#dj a.i. user
tastydregs · 2 years
Replacing Humans “Is the Furthest Thing From Our Mindset,” Says the Company Selling an A.I. Radio Host
The humble broadcast-radio host, whether a disc jockey or interviewer or reporter, has been going through it for decades now. The 1996 Telecommunications Act fueled the consolidation of local stations, decimating their staffs. The explosion of online radio, music and video streaming, and podcasting have upended ratings for shows on public airwaves. Phones and computers and smart speakers increasingly supplant radio sets. Funding for public radio is notoriously unreliable. It isn’t the best time for your modern-day Wolfman Jacks, or for any media profession.
On top of all that, your local DJ was already on the losing end of the artificial-intelligence revolution. Before the A.I. hype from last year, and even before the COVID recession demolished media ad markets, broadcast networks were gutting on-air talent at the both the national and collegiate level to trim budgets and automate programming: syndicating well-known shows and brands, prerecording and prearranging late-night broadcasts, training a roboticized voice to fill in the space when needed. Coupled with major streaming services’ dependence on algorithms and automation to curate playlists and make user recommendations—often with bizarre side effects—these developments make clear that the music industry anticipates the need for fewer humans down the line.
A.I. hasn’t yet finished killing the radio star, nor is it truly likely to anytime soon. But there’s a new digital buddy out there that might give hosts additional pause: RadioGPT, a new tool from the Ohio-based software company Futuri Media that fully digitizes the broadcast host as you know it. According to Futuri, which has worked with large corporations like iHeartMedia and Tribune Publishing, its “new and revolutionary product” combines a few tools: TopicPulse, a Futuri app that provides an automated way to scan media sources and pull out relevant topics for coverage; GPT-3, the large language model that powers the hit chatbot ChatGPT; and A.I.-voice “personalities” made by Futuri that can learn the info scraped by TopicPulse and aggregated by GPT-3 to read readymade copy live on air. Oh, and it’s trained to know all available facts about the music played by your station, so it can even intro upcoming tracks and provide trivia as needed. The RadioGPT beta is currently being tested by large radio owners in the United States and Canada, and to gauge from preliminary reviews, it seems pretty good. Accomplished enough, at the very least, to reawaken worst-case fears regarding the future of human radio jobs, no matter what you actually make of RadioGPT’s humanoid talent.
I recently spoke with two Futuri Media executives—CEO and co-founder Daniel Anstandig, and CFO Marty Shagrin—to discuss the reasons for creating RadioGPT, the potential use cases for the tech, and how to square radio-industry automation with the Futuri team’s “passion for entertainment and pop culture,” as Anstandig characterized it. Our conversation has been edited and condensed for clarity.
Nitish Pahwa: When did you come up with the idea for RadioGPT?
Daniel Anstandig: The idea for RadioGPT started before GPT was a mainstream concept. About three years ago, we started working on an A.I. voice project to help augment on-air personalities and bring voices to air shifts for radio and TV programming that are typically unmanned—when there aren’t people in the studio and there’s no live and local content available. Along the way, there’ve been limitations around the realness versus the synthetic quality of the voices, and there’ve been challenges we’ve faced around making the on-air hosts more humanistic.
Over the last 10 years, we’ve developed automation systems that directly interface with radio and TV stations and the automation systems that run what’s happening on the air. We had TopicPulse, which scans information from Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and over 250,000 news sources so we can see what’s trending in a local market as big as New York or as small as Medicine Hat, Alberta. We’ve also been able to integrate GPT-3, which has made our scripts more conversational. That was a big breakthrough. At the same time, we had a breakthrough around our A.I. voices becoming more humanlike and more, I would say, interesting to listen to over long-form programming.
Marty Shagrin: We’ve built our company around helping broadcasters focus on local content that is engaging, that brings people of a community together. A.I. has been in development for a long time, so itself, it’s not magical. It’s about the way that it’s used to deliver against the promise of broadcast content, whose 90 percent national reach has been built on local and live content.
Something you mentioned, Daniel, is that there’s so much radio at this point that’s been automated, especially late-night programming. So from your view, RadioGPT is a way to bring back personality to those humanless shifts?
Anstandig: I do think there’s an advantage to being more current, and we have technology that helps personalities or talent to be timely. As an example, inside TopicPulse, we use A.I. to predict what’s going to go viral in a local market. So if a station is voice-tracking—that’s the industry term for what you’re describing—or prerecording their content with a personality, they could conceivably look ahead in that market to see what’s currently trending with their audience and what’s predicted to go viral, or determine what will be interesting at that time.
One of the advantages of RadioGPT is that it knows about an artist or a song or about a current event, so it can speak to a broad range of topics concisely and in an entertaining way. When we set up RadioGPT voices, this is not text-to-speech. This is setting up character and personality in A.I., with a perspective, with character traits, with a viewpoint that is presenting a certain view or idea to the audience. That’s a tremendous upgrade from listening to prerecorded content.
It’s interesting to hear that angle, because I think when it comes to DJs or radio workers who’ve seen the industry contract—especially in terms of headcount—some might be inclined to say: “It’s A.I. that’s pushing us out of our jobs to begin with. And now there’s this new A.I. gizmo to fill in for people who’ve been displaced.” I’m curious if you’ve heard from local DJs about what they make of an advanced tool like this.
Anstandig: We have heard from a lot of air personalities as well as station owners and managers. We’ve heard from virtually every major streaming service, as well. In general, everyone is leaning in to the opportunity to dream up innovative, creative ways to augment talent, or to help talent do what they do best and create more companionship on the air. As an example, if you have a show that is carried in multiple markets, imagine that show is able to use the same station host or that same host’s voice to narrate local weather, news, traffic, or to talk about an event that’s happening, even though the show is on a national platform. That’s tremendous. Imagine that you could take a show that’s presented in English but then, in near real time, translate it into Spanish and have that read by an A.I. voice. You could also look at situations where hosts want to add RadioGPT or A.I. as a co-host and interact with it.
We have heard from personalities that are concerned that somehow there’s a mission here to replace them. But that is the furthest thing from our mindset. Local is the key to attracting audiences, and you can bet every streaming service is going to innovate in this way. We’re talking to every major service about ways to use our system. Why shouldn’t radio do the same thing? Radio shouldn’t have unmanned air shifts without live and local content.
A.I. systems—whether for voice imitation or LLMs or aggregation—run on big datasets, and there are all sorts of energy and computing costs. What’s the financial burden of making a product like this and distributing it?
Anstandig: The cost of doing this well is tremendous because you are stacking on different technologies, some that are proprietary and patented by Futuri and created over many years, along with services like GPT-3. So there is an innovation cost upfront. We think, in the long run, that for companies to do this well, there will be continued investment, but obviously technology cost scales over time.
Shagrin: We think about the financial impact all the time. But that was probably seventh or eighth on the priority list. First and foremost for us is, will the audience like this? Is this going to be an engaging solution for our partners to deliver great content to their audience? If this can help them do that, then it’s something that we owe it to them to explore.
I’ve spoken with musicians over the years who are miffed at the algorithmification of playlists, which fuels this situation where a lot of the same big artists get picked by the same big playlists over and over again. And if you’re not on there, or unless your label’s doing payola, you’re not going to gain that distribution. With more systems like this in the radiosphere—which is still important to artists—what you would say to concerns about automated systems highlighting the same artists time and again?
Anstandig: There’s this sense that technology tends to amplify what it thinks is already popular. However, that all comes down to the complexity of the algorithm and the way the algo is built to serve a certain listener. I personally have been involved in it, not only at Futuri but in the music industry; I’ve published and written hundreds of songs. So I’m always concerned about how the algos are prioritizing or exposing different songs and artists to new audiences. What I can tell you is that I believe today there’s more opportunity for independent artists and non-label acts to find an audience than ever before. I think there used to be a paradigm that familiarity was the most important thing when it came to prioritizing what shows up in a playlist or in an algo. Now, there’s more nuance around what the audience really wants: Are there certain types of music and entertainment that are more appealing when they’re new or more novel?
Shagrin: Remember, the way RadioGPT works is that it’s hooked up to and synced with a radio station’s automation system. We can offer ideas, but they’re still dictating what is played when, and what that looks like. Local markets know more about their audience, and so they still dictate that, and they can still drive that.
Local news has been decimated in all markets, whether newspapers or radio shows or TV. There are all these attempts to try to revitalize it, including yours, it sounds like, where you scan social networks and news outlets for reports you can broadcast over the radio. But there can be a lot of misinformation or misleading news that spreads quickly, and that in turn can be picked up; I’m thinking about, say, the false reports that often surround a mass shooting. I’d love to hear what sorts of guardrails you have in mind to stanch that effect.
Anstandig: It’s always best to have a human in the studio when there’s a crisis. We’ve seen that in recent years with active shooter situations, local weather disasters. That being said, there are ways to surface information faster: looking at location-based data and combining that with niche publications, blogs, or traditional news outlets for verification. In the case of TopicPulse, even though we have over a decade of experience in social media monitoring and predictions and A.I.-powered discovery of stories, we still have a small human moderation team that observes what’s trending in the system, that looks into trends as they’re emerging in markets. Because we do recognize there’s a certain amount of assurance or accountability that comes with being on this side of media.
Shagrin: The active shooter situation is near to me. I have a daughter who goes to Michigan State, where I know you went to school. So I was living that shooting situation in real time through my phone, as she was texting me and seeing how the news was covering it.
One of the things we focus on is that what’s relevant in a local market and to an audience is not always breaking. Breaking news is a bit of a different business than we are in. We are trying to identify those stories that are trending, relevant, most engaging to an audience. By doing that, we reduce the risk of reporting something that was first put out there and was incorrect. I know there were lots of incorrect stories being reported as that was going on at Michigan State.
I did have MSU on the mind when asking that—I’m really glad your daughter’s OK.
Changing the subject: Since the late ’90s, a lot of local radio stations have been consolidated or shuttered. How can A.I. revitalize local news and targeted music curation even when the corporate structures of radio markets may not be best suited for local regions?
Anstandig: First, I’ll just say that A.I. is not inherently biased or dishonest. It’s trained by humans. So when we think about RadioGPT and TopicPulse and our technology, we are training it with a media mindset. We’re ensuring that it’s trained on diverse, high-quality data sources, that the information generated can ultimately stand up to the trade winds of media, and that we don’t expect that we’re the last stop when we deliver content or information to a newsroom or to a broadcaster. That we know there are humans to verify and fact-check and think about regulation and ethical guidelines.
I think A.I. is part of the future recipe for media growth. It is certainly a way that costs can be reduced in certain parts of the industry, but it’s also an incredible growth mechanism. Information can be personalized and localized at a level that very few newsrooms have the capacity for right now. As an example, if you’re covering the Los Angeles DMA, you have such a wide range of cultures and pockets of community to cover—from Orange County to West Hollywood to Long Beach to Downtown L.A. There are all very different groups of people with differing lifestyles, and news that matters in one area doesn’t necessarily matter in another. There are ways, using stream-stitching technology and other tools, to personalize and localize news in a way that matches the interests and the needs of a hyperlocal audience. There’s data analysis that can go into the formation of that content, prioritizing which types of topics or stories should be covered by different types of people on the team. There’s a lot of efficiency built in that elevates humans working in news to do what they do best, knowing that discovery and being able to surface content and information and emerging trends is more efficient for them.
When it comes to investigative reporting, I believe that that’s boots on the ground. Humans are still going to accomplish investigative reporting better than A.I., but A.I. is a heck of an assistant.
To take it back to music, when you look back at the history of radio, there’s often some quirky DJ personality taking out obscure records for listeners. With all these A.I. systems where you can personalize things—text and images and even music—is human curation dead?
Anstandig: No. I know there’s still a tremendous passion in broadcast radio to elevate new and local artists. There’s more of that in some markets than in others because the risk tolerance of placing emerging artists that are unfamiliar or unknown is just different in different-size markets.
But I think—between social media influencers who specialize in music, bloggers, YouTubers, Instagrammers—there are more creative pathways for a new artist or track to find the right platform and audience. I think that’s only going to continue to grow.
In that vein, do you think radio stations should look into hiring A.I.-attuned people, like prompt engineers or coders or basic fact-checkers/editors?
Anstandig: I believe that radio and TV, and media in general, should do what they do best and bring the human element and local influence to what, partnering with technologists who can provide the platforms and systems that help them to elevate their creativity, intuition, expertise. We’re not attempting to replace the human element that makes the sales process or the creative marketing process special, unique, effective. We’re simply providing data-driven insights to help an account or marketing executive be more effective about creating powerful campaigns.
I think that’s a perfect example of partnering the unique spark of a human with a unique spark of A.I. And I think there will be more of a combination. I don’t think broadcast radio companies necessarily need to suddenly turn into computer or data science hives and start building the next megamachine
Shagrin: There’s nothing magical about A.I. in itself. It’s only magical if it delivers something that the people want. Media companies—most businesses, frankly—should find a way to put the technology to use as a utility to deliver the results that they want. It doesn’t mean you have to be an expert in the guts of A.I.
In your respective views, what do you think is the best use case for RadioGPT, and what is the worst?
Anstandig: I think the best case is creating more entertaining, informative, live and local content for every radio station in the world, and attracting and retaining and entertaining audiences. The worst is completely replacing humans who mean so much to their communities and to their advertisers. But I think there’s so much more upside here than there is downside for everyone, especially the audience.
Shagrin: You know, I’m the CFO. Cutting costs is not where this is the best use case. This is about delivering great content.
Anstandig: I look forward to the day that A.I. and human shows are in real, direct competition with each other. I think it’ll raise the bar for broadcasters and air talent. It’ll be entertaining, and the listeners will win.
Future Tense is a partnership of Slate, New America, and Arizona State University that examines emerging technologies, public policy, and society.
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weaselle · 6 years
I have researched and want to write pre-historical fiction exploring my personal theories about early human development, which are wild but entirely possible within the total evidence we have available. I’ve done probably tens of thousands of words in notes on it over the years; finished, it would probably be at least a trilogy in length.
I have written some songs, and I want to get a couple of friends with a good voices to sing them, and then get some musician friends to write/play music for them on analogue instruments, pair that with the singing as whole songs that they perform live somewhere, then record and give those songs to some other friends to make like, an electro-funk remix album of it, and then get some DJ’s I know to spin that shit at a party, take footage of the whole process featuring the live band performance and the party DJ's strongly, ask some dancing/choreographing people I know to create a couple of kick-ass matching dance routines featuring all the people who worked on the project, reach out to some video and animation folks, and make a small series of music videos out of the whole dang thing.
I want to change how we experience death by creating a personal website for individuals featuring a kind of A.I. social media bot that users set up and activate which will, upon their death, continue to like and reblog things based on patterns of preference in their posts while alive. These bot/A.I.s would be able to be interfaced with, so, after I died, someone could get to know me - they could ask AfterKie “what movies and TV shows did you like?” and if I had set it up with access to my netflix/hulu/youtube info, AfterKie could tell you which movies and TV shows I rated highly, which ones I watched more than once, read you any positive reviews about them, read you my tweet “idc what anyone says, Ghostbusters is the best movie there has ever been” etc. And the reposting algorithms would A: let me reach out from the beyond to remind people “oh, true, Kie probably WOULD have like that tweet about caterpillars” and B: even if they were not perfect the reposting algorithms would allow for an approximate continuation and growth, so that I could even be seen as developing new interests after my death “Have you heard from Kie lately? He’s gotten super into Swedish architecture ever since he died, it’s like, most of what he talks about now”. I could map my face onto an avatar and use some voice matching software and put myself on a screen on my grave stone that would be linked, so you could literally walk around a graveyard getting to know the people who were buried there, asking them questions about their life. ________________________________________________
I want to build a Pet Mech, a small robot that could be controlled by small pets walking on a rollerball surface housed in the floor of the “head” with a sleeping/snacking den in the “body”. So your rat or guinea pig or ferret or lizard wakes up, climbs up into the control room, the floor of which is the direction pad. Which ever way the pet walks, the robot goes. Your pet is a little closer to your face, safe from the cat, won’t get lost under the couch, and can move around with you and to the extent of it’s capabilities be a social participant in the family it belongs to. ____________________________________________________
I want to sell puppies that owners will come visit in my facility for the first couple months, then take them home one weekend a month, then two, then three, then every weekend, then by the time they are a year old the dog lives with it’s person/people but continues to spend one weekend a month at the facility for an additional year. The facility would provide full socialization and training. A lot of dogs wind up in shelters because in one way or another their owners do not know how to teach them to be a functioning member of the household/society. Just the other day, I heard a lady talking about getting rid of her two year old dog, because "he's getting on my damn nerves, I don't know what to do with him" which A: it is our responsibility to teach dogs how to be an acceptable fit in our households, and B: having never been taught that in his formative years, this dog will have more trouble learning it from even someone who knows exactly how to do that. Modern Americans typically lack the resources and/or proper knowledge to accomplish what could best be done for them by trained professionals who went to collage to study animal behavior and development etc. This way, the dog would have a realistic chance of being a good fit for the owner, and the owner would have clear methods of achieving behavior they require, as well as having access to a support facility for boarding, exercising, trouble shooting problem behavior, etc. At first, it would be very expensive, and I would look into a pairing program, where every dog purchased and trained would pay for an additional dog to be available for families with lower incomes. Additionally, you could defray the cost by predetermining your dog to be trained and available for dog-jobs for hire from the facility as adult dogs, to pay for their early care and training; jobs such as visiting senior homes or hospitals, sniffing things in labs (like tumors) finding lost people, working with livestock at high school Agg programs, etc... so a few days a month until they paid for themselves, these dogs would have jobs, which is fulfilling for many dogs and would help a family afford one of these canines. As facilities expanded, costs would go down, and the facilities would make great shelter alternatives, eventually allowing kill shelters to be closed and possibly getting access to shelter subsidies. Then, as more and more dogs were properly trained and socialized, and more and more families with dogs had access to support services, less and less dogs would be given up, further reducing both the need for shelters, and the number of dogs euthanized each year. __________________________________________________
I have a plan that might allow minimum wage workers to build equity and become property owners while having more free time, in a communities designed as entrepreneurial incubators that allow small businesses to develop in extremely low-risk environments. I’m pretty excited about that one. __________________________________________________
I want to start a store that focuses on local sourcing, and competes with stores like Target and Walmart. This store features a permanent farmers market, a suplimentary onsite greenhouse and nursery, and a large industrial kitchen attached to a small bistro and bakery. The greenhouse and nursery would focus on any produce not represented by local growers. The unsold produce from the farmers market would be given to the store as a substantial portion of the farmstand rental fee, keeping the cost low for the farmers and letting them get value out of produce the public doesn’t buy, and the bistro would sell food made from it. Additionally the industrial kitchen would process the remainder into things like mustard, tater tots, microwaveable chicken pot pies, frozen breakfast burritos, bbq sauce, etc. Instead of buying new tools from the tool section, there would be a large tool library, and a 3-D printer for printing high density ceramic tools in case a specific kind is not available. The ceramic would break down faster than tools of other materials, but since it’s loaned and not purchased, that is fine, especially as the ceramic material can be broken down and re-printed into new tools. Instead of Hallmark and Harlequin novels and Homemaker magazines... cards, poetry chapbooks, works of fiction and independent publications all from local authors. Instead of new toys, franken-toys made out of second hand toys, with a build your own franken-toy workshop open to the public and staffed with someone to assist children. Instead of an electronics department, a repair shop that also offers lessons in electronic repair, and a workshop and tools for public use. Instead of clothes made in overseas sweatshops, a fabric and second hand clothing store staffed with local tailors and would-be clothing designers, doing repairs and adjustments on the second-hand clothes and using them with the fabric to create whole new pieces of clothing. Our offer to the public: bring in any item of women’s clothing from anywhere, and we will add two functioning pockets for free. It would be a club, like Costco, with a small monthly fee that would help cover things like the workshop tool use, as well as encourage regular patronage. __________________________________________________
I want a genetically modified cactus or succulent that glows from bio-luminescence, to use as a night light in the bedroom or bathroom. I don’t know how to make this happen, but I keep looking into it, because MAN do I want this to happen. ___________________________________________________
Instead of people going to big sales, I want to throw a Black Friday make-your-presents party, where instructors and materials are provided for DIY christmas present projects. Tickets are sold in advance, are specific to the project (functioning as a sign-up) and the ticket price covers your materials (costs are averaged so ticket prices are all the same). The idea is, you show up for a party, head to your project space, get taught how to make the thing, and you make like, ten of them in two hours. Then you spend another couple hours eating, drinking, and trading gifts with people from the other projects, giving you a selection of about ten different gifts. ____________________________________________________
I want to make a computer-assisted table top RPG that keeps track of all the numbers and equations character movement speed and position on maps, so you can focus on the role-playing aspect (you still roll dice, but on a mat with sensors that track the result and apply your bonuses etc) ___________________________________________________
I want to do all this and so much more. I have some really cool alien fiction ideas - not the stories, but the aliens themselves, designed the right way, by creating a set of planetary conditions and then hypothesizing lifeforms likely to evolve therein... I have some energy creation process designs that utilize combinations of natural forces (like gravity/solar/tidal plants, that use all three things in a unified power production technique) which I’d love to look into further. I have a line of small pet housing I’ve sketched out, featuring tunnels connecting small pet environments in each room of the owner’s house.  I have a video game I’ve outlined and done character development for that I’m writing up as an RPG sourcebook...
___________________________________________________ I'm not saying this is genius stuff (I’m also not saying it isn’t tho) I'm just saying pursuing these thoughts is the only thing in life that commands my interest.
What I’m super tired of is trying to make my brain do anything but run on at full speed about this kind of thing, because it pretty much refuses to do anything else anyway.
I don't even care if I make any money from any of it, I just want to make it happen. ... I mean, money would be nice too, of course.
So, anyway, now if I die in my sleep at least this much of any of it is out in the world in some form. Meanwhile, I’m just a few days away from going live with the website I’ve put together to showcase my progress on this stuff and help find funding for development. A central location all of it can live and get updated. I should probably get back to working on that, actually
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legends71210-blog · 4 years
New Post has been published on Windows
New Post has been published on https://softwaresforpc.net/accusonus-regroover-free-download/
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7.84
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Free Download Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 for Windows it is for music producers, beatmakers and DJs who use sampling, drum programming, and beat slicing to remix and compose.
You can also FREE download EarMaster Pro
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 Overview
Accusonus Regroover Pro enables users to split audio files such as drum loops up into separate tracks. Regroover is an Artificial-Intelligence beat machine that is half plug-in processor and half virtual instrument that extends upon traditional music sampling.
With this program you can create new sounds from old or simply adjust the volume of individual elements inside a loop. Regroover uses Artificial-Intelligence to extract layers from within your previously recorded beats and samples.
Once Regroover analyzes the audio file, you are able to make your own drum kits and combine external sounds to make new beats, loops and your own unique Expansion Kits.
Features of Accusonus Regroover Pro
Unmix your loops into distinct sound layers.
Get previously unreachable sounds from inside your loops.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
Grab that magic kick, snare or clap and place it on its own trigger pad.
Create Regroover Projects with both external and found sounds from inside your loops.
Unmix your samples and extract distinct sound layers.
Play around with the A.I. engine and get previously unheard sounds.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Operating Systems Supported: Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (SP2 or later)
Hardware Requirements: 800MHz Intel or AMD CPU, or above; 512MB RAM or more
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legends71-blog · 4 years
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7.84
New Post has been published on https://softwaresforpc.net/accusonus-regroover-free-download/
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7.84
Tumblr media
Free Download Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 for Windows it is for music producers, beatmakers and DJs who use sampling, drum programming, and beat slicing to remix and compose.
You can also FREE download EarMaster Pro
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 Overview
Accusonus Regroover Pro enables users to split audio files such as drum loops up into separate tracks. Regroover is an Artificial-Intelligence beat machine that is half plug-in processor and half virtual instrument that extends upon traditional music sampling.
With this program you can create new sounds from old or simply adjust the volume of individual elements inside a loop. Regroover uses Artificial-Intelligence to extract layers from within your previously recorded beats and samples.
Once Regroover analyzes the audio file, you are able to make your own drum kits and combine external sounds to make new beats, loops and your own unique Expansion Kits.
Features of Accusonus Regroover Pro
Unmix your loops into distinct sound layers.
Get previously unreachable sounds from inside your loops.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
Grab that magic kick, snare or clap and place it on its own trigger pad.
Create Regroover Projects with both external and found sounds from inside your loops.
Unmix your samples and extract distinct sound layers.
Play around with the A.I. engine and get previously unheard sounds.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Operating Systems Supported: Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (SP2 or later)
Hardware Requirements: 800MHz Intel or AMD CPU, or above; 512MB RAM or more
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center-hack-blog · 4 years
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7.84
New Post has been published on https://softwaresforpc.net/accusonus-regroover-free-download/
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7.84
Tumblr media
Free Download Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 for Windows it is for music producers, beatmakers and DJs who use sampling, drum programming, and beat slicing to remix and compose.
You can also FREE download EarMaster Pro
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 Overview
Accusonus Regroover Pro enables users to split audio files such as drum loops up into separate tracks. Regroover is an Artificial-Intelligence beat machine that is half plug-in processor and half virtual instrument that extends upon traditional music sampling.
With this program you can create new sounds from old or simply adjust the volume of individual elements inside a loop. Regroover uses Artificial-Intelligence to extract layers from within your previously recorded beats and samples.
Once Regroover analyzes the audio file, you are able to make your own drum kits and combine external sounds to make new beats, loops and your own unique Expansion Kits.
Features of Accusonus Regroover Pro
Unmix your loops into distinct sound layers.
Get previously unreachable sounds from inside your loops.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
Grab that magic kick, snare or clap and place it on its own trigger pad.
Create Regroover Projects with both external and found sounds from inside your loops.
Unmix your samples and extract distinct sound layers.
Play around with the A.I. engine and get previously unheard sounds.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Operating Systems Supported: Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (SP2 or later)
Hardware Requirements: 800MHz Intel or AMD CPU, or above; 512MB RAM or more
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New Post has been published on Windows
New Post has been published on https://softwaresforpc.net/accusonus-regroover-free-download/
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7.84
Tumblr media
Free Download Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 for Windows it is for music producers, beatmakers and DJs who use sampling, drum programming, and beat slicing to remix and compose.
You can also FREE download EarMaster Pro
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 Overview
Accusonus Regroover Pro enables users to split audio files such as drum loops up into separate tracks. Regroover is an Artificial-Intelligence beat machine that is half plug-in processor and half virtual instrument that extends upon traditional music sampling.
With this program you can create new sounds from old or simply adjust the volume of individual elements inside a loop. Regroover uses Artificial-Intelligence to extract layers from within your previously recorded beats and samples.
Once Regroover analyzes the audio file, you are able to make your own drum kits and combine external sounds to make new beats, loops and your own unique Expansion Kits.
Features of Accusonus Regroover Pro
Unmix your loops into distinct sound layers.
Get previously unreachable sounds from inside your loops.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
Grab that magic kick, snare or clap and place it on its own trigger pad.
Create Regroover Projects with both external and found sounds from inside your loops.
Unmix your samples and extract distinct sound layers.
Play around with the A.I. engine and get previously unheard sounds.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Operating Systems Supported: Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (SP2 or later)
Hardware Requirements: 800MHz Intel or AMD CPU, or above; 512MB RAM or more
0 notes
New Post has been published on Windows
New Post has been published on https://softwaresforpc.net/accusonus-regroover-free-download/
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7.84
Tumblr media
Free Download Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 for Windows it is for music producers, beatmakers and DJs who use sampling, drum programming, and beat slicing to remix and compose.
You can also FREE download EarMaster Pro
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 Overview
Accusonus Regroover Pro enables users to split audio files such as drum loops up into separate tracks. Regroover is an Artificial-Intelligence beat machine that is half plug-in processor and half virtual instrument that extends upon traditional music sampling.
With this program you can create new sounds from old or simply adjust the volume of individual elements inside a loop. Regroover uses Artificial-Intelligence to extract layers from within your previously recorded beats and samples.
Once Regroover analyzes the audio file, you are able to make your own drum kits and combine external sounds to make new beats, loops and your own unique Expansion Kits.
Features of Accusonus Regroover Pro
Unmix your loops into distinct sound layers.
Get previously unreachable sounds from inside your loops.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
Grab that magic kick, snare or clap and place it on its own trigger pad.
Create Regroover Projects with both external and found sounds from inside your loops.
Unmix your samples and extract distinct sound layers.
Play around with the A.I. engine and get previously unheard sounds.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Operating Systems Supported: Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (SP2 or later)
Hardware Requirements: 800MHz Intel or AMD CPU, or above; 512MB RAM or more
0 notes
Gumi Info
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Full name: Gumi Megpoid
Species: Human || A.I. ( verse dependant )
Age: 19
Sexuality: Demisexual
FC(s): Midori ( Divine Gate ) || Myoui Mina
Bio: Born in a middle-class family, with both of her parents being musicians, it’s no wonder that Gumi soon developed an interested for the art at a young age. Her parents recall how she would sing as often as possible, going along the melodies she would hear on TV or on the radio. Her father taught her how to play the guitar around the time she was 7 or 8, and has gotten better ever since; her mother, on the other hand, taught her how to train her voice and sing as well as she could. It paid off at the end.
Gumi was scouted by a manager working for VOCALOID, a firm that is well known for its rising stars and for being the ones who discovered the pop sensation, Hatsune Miku. And while the man who offered the deal wasn’t from the Crypton wing, the Internet Co. wing was as well-known as the first. It was scary at first – Gumi was aware of how demanding the Idol industry was, even if VOCALOID was one of the few who treated their stars like actual human beings, and wasn’t sure if she was up for all the training. Thankfully, she wasn’t alone during it: there was Gakupo, who became her partner and senior, and also Lily, who joined not too long after her.
A girl who never asks for too much, at least nothing outlandish outside of basic common sense and mutual respect. The idol industry is a scary place, one unsuited for someone like her, but Gumi was determined to be the best she could aim for with her strengths: a solid voice suited for the J-Pop flare, a marketable image that is neither too innocent nor too sexy, and a relatable aura for young teenage girls. There’s a reason most of her hit songs with that demographic are love songs, she’s as much of a hopeless romantic as any other girl.
That isn’t to say she’s all silly songs and happy smiles. Everyone who knows about Megpoid Gumi is aware of how polarizing her discography can be. Sure, the J-Pop flare is always but the content can be a big 180° from song to song – from unrequited love songs to the depths of her inner (and maybe depressed) mind, and then back to being a hopeless romantic. Whenever she’s questioned about the duality of her songs Gumi tries to dismiss it as just nothing more than expressing herself, and thankfully no one during her interviews has ever dared to ask for more – deep inside, Gumi doesn’t feel ready, and doubts she’ll ever feel ready, to be open about that topic.
Note: Heavily headcanon based.
V001: Idol Sensation
Default main verse. An idol sensation who gained more and more popularity and a bigger fanbase as the years went by. That never changed who she is, as Gumi is still a humble girl at heart. Currently working for the company who scouted her Internet Co. and under the VOCALOID label, Gumi is determined to give it her all at all times.
V002: More Than a Synthetizer
Alternate main verse || A.I. verse. A voice synthesizer developed (mainly) for computers but with the recently added AI functions, now it can work on any device. The program MEGPOID can be activated on a mobile phone, a computer, or even the TV! With the right user, Gumi can sing in Japanese, English and even Spanish; don't pressure her, however, she appreciates good communication with her user and if things get complicated she'll peace out for a couple of hours.
V003: An Ordinary Girl
Alternate modern verse // High School verse. Megpoid Gumi is as much of a normal and ordinary girl as she can be, even with the green hair, but gifted with a beautiful singing voice. She adores singing but isn’t sure if she would want to pursue a professional career on it. For now, Gumi'd rather focus on finishing High School and participate as much as possible in the Music Club and the Drama Club.
V004: Young Adult Novice
College verse. A student and part-timer, the best of both worlds. During daytime: Gumi studies long and hard in the area of communication, on her way to work professionally at a radio station with her own segment and everything. During nighttime: Works the night shift at either the local coffee shop of the campus or as one of three DJs at the local disco.
V005: Her Small Journey
A Pokemon verse. Just like any other ten years old, once Gumi reached the age she took off to travel around the world, to begin her own Pokemon journey. Some years have passed since then and, even with her frequent visits to her home town, the young woman enjoys the sights and the long travels. Her team isn't stellar but she loves all of her Pokemon dearly; her team is formed of: 
A Turtwig
A Sylveon
A Gardevoir
A Cacturne
A Mimikyu
An Oddish.
V006: Playful Pixie
A Monster Prom verse. Pixies aren't as common to find as one would imagine. They haven't gone extinct -- they simply have gotten better at hiding, as well as developing other abilities for the evolution of their species. Gumi must be one of the very few pixies who isn't full of mischief at all times, but that doesn't mean she is without her playful moments. Her wings aren't as stand-offish as other pixies, simple transparent ones with a green gleam, almost crystal-like.
V007: Mint Guitars
An Eldarya verse. Far away from the mainlands of Eldarya, there was an island across the sea. This is the land of the Muses, magical humanoid beings that can live for a long time, with strong auras and connected to the arts. Their large island has a sub-country for each specific art, with the capital on the centre ruling them all. In the land of music lived Gumi, a young Muse with a green aura which irradiated the smell of fresh grass, mint and carrots; her preferred instrument is the guitar.
V008: Loud Megaphone
A My Hero Academia verse. If someone were to ask Megpoid Gumi years ago where would she be standing at age 17, the last thing she would answer would be "At the U.A. High School". Everyone knows that's the best High School to learn and become heroes in Japan -- she couldn't even imagine herself in the B class. And yet, she was a student, a Class A student. Now in her third year, Gumi is known for her kindness and for how deadly her quirk can be.
QUIRK: VOICE. Gumi is able to manipulate the pitch of her voice, how loud she wants to be heard, and how ear-screeching it sounds to other people. Mostly a pretty useful quirk most of the time, except for any enemies coming from below the earth. Gumi also cannot force her voice too much or else she'll lose it for a short period of time.
V009: Mistress Glassred
tba Gumina Glassred / Gumi’s character from Madness of Duke Venomania.
Hatsune Mikuo :: [ Bae ]
:: Gumi ♥ The best thing I never knew I needed [ Mikuo ( kindcstguardian ) ] ::
0 notes
rumble71210-blog · 4 years
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7.84
New Post has been published on https://softwaresforpc.net/accusonus-regroover-free-download/
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7.84
Free Download Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 for Windows it is for music producers, beatmakers and DJs who use sampling, drum programming, and beat slicing to remix and compose.
You can also FREE download EarMaster Pro
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 Overview
Accusonus Regroover Pro enables users to split audio files such as drum loops up into separate tracks. Regroover is an Artificial-Intelligence beat machine that is half plug-in processor and half virtual instrument that extends upon traditional music sampling.
With this program you can create new sounds from old or simply adjust the volume of individual elements inside a loop. Regroover uses Artificial-Intelligence to extract layers from within your previously recorded beats and samples.
Once Regroover analyzes the audio file, you are able to make your own drum kits and combine external sounds to make new beats, loops and your own unique Expansion Kits.
Features of Accusonus Regroover Pro
Unmix your loops into distinct sound layers.
Get previously unreachable sounds from inside your loops.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
Grab that magic kick, snare or clap and place it on its own trigger pad.
Create Regroover Projects with both external and found sounds from inside your loops.
Unmix your samples and extract distinct sound layers.
Play around with the A.I. engine and get previously unheard sounds.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Operating Systems Supported: Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (SP2 or later)
Hardware Requirements: 800MHz Intel or AMD CPU, or above; 512MB RAM or more
0 notes
natehorton712-blog · 4 years
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7.84
New Post has been published on https://softwaresforpc.net/accusonus-regroover-free-download/
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7.84
Free Download Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 for Windows it is for music producers, beatmakers and DJs who use sampling, drum programming, and beat slicing to remix and compose.
You can also FREE download EarMaster Pro
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 Overview
Accusonus Regroover Pro enables users to split audio files such as drum loops up into separate tracks. Regroover is an Artificial-Intelligence beat machine that is half plug-in processor and half virtual instrument that extends upon traditional music sampling.
With this program you can create new sounds from old or simply adjust the volume of individual elements inside a loop. Regroover uses Artificial-Intelligence to extract layers from within your previously recorded beats and samples.
Once Regroover analyzes the audio file, you are able to make your own drum kits and combine external sounds to make new beats, loops and your own unique Expansion Kits.
Features of Accusonus Regroover Pro
Unmix your loops into distinct sound layers.
Get previously unreachable sounds from inside your loops.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
Grab that magic kick, snare or clap and place it on its own trigger pad.
Create Regroover Projects with both external and found sounds from inside your loops.
Unmix your samples and extract distinct sound layers.
Play around with the A.I. engine and get previously unheard sounds.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Operating Systems Supported: Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (SP2 or later)
Hardware Requirements: 800MHz Intel or AMD CPU, or above; 512MB RAM or more
0 notes
business71-blog1 · 4 years
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7.84
New Post has been published on https://softwaresforpc.net/accusonus-regroover-free-download/
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7.84
Free Download Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 for Windows it is for music producers, beatmakers and DJs who use sampling, drum programming, and beat slicing to remix and compose.
You can also FREE download EarMaster Pro
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 Overview
Accusonus Regroover Pro enables users to split audio files such as drum loops up into separate tracks. Regroover is an Artificial-Intelligence beat machine that is half plug-in processor and half virtual instrument that extends upon traditional music sampling.
With this program you can create new sounds from old or simply adjust the volume of individual elements inside a loop. Regroover uses Artificial-Intelligence to extract layers from within your previously recorded beats and samples.
Once Regroover analyzes the audio file, you are able to make your own drum kits and combine external sounds to make new beats, loops and your own unique Expansion Kits.
Features of Accusonus Regroover Pro
Unmix your loops into distinct sound layers.
Get previously unreachable sounds from inside your loops.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
Grab that magic kick, snare or clap and place it on its own trigger pad.
Create Regroover Projects with both external and found sounds from inside your loops.
Unmix your samples and extract distinct sound layers.
Play around with the A.I. engine and get previously unheard sounds.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Operating Systems Supported: Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (SP2 or later)
Hardware Requirements: 800MHz Intel or AMD CPU, or above; 512MB RAM or more
0 notes
nathaniel71210-blog · 4 years
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7.84
New Post has been published on https://softwaresforpc.net/accusonus-regroover-free-download/
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7.84
Free Download Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 for Windows it is for music producers, beatmakers and DJs who use sampling, drum programming, and beat slicing to remix and compose.
You can also FREE download EarMaster Pro
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 Overview
Accusonus Regroover Pro enables users to split audio files such as drum loops up into separate tracks. Regroover is an Artificial-Intelligence beat machine that is half plug-in processor and half virtual instrument that extends upon traditional music sampling.
With this program you can create new sounds from old or simply adjust the volume of individual elements inside a loop. Regroover uses Artificial-Intelligence to extract layers from within your previously recorded beats and samples.
Once Regroover analyzes the audio file, you are able to make your own drum kits and combine external sounds to make new beats, loops and your own unique Expansion Kits.
Features of Accusonus Regroover Pro
Unmix your loops into distinct sound layers.
Get previously unreachable sounds from inside your loops.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
Grab that magic kick, snare or clap and place it on its own trigger pad.
Create Regroover Projects with both external and found sounds from inside your loops.
Unmix your samples and extract distinct sound layers.
Play around with the A.I. engine and get previously unheard sounds.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Operating Systems Supported: Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (SP2 or later)
Hardware Requirements: 800MHz Intel or AMD CPU, or above; 512MB RAM or more
0 notes
mikehenz127-blog · 4 years
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7.84
New Post has been published on https://softwaresforpc.net/accusonus-regroover-free-download/
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7.84
Free Download Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 for Windows it is for music producers, beatmakers and DJs who use sampling, drum programming, and beat slicing to remix and compose.
You can also FREE download EarMaster Pro
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 Overview
Accusonus Regroover Pro enables users to split audio files such as drum loops up into separate tracks. Regroover is an Artificial-Intelligence beat machine that is half plug-in processor and half virtual instrument that extends upon traditional music sampling.
With this program you can create new sounds from old or simply adjust the volume of individual elements inside a loop. Regroover uses Artificial-Intelligence to extract layers from within your previously recorded beats and samples.
Once Regroover analyzes the audio file, you are able to make your own drum kits and combine external sounds to make new beats, loops and your own unique Expansion Kits.
Features of Accusonus Regroover Pro
Unmix your loops into distinct sound layers.
Get previously unreachable sounds from inside your loops.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
Grab that magic kick, snare or clap and place it on its own trigger pad.
Create Regroover Projects with both external and found sounds from inside your loops.
Unmix your samples and extract distinct sound layers.
Play around with the A.I. engine and get previously unheard sounds.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Operating Systems Supported: Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (SP2 or later)
Hardware Requirements: 800MHz Intel or AMD CPU, or above; 512MB RAM or more
0 notes
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7.84
New Post has been published on https://softwaresforpc.net/accusonus-regroover-free-download/
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7.84
Free Download Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 for Windows it is for music producers, beatmakers and DJs who use sampling, drum programming, and beat slicing to remix and compose.
You can also FREE download EarMaster Pro
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 Overview
Accusonus Regroover Pro enables users to split audio files such as drum loops up into separate tracks. Regroover is an Artificial-Intelligence beat machine that is half plug-in processor and half virtual instrument that extends upon traditional music sampling.
With this program you can create new sounds from old or simply adjust the volume of individual elements inside a loop. Regroover uses Artificial-Intelligence to extract layers from within your previously recorded beats and samples.
Once Regroover analyzes the audio file, you are able to make your own drum kits and combine external sounds to make new beats, loops and your own unique Expansion Kits.
Features of Accusonus Regroover Pro
Unmix your loops into distinct sound layers.
Get previously unreachable sounds from inside your loops.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
Grab that magic kick, snare or clap and place it on its own trigger pad.
Create Regroover Projects with both external and found sounds from inside your loops.
Unmix your samples and extract distinct sound layers.
Play around with the A.I. engine and get previously unheard sounds.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Operating Systems Supported: Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (SP2 or later)
Hardware Requirements: 800MHz Intel or AMD CPU, or above; 512MB RAM or more
0 notes
paullecuyer25-blog · 4 years
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7.84
New Post has been published on https://softwaresforpc.net/accusonus-regroover-free-download/
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7.84
Free Download Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 for Windows it is for music producers, beatmakers and DJs who use sampling, drum programming, and beat slicing to remix and compose.
You can also FREE download EarMaster Pro
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 Overview
Accusonus Regroover Pro enables users to split audio files such as drum loops up into separate tracks. Regroover is an Artificial-Intelligence beat machine that is half plug-in processor and half virtual instrument that extends upon traditional music sampling.
With this program you can create new sounds from old or simply adjust the volume of individual elements inside a loop. Regroover uses Artificial-Intelligence to extract layers from within your previously recorded beats and samples.
Once Regroover analyzes the audio file, you are able to make your own drum kits and combine external sounds to make new beats, loops and your own unique Expansion Kits.
Features of Accusonus Regroover Pro
Unmix your loops into distinct sound layers.
Get previously unreachable sounds from inside your loops.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
Grab that magic kick, snare or clap and place it on its own trigger pad.
Create Regroover Projects with both external and found sounds from inside your loops.
Unmix your samples and extract distinct sound layers.
Play around with the A.I. engine and get previously unheard sounds.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Operating Systems Supported: Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (SP2 or later)
Hardware Requirements: 800MHz Intel or AMD CPU, or above; 512MB RAM or more
0 notes
sanchezmilo17-blog · 4 years
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7.84
New Post has been published on https://softwaresforpc.net/accusonus-regroover-free-download/
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7.84
Free Download Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 for Windows it is for music producers, beatmakers and DJs who use sampling, drum programming, and beat slicing to remix and compose.
You can also FREE download EarMaster Pro
Accusonus Regroover Pro 1.7 Overview
Accusonus Regroover Pro enables users to split audio files such as drum loops up into separate tracks. Regroover is an Artificial-Intelligence beat machine that is half plug-in processor and half virtual instrument that extends upon traditional music sampling.
With this program you can create new sounds from old or simply adjust the volume of individual elements inside a loop. Regroover uses Artificial-Intelligence to extract layers from within your previously recorded beats and samples.
Once Regroover analyzes the audio file, you are able to make your own drum kits and combine external sounds to make new beats, loops and your own unique Expansion Kits.
Features of Accusonus Regroover Pro
Unmix your loops into distinct sound layers.
Get previously unreachable sounds from inside your loops.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
Grab that magic kick, snare or clap and place it on its own trigger pad.
Create Regroover Projects with both external and found sounds from inside your loops.
Unmix your samples and extract distinct sound layers.
Play around with the A.I. engine and get previously unheard sounds.
Craft the isolated beat elements and form your unique rhythmic signature.
System Requirements and Technical Details
Operating Systems Supported: Windows 10, Windows 8/8.1, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP (SP2 or later)
Hardware Requirements: 800MHz Intel or AMD CPU, or above; 512MB RAM or more
0 notes