deathfavor · 10 months
@ashrifts replied to your post “Anonymous said: Then Hanma is it good saying that...”:
ran voice anon get better taste
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" I'm not even disagreeing but I do find it hilarious you felt the need to comment. Jealous or something? "
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sanoism · 9 months
When there’s no present money could not already buy during the rest of the year, Christmas is little else than an excuse to throw a party, caring less for the meaning behind the holiday and more for the celebration itself… and an excuse to play a prank on his coworkers. 
“There.” From where Ran and Mikey sit close together and away from the other executives, Ran’s finger points at a specific place: on the hinge of the open door leading to the balcony, where Rindou and Takeomi are talking about something unintelligible from the music playing loud enough to drown their voices. Directly above them hangs a mistletoe that would’ve been innocent if not for the strategic way it’d been placed the night before by none other than Ran himself, just like the rest of the hidden, but not overtly obvious, mistletoes all around the room.
He grins knowingly at Mikey, then points at the other end of the room, where Mocchi had been quicker to notice the little red pest over his and Koko’s heads, judging by the way his mouth pulls back into a full scowl. He looks around, looking for the culprit no doubt (there’s no such thing as a coincidence with these people), so Ran ducks his head into Mikey’s shoulder to hide his chuckle.
“Who do you think will cave in first? Maybe if we apply a bit of peer pressure… Tradition is tradition, after all.”
(And if Mikey chooses to look up, he'll see another mistletoe hanging above their own heads tooㅤ──ㅤno such thing as a coincidence, indeed.)
Curious dark eyes follow the direction Ran points to as he sees the mistletoe hanging oh so innocently above the unsuspecting pairs. A sharp exhale of air is all that betrays his humored mood, easy to miss to one who knew him less. Luckily, the witness today is far more familiar then then the common man.
Mikey plays with the strands of hair close to Ran's nape as he indulges in his husband's chuckles against his shoulder. It's therapeutic almost as he smooths it, leaning closer to Ran's ear, Mikey whispers to keep their secret even as the music conspired alongside the duo of this dastardly deed.
" Takeomi might do anything if he's drunk enough, but I think Koko would want to get us off his back first. " He wonders, is there a little gift above them as well. Glancing upwards, there hangs innocently exactly what he suspected. Cupping Ran's face he places three successive kisses upon his lips, one for each mistletoe. Maybe it's a little twist on tradition, but who will object?
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" ─ but I guess I lost first this time. " contrary to his words, he feels quite certain he's won.
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kyukicho · 10 months
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@ashrifts asked: "Be honest, how can I make you happy?" bonten kaku and ran :)
send me "be honest..." with a question and they'll answer truthfully. | Accepting
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It's there, it's on the tip of his tongue. 'What makes you think I'm not happy?' But voice gives out whenever he takes a breath. Tongue and teeth and vocal chords betray everything he wants to say. Because why? Because it's not honest. It's a question with too complicated an answer that both of them already knew by heart. He hadn't been truly happy since he survived.
Kakucho lowered his head. Dark strands brushing temples. He had grown out his hair to suit Ran's taste. It was what Izana would have wanted too. He knew that deep down. Hoping to please them both, because what was he if not pleasing those he held most dear? What was left of him?
"Give me purpose." He breathily spoke, raising his head to look at Ran directly. Dual toned eyes pleading in silent thoughts. They shimmered briefly before he straightened up with a weak smile. "I know you're not him. But let me devote myself to you in other ways. Let me love you Ran. Because of who you are and what you mean to me. You saved me, don't leave me when I need you most."
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ashvalle · 9 months
For today's Christmas, Ran decides to be helpful in the kitchen for onceㅤ─ㅤwhich means Ran is sitting on the counter while watching Rindou run around preparing dinner, a sly smile on his face as he crosses a leg over the other and idly dipping cookies meant for dessert into milk while ordering his brother around for the fun of it.
"You should add some mayo," he says, pointing at one of the pans currently cooking a dish that does not, in fact, require any mayo. He doesn't wait to hear Rindou's feedback of his genius idea as he hops off the counter to grab a bottle of ketchup instead, holding it over the pan and about to squeeze it, grin growning with mischief. "Better yet, I'll do it for you. Aren't I so kind?"
The thing about Ran is that he's asleep when he shouldn't be, and awake when it's time to purposely inconvenience others. "Stop eating those!" he snaps, moving to bat at Ran's hand giving up when a timer begins to ring. Forced to abandon his Ran-wrangling duties, he turns over his shoulder and mutters, "Don't blame me when you don't have any for later." He grabs one too, biting off the smiling face of the snowman printed sugar cookie. It may be the only one he gets with Ran's sticky fingers sneaking them behind his back.
Mayo???? Snapping his head up, he stares offendedly at Ran sputtering as he sees the ketchup hanging over his still-cooking dish. "Stop messing around, you're eating it later too!" Grabbing the ketchup, he watches in horror as the cap flies off hitting the wall and ping-ponging beneath the table. Ketchup lays on top up the unfinished food like a massive hill.
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"... Can we still feed it to Shion?"
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ofluminance-a · 1 year
i wonder where you are tonight and why i'm by myself. ( for akane 😌)
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tonight was an important night. akane had been invited to a party for a friend, and her recent ex was due to be there. more than likely with his new girlfriend, too. b l e h.
at first, akane wanted to decline the invitation and do nothing more than curl back into her covers and throw a pillow over her head. but, when her friends practically begged her to come to the party all day at school, she couldn't exactly say no, could she? so, she took it upon herself to go all out: curled hair, pretty makeup, painted nails, new dress and heels. maybe, in doing all of this, she could even make her ex jealous? that'd help her get over his stupid face and their stupid breakup! that is, if ran would ever let her leave.
tilting her head back, akane shuts her eyes and pinches the bridge of her nose relieving the oncoming tension headache with a tired groan. " rannnnnn. " a whine, followed shortly by a huff as she turns towards them, free hand still holding their bento, " i already told you! i'm going to a party tonight, okay? it's kind of a big deal!! and if i don't leave soon, i'll be late! "
akane knows he's teasing her, still--- it begs the question: since when did ran want to hang out or spend time with her? it's not like she was anyone special or important. she was just their bento delivery girl, wasn't she? curiously, she turns back towards them. " and since when does it matter what i do on my nights off? hmm? "
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bitterseadrop-a · 1 year
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milou pov:
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ofsavior · 10 months
unprompted. || @ashrifts
Silently, Ran sneaks up behind Mitsuya, leaning down close to his ear and whispering: “Boo.”
There's a shudder down his spine, and Mitsuya turns his head with a grimace. He doesn't need to see the culprit to know who's there, but eyes pave way to emphasis. He could threaten Ran, but he doubts that will hold any merit. Instead, he'll express his impatience.
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“ Can I help you? ”
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prxenuntius · 1 year
bluebell, iris and lily !!
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bluebell :   does your muse learn from their past ,   or are they prone to repeating the same mistakes ?  
Keisuke is great at adapting, he is wise and he will learn from every experience he goes through, except for one thing... Asking for help. And is not because he thinks it is weak to do so or anything, he is just so convinced he can manage by himself he never does, he doesn't want to burden.
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iris :   if your muse could convey one last message to someone they have lost or left behind ,   what would it be ?
"I am so so sorry, I am an idiot! I should have trusted my gut. Please don't leave, we need you, Mikey needs you."
"This isn't your fault, neither of you is responsible. These are the consequences of my own decisions and actions and I have to pay them. I need to atone for my past. I only wish I could stay more time with all of you."
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lily :   how does your muse view their mother ?
Keisuke loves his mother! He will still act annoyed if in front of her
Their personalities are very similar and he knows and is okay with this (she raised me on her own, who else would I be like? He thinks), they show love for each other in a tough way but he knows he is fortunate for her, for how she loves him, especially after meeting Kazutora. They fight as a love language and even if they complain about each other they've got each other's backs.
He just wants to make her proud and happy. Give back some of what she has had to sacrifice for him.
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revengesworn · 1 year
@ashrifts​ I have replied to your comments on my last post in tumblr ims (assuming they are working, cries) instead of replies because i can’t get replies to work for me atm BUT thank you so much for sharing your thoughts!! I loved them sm ;ww;
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captivemuses · 1 year
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"Well well, the second prettiest man in Tokyo decided to come back." The first being Kisaki of course, but Hanma couldn't resist teasing his best friend right off the bat as he let himself in to the Haitani's apartment and held up the two bottles of liquor for both of them to enjoy tonight. His fiance wouldn't have to babysit him for the night and Hanma got to hang out with Ran and pilfer some of Rindou's food, so to him it was a win/win situation.
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deathfavor · 9 months
@ashrifts said: "3, 2, 1..." for hanma i GUESS 🙄
Send "3,2,1..." for a new years kiss from my muse
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Hanma makes no effort to disguise the fact that he's mainly here for the booze and food over anything else. Which, by all signs that he's seen, seems to be acceptable enough. The fact Hanma has bothered to show up at ALL is more surprising than anything else ; he's a man who ultimately obeys himself before anyone else. Even Tetta Kisaki cannot wrangle him into obedience. Hanma just happens to find his plots fun most of the time. His obedience is contractual to his interest. This event just happens to hold the promise that something funny might happen. Alcohol plus guys who like to right tends to make for an interesting combination.
Although, for how tall he is and the presence he carries, no one can seem to quite pin down the moment the reaper had appeared at the new years eve party decked out in leather and paired with a wolfish grin. Few really care anyways.
So he enjoys the drinks and food, and flashes a particularly sly grin and mocking wink when he catches Ran's scowl across the room at one point in the night just because he knows it'll rile up the older Haitani. It's quickly forgotten though and perhaps it's one last blessing from the old year that Hanma doesn't decide to cross the room to directly antagonize Ran as a source of entertainment. He lets him be and minds his own business.
Or maybe it's one last elaborate trap of the year.
Time stretches and melts together, and before Hanma knows it, the final seconds of the year are approaching. He has no particularly interest in participating in the silly traditions. He'd one it before, but there's little interest. At least, not until he sees who exactly has ended up right next to him. And then his mouth parts into a hyena grin. Well now, this was too good of an opportunity to waste.
Punishment reaches out, draping across Ran's shoulder as he turns his attention solely onto Ran. " Well fancy that ~ Christmas time and New Years? That's seeming like a bit more than chance, Ran. " Hanma draws out, leaning down a bit more to be closer to the other man's level by his ear. " What was that you said? Using holidays as excuses? If you wanted a kiss, you could just say so. "
The countdown strikes 10, but Hanma withdraws is arm, fingertips ghosting cross Ran's spine as he lets his hand fall away. It's rather deceptive, because it seems like Hanma is going to let Ran escape from the moment. It's nothing more than cruel offering, like a cat lifting its paw to let the mouse see freedom but not quite letting go. Because moments later, the same hand comes by to cup under Ran's jaw, fingers holding him captive.
The countdown hits one and Hanma bends to crush their lips together. Yet for as carefree as he makes it seem, there's nothing careless about, nothing clumsy or awkward or off the mark about it. He grins against Ran's softer lips, careless to the cheers that erupt around them as the new year is rung in. The final and first moments belong to the reaper, and that cannot be changed. It might not matter in the grand scheme of everything. Neither he nor Ran view such acts with childish, romanticized sentimentality as far as he's aware. But that doesn't crush the smug streak of satisfaction.
There is the temptation to turn this into a fight in its own right - of lips and teeth and blood that colors their lips. But he withholds ( this time ) from that particular path , though that by no means is to say that its soft or sweet. It isn't. Hanma kisses with command, Sin sneaking to rest a hand against his waist. His tongue slides along Ran's lip, swiping away any traces of alcohol and pressing his lips open. ( It's almost disappoint he doesn't need to pull those handy braids to make it easier. )
Could Ran bite his tongue? Yeah. And he wouldn't put it past him either. But such risks have never dissuaded Hanma and they should both know it won't dissuade Hanma. If anything, the violence will only have him more active. Ran got to have his fun, now it's Hanma's turn as he deepens the kiss further, till his head feels fuzzy and he pulls away with a grin.
" Happy New Years, Ran ~ "
But that isn't quite where Hanma leaves it. Because he knows damn well Ran likes to have the last say or spit out a barbed comment. He expects it, and when Ran goes to say something, Hanma utilizes his height and forcefully pulls Ran forward against him to seal their lips together a second time that night. This one is a little rougher, a tease of teeth and demand before he pulls back. For a moment he holds Ran still in his hand, licking his own lips before he lets go of Ran with a Cheshire cat smile.
" There you go Ran ~ " Hanma coos, voice rich with satisfaction. "Now you're the only one hiding kisses behind holidays. "
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sanoism · 1 year
takes a bite out of mikey's taiyaki when he isn't looking :3
Can he feel it ? That bond they had somewhere between a life time ago and only a few yesterdays away ? No, of course not, it's impossible. ( As impossible as changing fate with a handshake ? ) Ran Haitani and Manjiro Sano barely spared each other a glance beyond an acknowledgment that one day they may be enemies at the start of it all. It had only started in that one world , where pale hair matched boney skin , and the violence of it all did not tarnish, but rather complemented what they had.
Mikey is no longer that person, and neither is Ran. They never should be again.
" Heyyy — ! " Toman's captain kicks his feet , poking the elder Haitani in shoulder in annoyance as if they had not spent idle times passing desserts off of plates and silverware and even lips. He pretends that he hadn't fought the urge to ask head or tail the moment Mikey saw him; a familiar ritual of sugar and sweet tooths.
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" You owe me ! Buy me two more ! " And if he can't quite say that like Ran hasn't bought home a bag to him for no particular reason at all, Mikey hopes no one noticed.
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kyukicho · 1 year
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@ashrifts asked: ran's just going to sit next to kakucho, rest his head on his shoulder, and take a nap.
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He thinks he'll never quite understand it. Perhaps he was never meant to. Never meant to understand how Ran could possibly be so calm and comfortable in the most unusual of places. It was beyond someone like his understanding. Only meant for scholars and dreamers, he imagined.
Still that would never change the reality of things. That Ran was, in fact, the only one he'd ever know capable of such feats. Sometimes Kakucho envied him. Something his own worrisome head could never be able to fully accomplish. Too caught up in his own thoughts and concerns to rest and relax enough to sleep.
Yet it made Kakucho wonder. Was there something special about himself? That Ran felt comfortable enough to simply drift off to sleep against him? Or was he truly capable of this with anyone? Was he nothing more than a pillow or was his presence enough to set Ran at peace? Of course, his own ego, or his own peace of mind wished it was that way, but there was no chance of Ran revealing secrets so close to his heart.
An arm encircles the male's shoulders, letting him cuddle up against his chest instead of merely his shoulder. Wanting him to be as comfortable as possible. Even if it didn't necessarily matter all that much to Ran. It made Kakucho feel better. He was charged with a great responsibility at this moment, he better not let it slip. Responsible for Ran's peaceful dreams, to which he would take the greatest of care to ensure they were well met.
Here he would stay. Steadfast in his duty as Ran's rest caretaker. No matter what tried to call him away, he wouldn't budge as long as the man slumbered. Wouldn't make a sound that might disturb him and his only movement a gentle hand trailing along Ran's arm. Until the moment he roused from sleep.
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ashvalle · 1 year
a gift for rindou ❤️
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Oh! It's Ran plush.
The smaller , but much more mischievous ( if that was even possible ) version of his brother. He hadn't seen this mysterious rascal in quite a while and had assumed he had ran off to conquer some plush territory that was beyond what human beings were allowed to know. Kneeling down and scoops up the nui , and places him on his shoulder.
" Did you eat yet ? " he asks , taking out a plushie dessert specifically for this situation and putting it in his hands. ( If Ran was eating , he couldn't cause trouble. )
" See mini me lately ? Are you bullying him too much ? "
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" Bring him around sometimes , I'll play some music for us. "
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ofluminance-a · 1 year
ran gives akane a little plush of himself because he knows she misses him when he's not there 😘
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a ran ... plush?! how rich was this guy that he had his own PLUSH!? seagreen eyes wide, akane takes the plush and blinks her eyes a few times in disbelief.
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when she thinks the actual ran isn't looking, akane hugs tiny ran to her chest, and she can feel the apples of her cheeks tinging pink. " ... to be clear, i am only taking mini ran because he's so cute, " a pause, and then akane is shifting her gaze away to smile and attach his little chain right to the top of her backpack!
feeling ran's eyes on her, akane's cheeks redden more. " s-stop looking at me like that! he only goes there because he's cute! " not because she wants to take him to class with her, or hug the plush when she feels like she maybe, truly, might ACTUALLY miss ran. nope. not at all.
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bitterseadrop-a · 1 year
😘 ;)
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⠀⠀​​​​​​​⠀ her breath hitched inside her throat before his lips could fully envelope hers, but she did not pull away. there was no hint of surprise left when they finally pulled apart — instead, her lips twisted into a smirk and her voice carried a sinister lilt alongside the sweet melody. ⠀ “ knowing you, i trust that you're aware of what you are doing here — playing a very dangerous game. ”
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⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀˖˚˳⊹ ⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀𝑲𝑰𝑺𝑺 𝑴𝒀 𝑴𝑼𝑺𝑬.
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