#disney movies are either intricate or oblivious
monotonous-minutia · 5 years
A lot of people are talking about Addison's name in Zombies and how it might mean something about her identity. Here's my take on that.
The zombies all have names that either start with Z (Zed, Zoey) or where Z holds a prominent place (Eliza, Bonzo). The wolves are the same but with W (Wynter, Willa, Wyatt).
So my first thought was, why aren't the humans names based around H? Addison could have been Hannah, or Heather, or some other H name. Same with Bucky and Bree and the 'aceys. But their names all start with a variety of letters.
What this makes me think of is how whiteness and straightness (for example) are the "defaults"--that unless it's otherwise specified, characters/people in general are assumed to be white/straight etc. So there is automatically more variety in what we expect from those demographics while the minority groups tend to be lumped together based on one or two traits.
So basically, zombies and werewolves are given names based around their identity because it's the biggest part of their personalities. But the humans get more varied names because the fact that they're human isn't on the forefront.
Whether the writers did that based on their own unconscious biases, or did it consciously to make that exact point, the world may never know.
Anyway that's my two cents~
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