#disneyhades imagine
writtenfan · 4 years
Cuddling with The King -Hunk of Burning Love <3~
DisneyHades x Reader Imagine
Anon: I need sleepy Hades cuddling plz~
* Sleepy Cuddling Mode Activated * (Hope you enjoy.~)
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He gestures a playful “come to me” motion with a smug grin and head nod, as he glides across the room of the fancy hotel suite, the smoke at his feet tickling the air around him, reaching out for you.
You both had been vacationing in for the last couple of days. You got up from the bed and smiled “I need your warm mortal cuddles babe, pron-tooo” He looked exhausted, a few fangs poked out of his upper lip as he closed his mouth a let out a loud dramatic sigh as he wrapped his arms around you and you tried doing the same but you couldn’t even touch the ends of your fingertips even if you wanted to.
As soon as you touched him, the thick grey smoke dispersed from his lower half and revealed a set of well-sculpted legs beneath. Dang those where some SHARP claves.
“Daddies exhausted, being responsibility free, primed and pampered sure takes it out of me..” he groans as he hunches over so that you can place a hand on the side of his face, you graze a finger across his sharp cheekbones and jawline. The blue flames on his head dance lazily as his eyes close themselves with a closed mouth grin set on his face.
“God your hands, Ooo!~ Just lovely. You need to replace my masseuse because, heh, They did not. Know how to handle me, babe. Almost made me send them to the Styx myself. But your...” without opening his eyes he reached for your free hand and smooshed your fingertip on your index finger as he held it in his hand. “...widdle hands of sweet deathly love...Oh~” he holds your hand against his chest and lowers even more and you guide him to the bed as you both continue to scoot towards the pillows “They just, make me, snap crackle pop~” he chuckles softly as he rolls over and pressed his head into your chest and proceeded to motorboat your (cleavage/chest) for just a second before settling down with a content smile.
His sleepy eyes opening, revealing those black pupils of his.
 “I hope you’re comfy because I’m not leaving this spot. You're stuck now sweet-cakes.” 
He lets out a low animalistic purr and he begins to massage your side with one hand as he completely lays his weight against you. His body was so warm, not uncomfortably so but like a good medium setting heating pad. While his fingers and hands were oddly colder. The faint smell of pomegranate cologne wafted from underneath his loosely fitting black bathrobe and when he spoke you noticed a hint of oranges on his breath...and a shuddering indescribable smell of a feeling. That you could only guess smelled like the feeling of the cold shill that a soul must feel drenched in the waters of the Styx...but mostly oranges. You wore a bathrobe as well, your favorite color. A cute bow tie on the side which Hades had made for you with a boyish joy.
Hades now had parted your bathrobe a bit on the chest making you blush and he laid on the part that had revealed your bare skin and he let out a deep exhale and the fire on his head flickered a bit, sending small sparks on your bathrobe which you had to pat down quickly to prevent them from burning it. You of course had something to prevent his fire from causing damage to you but not the clothing you wore... so, there was a hole burned into it, and the smell was now being whisked away by the ventilation.
Upon relaxing you often found yourself running your hands across his shoulder, focusing on the feeling. The taut skin, the meatiness. The muscle...the rather sharp elbows, how bony they felt as you ran your fingers in soft circles around them. You then slipped your hand under his arm against his side. You noticed how his body slimmed down the lower your hand traveled, his waist not small, but shapely. You played with the side of his firm stomach and he let out a low verbal growl once more. His face reflecting pure bliss. He didn’t even have the energy to talk anymore, this meant he truly was worn out. All he had done was have lava baths and coal massages all day. He thankfully cooled off in the shower just before he hugged you. But he hadn’t done a single ounce of work. You agree that being so soothed sure made you tired as well.  You trailed your hand up to his bony backbone and he shivered a bit, letting out a low slurred, “that’s nice...”.
You then found your own eyes start to close as he rhythmically rubbed his thumb in circles around your belly button.
He sure could snore. You woke up due to the vibrations of his snoring against your stomach. It tickled and traveled down your legs making you squirm a bit.
His fire was much dimmer than it usually was and took the form of a buzz cut look. Only momentarily flickering here and there, larger than that.
You looked at his face and studied his calm and sleeping features. The sharpness, the darkness around his eyes, almost hollow. His…quite luscious lips. Allowing a fang or two to poke out momentarily when he stirred and moved his mouth and of course, his dynamic chin which led him to lay the side his head on your chest instead of the front. His inhuman features where only starting to become normal to you...he was a god. And gods sure could have weird features and proportions.
He often spoke a bit in his sleep, slurred words mostly. But sometimes he could get louder, saying one word and then simmering down. This time the words “my...town” kept popping up and this made you smile in confusion.
He was always a hugger and a holder. Never was there a time where he did not have some part of his body touching you. And he often got very possessive of you in his sleep. He’d pull you in closer to him, waking you up loads of times, then continued to snore softly. He has often sleep groped your rear or continually squeezed softly any fat on your body he could take hold of. He even squeezed the muscle. He just would keep doing it until his motion lulled you back to sleep. Sometimes you found himself holding your hand against your back while sleeping, or firmly against your side. Restricting you a bit. As if he was making sure you wouldn’t try and get up. He’s apologized on numerous accounts, especially when you try and wake him up to let you go so that you can use the bathroom etc.
By the way, he is an extremely grumpy man when he’s woken up. He needs his 8+ hours or he’s going to be boiling from nonexistent underworld sunup to sundown.
He loves it when you both spoon each other. When you're facing each other in bed, your leg on top of him, holding him and pressing yourself against his chest. Oh, whenever he awakes to that...he can’t help but wake you by doing something…“uncalled for”
Just before bed though. He usually was very chatty. You both can talk about stupid things and just goof off together like two friends at a sleepover. You both will gossip, tease. Laugh at the stupidest things and can’t stop. And the more tired he grew the more stupid and silly the conversation turned and the deeper and whisper-like his voice would be until you both cant verbalize words anymore and just make noises at each other as you fell asleep.
“Zzzzzzzz......” x2
He loves cuddling your sensitive areas the most. Ass, neck whatever. That was his go-to spot. Along with the previously mentioned groping. He also just adores pinching your cheeks. Whenever he gets the chance, even if you find it annoying or not he just mocks you and calls you his (queen/king ) of the damned, my whole underworld, kitten/puppy, soul snatcher, the fire to his brimstone, a hunk of burning love...you get the gist.
You remember one time waking up before him and deciding that you wanted his attention right then and there. So, you crawled onto his chest and sat down, legs placed on either side of him. Feeling the lack of a heartbeat under you. As you looked at his sleeping mouth half-open face for a few minutes...smiling while sliding your hands under his nightshirt. He let out a low groan and turned his head from the pillow. Sleepily opening his eyes, looking up at you. Once you two locked eyes he clears his throat and slowly raised his hand to rub the corner of his eye. As his other eye continued to look you up and down with an eyebrow raised, the dark circled beneath his eyes making him look dog-tired. “Well hello there...” his voice was low and raspy and cracked a bit as he slid his hands up your thighs, his clawed fingers sliding against the back of them, as his thumbnails teases your skin as he presses them gently against you, then pulling back playfully.
“n-Ahem. N-Now this is a lovely wake up call. Tell Pain & Panic to cancel the alarm alert cause this- this is what I would like from now on...” his voice ended in a low drawl as he held the back of your rear and squeezed as he pulled you forward to his face, chuckling evilly as he did so, wiggling his eyebrows. Once his face was just in between your legs he gently closed them until they smooshed the sides of his face and he closed his eyes and relaxed in the skin between your legs with a smile.
Not what you thought he was going to do. 
But unexpectedly adorable, nonetheless.
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writtenfan · 4 years
“What would it be like when the “Crimson Tides” come to visit while you're in the Underworld?”
A  funny little short imagine of how DisneyHades would take care of you during a bad menstruation period. (Ha.Ha. Period. That's funny…) DisneyHades x Fem Reader.
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“Aunt Flo’s coming over to visit huh? Well, tell her to leave-Feh! I had the most nauseating chat with Hera after you told me your-“ he points to your stomach and crunches up his face “-little problem, so BAM! (he claps his hands) Baby I got you staaaacked~.” He snaps his fingers and with a burst of smoke and sparks drops two bags in his hands.
“These pad thingies and tam-ponds? Tampods. Whatever-“ He holds them smooshed together in front of him and raises his eyebrow giving you a closed mouth smile as he dropped them down on the bed in front of your feet.
“Take em’. do, whatever it is you gotta do with them and I’ll get Pain and Panic to abide by your every command, happy?” He looks at you with a look of discomfort showing completely that he didn’t know how to act during this situation.  
You feel terrible, your stomachs turning, your cramps are raging and your hormones are going off the charts.
When you tell Hades that you want to go home and you watch as he looks at you pleadingly, clasping his hands together and shaking them as he glides to your side of the bed. He then bends down and places a bony but thick hand ontop of yours rubbing it with his thumb that was cool to the touch as you tightly clutched the pillow under your hand.
“Angel, Baby. you don’t have to leave! Stay here with me! Your darling-“ He scoots in closer and deepens his voice.  “-handsome and sharp, soon-to-be-husband Hades...”
“...Ding-ding-ding heheh...~” he moves his head to one side then the other as if he was playing the part of two people talking to one another.
 “Did I hear husband?”
 “Oh yes, you sure did girl, to the dashing god right in front of her!” 
 “Oh, of course, I’ll marry you Hades!”  he cries out dramatically as he smooshes your lips up and down as if you were talking, he ends his little play by finger gunning the air as little sparks erupt from his fingers.  “Pew-Pew Badabing. We’re hitched. That easy.” he gives you a sly wink and a nervous chuckle.
You don't feel like playing around. You feel terrible. But you loved him for it.
He looks at your eyes and instantly his confident look quivers and his eyes plead even further with such desperation and he added a quivering lip to seal the deal. Damn it.
“Ok. not into the idea right now. Got it. Ill stick a pin in it. Cool look-” he gestures as if he sticking a pin into an invisible corkboard. “-Ping!, there it goes.”
You tell him that he better cut it out and help you chill out if you're going to stay. 
“Of courrrrse... whenever. You need me. Got it. My top priority souls? Nada. Its you now baby.~” 
He lays his cheek against your hand and you take your other and rub your fingers across the side of his face which grew warmer by the second. His dark greyish blue skin so smooth against your fingertips. His cheekbones are so bony and sharp as you slid your forefinger down them.
His flames flickered away from your body, and the sheets of the bed waa made to withstand his heat so it to was safe from his lax blue flames, but the heat that surrounded his head warmed your body and you felt more inclined to get your stomach closer.
Hades just loves being your little heating pad or your cooling pad, whatever you needed most, he could do both. His eyes are usually closed with a happy smile on his face his fangs poking out from under his upper lip as you stroke his head and occasionally run your fingers through the flames, since when he super calm they wouldn’t burn you. This often turns into him giving you instructions on how to rub his head, like the big ol’ dog that he is.
“A little to the left...OO…oooooooo…….” He bites on his tongue. “There we go, ah now little behind the ear. Ah -your so sweet to me my little (Brown/White/Carmel etc.) Sugar, Ooo, let me just eat you up!” He bites down and clicks his teeth together followed by a deep chest chuckle as you continue to rub the spot that was practically making his leg kick.
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When he couldn’t be “all up by your side” fulfilling your every whim as he promised. He made Pain and Panic take the role of your “complete slaves” (although you refused to ride them as rough as he).
“Choke them. Squeeze them. Whatever you want. Get that pent up anger ouuuuut. Just, get it all out on them mm‘kay? Because I can’t handle you yelling at me as much as you did when I ate your ice cream. I mean-”
 He gave you wide fake teary eyes and clemched his chest with on hand. 
“-that just broke my nonexistent, cold heart.”
Pain and Panic were the perfect caretakers.
“Sweet Beverage Ma-damned?” 
“W-we-we could carry you to the lounge chair we set out overlooking the S-s-s-Styx ! My mistress!”
“Do you want me to rub your feet? Your hands? Your back? Your eyes?! ”
“IDIOT Hades specifically said no higher than the feet!!”
“Don't call me idiot you suck-er-uper. Cool it with the palm leaf fanning!”
Occasionally you caved to their pleads to rub your shoulders or your back and they often did so with an extravagant flair that it made you laugh. Their humor was something special and you’ve developed a positive relationship with the two and they would often baby you in return.
 One time when Hades returned home, Panic stood outside the door and refused to let Hades inside the bedroom. “She’s sleeping and so I-I CAN’T let you disrupt her! We just got her to bed after her tummy-wummy kept hurting” 
An eye squint and a shrill shout later (waking you up) you lazily look at the door and see the blue fire light walk into the room and close the door behind him. The room was in complete darkness so the only thing you saw was his bright flames and a hint of glowing yellow near his eyes.
He then without a word lets out a low long sigh and slides in front of you. (He often liked being the little spoon). You, in return, gladly embrace him and tug him closer, covering him with covers and wrapping a leg around his now materialized leg, using it to somehow elevate the pain you felt going on everywhere.
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Cerberus was a wonderful furry pain reliever. You often snuck over to his little area of the underworld. Having to take the boat to get there any time soon, which you absolutely hated to do.
The boatman (skeleton) often refused to speak with you, but he would listen to any command you asked and waived the fee of passage. Especially after Hades bonked his head into the Styx after hearing how he refused to let you into the Underworld one day without some kind of payment.
“ The chutzpah of that guy yeesh!”
Cerberus, at first, gave out a sharp warning bark and growl before he picked up your scent. From then on he went on full puppy mode- besides his huge grown puppy body.
His tail would wag and thump against the walls and ground and the huge statue of Hades behind him. Causing rocks to shake and fall.  You often greeted him with your arms outstretched shouting “PUPPY! PUPPY!!” and he would dip down his head and try his very best not to lick your face which you had began training him not to do. Instead, he would plop down and rest his heads down on the floor towards you and you would pet and kiss all his heads over and over again. After you both were worn out you would curl up between two of his heads and continue to massage between his eyes and you both often fell asleep in that position.
“Tisk, tisk! Lamb Chop, we tawlked about this. This guy’s on the clock!” he points to Ceberus with his thumb. “Plus, he leaves ya smelling like Hell-Dog, yuck… covering up that sweet scent of yours…I don’t know why you give that thing all that love when you could be giving it to me! I mean, come on, I can be your puppy, look.” He makes a little but deep arf sound and pants like a dog. You shove his shoulder trying to get him to stop and he smiles wider before rolling his eyes. “Not convinced? Got cha’ Let's give this a try.”  He gets on his knees and continued panting with his tongue out, nudging your stomach with his nose and whimpering, “Aww that’s a good boyyyy! Yes you are! Oh- Oh! A little heavy with the nudging are we?!” you say encouraging him while absolutely wheezing and planting a few kisses on his head.
Hades then turned to the whining Ceberus and sneered “Get that punk?  I’m the top dog.”  Before standing up and brushing off his shoulders.
Pain and Panic also happened to follow behind him and see all this. 
“Oh, yes. What a good Master he is- hehehe-“ 
“Quiet Pain he’ll-“ 
They muffled their chuckling faces as Hades shot his head to their position behind the brimstone wall. You covered your ears as Hades’s shout echoes through the Underworld followed by a burst of red and orange flames and they fled into the Underworld sky as Hades followed using them as target practice as they tried zipping away. You casually made your way back to Cerberus who then broke his rule and licked you. Oh Hell.
Hades had personally pleaded to all the goddesses having to do anything with menstruation or femininity after seeing you in so much pain you started tearing up. He attempted at making deals and signing dotted lines but all of them refused to tamper with the natural order of things. He almost would have sealed two if you hadn’t intervened without his knowledge, knowing something would backfire.
“Natural, why does it have to be natural if they invented it? Besides, they can do me a solid. I’m just asking for my darling dearest's pain to flee. I don’t care about all the icky whiny gals woes in their little, beds. I know they don’t like me, but they care about you enough eh? Is that too much to consider?
“It's alright Hades…”
“No. It isn’t! PAIN, PANIC. STEAL one of those snakes from Asclepius’s Temple. You know, Apollo’s boy. I hear they hold some sort of healing property. Bring ‘em to me.”
“Doooont worry sweet cheeks~” he pinches your cheeks. “The bark is worse than its bite.” he makes a biting gesture with his hands.
“That's not it Hades. No stealing from other gods. It just makes them hate you more.”
“Hate ME? Oh (y/n) do you really think that’s what they think of me??, I mean I should have known after Morpheus stopped inviting me to his little slumber parties, I mean he - heh -, had the best knock-you-out foods you know? And If he didn’t want me spilling that wine all over his pwecious wittle blanwket he should have left the damn thing away from the entree table, I mean sheesh talk about bad placement of furniture-”
He continued ranting and talking as his goons snuck out to get the snake. Which absolutely wasn’t a fun experience. But you didn’t have to test out the healing because his goons were caught by one of Philoctete's newest apprentice.
One night snuggled into his chest, his arm around you, him falling asleep.
“I feel like I’m dying…” You moan as you bury your face into his night clothes.
“Heh- I can tell you for a fact babe. You aren’t. “
“I’ll check up with the fates again, but they tell me you’ve got a long and possibly infinite life-line. It all (YAWN) depends on that whole... you know. God powerrr....acctivating...blah blah blah, sleep.”
Hades uses his minions to maximize your comfort. Always.
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He was wearing them out completely. You tried to argue but he just wouldn’t allow it.
“Shhhh….” He places a finger on your lips and holds it there.
“Daddies got this.” Oh, Gods, he was something.
He would often hand feed any food to you. As in chocolate, 
“Choo-choo, right on in…there we go.” You bite it from his hand and chew, it was a small piece but it felt good going down. “Ah-ah-ah!” He holds out the tips of his fingers, covered in chocolate. He raised an eyebrow with a mischievous smile. You smiled and leaned in, taking his wrist. He eyes you with fiery warm eyes and you don’t break eye contact as you place your lips on his fingertips and gently dragged your tongue across the chocolate pulling back with a cheeky smile. He was completely melted and raised those same fingers to his own lips biting them gently.
“Waste not want not” he sang softly and you kept having to push him off you as he tried getting even closer to you. If you know what i mean.
And let's just say when you become overly “fired up” due to these annoying hormones you are both disgusted and thrilled by how enthusiastic he is about…”doing it” despite what’s going on with your body down there. Your scared of what might happen. Especially when he said “Blood offerings are the best offerings anyway, Blood and getting it on?! Ha! Even better.” Still, You haven’t caved in yet. But he keeps trying...
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writtenfan · 4 years
Aiding a Damsal in Distress
DisneyHades x Reader
A little imagine where Hades tries to help you de-stress in the best way he can... by talking your ear off.
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“Alright babe, I’m going ta need you to relaaaax….”
His voice pacifies you as it drawls on the a’s and his smoke flickers around at your feet.
He daintily rubs his thumb against your chin and smoothly glides to your side and massages your shoulders but he suddenly pushes you down and you fall hard into a plush black armchair which spins around and starts gliding backward as he follows.
“Take a load off, catch that breath, and bimbo-fy your mind. I mean, no need being your own worst enemy because come on, little cream puff like you. Too sweet for such worrisome thoughts y’ know?”
He looks at you with a smirk. “Bottom line, stop being all-” he dances his fingers around near his head and scrunches his face.
“-up here and bring it dowwwwn…” he presses down on an invisible force 
“…heh, underworld style, get me?”
Your armchair floats and plops itself near a fireplace ablaze with calming blue flames, wonder who lit it?
He flicks his finger and your pushed back and the chair provides your feet with some comfort as you lay with newly reclined flair.
“Badabing! There we go, how you like it?” he stretches his arms in the air and does a fake yawn before laying down in midair on his side, his hand propping his head up and he glides back to your side, the blue light illuminating his wide fanged smile. 
“Being on two feet, gah-“ he rolls his eyes “-overrated, don’t know why they didn’t ditch that years ago, I mean it takes more than mark 1 to make the perfect machine right? I think it’s time to alter the blueprints of human anatomy a bit. Because ah no offense babe, but if I had the reigns humans would look way- way different.”
 He eyes you up and down with a devilish grin taking in your cute expressions, (even the angry-looking ones were cute to him) “Cut a few unneeded appendages.” he makes scissor gestures across your body. Swipe a few organs, rearrange a few pieces and BAM hombre 2.0”
“Heh- except for you mi amor...You have the perfect look going on.” He flutters his eyes and makes his voice sound sweet and sing-songy and you smirk at him and that makes him even worse. 
“Wouldn’t want to mess with perfection, you’re the only sweet seed of the fruit, sugar. The fairest of them all, my prized talisman…my little fairy…my spinning wheel my-ha, I see that look on your face…fine fine…” a few silent moments pass and he cant help but break it. “-and by the way back to the whole human cutting up bit.”
“I’d really just do all that for fun.” He laughs viciously and looks into the fire “I wouldn’t even do it on Olympus either, just grab a few unexpecting subjects and-” He looks at your cringing face and shrugs with a smug smile 
“ -Hey, I call it art. I mean have you seen the masterpieces Medusa has made?” We really need to go to one of her art installations, she just. “Muah” decorates a room! I've gotta buy a few of her pieces but whoah those drachma prices are higher than Aquarius! I’ll even tolerate the artsy-fartsy Bansky types if I get to go to one of those little art openings with you, I know how much you hate when I break up a shindig.” He chuckles nervously as he looks into your eyes for approval. “But Im breaking it you now, if they bring in a comb and stick it on a table and call it something like “The discovery of manmade urges” I’m going to toss a few heads”
“Am I helping you calm down? Well, ahem, let me still try a different approach.”
He hovers over your armrest his face next to yours and he begins to rub his clawed hand in your hair and against you forehead, humming surprisingly sweetly in the back of his throat.
His fingers massaged your scalp, just hard enough to feel good. He even trailed the tips of his fingers ever so light against you face, he was so skilled in keeping a constant sense of ease that his touch almost made your eyes roll to the back of your head in bliss.
“Damn you’re beautiful, you know that?”
His fingers massage in tiny circles on the top of your head.
“I’m lucky to have a gal like you in my life. You’re truly something…” 
His voice is so smooth and soft, your melting.
“…I know I’m not the guy to get all, down to heart feely-feely and all, but I really can’t help but turn all mushy soft mode on ya. Ha! I just can’t seem to explain how much you mean to me…It makes me sick.” 
He fake retches and laughs nervously as he leans in and presses his cold lips against your forehead, leaving them there as he continues to rub your head. He gently moves away and gives you a closed-mouth smile. His eyes filled with genuine adoration.
“Just keep on breathing for me sweetheart, long deep breathes, that’s right. Let’s just sit and relax awhile…”
“…I ain’t going nowhere.”
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writtenfan · 4 years
Welcome to the Party! (Part 2)
 DisneyHades x Reader Imagine
Warning: Some small cusses, some force-fullness don’t worry. He can be respectful enough...
Continuing off Part 1!  (wowza now...its time for some shut eye..ha!)
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You sigh and lean into the comfort of the red armchair while massaging your head. Aphrodite’s golden hair illuminating this dull backstage prep room.With the entertainment pushed out of it, it’s much more personal and quieter.
A room you rather not be in after Aphrodite asked about what you were feeling for a particular god of death that has your mind bouncing off the walls. Aphrodite is studying you as you do this, and you try not to notice but it’s making this whole, “what is going on with me”, process a little bit harder to handle. 
Having the actual Goddess of love hinting to your blooming crush on a god that doesn’t have quite the positive record, let’s just say, no letters of recommendation are being written for him anytime soon, made you melt. After a few minutes of this quiet brooding and her silent but loud observation she  leans forward and gently brushes you hand away from your forehead and runs her thumb over the spot with a smile, before taking both her hands and placing them on the sides of your cheeks using her thumbs to massage the corner of your eyes. 
 “Come on, stand up with me.” You stand slowly and play with your hair a bit, trying to hide your noticeable blushing.
“You do. It’s obvious.”
Your face grows warm, and it’s not just her words. Woah, her whole aura had this soothing jittery feeling about it. You absolutely see why she is the goddess of love. Because you were loving how soft her hands fel- 
“Hey” she snaps, “stay with me, head above the waves little pearl” she says with a snicker.  Aphrodite locks eyes with you and you nod sheepishly, and her eyes light up.
“Yes…yes you do!”
She bops your nose with the tip of her finger and takes her hands away begins to pace around in front of you hand covering her mouth, her eyes furrowed in thought.
“You see. The thing is I don’t understand it!” She stops pacing the sudden stop of clicking from her golden heels drew your attention back to her eyes as she faced you. Her golden hair swinging lazily at her feet, pink and gold illuminating brightly from around her.
“I mean yeah, I often saw you two, talking. At the reunions and the parties.” She taps her foot and looks into your eyes. “I mean, back then yeah. I sensed something but, it was so” she pinches her fingers together “teensy weensy I thought it was just basic appreciation but now. Woah, you’re coming off loud and clear sister.”
“Yeah it seems I have developed a crush.” You say as you pull at the sides of your dress in tenseness.
She takes in a sharp breath, “For Hades. The Lord of the Underworld I will add.”
 “I mean. I don’t want to say this honey, but ha… what am I saying? I actually do!” She presses her hands together and shakes them for emphasis.
“HADES. ISN’T. A. GOOD. GUY!” she plots her hands on her waist. 
 “He prays on the weak and disadvantage. He literally captured all the gods using Titans. TITANS and then proclaimed himself king of Mount Olympus before getting his ass handed to him by Hercules!” she looks down at you with astonished eyes. “Its surprising to me we even allowed him to stay here once we realized he snuck into the party! I mean, Zeus was just about ready to ask him to step out when -” She eyes you up and down with an upset look on her face but it softened as she looked at you longer. 
“He saw you and him enjoying each other’s company and that, that surprised him” I mean, he already punished Hades…the whole, trapped in the Styx and then the confinement  for a few hundred years in that pocket dimension. It made him rethink is action to intervene but your father woah!”
“Yes, he. He actually told me all about the, imprisonment.” you softly say as you begin to remember the time you spent together a few weeks ago.
“Oh really, and how did that go?”
A few weeks ago…
You set your offering bowl onto the barren ground just as the torn books from the library had told you and you hold out your hands. “Hades, Lord of the Dead. I call upon you…” you open your eyes and wait for a few moments, looking around you waiting for a poof, a flame something. As you stood upon the top this hill, without a sound but the wind and a few birds. You lower you hands and frown at the offering and  intricate sigil you had drawn on the ground with silver ash. “Come on, its me. (y/n).”
The ground rumbles beneath you and you step back from the offering.  But the shaking grew worse and you found yourself on your ass with dust tossing up in your face. You cover your eyes and start spitting out the dust that flew into your mouth and wave around your hands trying to see again. “HELLooo MOrtal…yOu CaAAlled?” echoed a sing-songed disembodied voice.
“Oh GODS whats with ground breaking introduction?!” you burst with a laugh. After the dust settles your greeted with the curling smoke and black robe right of in front of you. You watch as one of the smoke wisps reach out towards you and curls itself beneath your chin, surprisingly angling your head up to the broad bodied, sharp cheek boned, extra chinned, smug looking face of Hades himself. 
“Went a little overboard on the entrance huh?” he chuckled as he leaned over and hovered an outstretched hand in front of you. “Need a lift?” You look down at his sharpened fingers and then back up at his pleased face. “Yeah to both questions.” You answer as you place your hand in his, automatically feeling a wave of cold wash through you. “Up and at ‘em” with one tug you lift to your feet, the movement made you stagger once you stood up and he placed an unexpected arm under yours holding you up.
 “Aay, looks like you just left Happy Hour at Dion-and Wine!” he laughs at his own joke as you get over the wooziness that suddenly washed over you.  “Staggering, falling over, does little (y/n) need a designated driver back home to her little pond?”
  You give him an ugly look and move away his hands that had settled themselves onto you for quite long enough “I don’t live in a pond.” Hades shrugs and dusts off his hands.
 “Stream, Lake, Sea. Whatever literally floats your boat alright? You still live with your pops, right? I mean in this economy it’s understandable…” You brush yourself off and watch as Hades glides, arms behind his back, past you to look at the valley below.
 “Every so often, I make visits…” your voice trails off as he glances back to you with a sharp toothed grin.
 “Nice set up may I add, a bit eh, extra. But I love the whole, sigil fruit basic scenario…old school I like it.” He looks back towards the valley stretching out his arms with a loud exhale verbal exhale. “Ahh, change in elevation. Makes me feel weird, especially after being down under, for so long.” He rolls his shoulders and cracks a few knuckles with a shocking pop and turns around sliding back in front of you, towering over you with a smile and the weak smell of death that hung in the air when the winds didn’t blow as hard. He made you both intimidated but eased. It was terribly frustrating. “So, let’s get down to business huh? Or did your pretty little face just wanna chat with little ol’ me?” he takes his finger and brushes it against your cheek but you don’t move away and his touch lingers there for a second longer then slides down and away from you, his grin growing wider and his eyebrows more furrowed and you noticed a few drops of sweat trailing down the side of his face.
“Yeah. I’m ready to talk.” He claps at your response.
“Alriiiight, good. So, what’s on your mind Bambi, what kinda thing did you want my assistance with?” He stretches out his fingers and moves them in the air as if he was about to cast a few spells. “I mean, it’s been a bit. But I feel like I still got it.” He chuckles as he makes a cloud of smoke manifest from his hands. “That wasn’t supposed to happen.” He gives you a sheepish grin holding up a finger “W-wait just a moment” he scowls as he shakes his hands, the sound of a match hitting a tinderbox complements it and a sudden burst of flames causes you to move back as you shielded your eyes. “WOAH, THERE WE GO!” the flames die down and he gives you a wink as he blows out a flicker on his fingertip.
Your raise an eyebrow and place your hands on your hips. “I’m not here to make a deal Hades I just- wait what do you mean by that? Weren’t you released from the Underworld like 6 months ago? Haven’t you been in action for a while even before your release and doesn’t a few years seem like seconds in a gods eyes?” his grin slowly turns into a grimace as his focus turns to the ground at your feet.
“Haha- yeah…NOT like 6 months ago babe.” You watch him close his eyes as his blue flames start flickering widely on his head turning redder by the second and traveling down his neck as if someone poured oil on the back of his head. But he stopped that, and he shook himself off letting out a “Yeash” and popping his collar while returning your eye contact with a strained smile, the vein on his neck straining. “See. That isn’t even half of it I did more time than you may think sweetie. Yeah- I’ve had my few months out, but that doesn’t compare to the- “FeW YeARS” (he mocks) - I spent. IN.” He leans forward with the last word and gestures his hands hard in the air, his flames flaring up before simmering down.
“I don’t understand-“
He hold up a hand and rolls his eyes “-Let me just, clue you in, for a moment.” He snaps and two dark blue rattan armchairs appear behind you both. “Take a seat.” He gives you a closed mouth smile and you lower yourself in your chair as he does the same. “Drink, something to nosh?” a martini glass and an… eyeball… on a toothpick appear in his hands.
“No thanks.” You shudder as you watched him pop the eyeball in his mouth.
“More for me, anyways-“  he smiles and waves his now free hand in the air.
“Yes. Let me start from the beginning, you know what happened right?”
You lean on the arm of the chair and sigh. “Yes, you decided hey fuck the underworld why not take over Olympus, and imprison all who oppose me, killing millions by letting the Titans wreak havoc across the earth!”
He chokes on the sip from his drink and coughs a bit while laughing and you look at him puzzled as he slaps his knee with a grin “HA! Wow, such snarkiness love the vivid yet right to the point explanation. But see, I would change a few words like “imprison” to more like, “confine” sounds a lot nicer. A forced vacation even.” He nods and you glare at his calm expression.
“Yeah right” you mutter.
“Glad you agree!” He muffles as he drinks the last drop from his glass. He looks into his glass as if expecting something else and then poofs it away, focusing his blackened eyes right back on you. “But you don’t see the big picture. I bet your daddy dearest gave you the rendition one night as a spooky bedtime story. Ooooh, big bad Hades…”
“But you see, all of them up their own their little cloud, have always thought I was bad news. Labeled me, based on my looks alone!” He gestures to the sky and scrunches up his face. “Even earlier than the moment I was first assigned this position in the Underworld, unwillingly I may add, I’ve been treated with little to no respect.” His fire started to grow, and you clutched the arm of your chair.
“Treated me just as Zeus’s baby brother, who was always the top-dog, saving the universe, being the golden god and the twinkle in all humanities eyes. But no one even talks or acknowledges my part in the whole striking down daddy part of history or the hard work I do everyday JUST TO PREVENT THE EARTH. From being infested by the residents of the afterlife, no sirree!” he grumbles. The smoke at his feet curling up eerily around his chair.
“Ive been handed a job, no one wanted to handle and practically confined to it like a jail cell, which ha catch this, actually turn out to be one for me. FOR MORE THAN A FEW YEARS SWEETHEART!” His voice was sharp and full of bubbling anger and his hands did the same as yours except it was now smothered in smoke.
“After I finally was pulled out of the Styx by none other than Zeus, talk about that encounter, after they let me stew in that soul pit for a good while. I was exiled to this special little jail dimension just for Hades! And left there, to sit for at least, I don’t know… 2,000 -6,000 years?!!”
You sit up in your seat, “Wait what? That makes no sense, you were down for less than that.”
“Yeah, that’s only because they knew that without me, literally all hell would break loose, so they trapped me in some kind of alternate time zone that felt like a perpetual 3:00am at a mall parking lot. Just so I wouldn’t be out of the job for too long. How very kind of them.” He snarls his eye contact not breaking away from yours, his stare was increasingly becoming harder to bare. “But I had absolutely NOTHING to do expect boil and ruminate new ways of getting my well-deserved payback yet after a while even that grew stale. I grew more and more distant from this reality. They say time flies when you’re a god? Well even THAT was even too long for me. So I just slept. Yes. Slept. Until they popped the lock and sprung me out with their sullen faces and worthless words of forgiveness and broken promises of respect.” He hissed through his teeth. His flames now danced around his elbows and he leaned back in his chair and rubbed his eyes, while a wisp of smoke started traveling to you. You scoot back a bit, but the smoke follows and followed by another they wrap themselves around the legs of your chair and begin slowly scooting you close to him. Your heartbeat was racing, fight or flight instincts kicking in. The mood going on here felt like it was about to take a sour turn.
“So, YEAH. I wanted a heap load of revenge, so?” he continued rubbing his eyes and he rested on the armchair.  “I deserve MORE, I deserve RESPECT, I deserve HAPPINESS! They had it coming to them. Let me be the villain alright, but again, they deserved it and still do.”
The air was now humid. You felt both concerned for him and astonished by his words. But then his tone took a sudden shift.
“But ever since I met you my little lady…” his voice grew huskier and he peaked through his fingers at you with a mischievous smile. His breathing heavy and loud as his chest moved up and down. You pulled your feet up on the chair as you were pulled closer to him. The dragging of the earth beneath the legs of the chair bumping you here and there.
“I’ve found some…pleasure amidst all that unpleasantness…” Your chair pulled right up in front of him, within arms distance and a steam of smoke rose from his lips as he breathed out.
“Now, I thought I was just going to, go on with my plan…” His smoke rises up your chair and playfully dances around your body, wrapping around you, poking your sides.
 “H-Hey, woah there…” you stutter in a tense chuckle  but he gives this no attention. 
“Starting with you , which was to slowly slaughter all the little demi-mortal children of those complete idiots, just slow enough for none of the suspicion to be aimed towards me, just happy little accidents.” He scrunches his nose with a smile while one of his smoke tendrils brush against your face and hook your chin pulling you forward.
You pull back and it dissipates, and he grunts. “Holding a few for security.” He sings and you feel even more nervous and you stand up and try backing away but his smoke tangles you up and pulls you off your feet and…onto his…lap. Your face grows frightenly warm, and it wasn’t coming from him!
Your feet dangle over the armchair and his finger begin to walk their way down your leg on top of your dress. His other hand securing you down in place by the waist. “That was going to be my start, but-” He watches eagerly as he reaches the end of your dress near the bare calf of your leg and his grip tightens on your waist.
“-I thought one night, you know the third time we met, that…I should just, chill out for a bit…enjoy the-” His eyes trail back to your eyes and he bites his lip, sharp fangs poking through, his eyebrows raised and relaxed. “-sweet things. And oh, I was blessed with the sweetest most fascinating thing right before me baby cakes.” You place your hands on his chest and push off him, and right onto your feet. “I didn’t come for this Hades.” you scowl, and he smirks as he rises from his chair, following every step back you made. But your blushing. Why were you blushing. Why had you felt sorry for him? Why did you feel sorry but still angry at him?!
“Come on, you should be glad! You changed something in me, redirected my whole plan and don’t think I can’t see it in your eyes~” he sings as he holds out and hand, but you refuse and continue backing up “You see nothing.” You jeer and he only swoons and holds out his arms to you theatrically. “Come to the Underworld with me doll, we meet only briefly, but every time its like paradise!” You stop only for a second and he pulls you into him by the lower back, he looks down at you with such lust you could barely stand it. “I don’t. I cant-”
“Then why beseech me In the first place?” his voice grew cold and the air around you grew thick.
“I wanted to tell you..” his eyes squint as he awaits your words “That despite whatever we may have shared previous to today. That I wasn’t interested in any type of “adventure” with you, despite how much you’ve asked me!”
His face scowls for only a second but then bounces back to a small grin and he lets you go.
“Fine. Understood. Then I have no business here then hmm?” He walks past you towards the offerings you left to summon him. “Pomegranate? Ah, so cliché…but appreciate the offer.”
“Wait, your…you’re not going to do anything to me? Especially after spilling all your plans?” you say this and then automatically feel regretful.
He stops and turns his head to you still smiling, rather eerily. “No. Matter of fact. Because first of all. Not my plans anymore and second.” He turns around, his hands behind his back, “I trust you won’t go telling everyone.” Your breathing slows “I have a feeling, that…you wouldn’t want me getting into any trouble with the other gods, especially your father…” he chuckles as he runs a hand through his blue flames. “I have a feeling that, you’ve started to acknowledge the feeling of that figurative heart-shaped arrow in your spine sweetheart.”  
He breathes in deeply and closes his eyes before opening them lazily “and I’m willing to wait even longer until you admit itm and when that time comes. Then you will come with me and we will…explore something beautiful…” his voice is so deep and seductive and you feel angry at yourself for thinking so, “ See ya later toots.” The blank smoke surrounded him and he was gone.
(back to the present)
“It was a lot to handle all at once”.
You say softly to Aphrodite with a weak smile. “But I kept on seeing him after that and tonight, I’ve found that I really can’t deny these feelings any longer.”
You let out an angry exhale and look at the ceiling.
“I know that he isn’t…the best…I just can’t ignore him for some reason, he keeps pulling me in!” you say, smiling nervously as you did.
“Aww dear…I understand. Mortals and Gods alike all tend to fall for the “bad boys” she air quotes.  “But this isn’t no boy.” She snaps her finger.  “He’s not just bad. He’s lousy, abominable, beastly!” She points to you with a smirk “and not in that way sister, I sensed that little emotion of yours…” You blush and look at the door for a moment, hearing occasional shouts and something crashing. She clicks her tongue, “Honey eyes back here. Forget whatever’s going on out there…” She saunters up to you gesturing to one chair and it moves behind her and she sits down so that she can easily talk to you.  Listen to me.” She leans over and holds your hands in hers. “I’m just…”  she lets out a deep breath before gazing into your eyes in silence for a few moments. “Tell me…why you like him.”
You looked into the mirror across from you, studying your own reflection.
“I know, he isn’t a hundred percent a good guy, I’ve heard.” You look her in the eyes with a playful grin.  “Especially from Hercules and practically every other god I’ve ever came across.” You close your eyes and mock a swoon, and this makes Aphrodite roll her eyes in a quivering grin.
“But I can’t stop these feelings! Its maddening! Whenever we talk, I find myself blushing inside. It’s annoying, there’s obviously some part of him I like!” “I- I know he isn’t an image of an angelic being, but I don’t feel as if he’s all bad either, I feel that he’s misunderstood and could change in some way, and that doesn’t make up for his bad actions.” You look back into Aphrodite’s eyes in a pleading way. “But when we talk...I find myself noticing parts of him that are…attractive.”
“Like what sweetheart? I need to know, what.” She says with sass in her voice.
You lean your head back and laugh restlessly looking up at the ceiling.
“Like yes, by the Gods, he’s narcissistic and just woah, so much to handle. I mean, he isn’t the god of death thanks to his love of mortal life…but there are times when he’s bearable! He does things that don’t have some kind of ulterior motive! Just pure raw self. I see that he isn’t completely what this world has labeled him to be.” You look back at Aphrodite and she looks at you with an eyebrow raised.
“Yes. He’s constantly suggesting I let him carry me off into the Underworld to what I presume to be his bedroom-” Aphrodite’s gaze grew fiery and she glinted at the door biting her lip angrily before shaking her head calming herself down.
“-but Gods he is just so charismatic and hilarious! and not 100% vile. I feel that there is a part of him that keeps escaping that’s likable and caring, I can’t stop myself from thinking about him.”
She lets out a soft sigh and leans back in her chair.
“Ok. I see there is no convincing you and I understand the whole charismatic thing. However, that’s his talent. You don’t know half of the trouble he caused with that sharp tongue and quick wit young lady. You need to be careful; I don’t want him to be using you for something, playing around with your little heart.” You felt her hands squeeze your hands before they let go and you open your eyes to look at her.  
“He’s not a project you should be trying to fix, so let’s make that clear first of all.” She lets out a soft sigh “But I don’t think I can stop you from pursuing what I’m picking up on. So, just be careful and if he does anything to hurt you emotionally or physically. Let me know and I’ll come down and kick his ass with Artemis.” She stands and pulls you up with her.  
“Let’s go back to the Masculine Murder Show and stop your daddy and your dark knight from shredding apart this party.”
You both head to the door when she stops abruptly and turns to you.
“Just before we go, what exactly do you like about Hades…physically. If you don’t mind me asking.” You stare at the door with wide eyes refusing to look at her while laughing timidly.
“Um. I- uh…I…a few things…”
“Ok. Never mind, I’m picking up on something, you don’t have to say it. I’m just- woah, Still absolutely concerned with your wellbeing but kust don’t be afraid to say no, yada-yada, let’s hit it.” she clasps the doorknob, and you both head out the door.
The party surprisingly has calmed down. You spot Artemis near the stage and you walk up to her Aphrodite at your side. “Where is my father?” you say with a nervous titter in your voice.
She snickers and points to the open patio near the doorway. The squirrels supported up on her shoulders running back and forth across her arm and snuggling themselves around her neck. “Be careful doll, they had a mighty loud tussle and just moved it outside, not sure what to expect for a little mortal girl like youse.”
“Thanks Artemis” Aphrodite says before she guides you towards the patio decorated with purple silk flowing in the wind. You hear the noises of Zeus loud voice accompanied by Poseidon bellowing and Hades’s shout.  
You walk out onto the balcony and see the three brothers. You watch the figure of Hades as his black robe tosses in the winds that were now steadily increasing the more Zeus had a chance to shout. Your father had Hades pressed against the balcony railing, pointing his Trident on his neck. As Hades grabbed the Trident and was forcing it away from him in a flaming fury.
You clear throat and they all become silent; Aphrodite is no longer by your side but awaits just pass the balcony door nodding at you before walking away in order to give you privacy. Your father releases Hades and bounced towards you with a wide smile tossing his arm around you holding you so close to him you can hear his heavy breathing.
“Sweetheart I think it's about time we should go.”
You gently pry your father's grip that smelled of sea water and walk between the three gods. Hades eyes you with an inquisitively silent interest. You lock eyes with him, and his eyes don't break away from yours instead he grins and waves a few fingers at you in a titillating way and shrugs mouthing “what?” to Zeus when he stares him down. Who then stops glaring at Hades and comes up to you with an uneasy grin.
“Now come on inside, you two don't have to leave. I'll keep our younger brother in check he won't pester young (y/n) anymore Poseidon, will you Hades?”
“Again. Not pestering~.” Hades moves closer to you but stops abruptly and sucks air through his teeth as he changes his direction towards your father.
“Anyway, like I keep saying if you guys can actually get off your high seahorses and listen to me.” He looks around the room, noticing its completely silent he nods his head with a wide sharp tooth grin “Good thank you. Appreciate it.” His fingers press together occasionally lifting and pressing back together in a rhythmic way.
“I think, I had enough of this party anyway so I’m gonna to head out…no need to dip and dive the little princess back home...to her little pond” you flinch as he starts heading towards the balcony entrance.
“I think that would be wise Hades.” Zeus mumbles as he and Poseidon watch him head towards the entrance. You turn to the doorway and watch as he pauses just before entering the room to turn his head to you with a sly smile on his face raising a hand to his chin in a mock of a phone.
“Call me babe if you ever feel like talking. I’ll make room for you.” Poseidon’s face grows furrowed and he aims his triton towards Hades but before it could zap him, Hades left the place he stood In magnificent blue flames, disappearing completely,  leaving scorched marks on the stone floor and lighting one of the silk drapes on fire that was quickly extinguished by your father.
Yet the party still continued as planned, your father was instantly more protective of you and refused you to leave his side except when he and Zeus asked you to depart as they talked on the balcony for a few minutes, joined by Aphrodite. During this time, you went back inside, shrinking at the stares intended for you before surprised by a worried Hercules who was asking about the situation.
You explained to him Hades started chatting you up and your father didn’t agree so it resulted with a fight that caused Hades to leave. Hercules scowled back and looked out towards the balcony, “Good riddance, he shouldn’t have even showed  his face after what he did to me and the Gods involving the Titans”.
You hear your fathers voice call to you almost telepathically and you finish up your conversation with Hercules and make your way outside on the balcony. Zeus has a soft smile on his face and Aphrodite looks exhausted. Your father steps forward and looks at you with loving glistening blue eyes and gills that shined in the moonlight.
“I think it’s time for us to go dear. I should send you back home to your mortal parent(s) before it gets too late.”
And so, your taken back home to a nice house in a small little town with a stream running behind it. Along with the thick forest just outside your backyard. Littered with steep hills.
You sat watching the river peak past the trees of the forest edge. You stand up from ground and head towards this familiar stream, the first form of communication you ever had with your father, and before that, a calming river that you loved to play near and in. You walk barefoot in the warm tickling grass, your swaying silk pants imported from Agrabah, flittering in the wind.
The closer you get to the water, the louder the sound of it running down the small steep is. Your feet occasionally touch dusty dirt that covers the bottom of your toes. Near the river is some muddy soft ground and when you reach this dirt you stand overlooking the dark blue waters only illuminated by moonlight. You find a large bolder to your right and sit down brushing off the bottoms of your feet against the stone and look up at the starlit sky before taking a deep breath.
You wait and listen to the warm winds hitting your face. You look into the trees which lose the light from the sky and become darker and more foreboding. You can’t tear your eyes from it, however. The darkness was calling you, but you dare not move into it. You were afraid, yet it still called. Two eyes, bright yellow move from behind a tree. Your heartbeat jolts. You clutch the rock and begin to stand up to appear larger. You watched the eyes come closer, the dark black pupils coming into view, losing their yellow illumination as they reached the light.
The smoke curling first into the light, its shadow dancing against the trees behind it. His fingers pressed together, his smile closed and broad. His eyes so carefree and entertained by what he saw, which was you.
He hovered to the water’s edge on the other side of the small river but didn’t stop. He kept moving, across the water, just above it. This movement was eerie, but he made it seem so natural. “You called?” His voice sang, making you shiver.
“I mean, dang.  Your reception was loud and clear even down under.” He points to the ground  “That sweet little voice of yours calling out to me Ooo!~ Such a treat after such terrible treatment at that little party earlier.” his voice, smooth and as snarky as ever.
When he reached your rock, even though you stood over him, he simply used his smoke to rise gently off the ground to meet you eye to eye. He raises an eyebrow and holds out his clawed hand opening his mouth in a smile flashing the row of sharp teeth just behind his lips.
His eyes lose their friskiness and look into your eyes with a surprisingly soft gaze. How he could make you so calm despite his appearance astonished you. But you place your hand in his, hesitating just before placing it down. However, he moves his hand up and closes his fingers around yours before you could have even thought to move your hand away. He pulls you off the rock and onto the smoke which now curled beneath your feet hovering you off the ground.
You watched the ground beneath the translucent dark grey smog, and he pulls you into his chest and let’s go of your hand causing you to fall into him. You use your hands to stop from completely slamming into him but catch yourself staring at the fabric of his robe, and the menacing silver skull pin on his chest. His hands find their way to the middle of your back and you push off him now noticing that you two were floating back to the middle of the river. He begins to chuckle and takes one of his hands off your back and props your chin up to his face with a calm expression.
“Woah talk about whisking me off my feet…” you say with a nervous laugh.
His eyebrows raise with an amused look on his face. He takes his hand and slides its down your arm back to your hand raising it up and mocking a little dance number as you two slowly spin in the middle of the river as he hums and guides you around in the air.
“Heh- I tend to do that sweetheart. You should see the monster gals down out west, they practically “claw” for my attention. I mean come on. Look at me.” He bats his eyes and raises a hand to his face gesturing his jaw line while giving you an attempt at a dashing grin.
You find a laugh escaping your mouth. “Yeah, handsome. I see…” you say as you watch him look at your smile with lazy love-stricken eyes. You then take your finger and place it under his chin so that he looks back into your eyes, and he practically swoons.
Abruptly his smile grows, and he spins you around quite fast causing your hair to whip. The smoke on the bottom of your feet expanding beneath you two. The ends of the smoke flickering up towards the sky like tentacles moving up and around you both in a circle, rising steadily higher. Which you find this a little bit unsettling. You focus your observation back at him and he pulls your hand in close to his chest lowering his hand on your back a bit more, making you jittery.
“They do have a beasty appetite in all aspects…” you say with a grin and tighten your hand over his, this surprises him, and he starts stuttering softly but you hush him, and he just becomes quiet. “I’m sure they would just love to get a taste of you if they could. Even I have a “deadly” appetite myself.”  He lets out a low purring sound and spins you around again and leans in close to your face
“Rawwwwrrrrr… but they won’t have a single taste of this hunk right here babe don’t worry about it. This bachelor is off the menu~!-”
“-Are you sure?” you give him a pouty grin and lean in close to his ear.
“Because I sure wouldn’t mind having a taste of death...but I need the flavor to be…hot enough to enjoy.”
BOOM his flames bursts from his head traveling down in a flash of red down his back before snapping off and flickering back to a dancing blue. You close your eyes and stagger back as his fingers let go of yours. You fall back, and the smoke rises around you covering your sight before a hand grasps onto yours and stops you from tipping over into the water. “Your always falling for me huh sweetheart…quite literally actually.”
The smoke moves away from your eyes and he slips his hand against your back and pulls you in close to his face. The smell of smoke coming from a campfire filling the air, a steady small stream of smoke coming from his nostrils with tiny wispy hearts made of smoke
following it. A crazy enamored look on his face. Your eyes are locked on each other and your clutching onto his chest tightly. “Kiss me doll.” He says in a deep whisper, but before you had the chance to reply, he picks you up and dips you on his other side before tilting his head and pressing his lips against yours fitting them, oh so perfectly, and hungrily as he held you against him so tight it was getting difficult to breathe. The smoke of his nose coming out of his face His fire burning brightly from the top of his head. The smoke around his feet that started traveling up around you both in a circle, raising towards the moon before shutting tight and unexpectantly blotting out the moonlight. The smoke twisted around you both until a wave of energy traveled through you and all you saw was absolute darkness.
The smoke bursts away and you take a deep gasp in as you pull away from his following lips. Your eyes squinting at the damp light that now surrounded you, the stale and hot air flowing into your nostrils as you blink rapidly as your eyes tear up. Your held by the waist and your arm. His laughter starting to grow louder as it rumbled from his throat. Your eyes begin to clear, and you see weird glowing water illuminating off the cliff you were standing on.
“Welcome to the Underworld baby, 500,000,000,000 annnnd counting!” he croons as he swings you around in a circle just over the cliff, you turn your head and look down and watch weird translucent figures floating on top of each other, in a never-ending circle towards the ending at the bottom of the pool. Which was as bright as the sun but softer on the eyes.
Your raised once more and turn your head to the smiling, sharp cheek boned face of a God who brings a sense of adrenaline and uneasiness that can’t seem to make up their mind.
His eyebrows wiggle as he wraps a finger around a strand of your hair.
“And my humble eheh. Abode…I brought you down here to witness my glorious domain…But in order to keep you comfortable little queen of mine, I’ve got your room already made for you. Which is, heh. Mine.”
He pinches cheek “Bingo! Then he leans forward, his lips just against your earlobe.
“That kiss we shared, signifies that you’re ready to be with me baby and if you’re with me. I wanted to make sure you were comfortable in this little world of mine…” he pulls away and gives you a little air kiss as he gestures to the rocky ceiling full of stalactites (mites?) You raise an eyebrow, but it falls as his surprisingly cold breath trails down your neck and he snickers and plants a series of lingering Gomez kisses from your earlobe down your neck.
You squirm and he only follows with you, before you place a hand on his neck, just below the roaring fire on his head. And he purrs as you push him on your skin “Aye che mama.” He leaves a kiss below your jawline, “You.” 
He unexpectedly presses something wet and dripping against your collarbone sliding it  behind your ear and you flinch away from him to see him sliding his tongue back into mouth while snickering, his shoulders bouncing as he let you go and you staggered back as you watched him wipe something from his forehead and smooth back his flames so that they stayed slicked for only a moment before flickering back to normal.
“Taste good. Might I say. I mean, wow your lips are divine. Your flesh, oh how I never thought id say this. But, isn’t something id prefer to be cold.” he finishes as he puffs up his chest and slides behind you, letting his fingers rest on your shoulders.
“D-did you just?”  
He shrugs and looks at the ceiling as if he was innocent, but you take your mind off what just happened and turn around to look down at the pool of … “Souls. Sweetheart.” He’s suddenly at your side. He puts an arm around your body, dancing his fingers on your sides. “All dead, all gone. All controlled by me, this is the River Styx babe. You like rivers right well…don’t go dipping any toes in this one. Might lose it.” He turns towards you biting his lip in a fretful way “And much more hon, zaps your life away, plus the souls in there are…rather clingily as you know.” His fretful face turns annoyed as he looks into the water kicking a stone into it, you both watch and hear the souls wail as the water ripples and the stone crumbles into nothing. “And I would know, ha for sure. Those wailing idiots dragged me towards the bottom of this damn lake. Keeping me there for a while after Hercules knocked my light out.” he squirmed and pulled you in close “By the way. Hercules? EHH.” He mocks a buzzer noise. “No more hanging around him, get it?” He squints his eyes with a thin grin. “Bad crowd.” He takes his hand and smooshes your cheeks together shaking your head entirely. “I don’t want him to influence my snooky-wookums.”
“Ok. Alright. This is moving too fast.” You say as he releases your cheeks.
“Fast, fast?” he whimpers as he turns you around to face him.
“Baby, Sweetheart~” You hold up a finger and look him in the eyes and he surprisingly shut’s up.
“Um. First of all, queen of the underworld no. I’m not becoming your Queen Hades…”
“mmm…not yet.” He mutters before you shush him, and he rolls his eyes.
“Yes, I’ve fallen for you…” He chuckles and walks two sharp fingers gently against your arm up to your shoulder.
“The perfect decision love. I’ll make sure to treat you right babe. You’ve got me wrapped around your finger-“
“Yes listening, listening…don’t worry. I’ll get better at it. Promise. Continue~”
“Second, I have the feeling that you want me to…move in.”
“Like, now.”
“and forever~” he grins.
“Comeeeeeonnnn Babe. This place is perfect for you. Anyway-“
He turns around and you do as well as his hand is still lovely on your shoulder.
He leans his face to yours and blows a smoke heart in your face while keeping his face close to yours as he speaks, occasionally pinching your clothing, brushing off your shoulders and playing with your hair.
“-I can’t have you being all, up top frolicking around on the grass, sniffing flowers feeling that sweet sweet sun Aries pulls through that blue beautiful sky…and oh what is this?”
He takes his hand from around your shoulder and slams his fist into his open palm. “BAM! KAPOWEE!!... Or even worse” he moves in front of you making you stop creating some smoke that surrounded his mouth looking like your fathers’ beard. “You are coming with me and I’m refusing you to see Hades again, and Bam. “He flicks his hand and a small cage manifests in the air before he waves it away. “You see. I…heh…I have a lot of enemies…” He rests both his hands on your shoulders and leans forward. “Gods ,Demi-Gods, Mortals, you name it. Now, not that I can’t handle them…if anyone would dare threaten you well. I’m not the god of death for nothing but- I can’t risk you-you getting all caught up in that capiche. I like having you around get it?” he grits his teeth t the last part. “So, literally. I’m Going To Keep You Around.” He looks about and points to the ground “Got it?” you open your mouth  to protest but he interrupts, “ALLLRIGHHHHTTTT!!” he finger guns you before taking your hand and pulling you into him, except when you got close once again you were covered in smoke which dispersed In a nanosecond.  You both were standing in this darkly lit dining room with a long dining table a sharp looking fireplace and a chandelier carved out from the ceiling above with eerie green flames.
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