funkyjunkyfangz · 1 year
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fanart i drew of system of a down dying in a glue trap
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armoricaroyalty · 10 months
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character/story inspiration tag
rules: write up a blurb or make a visual collage of the people or characters (from books, TV shows, movies, etc.) that inspired your story and/or OC, either visually, personality wise, or just a general vibe
I was tagged by @citylighten!
Tagging @stillgotme @bridgeportbritt @nexility-sims @warwickroyals @housekonig @cinamun !
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dailytomlinson · 1 year
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Louis on stage in Copenhagen - 31.08
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bloodanddiscoballs · 11 months
I have my doctors appointment in da morning ough
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longeyelashedtragedy · 9 months
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lycalleon · 1 year
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rises the moon 10.01
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ashvalle · 1 year
a gift for rindou ❤️
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Oh! It's Ran plush.
The smaller , but much more mischievous ( if that was even possible ) version of his brother. He hadn't seen this mysterious rascal in quite a while and had assumed he had ran off to conquer some plush territory that was beyond what human beings were allowed to know. Kneeling down and scoops up the nui , and places him on his shoulder.
" Did you eat yet ? " he asks , taking out a plushie dessert specifically for this situation and putting it in his hands. ( If Ran was eating , he couldn't cause trouble. )
" See mini me lately ? Are you bullying him too much ? "
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" Bring him around sometimes , I'll play some music for us. "
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pitorodops · 2 years
dizlerim çok ağrıyor ya orda bişeyler çekiştiriliyo gibi yürüdkçe oturdukça 23 yaşında yaşlı gibi hissediyorum hareketsiz hayatın abv
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drachliebe · 1 year
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nessaja . the old sea turtle
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while kolk is his primary caregiver , taba has a very close relationship with the nessaja . unlike the raven's coarseness , she's a lot softer in spite of her hard , reef-decorated shell . she's a sage-like mentor who's grown too old to be phased by much of the world's nonsense , but still cares and delights in the presence of the young . most of grünland refers to her as oma for a reason !
the reason taba visits her so often is one, the oceanside is one of the best places to visit , and two , because nessaja never talks down to him . he can immediately open up to her about anything , and she's the few creatures that can help him wind down rather quickly ( he's a sweet kid but man if he can't be a tiny terror when bored or brimming with energy ! ) she just exudes this steadiness and her wise words are always a comfort , even if he doesn't always understand them .
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lilli on the other hand can decipher her teachings a bit better , or in the very least appreciates the melancholy / perceives the complexity of it more so than her playmate . she's also quick to remember her slow songs , and enjoy the strange , consoling ache they give . ( an homage to that is her voice actress from the movie singing nessaja's song at the end credits , but that's just trivia for ya lol )
the old sea turtle is also the few creatures that can give insight to lilli's complex emotions towards her homeland and especially with her father . most can't see eisworld as anything but a wasteland or a bastardization of the natural order , let alone the master of it as anything but an abomination and enemy to all life-- all completely understandable from their pov , but very difficult for the child of that place to navigate on her own .
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stridingseer · 1 year
I think it’s funny that I might not get as scared as I do in RE2 compared to RE4 and it’s 100% because the latter has (1) jumpscare total. Said jumpscare happens so late in game that you’re so confident that the game puts you back into your place again. 
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kerra-and-company · 1 year
how has being raised by kerra influenced aurene’s personality? her approach to conflict?
bonus round: what’s one good thing aurene learned from kerra (intentionally or not!) AND what’s one bad thing? 😈
Ooh, this is a Good question, thank you so much :D
Assorted thoughts, in no particular order:
- Kerra's love for Aurene is entirely unconditional on whether or not Aurene ever ascended or fulfilled Glint's legacy. Literally the second Aurene hatched, that was her daughter, and she defended and loved Aurene in exactly that way. Kerra also believes destiny is a mutable, changeable thing. Glint had very specific prophecies that she believed in. Aurene got both of those perspectives growing up and holds both of them on close-to-equal footing.
- Kerra's incredibly used to interpreting what goes unsaid based on how someone's feeling (thanks to her empathy ability), so lacking spoken language with hatchling!Aurene is not as much of an issue for her. It's not a perfect communication method by a long shot, but Kerra's pretty damn adept at it, and Aurene struggles a lot less with being misunderstood (or just NOT understood).
- Aurene got a front-row seat to the rough dynamic between Kerra and Caithe during LWS3--not that they argued a ton in front of her or yelled at each other or anything like that, but there was a lot of discomfort/sadness/anger, and Aurene was tied into Kerra's feelings like Kerra was tied into hers. Aurene did actually get to witness the first time they really sat down and talked through a little bit of stuff, though. Accidental lesson in conflict resolution!
- Kerra visited Aurene every chance she got during LWS3 via the portal stone (LWS3 is by far the period in which Kerra does the most zooming around to different places). Aurene just overall gets to see her often, which is good. (Also, I'm trying to find a place to mention that Kerra always considers how Aurene's feeling about things, because that one line in LWS4 is maybe the most out-of-character commander line for Kerra in the game.)
- Kerra shares with Aurene the unique experience of being "destined" to fight and kill your grandfather, who's also an Elder Dragon. They share the intense focus and pressure during the respective times they're dealing with that issue (HoT and LWS4), too. The difference there (outside of the fact that Aurene is expected to Ascend and does and Kerra was not and did not) is that Kerra does lean on her support system during HoT as best she can while Aurene starts off trying to do as much as she can mostly solo. Kerra tracks her down and convinces her to rest and take care of herself a bit better, which is an interesting flipped-on-its-head scenario since someone had to do that to Kerra post-PS.
- Aurene's patience is something she gets from both Glint and Kerra, but so is her willingness to jump in and get personally and viciously involved in conflict. Her first impression of Kerra upon hatching (though she did know Kerra a bit before then as well) was that instant, fierce love--and someone willing to stand between her and any incoming foes with bared teeth and without a moment of hesitation. She's both diplomatic and willing to abandon that instantly if she thinks it's the right thing to do (see: the devourer at the All-Legion Rally, for instance).
For the bonus round--a random good thing: Aurene learned a decent amount about diplomacy techniques, which means Jormag throws her off less than they might have otherwise. As for bad things...there are probably more than this, but the one that's foremost in my brain at the moment: Aurene's willingness to jump in front of bullets (so to speak) was something unintentionally reinforced by the fact that Kerra does it on a fairly regular basis.
This Aurene is still very much Aurene. She's just colored a tiny bit by Kerra.
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chmerical-a · 1 year
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❝  𝗜𝗧'𝗦  𝗙𝗜𝗡𝗘,  you  can  admit  it..  i  might  be  kind  of  a  badass.  ❞
ft. @h0b1e // kate schmidt & hobie brown
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nickleback-fan · 2 years
Chad krorger
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dihalect · 2 years
it turns out that not living in The Actual City was the only thing keeping me from being stereotypically obsessed with trains
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lycalleon · 1 year
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“oh, i see! this is how a demon’s city looks like, huh?” “...what are you doing under my cloak?”
demon king x fairy seer yuechiya :)
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scottstiles · 2 years
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