#discourse <- said by a woman who loves ace attorney
lacystar · 11 months
Ace attorney is like if a game introduced the most interesting character dynamics and beats of a relationship you’ve ever seen and then just refused to elaborate on them
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allygodot · 4 years
I found this blog through a major blog popular for it’s Godot slander, so I really don’t know what I was expecting. Who would have thought that a blog known for it’s misandry would also promote victim blaming, homophobia, abuse apologism, and just general sinfulness? I guess it isn’t too surprising... but this post isn’t about that major blog. After all, I don’t discourse with minors. Rather, this post is about the heinous blog they were promoting: @kristahliaweek​.
Now, not everyone in this community has seen what I’ve seen, so I’m assuming many of my readers are too innocent to know what “Kristahlia” is. Well, my naive kitten, it is the “ship” (problematic term, I know, but I’m only describing it in their own words) of Kristoph Gavin and Dahlia Hawthorne. Yes, the serial killers. If that doesn’t immediately scream “yikes” I don’t know what does. When I said I wanted this community to acknowledge more heterosexual ships I didn’t mean this...
Your initial reaction might be that this is a prank. After all, the person who put this blog on the map is quite well-known for their unfunny “jokes,” such as their ruining of the Ace Attorney Twitter Awards and their constant anti-Godot propaganda. However, it does not really matter to me if this is a joke or not since the ideas being spread are so harmful.
Regardless, in my infinite mercy, I initially gave this blog a chance to repent. I thought that perhaps if I pointed out the danger of their actions, they would back down. Unfortunately, my grace was not accepted. 
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Instead of apologizing or doing anything mature, they resorted to calling me a fr**t. I guess they didn’t read my bio and see that I’m straight... not to mention the complete disregard for the seriousness of invoking hell. I think it is quite obvious that these are fighting words.
Still need more proof this blog is actually homophobic? Do you need me to prove that this isn’t just some prank, but rather a serious hate crime? Well, Judge, take a look at this.
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This makes it abundantly clear that this blog is not in fact run by the troll who initially promoted it. The moderator of that major account is (allegedly) a lesbian, and I’ve never known a single lesbian to laugh at the d slur. Only a true, blue homophobe would let this language go unpunished. This is ineffable proof that this blog is no laughing matter. Not that it was ever funny. 
Blessedly, I was not the only person who was disgusted by the behavior of this blog. Another anon made an attempt to destroy this blog with facts and reason, but unfortunately their heroism was not rewarded. 
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If that isn’t victim blaming I don’t know what is! Not to mention how inherently predatory it is to humiliate an anon, who has no power on your own platform... the abuse apologism is just too obvious. 
Seeing that my anon allies were going nowhere, I decided to take this matter into my own capable hands. I sent a very polite anon where I gave the blog the benefit of the doubt despite the fact that they gave me no reason to do so, and do you reckon I got a mature response? Of course not!
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They just completely dodge the question to focus on my last remark about salvation. I’ll have you know that I am actually a devout Christian, Kristoph (if that even if your real name), so I know the stench of a sinner when I smell one’s reek. Real Christians are not homophobic. Real straight people are not abusive! You are seriously giving my minorities a bad name, so for the love of God please, try praying a rosary if you can’t afford therapy. 
My apologies for using the Lord’s name in vain, but I got a little bit heated there. Much like the mods of this blog likely do every time they use slurs and swears. Are these one of those heated gamer moments your kind like to accuse Godot of?
This last image is what really inspired me to make this post. After I was denounced by this blog, another anon came to my defense, using Godot as an example of Dahlia’s unforgivable wrongs. (Before you ask, no. This anon was not me. You can tell by their irresponsible use of the f-bomb.)
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I don’t care who you are or what you believe, but calling Godot a “sour old b*tch” is completely inexcusable. This is peak victim blaming. Do you seriously believe that an innocent man trying to bring a killer to justice deserved it just because you are a woman? Garbage like this is why I hate feminism. If you seriously think buzzwords like “misogyny” are going to save you from being called out on your actions, you are wrong. Seriously, this just supports my hypothesis that victim blamers, misandrists, abuse apologists, kinnies, serial killers, and Godot haters are all birds of a feather. 
Anyway, I’m sure that by the time I’m done typing this post this blog will have published some more pogchamp hot takes or whatever you fake social justice warriors are calling hate crimes these days. I find it quite fitting that I’ll once again be engaged in combat with Dahlia Hawthorne (or rather her pale imitation) after what happened in Trials and Tribulations... I’ve crawled out of the depths of hell to bring you to justice. (By the way, I’m not a kinnie even though I am speaking as Godot. Kinning is just a spiritual substitute for religion.)
See you in court. 
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