#dismantled for parts genuinely makes more sense to me even though i dont think zelda or purah or ANYONE would do that
Personally I think the ending of botw directly contradicts that whole stupid thing of "all the sheikah tech just disappeared in the middle of the night (and no one questioned it)", because even if that DID happen (if it's not in the game it's not canon, to me), what was up with Vah Ruta? Did it just shut down, then frantically start back up when it realized "oh shit, calamity's gone, I have to go fuck off into the sunset"? Like, it had to be operational to move to wherever it moved to, unless someone came along and teleported it all to who knows fucking where (which is like. Extraordinarily unlikely. There's like three people in Hyrule that could do that and none of them have a good reason to)
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