thedistricthq · 4 years
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If the sinful streets of The District could talk, they would whisper about LYDIA TATUM’s arrival. Rumor has it, they are a little bit HUBRISTIC & CHILDISH. Maybe we should find out for ourselves, they could be IDEALISTIC & CURIOUS. All we really know is they will be working at/as a JEWELRY STORE CLERK. Someone said they saw them listening to PRIMADONNA BY MARINA & THE DIAMONDS on repeat, it’s like their theme song or something. Don’t trust the gossip though, come find out for yourself. You can see them coming from a mile away in the INNER HARBOUR by the tell tale signs, AN EXTENSIVE JEWELRY COLLECTION, PINK AND GOLD GLITTER LEFT BEHIND IN A PORCELAIN TUB BY BATH BOMBS, DIAMOND & HEART NECKLACES, PINK LIPGLOSS, AND ALWAYS BEING BAREFOOT. [ MADELYN CLINE, MERMAID, CIS FEMALE, 25, SHE/HER ]
Lydia is pescatarian. it’s what she is used to, considering there are no swimming cows or chickens, she has stuck to her diet, which is vegetarian and fish. She has perhaps tried beef & poultry once or twice but isn’t the biggest fan. She’s boujee, she likes sushi pls.
Standing on her feet, Lydia stands to a whole 5′4″. However, with her tail and while in water, she is a whopping 6′2″.  She is not exactly used to her shorter stature on land so her attitude be 6′2″ even when she is definitely not standing that tall, or anywhere near it.
The man she was once engaged to, she barely got to know him. She did not care to because she knew she would never  actually marry him, but she would know who he is.  
Her brothers, Ryder or Xavier, whose backstories/details can obviously be jumbled around and rewritten should you have any questions. Just that one would be current royalty and one is out casted.
She was born to a royal merfolk family, and raised in royalty. Lydia has never had to worry about anything in her entire life. If it wasn’t her parents doting on her, her community was spoiling her entirely. She has also never worked a day in her life and it shows.
Lydia was never taught the notion of treating everyone the same, or as you wanted to be treated. there is a difference in how she treats people based on class, as terrible as it sounds.  (not race, let me make that perfectly fucking clear, she judges based on social / financial standing) the treat the janitor and CEO with the same respect does not compute in her mind because no one ever taught it to her. It’s shitty, yeah, but it’ll slowly come out of her the longer she is within The District.
She was raised with two older brothers, the eldest (Ryder) being groomed to take over should anything ever happen to their father, or for when he passed. Her second brother (Xavier), once learning that he would be nothing but a spare heir, left their home and was never really heard from again. Now, the pressure was on Lydia to follow in the right footsteps and not fuck up. She figured it was simple, she was a woman, she wouldn’t have to take over any thrown. She, in her mind, literally didn’t have to do anything and would still live a lavish life and be served to her heart’s desire. This was not true.
When she was eighteen, it was brought to her attention that she was to be married. Not just married either, which she figured would happen eventually, but married to someone picked years prior by her parents and she had no say in the matter. Not in the wedding, the marriage or her future husband. Having always gotten what she wanted and not wanting this, none of this sat well with her. She slowly came to realize why her brother took off.
One night, after deciding she would follow in Xavier’s footsteps rather than Ryder’s, she slipped into Ryder’s room to talk with him. She went on about how she missed their brother dearly and just wished she could talk to him again, even just once. She laid it on thick, just until Ryder admitted to knowing where their brother was and that he had been keeping it secret to protect Xavier. With the new information, Lydia left and took off just as Xavier had.
She went straight for her brother, and it was a little harder than she expected to keep out of sight of … well everyone who knew who she was. Her disappearance from her family was no secret; they were royalty and now the youngest and only daughter was gone without a trace, and within the week leading up to her wedding no less.
Finding her brother took longer than she would have liked but it happened. She, however, was not met kindly. Despite keeping in contact with Ryder, Xavier wanted nothing to do with their family. Especially not the perfect, spoiled rotten princess who was evidently the family favourite. Turns out he had been keeping in contact with Ryder just to save his own ass should they ever start looking for him, he would know. She was left out of her brother’s life and home, and made to fend for herself. Except she has no fucking idea how.
She wandered the waters for a while, maybe a year or so, trying to make it on her own and failing miserably. Finally, coming to the surface, she caught wind of a place mentioned as The District. What better place to hide from a merman than on land? She pulled herself from the water and started life there promptly.
Another problem quickly arose, and by quickly it was all of, hm, five seconds on land: she has never been out of the water. Legs? Brand new. Not being royal or the center of attention, and people not having to listen or serve her? Also new.
She came across a little store along the harbour that was the first thing to have any sense of familiarity. A little jewelry store, and she was definitely used to having these kinds of jewels and diamonds in her life. She was given a job as a clerk.
She spent her nights in the water, needing the comfort, until she had saved up enough cash from her job to get herself her own place. It’s a small apartment, water front of course, but it’s just enough for her. She wishes it to be bigger, much bigger, but she is finding that life on her own is a lot fucking different than life under her parents’ wealth. She is also realizing that people don’t give a fuck that she was once royalty. That one was a hard pill to swallow.
can sprout her little mermaid tail only when in salt water.
ability to breathe underwater
communicate with aquatic life, not full on conversing/talking but there is communication.
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thedistricthq · 4 years
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If the sinful streets of The District could talk, they would whisper about JAMESON HALL’s arrival. Rumor has it, they are a little bit DETACHED & INHIBITED. Maybe we should find out for ourselves, they could be GREGARIOUS & ADAPTABLE. All we really know is they will be working as an MULTI-TALENT ENTERTAINER. Someone said they saw them listening to HALLUCINOGENICS by MATT MAESON on repeat, it’s like their theme song or something. Don’t trust the gossip though, come find out for yourself. You can see them coming from a mile away in the INNER HARBOR by the tell tale signs, SUNLIGHT STREAMING INTO A BEDROOM, THE WARM LAUGHTER OF OLD FRIENDS, GOING FOR A RUN BEFORE THE SUN RISES. [ CASEY DEIDRICK, SHIFTER (SIBERIAN TIGER), CIS MALE, 33, HE/HIM]
tiger physiology (slightly larger than wild tigers)
slightly enhanced strength/stamina in human form
enhanced senses
slightly slowed aging (delayed by ten years after the 35-40 range)
he is still physically vulnerable to injury and mortality
intense emotional trauma can cause him to become stuck in his animal form
can still become fatigued
WC01. Is that supposed to impress me? Having been a well known celebrity, James has had his fair share of interactions with fans. He’s used to people approaching him for autographs or pictures, and while it’s always nice to see how far his talents have reached, it can be tiresome. This person is someone who, for whatever reason, didn’t recognize James when they first met despite his face having been plastered on movie promos and in television ads. It’s a nice change of pace, knowing that this person he keeps having random run-ins doesn’t care to know about his status.
WC02. It takes a village. This individual has been beside James for every step of his road to recovery: they’re his sponsor. They’ve seen him at his lowest and know most of his relapse signs. Thankfully, it’s been a little over three years that they haven’t seen any of the signs.
HC01. Considering his level of fame made it extremely difficult to just step out of the limelight, James decided to step away from active music production and acting opportunities to instead become a comedic duo with his childhood best friend. He’s done stand-up comedy on his own but the work they do now is more of a passion project than anything else. They have performed in various shows and movies together and now perform improv on stage.
jameson jeremiah hall ii was born on a stormy night in dallas texas, to parents jameson and renee hall. he was an unexpected pregnancy in a teen romance, but not an unwanted one. his parents were deeply in love with each other, and had the support systems available to raise a child at such young ages. his parents had another child when he was in elementary school, and a third as he was about to turn ten. from the moment he laid eyes on them, james knew he had to protect his brothers with ever fiber of his being. it was what he was put on the world for.
as he grew up, james naturally fell into a rebellious personality that nobody seemed to be able to pull him out of. he wasn’t a bad kid, per say. he never gave his parents so much grief that it actually upset them. he just mostly disappointed them by never showing up to class, smoking weed, going to parties, getting into fights— teen stuff. they cut him some slack because he always had good grades, a result of a higher than average IQ and retention ability. some doctors commented that he might even have photographic memory, but james never got tested for that. if he had actually applied himself, he would have been valedictorian at his graduation (which he skipped.)
at the same time that this rebellion was happening, james made sure to always be home at a decent hour to set an example for his brothers. either this, or he made sure to let his parents know he wasn’t coming home. that he was safe. he never caused any real problems for his family. when he was home, he would spend his time with his brothers, teaching them tips he wished he had an older brother for, playing catch, brotherly things. he loved them both to no end, and still does.
flash forward to james at 18 years old, the night after his youngest brother’s 9th birthday party. he was in the backyard, having a smoke before calling it a night. what he didn’t expect was to be woken by the fire alarms, nor the heat. nor the screaming of his brothers. he ran to his youngest brother’s room which was closest to his own, seeing that their brother was already being carried out by a firefighter. there was no time to look for anything; he had to get the kids out. by the time they were outside and he realized their parents were still inside, the flames had reached and ignited their family truck in the garage, knocking down the left side of the house, and their parents’ bedroom going with it. four police officers had to hold james from running inside. half the house gone, half the family gone.
it was the first time james showed raw emotion— to anyone. he cried into his best friend’s shoulder and clung to his brothers like their lives depended on it. it crushed him. once he made sure they had a place to stay as their home was rebuilt, james fell down a rabbit hole. he fell victim to addiction, but he did his best to stay in school to earn for the family he was now in charge of. the responsibility on his shoulders turned a new page for him. he refocused on school and dedicated himself to working and studying, his days filled with multiple classes to get his medical degree as quickly as possible.
the years in school flew by, and as he realized his brothers were moving on without him, james didn’t know what to do with himself. he was now a doctor with no passion for the field. music was more of a way to destress for him, but it had always been a talent he had, and a pipe dream. that is, until he began performing at a local wine club that held open mics. he was 25 when a talent agent from california gave him his card. seeing as his youngest brother was still a minor, still his responsibility, james agreed to start working with the agent as long as he could remain located in dallas. his first song hit the radio a month later, and it was like time flew by after that.
what should have been instant gratification became a droning lifestyle. he was still as lonely as ever, and with the middle brother gone to the military, and his younger brother hating every inch of him, drugs became the friend he needed. getting the drugs was far easier when he had friends in high places. he was finally happy, at least temporarily. he made connections from california to moscow, and everywhere in between. once his youngest brother was old enough to take care of himself, making it clear he wanted nothing to do with james, he became an international celebrity. he was 27 years old when he reached stardom through his music and various acting roles.
he had reunited with the woman who would become his wife shortly before his peak in fame. she was angelic enough to deal with his status in the early years of their marriage, but the stress of the media began taking a toll when they lost their first two children to miscarriages. james decided that the thrill of doing what he loved wasn’t worth losing the presence and health of the woman he loved. he cleaned himself up and went to rehab, stepping back from an active music and acting career.
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thedistricthq · 4 years
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If the sinful streets of The District could talk, they would whisper about DREAS COVO’s arrival. Rumor has it, they are a little bit POSSESSIVE & REMINISCENT. Maybe we should find out for ourselves, they could be OBSERVANT & MEMORIOUS. All we really know is they will be working at/as a DISTILLERY/WINERY OWNER. Someone said they saw them listening to BLACK WEDDING BY IN THIS MOMENT on repeat, it’s like their theme song or something. Don’t trust the gossip though, come find out for yourself. You can see them coming from a mile away in the INNER HARBOR by the tell tale signs, LAUGHTER LINED WITH DARKENED EDGES, AN LOOSENED TIE HANGING AROUND THE COLLAR OF AN EXPENSIVE BUTTON DOWN & THE WEIGHT OF A HEAVY GAZE. [ THEO JAMES, VAMPIRE, CIS MALE, UNKNOWN, HE/HIS ]
HC 01: Dreas was one of the first of his kind, and the first of his bloodline to begin with. This doesn’t seem like a noteworthy mention, however he draws a lot of unusual power from the almost direct connection with the demon that helped create him. Unlike most of his species, he possesses several “ancient” powers associated with the species, ones that most assume have long since been washed free of their kind. At first, he used this as a reasoning to justify his own entitlement, but as the decades passed, he learned the far lonelier truth to the so called gifts. While he doesn’t speak on it, it is something he has carried on his shoulders for centuries, and perhaps its that weight that has humbled him in the long run.
HC 02: The Distillery started as a joke between what he would call himself and his old friends (these are also open as wc’s). They spent a night drinking in excess in order to catch the ever elusive buzz, the group was reminiscing about the older days when alcohol was stronger, when meade was readily available, wine was more free and pure. It was that sentiment that carried onto the days after, spent hashing out the details on the new venture. It was years after that, that the idea came to fruition, after Dreas quite literally traveled the world to find the recipes of old, and dropped them in the laps of The District’s residents.
HC 03: Dreas has made a point of not wasting his many years, and because of such he possesses a thirst for knowledge. Along the way, he has learned that this knowledge is often unforeseen power as well. There is a rarely a language he does not know, or a story he has not read. This has also helped him to learn about, and from other species despite whatever feelings he may have toward them. While he may have collected little details about most species, he knows each are different. and sometime will barter away his secrets if offered the right price.
WC 01: Through the centuries, there have been wars unlike this world has ever known. Dreas has fought in a great many of them, at first because he liked the absent morality in violence that was disguised as noble. As he grew and learned, though, he found that some things were worth fighting for. That being said, there are connections with the people who risk their lives beside you that cannot be undone. He has had a few, but the ones that have been labeled mysteries are the ones that stick with him. The lives that he doesn’t know whether or not have ended, or walked away without him. War wounds, he calls them, and sooner or later, they will feel the same pull toward The District he did. The only problem is, no one knows whether the welcome will be warm or not. 
WC 02: Siring for a vampire can mean several different things, each one seeming to be unique to the vampire themselves. Due to the bloodline that Dreas is responsible for, his sires have been few and far between. Most have perished, some at his own hands for their misdeeds, and others merely from circumstance. The ones that survive are special, even if he hasn’t encountered them in quite some time. Regardless, they always find their way back into his space, or his mind at the most inconvenient times. 
WC 03: Quite simply, someone who shares a different species, view point, or other stark contrast to who as what Dreas is. The classic opposites attract, in either a pretty little hateship. something entirely platonic, or a combination of other elements.
Looking back on the past with fragile nostalgia is not something that Dreas Covo has ever been fond of, but it doesn’t mean he ignores its existence. Perhaps there are fleeting memories buried somewhere, the ones of a barefoot child in the village, the one that knew hunger greater than his thirst now ever could be. They used to be the fundamentals behind his new found entitlement, finally gifted with his power in order to have the leg up he never would have had during his childhood. He deserved the break, he deserved the finer things in life because of what he suffered through. Most would have called these humble beginnings, but most of the time, he doesn’t call them anything at all: They are just memories, distant reflections of who and what he could have been, if the monsters and the shadows hadn’t called for him instead. 
Dreas was turned after hardship had a chance to turn him into something he never should have been, the definition of a deal with the devil, but it was one he will never apologize for. Some people like to apologize for the blood on their hands, to make themselves some kind of victim of vapirism, but that is not who he is, it’s not who he’ll ever be. He doesn’t feel the need to make excuses for his kind, even if he isn’t the one who made them. As a matter of fact, Dreas is the first one to take the life of another vampire who may have overstepped a line he’s drawn, whether it be a moral black spot on his personal resume or just a general rule of thumb. Perhaps it is this behavior that has some seeing a viciousness in him that chills them, but really, his tolerance is far more tempered than it had been in the past. 
He spent centuries giving in to his whims and wants, before he began to learn that the only disease he carried was selfishness. While, that beast still rears its ugly head sometimes, it has been curbed. He knows he’s learned, and he knows that his mistakes are carried like well kept secrets, scars that outline a story penned in blood and betrayal. The vampire was a part of the original coming together of The District, having learned first hand the value of being around other people who shared even a small semblance of who, and what you were. Maybe it was more, what you had become, like a sick side effect or tragic plot twist, but whatever it was, it was the beginning threads of what would eventually become the only true compass he possessed. 
While his taste for the finer things dictates that he stay at home in the Inner Harbor, The Distllery and newly minted Winery sits on the Border of the Harbor and Focale. It boasts a wide range of tastes for both the new and old crowd, including a few specialties that Dreas keeps for himself. They distribute to the entire District, as well as providing several shipped distributions internationally. Dreas made a promise to the starving child from those memories that he pretends doesn’t exist, and that was to make sure that he, and his, would never want for anything again. 
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thedistricthq · 4 years
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[ NAME/ALIAS, AGE, PRONOUNS, TIMEZONE, TRIGGERS ] If the sinful streets of The District could talk, they would whisper about LUCIOUS MAXWELL’s arrival. Rumor has it, they are a little bit CUT-THROAT & BLUNT. Maybe we should find out for ourselves, they could be ARTISTIC & REFINED. All we really know is they will be working as a CURATOR. Someone said they saw them listening to STAY AND DECAY by UNLIKE PLUTO on repeat, it’s like their theme song or something. Don’t trust the gossip though, come find out for yourself. You can see them coming from a mile away in the INNER HARBOR by the tell tale signs, A JUDGMENTAL SIDE GLANCE PAIRED WITH HAUGHTY SCOFFS, THE TOUCH OF EXPENSIVE FABRIC & A SHARP TONGUE INTENDED TO USE WORDS AS WEAPONS. [ CHARLES MICHAEL DAVIS (KOFI SIRIBOE, IDRIS ELBA), FIRE DRAGON, CIS MALE, UNKNOWN, HE/HIS ]
Born to a poor family in a village that no longer exists, Lucious Maxwell knows what it is like to dig your way out of your own struggle with nothing but willpower and a rusty shovel. His early stages were spent embracing the kind hearted nature of his people, a secret that he keeps very well, even to this day. Rarely is he bothered by the fleeting, fading memories of days when his smile was given freely, offered like an invitation instead of a reward. It was the unfortunate nature of his circumstance that would eventually be the downfall of their entire clan, they were weak, and now he would never be. 
As the world began to change, embracing a thirst for the power that was held within the pieces of the dragons themselves, their blood, their hearts, their heads, the hunting began. Their leader, a man that Lucious now credits for the coldness that has gripped his heart for centuries, decided that it was best to run from the danger instead of fight it. It worked, for a few years, but eventually they were tracked down. The fire dragon himself made it out, injured, stumbling, and lost without everything that he had once known. The world showed him no mercy, and in return, he learned to do the same for it. 
As he grew, he would embrace the true nature of his dragon, proud and covetous in the way that he handled his every day life. He amassed a fortune of the things he was deprived of when he was growing up, such as paintings and other precious pieces of art that most would have died for. It was only natural that he turned this character flaw into a profit once he arrived in The District, taking on the role of museum curator in exchange for a display that would house some of his own personal connection. Now, he’s settled into the Inner Harbor, and prides himself on being everything that the location boast’s as a selling point.
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thedistricthq · 4 years
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[ NAME/ALIAS, AGE, PRONOUNS, TIMEZONE, TRIGGERS ] If the sinful streets of The District could talk, they would whisper about EMIL GUERRERO’s arrival. Rumor has it, they are a little bit MANIPULATIVE & BROODING. Maybe we should find out for ourselves, they could be PERSUASIVE & DETERMINED. All we really know is they will be working as a MERCENARY. Someone said they saw them listening to DARK TIMES by THE WEEKND on repeat, it’s like their theme song or something. Don’t trust the gossip though, come find out for yourself. You can see them coming from a mile away in the INNER HARBOR by the tell tale signs, THE SOUND OF A POCKET WATCH TUCKED INTO SUIT JACKET, WIPING BLOOD FROM THE CORNER OF A GRINNING MOUTH & THE FEELING OF SOMEONE WATCHING IN THE DISTANCE. [ CLAYTON CARDENAS (DIEGO LUNA, ALFONSO HERRERA), VAMPIRE, CIS MALE, 502, HE/HIS ] 
Born the first son of a poor family, Emil knew what hardship was before he was five years old. His family was forced to work under the royals, and before he could speak he was making himself an asset to them, and earning his keep. The memories of the way his hands ached at the end of every day, or the way the whip pelted his back time and time again because his best just wasn’t good enough, they never truly go away. Perhaps, he never truly healed from them, either. This abuse taught him to be what they deemed as perfect, but at what cost? He retreated into himself, he became a machine, cold, distant, and autonomous. It wasn’t until he was nearly forty that his life changed, or well, ended.
He’d suffered a particularly devastating beating at the hands of the prince himself. It was strange for the family to come down off their thrones and get their hands dirty, but not entirely uncommon. It was the intensity with which he handed out this punishment that told the real story, the story that was hiding on the tongue of the man who had been his lover for longer than he can even remember. Their love never saved him though, instead, in the end - it would damn him. Emil was surely going to die from the wounds he had received that day, and the prince was just selfish enough to find a way to save him, forever. He called in a favor and completed it, allowing someone to sire Emil. The catch in that deal wasn’t given until later, the catch that made the prince Emil’s first meal. He drained him dry in the slave quarters and left him there, to expose his hearts one dirtiest secret. 
 Decades, centuries, he didn’t know anymore - in the long run, it didn't matter. He traveled the globe, he indulged in all the finer things that he had been denied in his past, his first life, as he affectionately calls it. What he couldn't afford, or talk someone out of, he took. It was then that he learned just how well blood paid. The rest is the cold blade of a memory he doesn't speak of. Eventually, he was brought to THE DISTRICT just like everyone else, to embrace the sins he'd learned to live by.
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