Rewind to November 2017 when Z posted this to her Snapchat account:
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Then she immediately followed up with this Snapchat post:
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Z's fondness for yellow diamond engagement rings obviously predates 2021. So did she or didn't she buy the Bulgari yellow diamond engagement ring for herself? That is the question. After reading the following statement in her interview in the October 2021 issue of British Vogue, I have serious doubts.
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In February 2021, when asked during an interview if Tom would settle down now, he said he would do. x Five months later, on July 2, 2021, Page Six confirmed Tom and Zendaya were a couple.
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But Z preferred to keep her dating status private during her interview on July 1, 2021 with British Vogue -- the same day the paparazzi photographed them kissing:
...dating her IRL is, she insists, a tall order. The list of approvals is long – “my dad, my brothers, it’s a whole thing. Good luck to whoever wants to take that on,” she scoffs. Perhaps her Spider-Man co-star Tom Holland, who has long been rumoured to be her boyfriend, is up to the task? After all, the following day (July 2, 2021), photos appear of the pair kissing in a car after our lunch (on July 1, 2021)."
August 2021
TZ attended their friends' wedding in August 2021. While at the wedding reception, Z did not participate in the traditional bridal bouquet toss. She watched the toss from their nearby table and then shared a kiss with Tom after the bouquet was caught. x
On September 1, 2021, TZ finally acknowledged they are a couple via Tom's Instagram post.
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In November 2021, Tom told GQ that he and Z will talk about their story and what it is when they're ready.
"This isn’t my story. It’s our story. And we’ll talk about what it is when we’re ready to talk about it together.”
In June 2023, during an interview with BuzzFeed, Tom said, "I'm locked up, so I'm happy and in love..." x
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In July 2023, during a podcast with Jay Shetty, Tom stated, "My relationship is the thing I keep most sacred. I don't talk about it. I try my best to keep it as private as possible. We both feel very strongly that that is the healthiest way for us to move on as a couple." x
September 2023
Miss Nicaragua allegedly shared during a live that she had met TZ in Oakland and that she hopes Zendaya's marriage goes well (post blogged on September 18, 2023). Note: TZ were in Oakland August 25-26, 2023.
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Three days later, on September 21, 2023, Darnell went live on Instagram to adamantly deny Zendaya is engaged.
If she's not engaged, is she married? 🤫
October 2023
Law and Darnell were on the bridal floor in Vera Wang's store in Beverly Hills on October 13, 2023. I believe it's safe to assume Z was there as well.
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February 2024
During a BBC Radio 2 interview, Z stated that British people are her family now.
April 2024
In a Vogue article dated April 9, 2024, Z described her perfect future which includes a protected life with her family.
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Speaking of a protected family life, TZ recently adopted a dog named Daphne from Protection Dogs Worldwide.
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And speaking of dogs, Z left her beloved Noon with Tom in London while she went to California. Tom even took Noon to work at the Duke of York's Theatre several times while Z was far from home (pun intended) for a couple weeks during the months of June and July 2024.
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Note: Tom recently posted Noon, along with Daphne, on his Instagram account. x
April 2024
An Atlanta paparazzi posted this to his Instagram account and then deleted it.
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And then he posted and deleted this the following week:
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February & April 2024
Dom Holland attended Z's London premieres for both Dune 2 (February) and Challengers (April). Is this considered father-in-law behavior?
May 2024
According to Ashley Perez, her notary instructor "insinuated" TZ may have gotten a confidential (non-public) marriage license.
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Note: Ashley attends a college near the Bay Area.
California Confidential Marriage License Requirements:
The participating parties must be at least 18 years old to apply for a confidential marriage license. ✅
There are no CA state or US residency requirements.  ✅
The couple must state to the notary or county clerk office that they have been living together, as husband and wife or partners ✅ - not as roommates - at the time they apply for the marriage license, and must sign an affidavit on the license attesting to living together. There is no time requirement as to how long the couple has lived together.
You are not required to get married in the county where you purchase the confidential marriage license; however, you must be married in California.  You must file the license in the county where it was purchased.  
No witnesses are required to be at the ceremony, AND no witnesses sign on the marriage license.
The marriage license is a confidential record and is registered at the County Clerk’s Office in the county where it was purchased. A notary public with special authorization may issue, sign, and file a confidential marriage license.
Secret, Civil, Private, and Traditional Weddings
It's not uncommon to have a civil wedding ceremony and then have a traditional or destination wedding at a later date. Celebrities Joey King, JLo, and Elizabeth Olsen have done it. Anya Taylor-Joy originally eloped in New Orleans in 2022 and then had a wedding in Italy the following year. Millie Bobby Brown had a private family wedding in May of this year and is in the process of planning a second wedding for family and friends. Robert Pattinson and Suki Waterhouse recently had a secret wedding ceremony. Beyoncé, Kerry Washington, and Margot Robbie had secret weddings as well. Did TZ have a civil/secret/private wedding ceremony and are they planning a traditional/second wedding in the future? If so, it wouldn't be the first time they've kept their relationship status a secret.
Disclaimer: The opinions stated in this blog post are for entertainment purposes only.
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thealogie · 6 months
hi hi i have a message to ur London theatre fan followers! my friend is currently involved w a great show at the seven dials playhouse called 'blue', which i have now seen twice and highly recommend!
its an intense interview between a cop accused of racist killing and the superior officer, who is a black family friend.
sevendialsplayhouse. co. uk /shows/ blue
tickets start at £15, really intimate venue so no bad seat. i may even be able to get a discount code... 👀
I love love that theatre! I wish I was there to see it and hype it up. This sounds so excellent I love a good fringe festival show
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9 notes · View notes
OK (lots of) thoughts about tf Rise of the Beasts (spoilers below)
I'm just gonna put these thoughts as bullet points bc there's no real rhyme or reason to the flow of these thoughts . THAT SAID I watched the movie Friday night and have been stewing on some things, and reading some other people's thoughts, so thought I'd throw my own together here
OVERALL I thought it was a fun movie, and mostly good - like, I'd go back to watch it maybe 1-2 more times at the theatre. On discount ticket days or smth. That said, unpopular opinion, I don't think it was AS GOOD as people have been hyping it up to be (but I really WANTED it to be that good)
And like, I can probably tell y'all now that the things bugging me are probably nitpicky, but were bothering all the same. For instance,
Mirage - I *adored* him as a character. He was SO SWEET and fun and has SUCH FUN RELATIONS with the humans, and it's extremely enjoyable to see other Autobots forming those human relations outside of Bumblebee. BUT. Why... Mirage? There are DOZENS of other characters that could have fit this bill without having to give a total personality change to an existing character (thinking of Smokescreen, Jazz, Tracks, Hot Rod, either of the Lambo twins, even Blurr ... all of these characters can fit a youthful / pranking / kind of reckless speedster profile that cares about their appearance and is slightly anti-authority but heart of gold enough to go against Prime's wishes in a charming way). It's not *bad* to see Mirage like this, but again .... it just threw me a little bit. It also makes me curious as to what this means for characterization in the future. Again, I really liked him, thought he was super sweet, and obviously his abilities were super cool to see on screen!
I'm also extremely conflicted on having Unicron & co as the big bads for this movie. I've seen some mixed opinions on this as well, and generally agree that having Unicron as a looming presence and not actually destroyed at the end of the film was handled well. HOWEVER - and this is probably coming form my own wishes, seeing as it was called Rise of the Beasts, and REALLY just wanting to see more Beast Wars characters - I think they could've gone a different route with the antagonists that wouldn't have felt so grand life and death
Actually, tangent here, I think that was one of the things that actually had me feeling disappointed with the movie. I think I went in with expectations and standards close to what I felt after watching the Bumblebee movie for the first time. And the conflict in Bumblebee isn't some grand end-of-world threat (as seen on the screen - sure it's a looming possibility etc etc but), it's a small cast and a very personal conflict in that sense. ROTB returns to having huge stakes, larger cast of characters that can't ALL get a chance to shine, but imo not a large enough cast to take on a threat like UNICRON
So like. I'm glad that it wasn't directly Unicron, and instead got to see his power play out through Scourge and his team.
But still, I think it would've been cool to have our antagonists be those from Beast Wars as well (although I admit that I'm not super familiar with the series both tv & comics but STILL. I think it would've been cool to see Dinobot and Inferno and shit). I think this would've been SUPER COOL to see the Maximals shine even more!!
They all had such cool designs, and I really loved Primal & Air Razor. I wish we could've had more of Cheetor and Rhinox ;-;
I was actually annoyed with the resolution of the warp bridge explosion to send Unicron back 😭 particularly since it was ESTABLISHED that an explosion would have the FORCE OF A SUPERNOVA -- a fucking SUPERNOVA MY FRIENDS Earth should be PERISHED in an explosion like that!! The opening of the bridge portal to Unicron could explain SOME of the force being applied back through the opening but for the Earth to not really experience any of the damage, AND FURTHERMORE FOR NO GRAVE INJURIES TO COME TO PRIME, PRIMAL, OR NOAH/MIRAGE IN SUCH CLOSE PROXIMITY....
Just. If you're GOING to prop up something as a danger, and have an action posed as a non-viable solution to the problem (and have a good alternative ie. the passcode!), but then ultimately have to go back to explosion -- it should be held up as impactful as stated!! Like listen I KNOW we go into movies with the expectation that our friends on screen will be okay BUT OPTIMUS SHOULD NOT HAVE BEEN ABLE TO GET OUT OF THAT THAT EASILY. It also, imo, feels like it weakens Primal's oath to him in his sacrifice.
Also side note I actually did quite like the humans & the interpersonal relations happening - between Noah, his brother, Elena, and with the bots - I wish there was a bit more of it even! In concept, ex-military man who values family over the country & archeologist intern, BOTH POC, are FASCINATING CHARACTERS TO HAVE AND PLAY WITH. I think there's a lot of potential.
ALL OF THIS ASIDE. I thought it was a fun movie, I'm hopeful for what the franchise will bring. I'd REALLY LIKE for Travis Knight & Studio & Bee movie writers to come back on future movies (getting to the credits of this film and realizing it was Bay, Spielberg, and NOT writers from the Bee movie actually felt like that explained a LOT for where my disappointment and story inconsistencies were coming from)
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bokettochild · 1 year
Opera house AU
Telma's has karaoke nights, cast/crew often attend. It's a bonding exercise and they often wager "next round's on whoever gets the lowest score"
Legend sings MCR, can see him liking Helena. Any thoughts on what the Links/Zeldas+Ravio and Groose like belting out?
I support all of this except Legend singing MCR. Nothing against the band, I just have a lot of residual irritation for them, Andy Six, and Black Veil Brides because of a certain someone who wouldn't stop shoving it all up my nose every chance she got 😤
That said! The group does consider Telma's bar as one of their official hang out spots. It is Twilight's fault, his current crush (possible girlfriend) works there and he likes hanging out there when he can, so he drags his co-workers over with him whenever he has the chance, because if h loves the place, why not share it with the people he loves?
Long story short, it eventually became the place they usually go to celebrate a show gone well, recover after a long week, or just release some stress.
Telma may or may not have added the karaoke feature to her restaurant/bar once she realizes the theatre kids had started hanging out there. Regardless of why though, the fact that they get free front seat tickets to performances by some of Hyrule's greatest singers makes the place really popular, so she does give the crew a standing discount so they'll keep coming back.
Generally speaking, I think Legend would be more a folk and country singer, being raised by Twilight and all. Also, he just has that vibe in my mind :)
Now, if you want the one that sings rock music, you'd probably better start looking at Time. He's not the first person to offer to perform, but he inevitably ends up on stage somewhere during a night out, and while his music taste is "outdated" to some people, his rendition of Bohemian Rhapsody would make Freddie Mercury swoon.
I honestly think though that if anyone would be into emo music, it'd be Wind. He's at That Age where I think ALL of us at least dabbled in the realm of emo and punk :)
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A theater company born out of the pandemic will soon start rehearsals for its first mainstage production of 2023. On May 25, The Legacy Theatre will debut the world premiere of “Masters of Puppets,” a riveting drama by Laurence Davis that explores the dirty underbelly of professional wrestling.
A brief history
The aptly-named Legacy Theatre was one of the few companies producing shows following the first full year of the COVID-19 lockdown, according to Managing Director Jeff Provost. Before they set up shop in the former Stony Creek Playhouse — a historic haunt of Orson Welles and the Mercury Theatre Players — Legacy staged productions at the nearby Stony Creek Museum and outdoors on the Guilford and Branford greens.
Co-Founders Keely Baisden Knudsen and Stephanie Stiefel Williams spearheaded the company’s renovation of the playhouse while preserving its “fabled history,” Provost said. And while audiences were slow to return amid pandemic-era restrictions, the theater’s production mix proved successful.
“Keely has made a commitment since Day One to do at least one new play as part of our mainstage series,” Provost said. “It really tells you how daring and willing we are as a theater company to explore new ideas and works onstage.”
‘Masters of Puppets’
Davis’ work follows a husband and wife (played by Kurt Fuller of CBS’s “Evil” and Amanda Detmer of Fox’s “Empire”) who are “the masters” of a large-scale wrestling organization, Provost said. The couple engage in a power struggle with an executive from the professional sports network (played by Dana Ashbrook of Showtime’s “Twin Peaks”) over who’s pulling the proverbial strings.
“There’s always been questions as to what’s real and what’s fake in the world of wrestling, and those questions continue to this day,” Provost said. “This piece explores the topic in a really thought-provoking way. It’s a gritty, no-holds-barred approach to the subject matter.”
“Masters of Puppets” comes to the Legacy stage via James Roday Rodriguez (of ABC’s “A Million Little Things”), who will assist Legacy behind the scenes as a producer. Rodriguez and Knudsen grew up together; they performed alongside each other in middle school and eventually studied together as undergraduate students at New York University. Director Gabe McKinley was at NYU with them as well.
Provost explained that Rodriguez initially intended to produce the show with a theater company out in Los Angeles, but then COVID hit. Rodriguez connected with Knudsen about debuting “Puppets” at Legacy, and the rest, they say, is history.
“All of these connections and relationships that James has in the industry will play out really beautifully in this production,” Provost added. “The actors know each other very well and already have that base established.”
The world premiere of “Masters of Puppets” debuts at The Legacy Theatre on Thursday, May 25, at 7 p.m. Performances run through June 11, with shows on Thursdays at 7 p.m., Fridays at 8 p.m., Saturdays at 2 p.m. and 8 p.m., and Sundays at 2 p.m.
Tickets are on sale now; season subscribers receive a 25 percent discount. For more information, visit www.LegacyTheatreCT.org.
[Anyone who wants to go please heed the content warning on their website: For mature audiences. Contains violence, harsh language, and drug use. There is no puppetry in the production.]
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thecurvycritic · 4 months
MoviePass/Movie Crash is Cautionary Tale on Investing in Entertainment
Did you know the original co-founders and Chairman of #MoviePass were two brothas? @streamonmax 5/29 https://wp.me/p2v8yf-6sn #documentary #podcast #moviepassmoviecrash
Imagine creating a model for movie going that allows patrons to screen any movie – any theatre – any day. Seems logistically impossible, but two budding Black entreprenuers  Stacy Spikes and Hamet Watt did exactly that.  MoviePass was a movie lover’s dream, offering access to tickets at a discounted monthly subscription rate. In 2017, with a “too good to be true” promotional deal of $9.95 a…
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trascapades · 1 year
🎭#ArtIsAWeapon If you really know me you already know how much I LOVE the multi-talented @leslieodomjr! I am so excited about his return to Broadway in the revival of the #OssieDavis classic "Purlie Victorious" @purliebway - co-starring the dynamic @karaakter, directed by @iamkennyleon - at the 📍Music Box Theatre, 239 W 45th Street, NYC
Discount Ticket Offer -Save 40%
Tickets are $61 - $121 with code PVINF731*
(Reg. $99-$199)
Purchase Tickets -
💻Online: www.telecharge.com
☎️Call 212.947.8844
🚶🏿‍♀️In Person: Music Box Theatre Box Office, 239 W. 45th Street, NYC
"Leslie Odom, Jr. returns to Broadway for the first time since his Tony Award-winning performance in Hamilton.
Purlie Victorious: A Non-Confederate Romp Through the Cotton Patch is the rousing, laugh-filled comedy by Kennedy Center honoree Ossie Davis that tells the story of a Black preacher’s machinations to reclaim his inheritance and win back his church. Directed by Tony Award winner Kenny Leon (A Raisin in the Sun, Fences, Topdog/Underdog), this inspiring and delightful comedic masterpiece became the source material for the beloved hit musical, Purlie."
*Based on availability. Restrictions may apply.
Reposted from @purliebway Tony Award® winner Leslie Odom, Jr. returns to Broadway in Ossie Davis’s “marvelously exhilarating” (The New York Times) play. Performances began September 7th, 2023!
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Enjoy an evening in the theatre that will lift you up and “won’t let you wipe that grin off your face” (The New York Times).
Reposted from @leslieodomjr Thankful
@nytimes @purliebway @salamishah
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#LeslieOdomJr #PurlieVictorious #Broadway #Theater #KennyLeon #TheaterLovers #BlackPlaywrites #BlackGirlTheaterGeeks
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gazetteweekly · 1 year
Rajan & Co - Great In Terms Of Providing You a One-Stop-Shop for All of Your Theatre Requirements
When we were buying the different appliances we required for our new home, it was my son who so dearly wanted to have a home theatre. It was his wish to have a theatre at home for so long. So, when we were planning to buy a home theatre, I got the reference of Rajan & Co from a friend of mine in Nagercoil. He had bought TV and refrigerator earlier from this home appliance shop and had high opinions about the showroom. Therefore, we decided to visit the place and trust me it was the best decision that we made.
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Rajan & Co is one of the Best Home Theatre Showroom In Nagercoil. On time service and excellent recommendation in terms of all the assets has led to an extremely delightful shopping experience. We had a wonderful experience in Rajan & Co. The staff were really helpful. They would offer a solution for whatever scale you need to roll out and have some pretty good turnaround times for all the enquiries and requests. They helped us pick the right product according to the requirements and the budget we gave.
The shop also in fact had a huge variety of home theatres which made the selection process a bit difficult. All the leading brands were available here and we were left in awe as of from where to start looking for. Choosing from among them was only easy thanks to the very polite and friendly staff. They were also knowledgeable about the technical aspects of the products they offer. We ended up buying an Onkyo HT from them at reasonable price. My son is also very happy with the purchase and the shopping experience we had. The shop also gave much discounts and added an extra delight in the shopping.
We would definitely recommend Rajan & Co to all those looking for a place to buy home theatres. Really a one stop solution to all your home theatre needs and also all other home appliances.
Contact Details:
Address: 50, Court Rd, Opp SLB School, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu 629001.
Phone: (+91) 8526333363
Website: https://www.rajanandco.in/
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citizenrecord · 1 year
Fantastic collection of best brands and varieties of speakers at top discounts - Rajan & Co
It was after the suggestion of a friend that I went to Rajan & Co to buy an amplifier and speakers. Their staff and the owner were much helpful to select the product which I really want for my use, they helped me by giving demo on different models and speaker options. They never hesitate to give alternative options but very happily and politely kept showing me the options until I finalized my speakers.
The salesmen were really nice people. Neat behaviour with customers and have good knowledge about audio. Usually, the salesperson would be friendly but only the technical experts would know the technical aspects of the products. But here the salespersons were also mostly knowledgeable about the technicalities of the product. Thats the reason for why Rajan And Co Best Home Theatre Showroom In Nagercoil.
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I also checked out some of their other home appliances like TV and Washing Machines which I plan to upgrade in my home. They had a fantastic collection of the best brands and varieties. One of the standout features of Rajan & Co that I felt is that their extensive range of home appliances. Whether you’re in need of a new refrigerator, washing machine, television, or any other household gadget, Rajan & Co has got you covered. Their store is well-organized, making it easy to navigate through the wide selection of brands and models available. I was impressed by the range of options they had on display, catering to different budgets and requirements.
They also gave me discounts which was an added benefit. I bought during a normal day and still got great deals. I was also informed that they have additional discounts and amazing deals on special days and occasions. The summer AC sale was also on during the time of my purchase and the ACs were available at never before prices.
I really had a nice experience with Rajan & Co. Great service which is priceless. Best customer satisfaction and delivers quality product at best price. I always recommend Rajan & Co to all my friends and family.
Address : 50, Court Rd, Opp SLB School, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu 629001.
Phone: (+91) 8526333363
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Rajan & Co: Your One-Stop Shop for Home Theaters
At Rajan & Co, there are countless options for various home theatre models, including High End Speakers, Sound Bars, AV Receivers, Multimedia Speakers, Party Boxes, and Projectors. Rajan & Co's home theatre systems are specifically chosen with your needs in mind. Some of the variations have Bluetooth capabilities, allowing for wireless music playback. All of the feature-rich items are priced extremely competitively so that many people can afford them. You might also get lucky and score some great offers and discounts.
Some of the best high-end speakers at Rajan & Co for an amazing home theatre experience are listed below:
MRP - ₹36,990.00, now available at ₹31,442.00 (15% discount)
MRP - ₹79,990.00, now available at ₹67,900.00 (15% discount)
MRP - ₹321,900.00, now available at ₹273,610.00 (15% discount)
MRP - ₹37,200.00, now available at ₹29,760.00 (20% discount)
MRP - ₹28,400.00, now available at ₹22,720.00 (20% discount)
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All of the most modern LED television categories, such as Full HD, 4K Ultra HD, LED Smart, OLED, QLED, 4K Smart UHD, and QNED, are also carried by Rajan & Co. Leading brands, affordable prices, superior service, numerous special offers, flexible payment plans, and fun contests all contribute to Rajan & Co's wonderful reputation. The greatest accomplishment in which they take pride is the goodwill and trust of the people. As a result, Rajan & Co. is one of Nagercoil's best LED showrooms.
Their LED televisions come from top brands such as Sony, Haier, Panasonic, LG, LLOYD, Intex, TCL, and IFFALCON. Televisions, Home Theatre Systems, Refrigerators, Washing Machines, Cookers, Gas Stoves, Induction stoves, Air Conditioners, Fans, Air coolers, Mixer Grinder, Household Wet Grinders and other Consumer Electronics are also available from Rajan & Co.
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wiseedition · 1 year
Purchase Home Theatres from Industry Leaders at Never-Before-Seen Prices - Rajan & Co
A home theatre system is often an audio enhancement device that consists of a television, a video source, a receiver, and speakers. This potent mix channels crystal-clear audio and surround sound, significantly improving the listening experience. Before investing in a home theatre for your home, think about the quantity and type of speakers you want, where you want to put them, and what connectivity options your system should have. Aside from that, you should look at the brand and home theatre price before making a purchase.
Rajan & Co, the top home appliance store in Marthandam Junction, Nagercoil, provides the greatest home theatre systems in Tamil Nadu, along with exciting new deals and discounts. Take advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to purchase home theatres from industry leaders at never-before-seen rates. Rajan & Co. currently offers flat savings on home theatre and other electronic and kitchen items.
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Home theatres are available in a variety of price ranges ranging from Rs. 2,990 to Rs.3,62,610, and you can purchase them based on your budget. Home theatres are well worth the investment because they can significantly improve your movie-watching experience. At Rajan & Co, you can choose from a large range of systems at various pricing points, as well as colour variations such as Crystal Black, Red, Brown, White, Deep Blue, and Black.
Denon, Panasonic, Sony, LG, Samsung, Philips, Intex, TCL, Realme, JBL, Klipsch, Marantz, Zebronics, Polk, Focal, Zebion, Epson, Monitor Audio, Paradigm, Q Acoustics, Mission, Heco, Optoma, and other brands are available. Some of the top moving home theatres preferred by Rajan & Co customers include the Focal Chora SUB 600P 12" Active Subwoofer with a 10% discount at Rs. 99,000.00, the Focal Chora Centre Channel Speaker (Black) with a 10% discount at Rs.72,000.00, and the TCL TS6110 Alto 6+ 2.1 Channel Dolby Audio Sound Bar with Wireless Subwoofer with a 31% discount at Rs.10,990.
Now that you know everything there is to know about home theatre systems, get one that is right for you and turn your living room into your personal theatre. Enjoy this summer season with your loved ones by renting the best home theatres in Tamil Nadu, which are only available at Rajan & Co, and make your movie nights extra special.
Address : 50, Court Rd, Opp SLB School, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu 629001.
Phone: (+91) 8526333363
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razorblogz · 1 year
LED TV’s At the Best Ranges to Make Your Family Time Wonderful – Rajan & Co
Rajan & Co has been selling home appliances in Nagercoil for 23 years. Rajan & Co maintains the №1 dealer position for practically all of the leading brands due to their honest service and vast experience in sales and after-sales service that no one else can match. Rajan & Co, which was founded in March 1996 in Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu, has a successful narrative of gaining a place in people’s hearts by their dependable service.
Their delighted consumers recognise them as the greatest LED showroom in Nagercoil, and their trust in the brand is passed on to the next generation of customers. With the trust on the seamless love and co-operation provided by the customers, Rajan & Co later expanded to the heart of the town, in front of SLB School at Court Road in the year 2009 and very recently opened a showroom in Marthandam, Nagercoil.
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Rajan & Co understands the pulse of the Nagercoil consumer and is always ready to give what they require in the most appealing, affordable and convenient manner. Rajan & Co, the leading home appliances store in Nagercoil, is the most dependable location to shop for electronic and home appliances. Rajan & Co is one of Nagercoil’s leading LED showrooms.
Rajan & Co carries all of the most recent LED television categories, including Full HD, 4K Ultra HD, LED Smart, OLED, QLED, 4K Smart UHD, and QNED. Leading brands, competitive pricing, excellent service, a plethora of discounts and deals, financing options, and appealing contests — all of this makes Rajan & Co even more fantastic. The goodwill and trust of the masses is the biggest achievement that they take pride in. This makes Rajan & Co, one of the best LED showrooms in Nagercoil.
Their LED televisions come from top brands such as Sony, Haier, Panasonic, LG, LLOYD, Intex, TCL, and IFFALCON. Televisions, Home Theatre Systems, Refrigerators, Washing Machines, Cookers, Gas Stoves, Induction stoves, Air Conditioners, Fans, Air coolers, Mixer Grinder, Household Wet Grinders and other Consumer Electronics are also available from Rajan & Co. Choose the best LED TV from Nagercoil’s leading LED showroom.
Address : 50, Court Rd, Opp SLB School, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu 629001.
Phone: (+91) 8526333363
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nhatrangpromotions · 1 year
TUẦN VÀNG KHAI TRƯƠNG - GIẢM TỚI 50% KHI ĐẶT VÉ ONLINE GOLDEN WEEK - UP TO 50% DISCOUNT FOR ONLINE BOOKING [Scroll down for English] ✨ Ưu đãi đặc biệt nhân dịp khai trương: Mua 2 vé tặng thêm 1 vé ✨ Áp dụng cho các show diễn từ ngày 14/04 tới 22/04/2023 ✨ Mua 2 tặng 1 áp dụng đồng thời với chương trình giảm giá 25% khi đặt vé online (tương đương mức giảm lên tới 50%) ⭐ Tận hưởng tới 2 trải nghiệm chỉ trong 1 vé: Check-in nhà hát Đó & Thưởng thức show Rối Mơ cùng những người yêu thương ⭐ Điểm đến mới của Du lịch văn hóa Nha Trang - Khánh Hòa với cú đúp kỷ lục Việt Nam: Nhà hát có kiến trúc văn hóa bản địa độc đáo & Chương trình nghệ thuật đặc sắc với không gian đồng hiện đầu tiên tại Việt Nam* ⭐ Đừng bỏ lỡ trải nghiệm phải xem một lần trong cuộc đời! 🎁 Vui lòng inbox hoặc gọi hotline 0886 776 996 / 0838 976 976 để đặt vé và nhận thông tin tư vấn chi tiết --- [English] ✨ Special Promotion for Opening week: Buy 2 tickets get 1 free ✨ Apply for all show from April 14th to April 22nd, 2023 ✨ 2 promotions in 1: Buy 2 get 1 + Discount 25% more for online booking (eqiv. up to 50% discount for online booking) ⭐ Two exciting experiences in one ticket: Check-in Đó Theatre & Enjoy Life Puppets show with your loved ones ⭐ New cultural destination of Nha Trang City with two ground-breaking Vietnam records: Largest iconic theatre with distinctive cultural architecture & Most fascinating cultural show, with the first co-performance experience* ⭐ Don't miss this once-in-a-lifetime experience with Life Puppets - a must see show in Vietnam! 🎁 Please DM or call hotline 0886 776 996 / 0838 976 976 for booking and further assistance * Danh hiệu kỷ lục Việt Nam đầy đủ đã được xác lập: NHÀ HÁT ĐÓ - ĐÓ THEATRE: Nhà hát có kiến trúc văn hóa bản địa độc đáo với cảm hứng thiết kế từ chiếc Đó lớn nhất tại Việt Nam; RỐI MƠ – LIFE PUPPETS: Chương trình nghệ thuật đặc sắc với sự kết hợp của đa loại hình nghệ thuật rối, đa không gian trình diễn cùng dàn khí nhạc các dân tộc bản địa Đông Nam Á đầu tiên tại Việt Nam. --- 𝑹𝑶𝑰 𝑴𝑶 - 𝑳𝑰𝑭𝑬 𝑷𝑼𝑷𝑷𝑬𝑻𝑺 𝑺𝑯𝑶𝑾: 𝑨 𝒖𝒏𝒊𝒒𝒖𝒆 𝒘𝒐𝒓𝒌 𝒐𝒇 𝒆𝒕𝒉𝒏𝒊𝒄 𝒄𝒖𝒍𝒕𝒖𝒓𝒆 𝒂𝒓𝒕, 𝒎𝒖𝒔𝒕 𝒔𝒆𝒆 𝒊𝒏 𝑽𝒊𝒆𝒕𝒏𝒂𝒎 📍 ĐÓ Theatre, Vega City Nha Trang, Bai Tien Area, Vinh Hoa Ward, Nha Trang City, Khanh Hoa Province ✉️ [email protected] ☎️ 0886 776 996 - 0838 976 976 (Vietnamese & English) 🌐 www.lifepuppets.show
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Maggie Lindemann – Bluebird Theater – Denver, CO – March 30, 2023
Following the release of her debut album, Maggie Lindemann brought the Suckerpunch World Tour to the Bluebird Theatre in Denver, Colorado on March 30th. Most might recognize the Texas-born singer from her bright, 2017 pop single “Pretty Girl,” which has amassed over 800 million streams on Spotify.  
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In recent years, Lindemann has changed her tune to a darker, edgier style. Pop-punk and rock are the main influences of her music, the best examples being her 2021 EP “Paranoia” and her first full-length album Suckerpunch, released in September of last year.
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Joining Lindemann on tour was Kailee Morgue, an alternative-indie artist from Phoenix, Arizona. Her clean vocals accompanied by energetic drums, played by Molly Rose, made for a strong performance to start the night off with. After Morgue had finished, you could feel the energy in the room rise as fans stared at the empty stage in anticipation. 
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Maggie Lindemann began her set with the heaviest track off Suckerpunch titled “Take Me Nowhere.” Bathed in moody green light, she danced around the stage as the crowd erupted. She followed up with the songs “Scissorhands” and “Self-Sabotage,” carrying the high-energy momentum brought by the opening track. 
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Dressed in camo pants and a white t-shirt that read “No Homie Discounts,” Lindemann dazzled the audience from start to finish. Bluebird Theatre was not the only venue she managed to pack full of adoring fans. The majority of dates on her World Tour were already sold out before she even got on the road. It is clear that fans, especially in Denver, have a special place in their hearts for Maggie Lindemann. She smiled widely between songs, gazing down at the crowd in admiration as they cheered for her.
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As the night came to a close, fans continued to jump, cry, and sing loudly along to their favorite songs until the house lights came on.  My personal favorite tracks of the night were “Self-Sabotage” and “Hear Me Out” which she performed back-to-back. These two songs in particular require a strong vocalist and Lindemann delivered. The next time Maggie Lindemann comes to your area, I would recommend getting tickets as soon as possible. This is not an artist you’ll want to miss out on. 
Lexi Caiola
Copyright ©2023 PopEntertainment.com. All rights reserved. Posted: April 1, 2023.
Photos by Lexi Caiola © 2023. All rights reserved.
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india-times · 1 year
Make Your Home Grand with a Modern Home Theatre System – Rajan & Co
Are you looking for the best home theatre system in Tamil Nadu? Rajan & Co provides the best solution for you. With the best home theatres, you can change the way of enjoying a movie at your home. The sound system prices of Rajan & Co are the best in Tamil Nadu. Whether you are looking for a simple stereo setup or a full-blown home theater at the affordable price, here you can find exactly what you are looking for, as well as receive professional consultation and expert tips as a bonus.
Rajan & Co’s broad range of solutions includes JBL, Marantz, Jamo, Paradigm and Pioneer systems — from traditional types to the latest novelties. Keep an eye on their latest updates — they regularly offer deals of the day, allowing Home Audio Solutions visitors to seize their chance and buy a great home theatre system and get it delivered to a wide range of cities in Tamil Nadu.
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Rajan & Co focuses on delivering excellent sounding products including quality stereo and home theatre systems together with their amazing range of other home appliances. The products of Rajan & Co are handpicked by experts and includes a wide range of home theatre systems like High End Speakers, Sound bar, AV Receivers, Multimedia Speakers, Party Box, projectors etc.
Some of the leading home theatres in Rajan & Co includes:
· Paradigm Founder 90C Centre Speaker
· JBL Stage 100P 10" 300 Watts Powered Subwoofer
· Marantz Cinema 50 9.4-Ch Receiver
· JBL Stage A190 Floor Standing Speakers
· Jamo Studio Series S-83
· Jamo S810 Sub Black (S 810 SUB BLACK NA)
· Paradigm Founder 100F and 70LCR Loudspeakers
Features of a Home Theatre System:
· Give the best audiophile performance that’s perfect for any music or home theatre system.
· Designed in a sleek, ultra-modern look and can be installed anywhere in the room
· It Produces amazing high-frequency sound and also delivers powerful bass
· Has kept the best tweeter for the cleanest, most natural sound possible.
· Also designed with a super own-firing subwoofer delivers ground-shaking bass that will transform your home into a theatre.
The Audio industry is drenched with new brands and products to deliver high-quality acoustics. Rajan & Co is a place to harvest the experience of fullness to the overwhelming audio enthusiasts around. Build your dream home theaters by configuring your audio rooms selecting the finest speakers and screen to unveil the outstanding sound dispersion patterns in your environment. Home theatres are one of the top products with hot discounts and outstanding rates among the many different types of households, kitchen, and electrical equipment Rajan & Co carries.
Contact Details
Address : 50, Court Rd, Opp SLB School, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu 629001.
 Phone: (+91) 8526333363
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typoeastnews · 1 year
Best Home Theatres In Tamil Nadu At Most Discounted Prices - Rajan & Co
Rajan & Co is an authorized dealer of all leading electronic brands in the world. They have all kinds of home appliances, kitchen appliances and electronic appliances among which home theatres are one of the leading products with hot deals and amazing prices.
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Home theatres are available in wide varieties from top brands like Denon, Panasonic, Sony, LG, Samsung, Philips, Intex, TCL, Realme, JBL, Klipsch, Marantz, Zebronics, Polk, Focal, Zebion, Epson, Monitor Audio, Paradigm, Q Acoustics, Mission, Heco, Optoma etc. The best home theatre systems in Nagercoil at Rajan & Co. are also available for all budget prices ranging from ₹2,990 to ₹3,62,610.
Some of the best high-end speakers at Rajan & Co for an amazing home theatre experience are listed below:
JBL Stage 100P 10" 300 Watts Powered Subwoofer
MRP - ₹36,990.00, now available at ₹31,442.00 (15% discount)
JBL Stage A190 Floor Standing Speakers
MRP - ₹39,990.00, now available at ₹33,992.00 (15% discount)
Paradigm Founder 90C Centre Speaker
MRP - ₹294,000.00, now available at ₹249,900.00 (15% discount)
Jamo S810 Sub Black (S 810 SUB BLACK NA)
MRP - ₹37,200.00, now available at ₹29,760.00 (20% discount)
Jamo Studio Series S-83
MRP - ₹28,400.00, now available at ₹22,720.00 (20% discount)
There are hundreds of other best home theatre systems ranging from prices in between. Home theatre systems are also available in color variations including Crystal Black, Red, Brown, White, Deep Blue, Black. Other home appliances that Rajan & Co has includes Televisions, Home theatre systems, Refrigerators, Washing Machines, Air Conditioners, Fans, Air coolers, Mixer Grinder, house hold wet grinders, Cookers, Gas and Induction stoves of all leading brands.
Explore the best home theatres in Nagercoil now at Rajan & Co!
Contact details :
Address: 50, Court Rd, Opp SLB School, Nagercoil, Tamil Nadu 629001
Business Phone: (+91) 8526333363
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