#divider by k-yujin
iluvrei · 5 months
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✿ ۪⋆ face off
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soulari · 3 months
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀◦        ✿    @baesol  🍥     ۫
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i-kyujin · 20 days
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    𝜗ϱ   ˚   ☕️⁺   ✧   ₊
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h-jini · 14 days
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    ☽  (ᴗ͈ ᴗ͈)  ⬮ꈍ  ◟🌧️  ⟢
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k-yujin · 6 months
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❂ ⠀﹒ ⠀ ➣ ⠀ (⭒ ˘˘) 🐾 ⠀ ⠀ ⏖
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yeritos · 6 months
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      /ᐠ。‸。ᐟ\ 🍥   ⁺  ☒
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crylynnluv · 2 months
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haerinism · 4 months
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  ﹑  ◍   .   🧁   ⁺
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typeboyz · 8 months
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→ Ji Changmin x Leitora
→ Palavras: 970
→ Autor(a) se inspirou na música da Lana Del Ray, Diet Mountain Dew.
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ATENÇÃO: Menção de cigarro, Changmin é inseguro em relação a si próprio (um pouco), fluff, reconfortante (um pouco)
📌 masterlist
© all rights reserved by @heemingyu
© tradução (pt/br) by @typeboyz
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Sentado junto à janela do seu apartamento, o rapaz solitário olhava para fora. Os seus olhos não tinham emoções, mas havia tantos pensamentos a passar-lhe pela cabeça que só ele sabia.
As ruas movimentadas da cidade não lhe prestam atenção. A chuva batia de vez em quando na sua janela, enquanto o céu escuro da noite iluminava o seu rosto.
Os monstros em sua mente dificultaram o sono do rapaz, ele não queria nada mais do que correr para os seus braços, mas sabia que não podia fazer isso. Mas, ao mesmo tempo, não conseguia deixar de se ver indo para o seu apartamento a altas horas da noite, sempre que os monstros na sua mente lhe dificultavam a vida.
Foi o que ele fez esta noite, levantou-se do seu lugar, pegou as chaves de casa e foi diretamente para a sua bicicleta que estava estacionada no exterior.
A brisa fria da noite atingiu-o, mas ele não se importou o suficiente para ir buscar um casaco para si, só tinha uma coisa em mente: estar nos seus braços.
Ao chegar ao degrau da porta, tocou a campainha com impaciência. A porta se abriu lentamente quando ele estava prestes a bater novamente. Inspirou profundamente e viu tudo.
Ali estava você, a namorada dele. O seu cabelo estava solto e amarrado numa trança e o seu rosto olhava para ele com olhos confusos, mas acolhedores. Abriu a porta para ele entrar, Changmin entrou e fechou a porta atrás de si.
Segurando você junto a ele, respirou fundo e fechou os olhos enquanto tremia um pouco, pegou você, se dirigiu diretamente para o seu quarto.
Colocou você gentilmente no chão, ele próprio se sentou ao lado da sua cama quente, aconchegante e fofa. Não se atreveu a dizer uma palavra, porque já sabia que você tinha idéia do porque é que ele estava ali outra vez.
— Pesadelo? – Você perguntou com a sua voz suave enquanto se aproximava de Changmin para o abraçar como sempre fazia.
Abanando a cabeça Changmin segurou o rosto entre as mãos e exalou um suspiro profundo.
— Eu não conseguia dormir, tinha demasiados pensamentos na cabeça. Ia voltar a fumar, mas parei, sei que não gosta quando eu fumo. – Changmin não quis continuar a frase.
Voce ficou calada e não disse mais nada. Sabia que detestava quando ele fumava, mas não era essa a única coisa que o fazia ficar calmo? Mas é bom que ele esteja a tentar deixar de fumar.
— Você acha que vamos estar apaixonados para sempre? – Changmin perguntou do nada, o que fez você congelar.
Parando no lugar a mão que estava a acariciar o cabelo dele, você olhou para Changmin com olhos ilegíveis.
— Eu... Eu não sei Changmin. Acho que nos apaixonaríamos para sempre, mas não sei o que o futuro nos reserva... – Você disse em voz baixa enquanto retomava o que estava a fazer, mas parou quando Changmin se afastou.
— Eu não sou bom para você, estou sempre inseguro em relação a mim próprio. Não vai querer um parceiro assim no futuro. – Changmin vê você abanar a cabeça enquanto segurava novamente a mão dele com as suas suaves.
— Te amo, aconteça o que acontecer, estar contigo é como uma montanha-russa. Nunca se sabe o que virá a seguir, mas não tenho medo disso, porque sei que estará lá comigo quando acontecer. Talvez a velocidade nos aproxime mais, talvez eu goste da forma como a nossa relação nos mantém sempre em alta. Eu só... Adoro, pois você está lá para mim. Não me interessa se não é bom para mim, continuaria a te querer. – Dizendo isto, você se inclina e beija suavemente os lábios de Changmin.
Os dois lábios uniram-se em sincronia e Changmin se esquece dos seus pensamentos mais íntimos que o estavam a consumir. Os esqueceu, porque estava com você.
— O que me diz? Vamos ao 7/11? – Pergunta Changmin assim que se afastam. Ao ouvir a pergunta, você riu em adoração.
— É muito tarde, tem certeza? – Você perguntou, embora já estivesse a levantar da cadeira e a pegar nos óculos de sol em forma de coração.
— É de noite, não precisa disso... – Changmin disse, embora gostasse que você usasse isso. E nunca houve uma garota tão bonita como você.
— Não importa. Nós estaríamos na tua bicicleta de qualquer maneira... – Dizendo isto você afastou-se em direção à sala de estar e pegou em dois casacos, um para você e outro para Changmin.
Ao saírem de casa juntos, mais uma vez, Changmin se esqueceu do seu passado quando estava com você. Ele não ia deixar que o passado o impedisse de fazer o que queria.
— Me deixa te mostrar a que velocidade posso ir. – Dizendo isto, Changmin ligou o motor da motocicleta e arrancou, o que fez você gritar de surpresa enquanto o seu riso ecoava pelas ruas vazias de Nova Iorque.
Ele sabia que não era bom para você, mas estava disposto a se tornar suficientemente bom para ti. Ele sabia que a queria na sua vida para o resto da vida, nada importava. Foi você que o salvou dos demônios interiores e o fez sentir-se melhor consigo próprio.
Era isso que ele queria e precisava. Ele tinha muito em que pensar, mas quando se tratava de você, você era o centro da atenção dele e nada mais o importava.
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chaeneuu · 9 months
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ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤrequests are open !
ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤ ♡ㅤ♡ㅤ♡
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i04rei · 8 months
★ moot appreciation time ! ★
- give a couple moots and says some things you love about them !!
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@y0oni3 ੭ you’re literally the sweetest ever! You’re always liking all my posts + reblogging them and you always comment something so sweet on my mbs it makes me smile everytime. I love you and thank you for your support bestie
@v6que ੭ one of my favourite accounts in the whole of tumblr. Your account is so aesthetically pleasing to look at its so freaking gorgeous. And your dividers help me so much to create cute moodboards, and I love you for that, pls don’t stop making them or I’m actually gonna cry
@nothanxxxxx ੭ literally the best bg moodboard maker!!! All your moodboards are so gorgeous I literally gasp when I look at them, cuz how are they so perfect (teach me your ways cuz my bg account is flopping hard)
@haelyubi ੭ one of my favourite people, you’re so sweet and I love how you always dm me asking how I am it’s so cute! Also love when you comment on my moodboards it makes me so happyyy. Please come back to posting cuz I miss your gorgeous moodboards so much
@agsthv ੭ all, literally all your moodboards make me cry. They’re so fucking gorgeous AHH. Will always be your #1 supporter. I love youuu
★ @chaey2k @ecojinri @florietas @haeivn @iluvrei @jnssite @k-yujin @lorlita @mazeui @ningrlz @n-ebullosa @ojiito @plwstic @sseulr1n @sakkurada @tzulipss @v6mpcat @webzzo @w-eons @wonk1s @wiotas @yeon-n @y2qi @yeonzzen ੭ more accounts I absolutely love with all my heart, I love you so much guys (+ more) <3
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iluvrei · 4 months
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✿ ۪⋆ barbie world
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galaxy--supernova · 5 years
IZ*ONE tag #28
Produce your own setlist for a special IZONE stage—48-gen songs only.
Now I have been AKB trash for many years and I am one of those “they don’t make ‘em like this anymore” stans, so most of these are old songs, but still good!
48-gen’s stage format divides the performances into 5 parts. 4 songs for an intro, then an MC that’s usually member intros and little conversations. Then there will be 5 unit songs, then another MC stage. Then there will be 3 more songs (performed by all the members once more), one more MC, then the “final stage”. But of course, nothing is complete without an encore. This usually consists of 3 songs. This is the format I followed
1.      Heavy Rotation 2.      さよならクロール (Sayonara Crawl) 3.      恋するフォーチュンクッキー (Koisuru Fortune Cookie) 4.      High Tension
(bold = center)
5.      愛しさのアクセル (Itoshisa no Accel) - Chaeyeon Solo 6.      CANDY - Minju, Nako, Wonyoung 7.      奇跡は間に合わない (Kiseki wa Ma ni awanai) - Hitomi, Eunbi, Yujin 8.      黒い天使 (Kuroi Tenshi) - Sakura, Hyewon, Chaewon 9.      愛しさのdefense (Itoshisa no defense) - Yuri & Yena
10.   UZA 11.   Make Noise 12.   Must be Now
13.   NO WAY MAN
14.   僕たちは戦わない (Bokutachi wa Tatakawanai) (1) (2) 15.   希望的リフレイン (Kibouteki Refrain) 16.   Give Me Five 
So why did I choose these songs? 
Well, we have a lot of AKB48 title tracks in here, and some sister group ones too. Typically these aren’t performed on the Akihabara theater stage and are saved for bigger concerts but I wanted to choose songs that were recognizable, and that the girls would all probably be familiar with. I guarantee Sakura, Nako, and Hitomi have performed most of these song in their careers because that’s just how it is, all the girls learn the title tracks.
Moving on, we have to start with ‘Heavy Rotation’ of course! The most iconic 48 song, and IZ*ONE has already performed it several times. Following up with ‘Sayonara crawl’ because to me, they just flow well together. It’s also a song Sakura appeared in. ‘Koisuru fortune cookie’ is another must, because of Hii-chan, and the girls all know the key move, so why not? And rounding it out with ‘High Tension’, because it’s another upbeat song that’s well known to the members.
On to the unit songs, these are all rather….how should I put this….old. Because as I said, I’m classic trash and AKB48 hasn’t had a new stage in a long time and I only watch AKB stages because, as established, I’m trash. I encourage you to read up on the lore of ‘Itoshisa no Accel’, because it’s really freaking cool. And honestly it is like, the only stage song worthy of our dancing queen Chaeyeon. I chose ‘Candy’ because, as the name suggests, it’s sugary sweet and perfect for Wonyoung, Minju and Nako, and I don’t think Nako’s ever performed it before which is a CRIME. 
Of course I had to include Sakura’s audition song, and I really hope you guys watch the video because I know a lot of people were kind of “meh” at her audition, but it’s meant to be a very sultry song and it really is better when you watch it performed with 3 people. I chose Hyewon and Chaewon to perform with her because I think those three together just give off the perfect air for the song. Those three songs were no brainers to me, but I struggled with the final two, and just ended up picking the two stage songs I like best. ‘Kiseki Wa’ is a fun and upbeat song and actually has a really nice dance, so I put Hii-chan in and decided that Eunbi would fit the concept well, and Yujin is a good balance for the two of them. That left Yena and Yuri, and thinking about them performing ‘Itoshisa no defense’… UH, YES PLEASE!
So then we move on to what I dub the dance section. ‘UZA’, ‘Make Noise’, and ‘Must Be Now’ are some of the most challenging dances out there, along with ‘No Way Man’ and ‘Bokutachi wa’. Sakura was a selected member for all of those songs except Must Be Now, so they’re familiar to her Japanese fans. I chose them because I like them, but also because they show that AKB48 songs can have hardcore choreography just as K-Pop songs can. I also had to round out the stage with ‘No Way Man’ as homage to the 48 fandom, and give the girls a break in between because they are really challenging dances.
I thought a lot about whether to include ‘Bokutachi wa Tatakawanai,’ especially in the encore stage. It doesn’t exactly flow into the other songs, and it is kind of a serious song to be part of an encore stage…but it is my all-time favorite AKB48 song and I wish to god PD48 had chosen it for the group battle and damn it, this is MY PRODUCTION!
Anyhoo, I threw in ‘Kibouteki Refrain’ as another nod to Sakura because it was the first time she centered an AKB48 A-side and it’s a nice chipper song.
I finish it out with ‘Give Me Five’ because…well, you gotta read the lyrics. But in case you’re too lazy, I’ll put some here for you
Hey friend, for all the memories we had let's believe that tomorrow will shine even brighter That's right, graduation is not the end but a new beginning Hey friend, just head on in your own path Don't say goodbye We will meet again very soon So let's high five for now
So if there’s any song that could sum up what my hopes are for IZ*ONE…that’s it.
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k-yujin · 10 months
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◟   ➳   ⌒ 💽 ∿ (˶  ᵔ⤙ᵔ)
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jiggyraps · 7 years
CLC - Crystyle
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Wow. Cube Entertainment finally figured out what it had in CLC and put some money and talent behind them, and look what happens! They make an infectious dance-pop opus. 
After debuting big with the prancing single “Pepe” in 2015, they added new members (Elkie and Eunbin) last year and suddenly the chemistry seemed shot. Despite a promising start for the remodel (“Eighteen”), they stalled out with two straight by-the-numbers mini albums. In theory, the additions shouldn’t need to do much; CLC already has its big three—Sorn, Yujin, and Seungyeon—so everything else is mostly window-dressing, establishing harmony and balance. My main question was: why isn’t this working? The talent is there. They have the star power. Why couldn’t they be the next Apink or T-ara or w/e? They seem to have found the answer: the aesthetics were all wrong. They corrected it with edgier, less cutesy concepts, a more chic image, and flat out better arrangements. The end result is Crystyle, not only the best CLC project to date, but perhaps the best project of the last several months. Put it this way: the xx released a brilliant album and all I could do was listen to the Crystyle snippets.
I used to joke that Fifth Harmony was like if Ariana Grande was divided into five separate beings but each could only hold a fraction of her voice and it seems Cube is now on a similar wavelength re: CLC here: make HyunA, the Group. And honestly, there are way worse strategies. (“Hobgoblin” was co-written by HyunA and produced by the team that made 4Minute’s “Crazy,” which it traces.) HyunA is the single most important k-pop star of the last decade (not to be confused with the “best”—Kim Tae-yeon); emulating her is a p safe bet.
“Hobgoblin” is at the center of the CLC transformation, oozing HyunA’s effortless cool, but Crystyle has an expansive sonic palette that blends rap, soca, and electronica. It’s most infectious song is “Meow Meow,” which is basically a bonus title track. “Meow Meow” reminds me of Faris from Steins;Gate and Rihanna in the “Work” video all at once.
Needless to say, the song exudes a certain je ne sais quoi that fits neatly on a spectrum between twee and slick, and if not for Seohyun dropping “Magic” the same day, I might’ve gotten really hyperbolic and said it was already the best k-pop song of 2017. (It might be, but also, um, it’s January.) In any case, let this be a lesson to the labels: nurture your talent.
Watch “Hobgoblin”: https://youtu.be/u9OxRFab6o4
Stream Crystyle: https://youtu.be/H6nZCNuhpnI
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crylynnluv · 3 months
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+ ♡︎ 🩰 𓂅 ᣞᣟ ☕ 𓂃
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